12 proven methods to help you be a nicer person
Being nicer is one of the most important things you can do in life. It can help you make friends, influence people, and even get ahead at work. Being nicer also gives you a perspective of life you probably didn’t have before, that it’s okay to be nice and kind to yourself.
Being nicer will not cost you a thing. It is proven, however, to improve a person’s general mood and outlook on life. It takes nothing out of you, but it helps heal some of that hurt and mistrust that might have taken root
We don’t realize that we could always be nicer to people. The problem is that we don’t understand what makes a nicer person.
A nicer person is someone who is kinder and more open. You can do some things to make you a nicer person and make those around you feel more relaxed. This blog is about how to be a nicer person.
Why am I so mean to those around me?
There could be a number of reasons why someone might be mean to others. Maybe they’re feeling insecure and trying to put others down to feel better about themselves. Or maybe they’re just naturally aggressive and enjoy making others feel bad. Whatever the reason, it’s not a good way to behave and usually only ends up making the mean person feel worse.
Can someone become a nicer person?
The answer is yes. It is possible to be a nicer person. There are no limits to how nice a person can or should be. It is, however, good that you know why you want to be a nicer person. Is it because you feel like you struggle with being nice? You’re a good, genuine person at heart, and it’s just that people misinterpret your intentions? Or do you want to appear nicer because you’re looking to gain something in return?
If you answered yes to the first two questions, keep on reading because this is just the post for you. If your answer was yes to the last question, keep on reading too. We’ll reach a middle ground of scientific evidence on why being nicer is good (for you).

1. Avoid reacting to rudeness with rudeness
One of the best ways to be nicer is to avoid reacting to rudeness with rudeness. Don’t take things personally, and don’t let someone else’s rudeness affect your mood.
Think about why they are being rude in the first place. Sometimes people respond negatively because they are having a bad day or week, or maybe they have been through something traumatic recently that has affected them emotionally. If this sounds like what’s happening for you, try to understand where their anger comes from so that you can help them get through whatever is bothering them at the moment—and hopefully make some new friends along the way!
2. Stop comparing yourself to others
In order to be a nicer person, it is important to stop comparing yourself to others. Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and low self-esteem. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own personal growth and development. Set your own goals and strive to reach your full potential. When you focus on bettering yourself, you will naturally become a nicer person.
3. Try not to overreact to people
You don’t need to be a saint. In fact, you should probably avoid being too nice if it makes you feel bad about yourself (or if it means that your life is more difficult). But when someone does something unkind or negative to you, try not to overreact:
Don’t let their bad behavior affect your mood. If they make fun of something that bothers you, don’t get angry at them for making fun of it—they’re just trying to get a reaction out of you! That’s perfectly normal for human beings who are social creatures with egos and feelings like everyone else’s.
They’re just doing what comes naturally in order to connect with others through humor or drama play, so don’t take offense at their attempts at humor or drama play unless they go beyond what’s acceptable in any given situation (like using racial slurs). It’ll help keep things civil between the two parties involved: one person doesn’t have any control over how another behaves while they’re interacting together on an interpersonal level, but those interactions can still lead up toward conflict resolution based upon mutual respect rather than animosity toward each other because both parties knew beforehand exactly where each stood on issues related directly back towards relationship building between individuals involved therein.”
4. Do something nice for someone else
There are many ways to be nicer, but the most important is to do something nice for someone else. This doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as giving someone a compliment or offering advice when needed. It might even be just looking at them with compassion and empathy—something we all need more of in our lives!
Don’t expect anything in return from this person (unless they ask). Don’t expect them to like you more because of what you did; don’t expect gratitude from them or any other behavior change based on your gesture alone. If anything happens at all, then consider yourself extremely lucky!
5. Think about what other people would want in your situation
Asking yourself what other people would want in your situation is a great way to be more considerate of others. Thinking about the best way for someone else to feel can help you avoid doing things that will hurt them. It’s also an opportunity for self-reflection: how do I impact my community? What can I do better? It’s important not just for helping other people but also for helping yourself as well as society at large!
6. Put yourself in other people’s shoes
Putting yourself in other people’s shoes is a great way to improve your empathy and understanding of their perspectives. When you think about how you would feel if someone treated you the way they’re treating someone else, try to consider why they might behave that way. Would it make sense if their intentions were genuine? Or are they just being toxic?
If someone is rude or mean to someone else, consider whether there may be another explanation for their actions (like maybe they’re stressed out). The best thing we can do when confronted with something unfair—whether it’s something we’ve done ourselves or witnessed—is to try our best not to take it personally.
7. Stop being so critical of others and yourself
Criticism is a form of judgment, and it’s easy to think of criticism as negative. In fact, we often assume that negative criticism is more unpleasant than positive feedback. But this isn’t true: both types can cause people to feel bad about themselves and their actions, leading them down a path of self-doubt or sadness.
When you criticize someone else, you’re doing so because you see something wrong with their actions or attitude; when you criticize yourself (or your own actions), there’s no one else involved who needs fixing!
Instead of taking action on what bothers us about ourselves each day (which might include getting angry at ourselves for something we did wrong), we tend not only to think about how much better off everyone would be if everyone acted like us all the time but also wonder whether there’s anything inherently wrong with our behavior at all! This constant internal dialogue can be exhausting.”
8. Stop making excuses for bad behavior
If you have a bad habit, it’s time to stop making excuses for it. Stop making excuses for yourself. Stop making excuses for other people, including your friends and family members. And most importantly, stop making excuses for bad behavior in general—whether that’s lying about how much money you spend on things like clothes or video games (or both) or not finishing that project at work because “it’s not important” or “I’m too busy.”
There are only two reasons why we do anything:
a. Because we want something from it
b. Because we need something from it (like attention).
If either one of those things isn’t true, then there is no reason I should continue doing whatever I’m doing right now—and there’s no reason why you should continue doing whatever YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW!
9. Use positive language when talking about others (and yourself)
When you’re talking to someone, watch how you choose your words. Are they kind? Or are they negative and unkind? For example: “I never get ready on time.” Or “I always mess up this project.” You can change those phrases by saying, “I’m not always prepared for work, but I try my best.” The same goes for yourself! Stop putting yourself down by saying things like: “I never do well at math,” or “My kids will hate me when they grow up because I’m so embarrassing.” Instead, say, “I was embarrassed by my spelling test yesterday.”
Another thing that makes us seem nicer is using positive words instead of negative ones when talking about ourselves or others. For example: Instead of saying something like “My husband doesn’t pay attention,” try saying something more positive like “He always pays attention when someone asks him about his day at work or home life.”
10. Be kind to others even when the kindness isn’t returned
Being kind to others is the right thing to do, but it can be difficult for us as human beings. We tend to focus on what we get in return for our kindnesses. When I was younger, I once gave my friend some money and asked her how she liked it—she didn’t want any more of my money! The idea of being kind unprovoked, or without expecting anything in return was simply incredible!
In reality, by being kind towards someone who didn’t return the favor immediately after receiving something nice from us, I reinforced their belief system: “If I’m nice enough now, then maybe someday they’ll be able to see past these superficial attributes.”
This may sound harsh, but this is just how people think sometimes—they don’t always think rationally or logically when making decisions about people around them.
11. Be mindful of your actions
Be mindful of how your actions could affect others, and always try to treat people with respect and dignity, regardless of their treatment of you.
Let’s say a friend is being rude to you: don’t let that influence how you treat them in the future. If someone is rude to you, it can be tempting to repeat their behavior back at them—but don’t!
Even if they’re rude again tomorrow (or next week), do your best not only not to copy what they did.
a.Look around other people while waiting in line or a group situation
b.Listen carefully, give eye contact, be sincere and show interest in what they’re saying and thinking.
12. Go out of your way for others
Constantly going out of your way for other people will make you a nicer person overall. Being nice to others will make you feel good. It’s a simple fact of life—being nice makes us feel better, and we want to be happy!
The same goes for the people around us. When someone does something nice for us, it brightens our day and makes us want to return the favor by being kinder. And being kind doesn’t just create a feeling of kindness in yourself; it also encourages others around you who may not otherwise notice how much they’re appreciated by simply being recognized as human beings worthy of respect rather than objects or tools used by someone else (or worse yet—a commodity).
This can help build bridges between groups who might otherwise remain divided due to differing opinions on important issues like race relations or immigration reform policies; even if these issues aren’t resolved immediately after one person changes their attitude towards those outside their own circle, then both sides benefit equally from changing hearts instead!”
Is being too nice a toxic trait?
There’s no denying that being too nice can be a toxic trait. When you’re always putting others first and overly accommodating, you’re likely to feel resentful and taken advantage of. Additionally, you may find yourself in compromising situations because you’re always trying to please others instead of standing up for yourself.
At the same time, though, being too nice isn’t always a bad thing. If you can maintain a healthy balance between being nice and looking out for yourself, then being nice can be good. It can make you more likable and help you build strong relationships with others. Just be sure you’re not sacrificing your happiness and well-being.
The best way to be a nicer person is by being a person who is constantly thinking about others and their needs. You should always look out for the people around you because they may not always show it, but they want your help or kindness just as much as you do!
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