How Do You Know if You're Highly Intelligent -11 Signs

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and they're able to effectively manage their emotions,

A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes

If you are looking for the fastest way to determine whether you are smart or not, then this article is not for you. But, if you are looking for facts about intelligent person this article till the end. Do you know that the world’s most powerful people have high brainpower or great educational background? This can be confirmed by business insider.

Brain power or educational level is extremely high for the most powerful people in the world.

Below are signs that make you think that you are far more intelligent than others:


1. You prefer to work at night

Most intelligent people are often productive at night. Because they believe their best work is done at night. Note that sleeping late at night doesn’t make you smart. You might be doing unproductive things instead of working or sleeping.

Kindly note it is important that you are doing the right thing while being awake. Hyper intelligent people utilize late hours to work while others might use that to watch a movie or party. Since intelligent people use nights to utilize and enhance their skills, they often wonder how they acquire their knowledge or skills since all this happens without them knowing what you are doing overnight.

Working overnight is interesting, and this could be used to achieve more goals while others are sleeping, but it is also advisable to get adequate sleep because the brain often functions well when you have the right amount of sleep needed. You can collapse or get ill if you are always working late. Try to get enough rest at the appropriate time.

2. You often pick your words wisely or rarely talk.

Introverts people are often referred to as intelligent people, whereas not are shy individuals are intelligent. You might be quiet and have all the characteristics of introverts. This doesn’t necessarily make you an intelligent person.

If you often choose the right words to say during a conversation, you rarely jump to conclusions whenever people talk to you. Then you are an intelligent person. Do you ever restrain yourself from the small pointless talk? Or do you always access the situation around you before talking?

This is a sign that you are highly intelligent. You might be wondering whether this is true or not? Hyper intelligent people know what to say at the right time, and they understand how to access their environment before making their comments.

3. You are a great problem solver.

Have you ever faced series of problems? But you were able to pick yourself up without anyone’s help. A smart person always knows how to face and deal with any problem they face without feeling bad or giving up easily.

Suppose you are the type that always accepts and solves any new challenges that come your way. This is a sign that you are highly intelligent, and you might not know.

Leaving your comfort zone and working hard is not easy, but if you are ready to solve problems and experience new things. You are always eager to help others with your skills or knowledge; there is a high chance that you are a smart person.

4. You always hang around creative and brilliant minds

An adage says, “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.” The company you associate yourself with will show whether you are smart or not. Hyper intelligent are always hanging out with creative and brilliant minds.

If you hang around smart people all day, you are also intelligent. Most people hang out with people that are not smart as them and still wonder if they are smart or not.

It is impossible to be intelligent and hang around people who are not as smart as or smarter than you. This will limit your level of creativity and lower how wide you can think or how far you are wise to acquire more knowledge and skills. If 80% of your friends or connections are smart, this is a sign that you are highly intelligent.

5. You often work based on excellence.

Smart people might not show any intellectual superior at first, but they are always working towards achieving a perfect record. You might be seen as a perfectionist, but instead, you are someone who has used most of your spare time to enhance and acquire more skills to help you reach an expert mode.

The perfectionist mentality has only gotten you close to achieving excellence over others, and the example of this mentality include:

  • Studying hard after school hours.
  • Football practice when everyone is not around.
  • Training your mind.
  • Learning more skills while others are not.
  • Having a winner mind every day.

6. You have Self-control

Ever voiced out loud by talking to yourself? This is a sign that you are intellectual superior and your brain has been programmed to communicate with you only. Many people count talking to yourself alone as crazy, whereas in most cases, that is not right. Intelligent often love to keep their company alone without having any disturbance from anywhere.

If you can discipline yourself and have self-control over what you do or with the way you act. This is a sign that you are highly intelligent and might not know. Not everyone has self-control over their lives, decisions, or what they do. Be cautious of people who might tempt you to lose your self-control.

7. You are creative

Not everyone is creative, and only a few people are creative. Have you ever encounter a problem? And the only way for you to solve it is by thinking outside the box. Having the ability to think, shift and apply to reason different from others is a sign that you are highly intelligent.

Solving a problem using a shortcut doesn’t make you a smart person, just that you are working smart. Only a smart person who has faced hard and impossible challenges but was able to solve them without giving up can be seen as an intelligent person.

8. You are funny

One of the qualities of an Intellectual superior person is that they are funny. Your friend might have referred you to a clown or laughed at your joke, but they might not understand that you are calming the environment because of the tension around. If your IQ score is high and you are creative with your thinking, this is a sign that you are highly intelligent.

Making people laugh sometimes can be done generally by everyone, but smart people have a way of making people feel good and laugh at their jokes without feeling bad or somehow. If people often laugh at your joke or your funny words are creative, then you are smarter than you think.

9. You often love to speak the truth, even in the hardest moment.

Intelligent people know when to say “beyond my limit but I can learn to know more.” Suppose you are always eager to tell the truth about your ability to do a task and curious about learning if it is beyond your capability.

This is a sign that you are highly intelligent, only a few people can admit to their weakness and the same time, work towards building it up to add to their strength.

Don’t be afraid to admit your strength and weakness. As long as you are always ready to learn and scale high, the sky is not your limit.

10. You are always worried about the smallest things.

Research shows that if you are always worried about every little thing, you probably wonder how to complete a job to perfection. An intelligent person will always be worried over the smallest things because of the intelligence trait they possess. This is a sign that you are highly intelligent.

Most people do get worried about things that are not important. Note that not all over-thinkers are intelligent. You might be thinking about things that don’t add value or make sense. This doesn’t make you intelligent. But instead, you need to talk to someone about the challenges you face and get a solution.

11. You are always up to date.

Smart people are always updated and always follow the right information to add more benefits to their lives. An intelligent person knows what to learn, improve their skills, what topics or books to read and learn from. Researching, gathering information and utilizing all knowledge gained.

This is a sign that you are highly intelligent, and you might not know. Have you ever feel somehow when you are not doing anything? A smart person is always busy and would always feel bad if you are acting lazy. Don’t be alarm whenever a person sees you as a workaholic. This could be because you are always active and ready to give all your attention to your work.

You often remember things easily.

When you remember things easily, this means you have a brilliant good working memory. You can pay attention to things and easily recall all your schedule without missing out on any details.

This is a sign that you are highly intelligent, and you might not be aware. Only a few people have cognitive flexibility if you have ever solved a hard problem easily without stress. You are a smart person.


Intelligence cannot be ignored in this world. Smart people are needed in various sectors because of their high IQ. If you consider yourself intelligent, it will be good to add kindness and respect to your characteristics.

Everyone has their own unique set of skills and intelligence. Try and find your strength and weakness. Remember that intelligence is not judged based on words, ideas, actions, or attributes, but people must see that you possess the signs listed above before being considered a smart person.


1. Why do people think I’m smart?

People will tag you as a smart person because of the characteristics that you possess, smart people are not judged based on their IQ tests score, but instead, they are classified as intelligent people because of how they are creative in any situation. If you are wondering why people think you are smart, read this article from the beginning.

2. Why are some people more intelligent than others?

Most people are believed to be more intelligent than others, and they can be judged based on their intelligence quotient (IQ) and how creative they are.

3. What are the signs of how smart people think?

If you are looking for a sign of how smart people think. They must have this attribute;

  • Good memory and thinking ability
  • Good attitude
  • Hard-working nature
  • High reasoning
  • Trustworthy
  • Creativity and problem-solving skills





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