
How to Throw a High School Party

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

  • Having a party can sound quite exciting and fun – but planning a party takes a lot out of you. There are so many pieces that need to fit together so that the party can be a success and even after the party is done, as a planner, there is still more work to be done.
  • Planning parties is a great way for a teen to learn about responsibilities and hone their organizational tools.
  • This article will show you how to throw a high school party successfully and impress your peers.


Every good party needs a theme. A theme is an idea (abstract or otherwise) that lets your guests know how to prepare for your party. Although not necessary, a party theme is a great way of giving your party life! you can choose among a variety of silly, preppy, creepy themes. Or alternatively, depending on what time of the year you are planning on throwing your party, you can pick a theme from an already popular holiday. For example, if your high school party is being thrown in October, then the theme for your party can be ‘Halloween.’ Some of the popular theme party ideas for high schoolers include; decade parties (the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, etc.), silly hats, costume parties, and movie franchise parties.


When throwing a house party in high school, there are a couple of things you have to consider to make it a successful party and these are:


The first thing that you do before anything else is to plan the party. This is where all the logistics come from such as where the party will be when the party will be, who will be at the party, what food will be needed at the party, and should there be alcohol served or allowed at the party? If you want to throw the best high school party, then you have to consider all of these.


The first thing to consider before anything else in the planning process is the venue of the party. This will determine how many people to invite which will in turn influence how much food should be bought.

When thinking about the venue, you need to think of a place that is safe and secure for teenagers but also that is not too hidden away and hard to reach. A bad place to throw a high school party would be a cave on that hiking trail you once saw. A good place to throw a high school party would be at your parent’s house, in the living room – or the basement. Wherever your parents give you permission and access to have the party.


After you have figured out the venue for your party, you can then proceed to select a day and time when your party will be. As a high school student, you will probably want to schedule your party over the weekend on a day or night that you and your friends do not have school. Friday and Saturday are ideal days for high school parties. Depending on your parents, the reason for your party, your age, and general preference, you will have to decide on whether to have the party during the day or at night. For example, if you are having a pool party, then it would make sense to have it during the day – and if you are having a Halloween party, then it would be more sensible to throw it at night.


Now that you have decided on the day and time of the party, it is time to select the people you want to invite and send out invitations. Are you only inviting your closest friends? Are you inviting the whole class? Are you only inviting a select few? Whatever the case, you need to come up with a solid number of people that will be attending. This will help you come up with a budget for the food and drinks that you will need for the party.


The food and drinks are what make the party – otherwise, it’s just a meeting. You get the type of food depending on the type of friends you have invited over. Make sure you can cater to everyone’s needs if you can. It is advisable to avoid cooked meals for the most part and stick to junk food such as chips, popcorn, and sodas. The quantity of the food you will buy will depend on how many people you have invited and also the duration of the party.


Although it is illegal to have alcohol when you are below the age of 21, studies have shown that high school students aged between 12-17 drink alcohol either by binging or sporadically at events such as parties or school dances.

Alcohol use among boys. Source: www.niaaa.nih.gov

Alcohol use among girls. Source: www.datafiles.samhsa.gov

Disclaimer: We are not condoning underage drinking in any way or form. It is important that you consult the adults in your life – parents, or guardians – before throwing a party that will allow alcohol.


Setting up for the party happens when you are getting closer to the day of the party. These are final preparations that you put into your party to make sure everything is in order and that you throw a crazy good high school party.


Before your guests arrive, make sure that you clean up the venue that your parents have allowed you to throw the party. This might be as simple as moving a couple of furniture around – or as elaborate as disinfecting the place. The goal is to have your party in a clean and sanitary environment.


After you have cleaned up, it is time to set up the decoration. The decorations will depend on the theme of the party. And if the party does not have a theme, you can stick to the generic decorations of multicolored balloons and confetti.


When the decorations have been set up, it is time to bring out the food. You will put the punch in a punch bowl, and the chips and dip in separate bowls as well. You will need side plates and cups, too. All this will conveniently sit at one table which is accessible easily to all your guests.


Now that all the hard work is done, it is time to bring out the music. You may want to create a special playlist for your party or you can find playlists online streaming platforms such as Apple Music or Deezer Music. Choose music that your peers will relate to and also music that you enjoy. You can either choose to control the music throughout the party or you can let one of your friends help you with the music while you play host to your guests.


The party was a success but like all good things, it must come to an end. How do you end a high school party especially when you have people who do not want the party to end just yet? – trust us, there is always that one person that never wants to leave a party – which is a good sign for you because it means that you threw a very memorable party that will be one of the best high school party stories in the near future.


Tell people to leave politely when it is time for the party to end. However, in the event that no one wants to leave after you ask nicely, you may turn off the music – turning off the music is a clear sign that the party is over and people will start leaving soon after. Alternatively, you can begin to hide all the leftover food and drinks and start telling people that you have run out. Eventually, they will start leaving to go look for another party that has food. Or go home where there is definitely some food.


After your guests leave, it is time to clean up after the party. Which means pick up the trash, put away the leftover food and drinks, and sweep and mop the floor. You may choose to do half the work right after the party and finish off the rest in the morning or do all the work the next morning – the choice is yours!

Related Articles:


  • How do you throw a highschool party without alcohol?

It is quite easy and also quite hard to throw a party as a teenager without involving any alcohol in it. But that doesn’t mean that it is impossible. The basis of any good party is the company. When you have people in your corner who understand why you would prefer there not to be alcohol at your party, then you can throw a fun party without alcohol. You just have to go really hard on the music, food, and party activities. Get board games, and video games, and other party games, to make the party more fun and active. Read our article on how to throw a teenage party without alcohol for more tips and insight.

  • What do you do at high school parties?

What you do at high school parties depends on what the host has planned and what crowd is at the party. If the host has activities lined up and planned, then you, as a guest, will be required to partake in these activities and be a part of the collective. There are games, and conversations with your peers. Here is our article on what to do at a house party that will help guide you more on how to act at a high school party.

  • What do I wear to a high school party?

 How you go to parties in high school is entirely up to you. make sure you wear an outfit that you will be comfortable in – and depending on which season, that will either keep you warm enough or cool enough. Most people opt to wear jeans and a stylish top for girls, and jeans, and a shirt for boys.

  • Why throw parties in high school?

Parties are a great way of creating memories in high school with your classmates, and friends because before you know it your four years of it will be over and you will all be moving onto the next chapters of your life. The memories you create both at school and within your social circles will be all that’s left at the end of the day – you should aim to have as many good of them as possible and throwing parties is one way you can ensure to create these beautiful, fun, unbelievable, and crazy memories. Check out our article on how to throw a teenage house party.

  • What should you bring to a high school party?

If you have been invited to a high school party and you do not know what to bring, you should always stick with snacks – the host will not complain and neither will the other guests. Aside from that, most parties will specify what they want you to bring depending on the type of party it is. For example, a pool party might require you to bring your own bathing suit and beach towel.

Each party is different, just bring with you whatever is required of you. And in some cases – the host requires nothing of you but your presence.


In conclusion, we have shared with you in this article some of the best high school house party tips and how you should party in high school. Remember to always be responsible and safe whenever and wherever you are partying.





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