How to Make Your Girlfriend Smile
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
Trying to put a smile on someone’s face is tougher than it seems. If you too don’t know how to make your girlfriend smile, then you’re in the right place. We found the cutest ways to make a girl smile.
The key to surprising your girlfriend is giving her the right attention. What does that mean? Well, it’s simple. Think about the things your girlfriend likes. Try it, it’s simple because you already know her so well. It seems obvious but it needs to be said. Every girl likes different things. One might like flowers and the other can think that roses are cliché. Once you realize this, you can figure out what is the right attention your girlfriend seeks. We’ll suggest some ideas but it’s up to you to use them in a way that suits your relationship.
Before you scroll ahead, we have a few remarks:
- Note that if a girl really likes you, she’ll smile no matter what you do.
- Make use of the environment you’re both in to highlight something funny that’s occurring. There’s always something interesting around, so you just need to pay attention.
- Don’t try too hard! You can’t make a good joke out of everything, so it’s sometimes better to find other ways to make a girl smile.
Why is smiling important?
Smiling and laughing make everyone around you feel comfortable. If you’re the cause of that laughter you’ll appear friendly and approachable to others. How does that influence romantic relationships? Well, first of all, if she’s relaxed around you, she can be “herself”. Your communication will be smoother and it won’t seem forced. Smiling even makes you more attractive and it can draw her attention to your good qualities.
Be the first one to smile
Now you’re thinking how to get a girl to smile. Smiles are catching. When people see someone smiling, they tend to smile back. Obviously, the first attempt to make a girl smile should be making eye contact and smiling. If your smile is genuine, we’re sure she’ll give one back.
Making Her Laugh
The key to making someone laugh is being funny while retaining dignity. You’re not trying to make a fool of yourself. You want her to laugh with you, not at you. Don’t try too hard to be funny. That could seem odd like you’re craving attention. And that is not attractive at all.
Cracking jokes requires skills. First, you’ll need to be confident in yourself. Even if one joke fails, keep a confident attitude. Not every joke is going to be a winner, but if you tell it in a witty way, she might smile just because of the attempt. Second, be spontaneous! We, know, this is not the best advice because one can’t simply learn to “act natural”. What you can do is avoid canned joke material. You don’t want to get a “polite” smile for a stale joke.
Don’t be afraid to be a little silly. All you have to do is “be yourself”. We know how worn out that sounds but it’s true. Girls like when boys are their natural selves. Don’t fake anything just to impress her. Even if you want to make a completely inappropriate joke, go for it. You’ll either make her angry, or she’ll genuinely laugh.
Inside jokes
Every couple has inside jokes. Use them and you won’t ever think about what to tell your girlfriend to make her smile. When you create a bond that inside jokes provide, you can put a smile on her face with just a hint. The hardest part is finding those jokes but don’t worry. We’ve got just one word for you: memes. That’s right! A meme is like an inside joke for the entire internet. Be sure to include memes in your everyday texting and as time passes, you’ll have unique jokes for just the two of you.
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Tease her
If you want to know how to be cute for a girl, try playing with her. Some girls love teasing! Playful wrestling or tickling is something that will make her smile or laugh. Remember not to take things far though and keep in mind that every girl is different. Some of them don’t like to be teased, so if she pulls back, make sure to let her go and apologize.
The best surprise is based on careful listening. Pay attention to what she’s saying. If she talks about a particular band that is unknown to you, check it out and listen to some tunes. She’ll be impressed when you start commenting on the band’s music.
The same rule about paying attention applies if you want to surprise her with a thoughtful act. If she said that she likes coffee, bring her coffee randomly. When you know her likes and dislikes, it’s easy to do something that will make her smile.
When you want to give her little surprise gifts to show her love and affection, remember that the gifts should also be thoughtful. That way she’ll know you’ve been listening to her. Think about the things she likes. If she loves to read, get her a book. You should be creative when giving a gift to your girlfriend and add a few sweet things to say. You’ll surely get her to smile.
Dates to make smile
If you’re wondering how to make any girl smile, you should know that a romantic date is a great idea. Take your girl on a surprise outing. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy and expensive. As long as it’s interesting and new, you’ll bring a smile to her face. Think about the activities she enjoys and plan a date in accordance with that.
You can even be sneaky and ask her what she would like to do without giving away the surprise. Keep the conversation casual and try not to bombard her with questions. After you find out everything you need to know for the perfect surprise date, wait a month or two, so she’ll forget about the conversation. You can knock her off her feet that’s for sure.
Here are some ideas for dates that will make her smile:
- Movie theaters. Watching romantic comedies is something a lot of girls enjoy. You’ll both catch some laughs and she’ll surely be happy you’re willing to spend some time doing the things she likes.
- Arcades. Find a great game room with some old school entertainment as well as the latest VR technology games. She’ll have an awesome experience that will surely put a smile on her face.
- Amusement parks. Fairground rides, games of chance or skill, and other entertainments will definitely make her laugh because you’ll both be having so much fun.
- Play sports. Try some unusual sport or something you don’t do very often. For example, rollerblading or badminton can be something you’ll both enjoy.
Having fun at home
Planning a fun evening at home can be a very successful attempt to make your girlfriend laugh. How is that? Well, the home environment is relaxing and comfortable. She can be herself, so it’s more likely she’ll laugh and smile a lot.
- Plan a movie night with a load of popcorn. Forget about picking the perfect movie, just catch something on TV. You can crack jokes while watching cheesy movies and tease her during commercial breaks.
- Organize a game night for only two of you. There are a lot of board games you can try, or go for something simple like playing cards. Having fun is the best way to spark some smiles.
- Impress her with a home cooked meal. Trust us, every girl likes to see her boyfriend cook. You don’t have to be a master chef for this to work. All you need is some effort. Just be creative with the ingredients. If you need some ideas, you can always browse youtube for fun content. We suggest you try to make something like this:
Compliment her
An honest compliment is a sure way to make her smile. Everybody loves thearing nice things about themselves but only if they’re true and not exaggerated. The best compliments are sincere, so don’t try too hard. It would be noticeable if you try to fake a compliment. We’re sure you love plenty of things about your girlfriend. Compliment her looks, personality, wittiness, etc.
Text her cute stuff
Text her funny messages, send her memes or leave her cute voice messages. Every little thing matters when you’re trying to make her smile. Good morning texts will brighten her entire day. Cute texts at night, when you’re just about to fall asleep, also mean a lot. Even drunk text can be the cause of her smiles.
Girls smile when they know they’re loved or that somebody is thinking about them. There aren’t any magic words to make a girl smile but there are a lot of ways to show her love. If you make her feel all warm inside, you can be sure she’ll smile more often.
This also applies to phone calls or leaving sticky notes around her house, in her locker, etc. There’s nothing sweeter than finding a note in your gym bag that says “stay hydrated cutie”. It will make her smile and her workout would be more enjoyable when she knows somebody is thinking about her.
Things to say to make your girlfriend smile:
Finding a balance between cliché romance and genuinely cute sentences is crutial. We’ll give you some ideas to think about, so you can choose the sentences you like:
- You look so cute when you laugh.
- I want to spend the rest of my life annoying you.
- The only time I smile stupidly at my phone is when I get a text from you. Oh, and when I see some funny memes.
- I love you like a minion loves his bananas.
- I like it when you smile but I love it when I’m the reason.
- Loving you makes my heart skip a beat.
- I have a perfect life now that you are a part of it.
- You’re the cheese to my macaroni.
- Life without you is like a broken pencil, pointless.
Frequently asked questions
What makes a girl happy?
Showing affection is always nice because it tells her that you care. If you’re willing to show affection in public, that’s definitely a plus. It shows you’re confident and not afraid to show your feelings. Most girls love that.
What questions should I ask my girlfriend?
If you want to start an interesting conversation, try some standard inspiring questions like:
- What cities would you like to visit?
- If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
- What are some things you’ve seen that you wish you could unsee?
Now, you probably have a clear idea of how to make your girlfriend smile. As you see, the most important thing is making sure she knows you care about her. Your search for the ways to make her smile is an effort she’ll appreciate. Even if some jokes “fail”, she’ll think you’re cute for trying. Giving her an amazing gift every girl wants will also put a smile on her face, but only if you put your heart and soul in it.
Be honest and caring and you’ll have no problems in making your girlfriend laugh or smile. If you need more advice about how to surprise someone with a gift and similar topics, be sure to check out our other articles.
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