Why Is Challenge Important in Life: 7 Reasons Why We Should Embrace the Challenges We Face
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- The question why is challenge important in life may seem a bit daunting when you first look at it or hear it. Because it feels like glorifying the negative experiences we go through as humans or trying to justify why bad things happen.
- But why is it important to overcome obstacles? The truth is, whether we like it or not, we are going to face challenges in life and we might as well know what to do than be caught off guard when problems arise.
- The benefits of challenges can come in different ways in the form of growth and presenting learning opportunities. This article goes intogreat detail about this, keep reading to find out more.
Table of Contents
So, why is it important to challenge yourself in life? To quote the actor Morgan Freeman, “Challenge yourself, its the only path which leads to growth” challenges, whether self-inflicted or not, are great conductors to leading you to places that will transform your life when you embrace the challenges and learn how to cope with them.
We all have problems and we all have to deal with challenges at one point in our lives. These challenges,although they may have negative connotations or stir negative emotional reactions within us, are actually great learning curves. You will find that you learn a lot more when you are being challenged. This is because challenges take you out of your comfort zone and forces you to find solutions that you would not have thought of if you had not been facing whatever challenge you are facing.
When you are challenged, you are bound to grow. This can be in the form of spiritual growth,metal and emotional growth, or just overall growth as a human. This is why it is important that you start embracing challenges whenever they come because challenges help you grow. You will come out of any challenge you face a much better person (stronger and wiser) than you were when you first encountered the problem.
Whenever we encounter personal challenges in life, we usually resort to asking other people for help. This is amazing because when we look to other people for help, and it enhances our people skills and also teaches us how to work with others in difficult situations. Challenges make us stronger, they drive us to be better people not only for ourselves but for those who encounter us as well.
The challenges of life help us plan better for the future because we do not want to find ourselves in a similar situation without a backup plan and completely clueless, again. In as much as facing challenges in life can be difficult, it is also necessary to help us become more prepared for similar future events. For example, if you feel challenged because you are having financial issues, when you finally settle them, you will start saving up so that next time a financial crisis arises, you will be prepared for it and not thrown off, thereby being more prepared to handle the situation.
What are good challenges? One would argue that of all the challenges we face in life, the good ones are the ones that make us feel accomplished when we overcome them. This is because it is proof that you did not suffer for nothing and that all you had to go through was worth it because you have accomplished a goal and that is something to be proud of.
Significant challenges in life help you in finding solutions to your problems. While a life of no challenges might be (arguably) peaceful, a life with challenges will help you find solutions that are tailored specific to your problems – and isn’t this how inventors are made? The people who make a difference in our world had to find solutions to problems that they were facing, either individually or as a collective. Almost everything we have in existence can be attributed to a challenge faced and a solution born from that challenge.
So then, how does one face challenges? The short answer? Head on! Because when you are in a challenging position, you rarely have any other options but to ride it out and get out on the other side. Getting through a challenge can help keep you grounded and focused. Because you are no longer easily distracted by things that do not serve getting you out of the challenge you are facing. This is why you sometimes come across people who exclaim “I like challenges!” This is because they do not like being in a pickle every time but they like how grounded they feel when they are focused on getting out of a challenge. This is also why some people put themselves through voluntary challenges – for the rush of getting over the challenge and the discipline it takes to stay grounded.
Health crises are some of the most stressful challenges we face in life. When you or someone you love has had a decline in their (or your health) it takes a toll on a lot of things. Health problems are a gateway to other challenges such as financial and familial. The only way to deal with a health issue is to go through it, with the people that you care about and who care about you. Get the proper treatment for your ailments and get better. The sooner you get checked out, the better chances you have of beating your health issue. Always go to your checkups when you have to.
Facing challenges in life is quite normal and as an adult, you will experience a workplace issue at one point or another in your career. Whether you find it challenging to manage a team or get along with your coworkers, and when this happens you will be forced to face your weaknesses and start looking at possible solutions to deal with these challenges and ensure a safe and sound work environment.
Life is full of problems and at the top of that list lies family issues. Not everyone has perfect families and for those people who do not have good relations with their family, it can be quite challenging to get through the day. There are 2 main ways in which you can resolve family issues, either you decide to reconcile with family and rebuild whatever has been lost amongst you. Or, if the severity and toxicity of the situation warrants it, you can decide to leave your family behind for good and start a life out on your own. Either one of these choices is going to be hard to make and it will take a while before everything starts feeling okay or normal again.. Just take it one step at a time. In the meantime, here are a few things you to do if your family hates you.
Because life is full of challenges, it is inevitable that one of those challenges will come in the form of a friendship challenge. Whenever human interaction is involved, it is best to consider the possibility that at some point, you are going to disagree and get in a tiff with your friends. When this happens, you are going to have to decide if you think the relationship is worth saving or if it is time to move on from it when it is no longer beneficial to have them in your life anymore. Here are some benefits of surrounding yourself with good friends to help you decide whether or not the person you are about to cut off is a good friend or not and whether they should continue to be in your life or not.
Some of the most consistent problems you face in your daily life will, in one way or another, have a lot to do with money. It is quite frustrating to go through a financial crisis because more often than not, it catches you completely off guard and unprepared. In a survey conducted by GoBankingRates, about 50% of Americans do not have a savings account. This means that almost 50% of Americans have no backup plan should they fall into a financial crisis.
The best way to come out of a financial crisis is to accept that you are in one. Once you have done this, you will start finding solutions to how you can get out of it and slowly get back on your feet.
Feeling accomplished, or lack thereof, is one of the biggest challenges we face in life – especially as a young adult. It may seem as though your life is stagnant, like it is not going anywhere, like everyone but you has their life figured out. When you are faced with this challenge, it can be easy for you to want to give up and wallow in self pity and despair. However, do not resort to this. Instead, focus on yourself and your goals (both short term and long term) and avoid comparing your life to other people. When you focus on your own growth, you will begin to find solutions to attain your goals and therefore making you feel accomplished every time to fulfill one goal.
One of the most crucial personal challenges in life is mental health issues. These issues arise as a symptom of other underlying issues or some people are genetically predisposed to have mental health issues due to genetics. Either way, if you find yourself struggling with your mental health or the state of your mental capacity it is okay to seek help from professionals if you can afford it. These days, with technological advancements, there are easier ways to reach out to professionals online and get the help that you need for cheaper as compared to in person therapy or treatment. It is important to treat your mental health in the same manner you rowuld treat your physical health if it had been compromised.
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And lastly, but definitely not least, another thing that challenges people is career issues. Work related issues are not uncommon during your journey up the ladder. Sometimes your best efforts are not recognized and you may be overlooked for things you rightly deserve and when this happens, it may feel like you are setting back in your careeer and not advancing as fast as you would have preffered. It is important to recognize these issues and see if you can improve on anything. It might also be time to evaluate the place of your work and whther or not you should continue giving them your time or if you would be better off somewhere else where your talents will be appreciated.
1. What are some personal challenges in life as a student?
Some of the personal challenges that you are going to face as a student are, financial crisis, mental health crisis, feeling accomplished, family issues, and sometimes friendship issues. These can all be atttributed to the fact that you are going through your formative years and you are learning and growing so much with every single one of the challenges that you meet. Here are a few ways on how to remain positive in difficult times to help you keep the faith and not lose hope even when things seem hopeless.
2. What is the meaning of challenges in life?
The problems you face in your daily life do not always have to have meaning. Sometimes, things just happen and there is no bigger lesson behind it. However, with every challenge that you face, make sure you learn something from it and make it meaningful to you. You can set it as a reminder to a time you never want to go back in your life, or as a time in your life you experienced true growth. Either way, whatever meaning you get from your challenges, let them be meanings that apply to you and your situation and not only rely on generic meanings (although these can be helpful, sometimes.)
In conclusion, this article has discussed that life is full of problems and that even though life is full of challenges, these challenges help us grow and learn and find solutions to our problems. Being challenged in life does not always have to have negative connotations because it is up to you to define what this challenge is going to do to you.do not let the challenges you face determine who you are, rather go through the challenge and show it who you can become in the face of great adveristy.
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