- Routines get a bad rep for making things boring because they repeatedly make you go through the same activities.
- But there is a reason they are there - they help us plan out our day in such a way that we can be as efficient and productive as we can.
- Women - housewives and working - have a million tasks to get through every day, which makes routines much more important because they can help with efficiently organizing these tasks.

Ideas for a productive morning routine for a housewife or working woman are different because they depend on who you are, what lifestyle you lead, and what priorities you have. Therefore, an important part of setting up a morning routine is having a good understanding of who you are and what you are trying to accomplish.
The main factor that drives differences in morning routines for women is if they are homemakers (housewives) or working women. Research by Pew Research Center shows that the amount of time devoted to various activities differs between both sets of women, which means that their morning routines must be different.
Regardless of your chosen path, a routine will be hugely beneficial because it helps you order your morning to get more work done. Another benefit is that once your body gets used to a routine, you can get through activities faster while using less energy.
As I already mentioned, morning routines are different depending on the person, so we cannot give a set morning routine for maximum productivity. We can, however, give you billion-dollar morning routine ideas that you can apply to your unique lifestyle to have the best mornings.
Productive Morning Routine for a Housewife
- Come up with your priorities
Depending on your lifestyle, there will be things that you absolutely need to get done in the mornings, such as making breakfast if you have kids. List these priority activities out so that you can focus on them in the mornings to get them out of the way.
The activities you pick should be the most beneficial to your family, and they shouldn’t be so much that they overwhelm you. Rather select between 2 to 5 activities to be priority activities, and then other less important activities can be done over time throughout the morning with more flexibility.
The main advantage of doing this is that you can get the most important activities out of the way without overexerting yourself while still leaving yourself enough time to do other necessary activities in the morning.
- Include personal activities
To implement a productive day routine, you need energy, and this can only come when you are mentally and physically healthy. Therefore, it is important that you include personal activities in your routine that will contribute to your health.
You should consider activities such as praying, meditation, and a gratitude journal for your mental health. These are best done after you wake up as they give you a positive enough mindset to start the day.
You can also include workouts such as a 20 – 30 mins jog and some yoga to help your physical health. I recommend that the exercises be short to give you enough time to carry out your priority activities. You can then have a longer workout session after these activities are done.
- Wake up early
A good tip to increase your morning routine is to wake up early as it allows you the space you need to properly start off your day.
This is especially important if you have kids because waking up before them gives you time to get into the right frame of mind before tending to their needs. Trust me, you don’t want kids waking you up in the morning because you could get snappish and grumpy from being woken up to immediately jump into work.
In the interest of getting enough sleep, you should consider sleeping at a time that will ensure you get enough rest even if you wake up early. To find the right time, experiment over a period to see which works for you.
- Engage in a self-care routine
After most of the morning activities have been cleared out of your schedule, you should consider getting some self-care done.
You don’t have to do them every day but doing them two to three times a week can really refresh your mind and give you the energy to get through the week. This is why self-care is on basically every morning routine of the world’s most successful people.
Some self-care activities you can do include:
- Exercising.
- Taking a long bath.
- Reading a book.
- Engaging in your hobbies.
- Give an allowance for change
One very important piece of advice on how to stay productive and motivated with your morning routine is to make sure that your routine is flexible enough to incorporate other activities as time goes on.
It is simply impossible to do the same things every day because people grow – that’s what we do. And with this growth comes different activities.
For instance, you can have different morning routines depending on the season of the year. You could even get a whole new routine if there is a lifestyle change, such as you giving birth or your children becoming self-sufficient enough that they don’t need you for certain activities.
Your routine should match your lifestyle, so if that changes, so should your routine.
- Avoid distractions
A healthy and productive habit in your morning routine that you need to develop is the willpower to avoid distractions. Getting through your morning routine requires avoiding procrastination, which comes when you get distracted.
If it means that you don’t engage in things that will distract you until you’re completely done with the morning routine, then that’s what you should do.
Top distractions include social media and watching some series. You can limit these by suppressing the urge to get on your phone as soon as you wake up. Seeing as social media can be an important source of information, experts recommend that you check it out early in the day but not stay too long on it.
- Remain consistent
A productive morning routine for a housewife or working woman is completely useless if there isn’t consistency. As Robin Sharma says, “consistency is the mother of mastery, and persistence is how you get to legendary.”
Routines are best when you keep at them because your body gets used to them. You don’t have to jump into one right away, and truth be told, it’s best you go slow. Start off with some activities on the routine and then ease into others as time goes on.
Productive Morning Routine for a Working Woman
- List activities you need to do
A morning routine is an order of activities that you need to do in the morning, so to create one, you need to know what activities you need to do. As a working woman, your time is limited before you have to rush off to work, which means you are likely to forget certain activities because of time constraints.
Listing the things you have to do, therefore, comes in handy in helping you remember everything you need to do and when you need to do them.
To make life easier, you should separate the priority activities from the less important ones and focus on doing those first. Finishing off the priority activities before work will give you peace of mind even if you didn’t complete the more mundane ones.
- Wake up early
Waking up early doesn’t mean waking at 4am, 5am, or 6am for a productive and successful morning routine. No. Rather, it is best to wake up relative to your work schedule. A person who has to get to work by 8 am doesn’t define “early” in the same way as someone whose work starts at 10 am.
Generally speaking, you should wake up about 2 hours before you have to go to work. This gives you time to knock off priority activities from your list and prepare for work. It also gives you time to do pre-work prep, such as replying to emails and planning out your workday.
Also equally important is that you don’t wake up so early that you feel sleepy during the day. This means that you should sleep early enough during the night to get enough rest by morning. Feel free to experiment with different wake-up times to see which works best for you.
- Engage in personal activities
A morning routine that can change your life will not be effective if it doesn’t leave an allowance for your personal growth.
Mentally and physically healthy people stand the best chance of keeping up with a routine, so you should strive to be healthy too.
You can do this by engaging in prayer, yoga, and meditation. Also, throw in a workout depending on how much time you have. Feel free to also take a shower or a bath, depending on which improves your mood best.
- Eat a good breakfast
If there is such a thing as the anatomy of a perfect morning routine, it would definitely include having a good breakfast. You’ve just woken up from sleep, and your body needs energy to engage in the day’s activities, and this energy comes from breakfast.
Also, depending on how busy your work gets, breakfast might be the only sensible meal you have all day till you get back from work. It is therefore important that you have a balanced breakfast before you leave.
Pro tip – come up with a breakfast schedule that includes balanced diets and add it to your routine so that you don’t have to waste time thinking of what to have for breakfast.
- Plan out your workday
Yes, I know, more planning. While this can be a drag, it is a fact that certain activities work best when planned out, and work is one, especially when you’re an entrepreneur.
Mornings are a perfect time to plan out what you hope to accomplish at work during the day and when you need to achieve them. This allows you to dive into work easier because you would have a clearer picture of what you have to accomplish.
- Avoid distractions
You probably don’t have the time to get distracted in the mornings, so it’s best that you don’t get involved in things that can distract you, such as watching series or using social media.
It is, however, important that you do things that calm you down and get you ready for the day and if this involves watching an episode of something or reading a couple of tweets and posts, then go for it.
Set some time limits on this, though, so you don’t take too much time on them. A good way to do this is to set screen times that govern the times you are on your devices and when you should be off them to focus on other activities.
If you’re a woman in school, check out Things to Do in The Morning Before School.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should be the daily routine of a housewife?
Some routine ideas for a housewife include:
- Waking up early.
- Engaging in prayer, yoga, or meditation.
- Doing a workout or two to get you energized.
- Starting off with priority activities.
- Preparing and eating a balanced breakfast.
- Avoiding distractions.
- Circling back to less important activities throughout the rest of the morning.
What should be the daily routine of a working woman?
- Wake up early – about 2 – 3 hours before work.
- Get started on priority activities that simply must be completed before work.
- Eat a good breakfast.
- Plan out your workday.
- Engage in personal activities such as praying and meditating.
What is the most productive morning routine?
The most productive morning routine is one that not only takes your lifestyle into account but also caters to your wellbeing as you go about your morning activities.
Some things to keep in mind in coming up with such a routine are:
- Get up early enough to start off the day.
- Give yourself some adequate rest by sleeping early enough.
- Focus on priority activities first and then move on to the less important ones.
- Eat a good breakfast.
- Tend to your health by working out, praying, doing some meditation, or just having some quiet time.
- Avoid distractions such as the aspects of social media that aren’t related to your work.
In Conclusion…
As a woman, it is almost impossible that you do not have a plethora of activities to get through every morning. This is why productive morning routine ideas for a housewife, working woman, or any other type of woman are hugely important. Tap into these ideas to order your mornings in such a way that they work for you and not you working for them. This will ensure that you are more energetic and have reduced stress levels which is something you can’t place a price on in this world.
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