
13 Signs Your Boyfriend Likes His Female Friend

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“If it pushes you to spy on your partner, it is worth talking about. Don’t compromise your peace of mind.” – Chichi

Truth be told, there are many men with genuine female best friends who understand boundaries. They don’t compromise their friends’ relationships, and their high personal values can be vouched for.

If you’re suspicious of your boyfriend because his best friend is a woman, then we urge that you have an honest conversation with your boyfriend about your feelings towards female besties. It would be sad if you let your active imagination ruin something beautiful for yourself or your boyfriend.

However, we understand the skepticism of ladies whose boyfriends have a girl best friend. It’s hard to believe that a man can be best friends with a woman and nothing will happen between them. Did you know that a study in the UK found that if people had the opportunity to sleep with their friends and work colleagues, more men would do it than women? Yougov.co.uk.

If you've thought of having an affair, who would it be with_

With stats like this, women have every reason to worry when their boyfriend’s best friend is a woman.

Signs he likes his female friend.

If you’ve noticed things that don’t add up between your boyfriend and his female friend, you have every right to be suspicious. When words don’t match actions, it brings conflict or confusion and should be resolved. If your boyfriend’s actions towards his female friend are setting off internal alarms in your head, girl, you have every right to be suspicious. And you don’t have to feel an atom of guilt for being suspicious. Here are some undisputed signs that he likes his female friend more than he wants you to believe.

1. She knows too much about you and the relationship.

If your boyfriend likes his female friend more than he claims to do, they will have no boyfriend female friends boundaries. She will know sensitive things about your life like; your weaknesses, dislikes, intimate routines, conversations with your boyfriend, etcetera. This information gives her the upper hand in your relationship, which is wrong. When men gossip about their women to their friends, they have boundaries. Men know how to filter their conversations not to disrespect their woman or make her too accessible to others. If your boyfriend tells his female friend everything, it is one of the many signs he likes his female friend more than he wants you to believe.

2. He references her a lot in conversations.

Indeed, guys generally talk about their buddies with their ladies, but they don’t compare their girlfriends with their buddies. If he often compares you to his female friend or rates her a little too much, your boyfriend has two girlfriends, you and his female best friend. He sees her as a potential mate. If it starts to feel like he confides in and trusts his female best friend more than you, it could be a sign he likes his female friend a little more than is required for a friendship.

3. He minds her business too much.

If your boyfriend seems to know so much about his female best friend and what she is up to, girl, be worried. Friends have a life without their friends. And although they rely on each other for assistance here and there, they are not always into each other’s damn business. If he wants to know what’s up with her and her every move, it is one of the signs your boyfriend likes his female friend more than he claims to.

4. He is very attentive to her sexual life.

If he worries too much about the person his female friend dates and her intimate life, it is a sign that he likes his female friend. He is waiting for an opportunity to hit it off with her if he hasn’t done that already.

5. Overly generous and kind to her.

Guys generally help out their buddies, but they don’t go out of their way every day to pamper their buddies. If your boyfriend goes out of his way to move mountains for her, he always shows up for her, buys her things, and settles most of her issues; if your boyfriend is actively involved in her affair to keep her comfortable, gives her free cash often, he is getting ready to date her. Girl, it is an obvious sign your boyfriend likes his female friend more than he wants you to believe. You will generally get to see that he cares for her more than he does for you, even if he denies it.

6. He spends more bonding time with her.

One undisputed sign your boyfriend likes his female friend is if he spends a lot of time with her. While friends chill with each other often, they know how to prioritize their relationship. It is wrong if you have to endure spending less time with your boyfriend not to come off as clingy, whereas he spends the bulk of his time with his female friend. He is messing with your time, emotion, and love. He likes his female friend big time. Check out signs your boyfriend doesn’t love you anymore.

7. They communicate in codes when you are around.

If they’ve mastered ways to put you on a leash when they are around you, they are both playing you. If you notice that your boyfriend uses a lot of hand gestures, facial gestures or word cues with his female friend whenever you are around, your boyfriend likes his female friend more than he wants you to believe. You will generally get the sense that a lot is being said, but you have no clue what they are saying.

8. Reluctant to correct his female friend.

If his female friend disrespects you comfortably in front of your boyfriend and he shows any form of reluctance to correct her, girl, your boyfriend likes his female friend. They are both playing you. A boyfriend who loves you will not tolerate his buddies insulting you. A boyfriend who has a girl best friend he loves will not be bold enough to correct her to avoid getting in her bad books and denying himself some benefits from her.

9. He hides their meetings.

Another way to know that your boyfriend likes his female friend more than is required for a friendship is that he hardly lets you know when he wants to see her. You will only learn about their meetings days or hours after it has happened. He feels uncomfortable letting you know when meeting with his female friend because he does it too often and knows it isn’t right.

10. He is less comfortable when you talk about her than when he does.

His being uncomfortable about you speaking of her is one of the signs your boyfriend likes his female friend. It doesn’t matter whether you are asking about her well-being or complimenting her; he will generally get uncomfortable about you talking about his female best friend than you talk about his male friends. He is only permitted to speak about her freely and would kill any conversation you try to make about her.

11. He supports her points of view above yours and will always try to make excuses for her.

When your boyfriend likes his female friend a lot, you will notice that he greatly values her views. He will also defend her to save her from any awkward situation. He will cover up for her wrongs and pamper her like his beloveth little girl. You will get the feeling that he places her on a pedestal. When you are having a conversation with your boyfriend and his female friend, you will feel that it is two against one; both of them against you.

12. He wouldn’t want her to have a flourishing relationship with other friends of his, especially guys.

Another huge sign that your boyfriend likes his female friend is being too protective and jealous of their friendship. He wouldn’t want her to have anything serious with any of his friends, especially his male friends. He will constantly have conflicts with his male pals if they attempt to date his girl best friend or have a special thing with her. He hawks over her.

13. He fidgets when he learns that you and his girl best friend hang out.

Going on a date with his girl best friend is one of the most uncomfortable things you can ever tell him. He will never buy the idea of both of you being cool friends. He gets uneasy about the two of you hanging out because he is worried about potential tension or conflict between you guys. He is also concerned that you or his female friend might spill tell each other secrets he doesn’t want you to know. If your boyfriend likes his female friend, he will not entirely appreciate or encourage much closeness between you and his female friend. It is ‘bad market’ for him.

How to tell if your boyfriend’s female friend likes him

It doesn’t always have to be your boyfriend’s actions that set off your internal alarm. It could be the actions of his female friend. If you notice signs your boyfriend’s female friend likes him, you have enough reason to be suspicious and uncomfortable about their friendship. Below are a couple of signs your boyfriend’s female friend likes him a lot.

1. Attention-seeking theatrics.

If your boyfriend’s female friend likes him a lot, she will do anything to get his attention. She will invite him to many hangouts to prove that she is adventurous and exciting. She will fake being sick or in trouble to get him to check on her often. She will even give him the silent treatment just to get him to beg for her attention. If your boyfriend always has an urgent reason to check on her, it is one of the many signs your boyfriend’s female friend likes him.

2. Acts more supportive and caring.

Men generally love women who are very supportive and caring and make them feel like they are a priority. If your boyfriend’s female friend likes him, she will go the extra mile always to make him super happy and comfortable when he visits her. She will cook for him, bake him lovely treats, help him out with some tasks, defend him no matter what and play with him a lot. She will be twice as supportive to him when you and your boyfriend are having a conflict. She will always pick his side above yours, no matter what.

3. Very generous to him.

Be sure that she will do something nice for him on every special occasion or festive period. She will host parties for him, appreciate him in a big way publicly and buy him a lot of fanciful gifts. If she is extra generous to your boyfriend, it is a sign your boyfriend’s female friend likes him big time.

4. Patronises you or treat you condescendingly in front of your boyfriend.

Expect her to be passive-aggressive toward you if your boyfriend’s female friend likes him as more than just friends. Her best bet at getting at you is to give you patronizing compliments so as to look nice in front of your boyfriend. The only reason she can patronize you with compliments is that she knows so much about you. She will also act condescendingly towards you and try to beat you down by asking you difficult questions in front of your boyfriend.

5. Stirs and encourages problems between you and your boyfriend.

Another noticeable sign your boyfriend’s female friend likes him is if she reports you to your boyfriend or carries news about you to your boyfriend in hopes that she stirs conflicts between the both of you. Also, if your boyfriend confides in her about something you did, she will subtly antagonize you to fuel more conflict between both of you.

6. She is steadily in competition with you.

If your boyfriend’s female friend likes him so much, she will steadily try to prove to him that she is better than you. Since she knows your weaknesses and what your boyfriend likes, she will act out the perfect picture of his dream girl.

7. She publicly excludes you from the picture.

Aside from the fact that she silently competes with you and is passive-aggressive towards you, she will publicly ignore or cut you out of the picture. If your boyfriend’s female friend likes him a lot, she will never publicly acknowledge your relationship. She may tag him in many posts about their adventures together just to emotionally roast you. In a public event, she will avoid speaking to you much, nor would she behave that you are an essential part of your boyfriend’s life. She’ll make it evident that there aren’t any boyfriend female friends boundaries between her and your boyfriend.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do guys want to date their female friends?

Several studies suggest that many guys are attracted to their female friends, and if they had the opportunity to sleep with them, they would. So yes, there is a possibility that a boy’s female friend could be his next date.

2. Is it okay for your boyfriend to have a female best friend?

We understand the skepticism that follows a guy having a female best friend. Several studies have shown that men are more likely to sleep with their friends or coworkers if they had the opportunity to. It is okay for your boyfriend to have a female best friend if they have clear boundaries that ensure they don’t compromise their relationships with their partner or complicate their lives. Some men have amazing female friends they can call sisters. Such genuine friendship is increasingly rare, it would seem. Friendship comes in various forms and gender. A guy’s best friend can be a lady as much as a lady’s best friend can be a guy. Their best friends could also be animals. Nobody should dictate which gender a person is allowed to find friends.

3. How do I stop being jealous of my boyfriend’s female friends?

  • Start by understanding and accepting yourself. Never prioritize any relationship without genuinely understanding yourself, else you allow that relationship to think for you. Understand what you want in life and your goals. By doing this, you’ll learn how to refocus your mind on what’s important whenever you feel like you are getting jealous of your boyfriend’s female friends.
  • It is ok to admire qualities you like about his female friend, but you’ll stop being jealous when you learn to appreciate your strengths and what makes you uniquely stand out from other people. Look for it if you don’t know it yet and if you do, focus on improving it and other areas of your life.
  • Have an honest conversation with your boyfriend if he does something that makes you uncomfortable about his friendship with his female friends. We understand that you would not want to come off as being clingy or naggy but do not tolerate what you feel is not right either. If he spends too much time with his female friends more than he does with you or prioritizes them in any way more than he does for you, let him know. Be bold enough to speak plainly. Be brave enough to walk out of the relationship if your boyfriend struggles to set healthy boundaries between himself and his female friends. Learn to prioritize your mental and emotional health.


It is okay to be skeptical of your boyfriend’s friendship with his female friend if their actions are questionable. If your boyfriend seems to confide in his female besties a lot and sees her as a reliable think tank; if he hides his meetings with her or finds it difficult to correct her when she is wrong, these are some of the signs your boyfriend likes his female friend more than he claims to do.





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