What to Write in a First Communion Card
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- The first holy communion is a milestone that most people in the Roman Catholic Church celebrate. It usually involves younger people of ages 7-9 although anyone at any age can make the decision to receive their first Eucharist.
- Receiving Eucharist is an important and very serious part of being Christin because it symbolizes your commitment to Christ and your acknowledgment of the body and blood of Jesus setting you (and all of humanity) free.
- This article discusses what you, as a guest or speaker, can say to the person or child receiving holy communion that will be encouraging, enlightening, and meaningful.
Table of Contents
The holy communion is a practice that is followed by most Christian churches that involve eating bread and drinking wine or grape juice which symbolizes the body of and blood of Jesus. This practice was introduced by Jesus Christ during the last supper when he instructed his disciples to eat bread and drink wine and in so doing their sins may be forgiven. Christians adopted this practice and now use it in their churches to symbolize one’s commitment to living like Jesus did and erasing their sins.
The first holy communion is the ceremony when a person (usually a child) receives their first Eucharist. This is especially important in the Catholic and Anglican churches and is a highly celebrated milestone. Age is highly dependent on the church, although for most Roman Catholic children it is between the ages of 7 to 14. Still, this is also open to adults who may have missed their chance at first communion when they were younger. When one chooses to eat the holy communion, that person is communicating to the world that they are celebrating Jesus Christ for his work and sacrifice for humanity and vowing to be like him in their day-to-day lives, aside from them symbolizing finding the life and salvation that he brought humanity with his death.
This is also a milestone for the church because the majority of its believers in faith join the church as children and taking the Eucharist is a very crucial step into cementing their beliefs into the child. According to this research conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) 84% of catholics join the church as infants and only 7% as adults.
When did you become a Catholic? | Source: Georgetown.edu
For someone’s first communion, there is usually a ceremony that involves the family and friends of the child or person receiving the Eucharist. The ceremony is usually formal and centers around celebrating the symbolic step taken by the child or person into becoming a better version of themselves by following through the steps of Jesus Christ now that they have accepted his body and blood into themselves.
When you have been invited to someone’s first holy communion it is important that you bring a celebratory gift to the child or person, most of these items can have biblical references. An easy gift to bring would be the gift of words, if you are gifted and have a way with words you can write the child or person celebrating a first communion poem or even a first communion letter. And if you do not have the right words to express your thoughts and feelings, this article will help you to find just the right words to say “happy first communion” in more meaningful words expressed in several different ways.
It is very important to find the right words for a child’s first communion greeting card because this is a special day for them and they are bound to hold onto its memory for the rest of their lives. The message for the first holy communion cards should include short communion messages that are meaningful, inspirational, and encouraging. Here are some first communion wishes you can include in a child’s first communion card:
➊ “Congratulations on your first communion. May the good lord guide you throughout your Christian journey”
➋ “God’s grace shines upon you today as you take your first communion. May you grow in the spirit of His embrace now and always”
➌ “I am so proud of you for choosing to walk with the Lord. He will guide you in every path and you will never walk alone. You are loved by father God in heaven and your family on earth. happy first communion.”
➍ “God loved you so much he sent his only son to die for you and redeem you from sin, and now you honor God by acknowledging the sacrifice Jesus made for you. May this covenant between you and God be everlasting. Congratulations on choosing to honor the Lord”
➎ “Today your life begins anew for you have taken the bread that gives life (John 6:33)”
➏ “I hope today brings you happiness and joy as you have taken your first communion, it has made God very happy. Happy communion day, I love you.”
➐ “You are now forever connected to Jesus, how amazing is that?! Congratulations, kiddo. I wish you nothing but blessings and peace for all of time until kingdom come.”
Here are some first communion quotes that will express your pride towards your child or relative taking their first communion. Holy communion quotes are similar to communion sayings in that they both express feelings and thoughts through the words spoken by someone else. Below are some of the quotes for first communion as spoken by famous people that are commonly used by others:
➊ “If the Angels could envy, they would envy us for Holy Communion” – Pope Pius X
➋ “One of the most admirable effects of Holy Communion is to preserve the soul from sin and to help those who fall through weakness to rise again. It is much more profitable, then, to approach this divine Sacrament with love, respect, and confidence, than to remain away through an excess of fear and scrupulosity.” – Ignatius of Loyola
➌ “Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there.” – Mother Teresa
It is customary for the parent, legal guardian, or godparent of the child whose communion it is to give a speech during the celebratory service. In this speech, it is important to observe first communion wording so that your child and others his or her age may also understand the message you are trying to communicate. Keep the message simple and straightforward. Firstly, you should thank the people that helped your child through the process of Eucharist, the church for helping you grow your child in the grace of the lord. Most importantly, you should place blessings over your child’s life and let them know that the Lord walks with them now, they shall not fail at whatever they pursue because they are part of God’s kingdom. Below are some of the things you can include in the communion speech.
➊ “Thank you all for coming here to help us celebrate as (s)he begins a new journey in the righteous path of the lord. We are very proud of the (wo)man that (s)he is becoming and we look forward to helping her/him throughout the rest of the journey. And to we are very pleased with you for choosing to grow with Christ in his church, we wish you nothing but continuous growth in Christ.”
➋ “Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce to you a brand new who is from this day onwards, walking in the love and light of Jesus Christ.”
➌ “We celebrate for making a commitment to God and we are honored to have been able to share this monumental event and to experience the love of God through him/her. Congratulations, for committing your life to the ways of Christ, we are anxious to see you grow in the path.”
Sometimes, the person or child getting the Eucharist is required to give a speech on their celebratory day. Like the parents, you are going to have to express your gratitude to the church and the people who helped you for their time and wisdom to guide you on your path towards becoming one with Jesus Christ. You will then proceed to thank your parents for their love, support, and guidance towards the same. And in the end, you will express how happy you are that everyone came to watch you take this leap in faith and how grateful you are for everyone else taking the time to come and celebrate with you.
How is communion different from baptism?
The difference between communion and baptism is that baptism is done in infancy as a way of getting rid of the original sin which saw that all humans have fallen short of the grace of God. When a child (or person) is baptized, they are ridding themselves of the original sin. On the other hand, communion is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one with you by body and blood. This comes after baptism and it symbolizes a person’s commitment to becoming more like Jesus in their everyday lives.
What is the first communion blessing prayer?
The first holy communion blessing prayers are a series of prayers that the person or child receiving the holy communion has to recite. These prayers include; The Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Glory, Angel of God, Before Meals, Seven Sacraments, Morning Offering, Prayer After Holy Communion, The Beatitudes, The Ten Commandments, Act of Contrition, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fatima Prayer, Hail Holy Queen, and the Apostles Creed. Each of these prayers serves a different purpose and you can find the full prayers by following this link.
In conclusion, when writing messages for first holy communion, you should always keep in mind quotations that will be inspiring to the person or child receiving it. You can also use famous communion quotes and even relevant bible verses to drive your point across. Whatever you do, remember to keep your tone joyful and express the love that you have for this person or child and how proud you are of them for taking such a huge step in their Christian/spiritual life. We recommend this article for more pointers on how to tell your child you love them unconditionally.
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