
How to Celebrate Your Husband’s Birthday Differently

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

You’re probably wondering how to celebrate your husband’s birthday differently. In the last couple of years, you were having a typical birthday celebration for your husband and now you want to change something. It doesn’t have to be much, right? You’re just tired of romantic dinners, sexy massages, and surprise parties. It’s just so boring! Don’t worry, we have a few ideas for breaking the monotony. You can still do simple little things, but there needs to be a lot of them! The more, the merrier they say, and we’ll stick to that.

Before we jump to the creative husband’s birthday ideas, we’d like to mention something:

  • Don’t celebrate your husband’s birthday at all if he clearly stated that he doesn’t want a celebration. Maybe he doesn’t want surprise dinner parties, gifts, etc. Some people like having a party one year and next year they want to be left alone which is totally fine.
  • If he wants to skip a birthday celebration, ask him what he would like to do instead. One piece of cake can’t hurt him, but you’ll need to check with him first.
  • Only after you’re sure he’s open to the celebration (and new ideas), proceed with the article.

Start of the day

There are a lot of small things to do for your husband’s birthday that can make his day so much better. Start with his morning routine. Change it up a bit! Breakfast in bed sounds like a cliche but not many people do it. They worry about making a mess and cleaning up afterward, so it’s not as easy as it seems.

You should do something different from your normal routine. If you usually eat croissants in bed then it wouldn’t be that special to do the same for his birthday. However, if you’re eating in the kitchen or the dining room, try waking him up with the smell of an omelet and freshly squeezed OJ. You know your husband’s habits the best, so try your best to adapt to the morning routine while still shaking things up. For example, if he goes to work early and he’s always in a hurry in the morning, you can make a nice hot breakfast carefully packed in a bag, so he can eat something homemade and not another pastry from the bakery.

Leave sticky notes everywhere!

Cute sticky notes are a wonderful reminder that we are loved. It doesn’t matter what you write, it will bring a smile to his face. Try to put them somewhere you’re sure he’ll find that day. It would be awkward if he would find a “happy B-Day, love” note in his coat three days after his birthday, right? Convenient places are his briefcase, laundry drawer, or a bag where you put breakfast. Maybe you can stick the note on his car’s steering wheel? He can’t miss that one for sure!

You can also be more creative and write him a letter! One thoughtfully composed expression of feelings might be perfect for reading during a coffee break at work. The most important thing is the element of surprise of course. He won’t expect such a romantic gesture in his briefcase. You can also put his favorite snack or a candy bar next to the letter.

Birthday experiences

Over the past few years, people have started to ask for experiences instead of gifts. You might be wondering why. It’s simple: some people have so much stuff already that they don’t need another material present. What they want instead is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, an adventure they’ve only seen in movies. If you really want to celebrate your husband’s birthday differently, give him a day to remember!

Note that adventure doesn’t mean the same for everyone. If your husband is a calm and stay-at-home kind of guy, he would consider rock climbing an adventurous experience. However, if he’s already an outdoorsy person, you might want to find something more exotic like flight lessons.

Think about your husband’s personality and what he likes to do. Is he artistic, athletic, adventurous or another type of person? Would he enjoy stepping out of his comfort zone? Answer these questions, so you can find fun things to do for a husband’s birthday. There must be something he always wanted to try but didn’t have the time (or money) for. If you can’t think of anything unusual, you can engage in some “ordinary” activities that you don’t do every day like archery, paintball, go-karting, etc. Even exploring nature can be an adventurous activity if you don’t do that often.

You must be thinking “where to take my husband for his birthday so he can have a movie experience”. To make things easier for you, we’ll suggest some over-the-top experiences.

tips to celebrate husband's birthday party

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/how-to-celebrate-your-husbands-birthday-differently/


Arrange a relaxing weekend at the sea or on the river for him. He can go alone or you two can enjoy the experience together. There are a lot of options for renting a yacht or a boat which you can discuss with the local sailing club.

Driving experience 

You can be sure your husband would be thrilled to drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari. Rent a car, get take out from a local diner, and go on a mini road trip. He’ll love it!


Skydiving, hot air balloon ride, or flight lessons are wonderful ways to experience the open sky. He’ll never forget being able to fly!

Dinner with a view

It’s time to stop going to the same old restaurant in your neighborhood. Explore the city and find an amazing place with a scenic view. It might not be exotic, but it will surely be a luxurious experience for the both of you!


There’s no birthday celebration without gifts, right? Now you’re probably wondering “What do husbands want for their birthday?” If you want something different, you’ll need to change your approach to gift-giving. First, instead of giving him a gift, let him find it! Plan a scavenger hunt for your husband! You can include all the places that mean something special to you and your husband. If you have kids, maybe they can play too! Let them create clues that go around the house. Your husband will have so much fun finding the treasure which is your gift.

Get crafty with your gift

Make a creative gift for your husband. It might sound difficult but it’s actually pretty simple. Even if you are not that good at DIY, there are so many videos that can help you create crafty gifts.

You can make something simple as a homemade card, or for example, a book of coupons. It can contain anything: from romantic stuff like a massage or candlelit dinner to some casual things like going to a sports game with him. If you want to risk it a bit, you can even include a coupon offering to do whatever he wants for a day. He’ll probably use that one to make you finish all the household chores, so be careful what you’re giving.

You can make various scrapbooks, photo albums, and so much more. If you don’t have any idea whatsoever, check out the videos below.

Check his wishlist

Everyone has a wishlist, so it might be a good idea to see what your husband wants for his birthday. He might have his eye on something for quite some time, so now you have a chance to get him that. If he has a new hobby, he’ll definitely need some accessories for it. Simply ask him what he needs, or check out his wishlist on various sites for online shopping. Playing detective can’t hurt.


Tech gifts are always needed, no matter what’s the opportunity. If you want to surprise your techie husband, get him the gadget he’s constantly talking about. For something more unusual, you don’t have to look for the latest technological inventions. Drones and VR sets can also be amazing gifts for the guy who loves electronics.


We already wrote about surprise birthday ideas for the husband. There are a lot of ways you can surprise him. Don’t be afraid to be a little goofy!

Why don’t you stuff his room with balloons? When he wakes up in a room full of balloons you’ll have such a great laugh. You can decorate his car or his office (with a little help from his colleagues). Balloons just make everything so much more fun!

You can make him a surprise video too. Combine small videos of all the birthday wishes from his friends and relatives. He’ll surely be overwhelmed to see it.

If you’re confident with the camera, you can make other kinds of photos and videos. Boudoir photos are usually a gift idea for Valentine’s Day, so he won’t expect that at all for his birthday!

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about celebrating husband’s birthday differently

How to celebrate your husband’s birthday differently at home?

You’ll need to focus on changing your daily routine. Do something that can add a bit more fun in your lives. For example:

  • Make an interesting meal you saw online. Try out that exotic recipe you’ve bookmarked months ago! There’s nothing better than a home-cooked meal made with love.
  • Bring out the board games that collect dust on the shelf. Invite your closest friend, buy some snacks, and the game night can begin!
  • Binge-watch your husband’s favorite TV show with popcorn and beers.
  • Experiment in the bedroom. Spray your perfume in the air to lead him from the front door to the bedroom. He’ll be sure to follow the scent as soon as he gets home from work.

How can I celebrate my husband’s birthday with no money?

You don’t need cash to be thoughtful. A romantic massage, breakfast in bed, walking in the park, a love letter, and a lot of other wonderful gifts and activities don’t require money at all.

Where can I celebrate my husband’s birthday?

Try spending an entire day outside, visit restaurants or parks, enjoy various experiences mentioned in the article above. You can also stay in your cozy home, with or without people. There really aren’t any rules about where you should or shouldn’t go for your husband’s birthday.

How can I be more romantic?

Be a bit playful: hide a love note in his wallet, send sweet texts, flirt with him, make a candlelit dinner, offer a sensual massage, etc.


These were just some of the many ideas on how to celebrate your husband’s birthday differently. In the end, it doesn’t matter that much what idea you’ll put into action, as long as you do it from the heart. Your husband will cherish any gift or experience you’ll get him because he’ll feel you put your heart and effort into it.

Getting him a unique birthday gift is hard because not all ideas can be suitable for everyone. Some people enjoy getting little things throughout the day, some like to do fun things, and some would like to get one grand extraordinary gift. It’s your choice after all.





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