21 Realistic Promises to Make to Your Girlfriend
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
We all crave some form of assurance and reassurance in our relationships no matter how old they are. We may not outrightly ask our partners to make promises to us but there are times when we wish they back their actions with words and words with actions. If you’ve been ‘riding’ with your lady for a while and each moment you spend with her leaves no doubt in your mind that she is the one for you, promises are a great way to reaffirm your intentions towards her. We’ve thoughtfully created a list of promises to make to your girlfriend that will melt her heart and strengthen your bond.
Our promise suggestions have been divided into four categories;
- Love promises for her
- Promises to make her smile
- Promises of growth
- Promises of fairness
Before you get through our promise suggestions, we’ve picked up a few important things about promises you might find interesting.
- 1. Promise making, promise keeping, and promise managing are essential in every healthy relationship (McGraw, 2011).
- 2. Keeping to promises is a great way to build trust
- 3. Staying in an abusive relationship because of a promise is unwise
- 4. Making promises without any intention of keeping them is fraud
- 5. Promises can be conditional or unconditional
- 6. Each promise a person makes involves a certain level of risk
- 7. Not all promises are good
- 8. Making and keeping promises can tell on a person’s values and integrity
- 9. It is easier to make a promise than keep a promise
1. I promise to stand with you and by you
Having a partner is like having an extra voice, mind, strength, and comfort; a team player that supports you and that you support. Imagine having a partner that cheers others against you in any disagreement or activity. It can be frustrating and lonely. Having a partner that loves and stands by you is a comforting reminder that you are not alone in your life’s journey. If you decide to make this promise to her, you are saying, “I will be there for you” and that she can count on your support.
2. I promise to be committed to you and our relationship
The survival of any relationship depends on the commitment of both parties. It is horrible to have a partner that says they want to be with you but their actions show that they do not care about you nor the relationship. Worse still, they do not want to be accountable and therefore would try to avoid questions regarding their stand in the relationship and towards the person they claim to “love”. Making a promise of commitment is making a promise to be accountable in the relationship. This means that you are going to be committed to pursuing your partner and the relationship.
3. I promise not to take your love and care for grants
It is honorable to know that your partner loves you so much and not take advantage of their love and care for you. It is not uncommon to see people take advantage of people that love them. They do this knowing that they might go scot-free or their partners will never walk away from them. They get surprised when the one being offended finds the courage to walk away and never look back. Then they begin to regret it. If you decide to make this promise, you are committing to acknowledging your partner’s affections towards you and reciprocating accordingly.
4. I promise to respect you in front of my friends, family, relatives, and colleagues.
The way you address your partner can set the tone for how other people close to you should address her. If people close to you know that you don’t regard your partner, they will probably not take her seriously and this will hurt her. This can even lead to the death of the relationship because no one wants to stay in a space where they are constantly disrespected. If you choose to make this promise, you are saying that you will be attentive to how you address your partner in front of people and behind her back. You will also not allow people to address her in a certain way.
5. I promise to always be truthful about how I feel towards you
Honesty is part of respect. It is always a great idea to involve your partner in your thought process.
Hiding your feelings or being silent about them can only breed unhealthy sentiments and failed expectations.
Hiding your feelings will not only hurt you at a point but will also hurt your partner. Being truthful about how you feel will help you guys build a healthy and strong relationship.
6. I may not give you everything you want but I promise to make life more comfortable and easier for you in my way.
Our desires are many. There are many things your partner may want and because you love them, you want them to have it all. However, the reality for many people is that they will not be able to give their partners all they desire. It is, therefore, truthful to say that you will try to make life comfortable for her as much as you can.
7. I promise to laugh at your jokes even when they are not funny
Sometimes our partners know that they suck at telling jokes, but they still tell it because they are in a safe space with us. It’s unfair to make them feel awful for trying to make us laugh and sucking at it. Besides, not-so-funny jokes can actually be funny depending on how we feel towards the person making the joke and our mood. If you know your girlfriend makes not-so-funny jokes, she will probably laugh if you make this promise.
8. I promise to get you your favorite snacks, and a hot cup of tea when your tummy hurts
At that ‘time of the month’, a lady usually experiences craving, stomach pain, mood swings, or other types of discomfort. Acknowledging this experience and promising to show support will be comforting to your girlfriend.
9. I promise to take you on adventures
This promise might be intimidating to you at the moment because it sounds expensive, but please do not be intimidated. There are lots of Adventurous things to do with your girlfriend that do not have to overwhelm your pocket. Click the link to find 43 amazing ideas we have suggested in our article.
10. I promise to surprise you with gifts and continue to do the things I did that won your heart
Gift-giving cannot be excluded in any healthy relationship. They are selfless actions of love that spice our relationships and reaffirm our intentions towards our partners. They cannot be ignored or overlooked. Although they can be daunting to get sometimes they are worthwhile. We have suggested a couple of Little surprise gifts for your girlfriend to show her you love her. This will keep her smiling. We hope that you find our suggestions helpful.
11. I love winning games but I promise to allow you to win a least a game or two
Playing games is part of what keeps the relationship fun. If you have a girlfriend that sucks at playing video games (for example), it might hurt her to consistently lose to you. This promise will come off as funny if she is the high-spirited type who enjoys a good challenge. Check out another way on How to make your girlfriend smile.
12. I promise to pay attention to what is important to you
It is frustrating when your partner is oblivious to what is happening to you and around you, yet they claim to love you. It is very annoying to remind your partner about a situation you are going through. Imagine that you’ve told your partner about a nerve-wracking interview that will be coming up shortly and they shove it to the back of their mind. They either act ignorant, passive, or unempathetic until the D-day and still don’t show you much support. Such partners are unable to give the right emotional support.
13. I promise to support your dreams and aspirations
It is a loving gesture to show your partner that you want them to win in their aspirations. Some people will rather compete with their partners than support them in achieving their goals and it is terrible. If you decide to make this promise of support to your girlfriend, you are simply telling her that her dreams are valid and that you will do all you can to get her closer to achieving them. It means that you are ready to make the necessary sacrifice that will make her journey less burdensome. It could be waking her up in the middle of the night to read, dropping her off for an interview or getting her a cab on time, giving her helpful tips for examinations etcetera.
14. I promise to keep you accountable so that you can give a good account of yourself
It is important to keep your girlfriend accountable in her life journey. It is important to consistently ask her about the progression of things she is working on and try to proffer solutions where needed. It will motivate her to keep pursuing her dreams. It will encourage her to have as much expectation for herself as you have for her. It will show her that you take her seriously and that she must continue to take herself seriously.
15. I promise to encourage you to see yourself better than already do, and to pursue dreams bigger than your mind had conceived
It is one thing for your partner to have dreams, it is another thing to know when she is limiting herself. Helping her to overcome her fears and upgrading her life pursuits is one of the best things you can ever do for her.
16. I promise not to leave you behind while bettering myself
If you make this promise, you are telling your girlfriend that you will always carry her along in your life pursuit. This is one of the best promises to make in a relationship. It will give her a sense of belonging and security in the relationship.
17. I promise to be honest and fair in our arguments
There is no relationship without its storms. Disagreements are bound to happen between partners. Being matured and reasonable during times of friction is one of the best things you can do for your relationship. It also earns you more respect from your girlfriend.
18. I promise to apologize when I am wrong
Are you the type of partner that will rather keep silent than apologize when wrong? Admitting to doing wrong and apologizing to your partner is part of being accountable in a relationship. Apologizing is one solution to “How to stop being annoying to your girlfriend”.
19. I promise to listen to you attentively.
Have you ever tried to converse with a person or draw their attention to something you consider important but they are not attentive? It can be annoying right? This digital age comes with its disadvantages too. Did you know that a survey study by pewresearch.org showed that;
- 51% of Americans admitted to their partners being often or sometimes distracted by their cell phones when they are trying to have a conversation with them.
- 40% of participants in the study acknowledged being bothered by the amount of time their partner spends on their phones.
When our partners communicate verbally or silently to us, we must be attentive to them. It helps us to pick up what’s important, make healthy conversations and avoid avoidable pitfalls.
20. I promise to correct you with love and kindness
We are not perfect and therefore making mistakes is inevitable in relationships. Your girlfriend will make mistakes you find annoying. Correcting her with kindness and love will help her see faults better, apologize and avoid them in the future. It is awful when the person you love makes you feel very stupid and embarrassed for making a mistake. Even the littlest of mistakes are blown out of proportion. Promising your girlfriend that you will correct her with love and kindness allows her to feel safer and freer around you. The long-term benefit of this action is that your partner will generally improve in her behaviors.
21. I promise to be considerate in my actions
It is important to put yourself in your girlfriend’s ‘shoes’ before you act in a certain way toward her. It helps you moderate your actions and know when not to go overboard in doing certain things.
2. What do you promise in a relationship?
Usually, your promises should speak about your intentions towards your partner and the relationship. Promises should be more than just copying and reciting what you see on the internet. They are a pledge that you are committing to keeping. It is important not to make unrealistic promises to your partner because it could compromise trust.
2. What promise should I make to my girlfriend?
We have listed 21 promises we think are realistic for anyone to make in their relationship. These promises contain actions that will keep your relationship healthy and bubbly. Some of them are;
- I promise to stand with you and by you
- I promise to respect you in front of my friends, family, relatives, and colleagues.
- I promise not to take your love and care for grants
- I promise to take you on adventures
- I promise to pay attention to what is important to you
- I promise not to leave you behind while bettering myself
- I promise to apologize when I am wrong
Promises are a great way to communicate your intentions towards your partner and your relationship. They are equally a good way to keep oneself accountable to their partner. If you decide to make promises to your girlfriend, try to be realistic and truthful in your promises. You do not want to make promises that you will be unable to keep. It is one of the fastest ways to get your partner to lose trust in you.
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