5 tips when deciding on room ideas for newborn child
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- You won’t find pictorial samples of baby rooms in this article because there are tons of them online. However, you’ll find 5 valuable tips that will inform your choice while skimming through room ideas for a newborn child online.

“Designing a room for a newborn child should be more than vibes and aesthetics. It should be about creating a positively infectious space for your child.”
Two main reasons parents get it wrong when deciding, or designing a room for a newborn child. 1) They make uninformed choices, and 2) They put themselves or their ego ahead of what’s best for their child.
Many expecting parents fall into the trap of designing an adult-friendly nursery for their babies. Everything about the nursery screams ‘adult’ except for a few child-friendly items in the room. While a good baby room design should accommodate the parent’s need for comfort, monopolizing your baby’s room because you’ll be spending time in it is bad.
Don’t accept every advice that makes it seem ok to take over your baby’s room. Some designs you’ve been skimming through on your gadgets are not entirely child-friendly. We hope that when you read through our tips, you’ll understand why.
Below are five tips you should put to mind when designing a room for a newborn child;
Safety safety safety before aesthetics.
We cannot stress enough that parents should prioritize safety in their child’s room. Designing a child’s room is more than putting items together to create a cute room for your newborn child. Far too often, we see parents get lost in the aesthetics; they forget to pay enough attention to safety. Some of the videos or pictures online do not emphasize much safety as they do with the aesthetic feel of the room. Don’t make that mistake in your design.
Not everything should go into a baby’s room, no matter how cute they are. Every parent that is preparing a nursery needs a good level of self-restraint and a heightened level of consciousness for safety.
A few ways to prioritize safety when designing a room for a newborn child are;
- Pay attention to the material your decor is made of. It’s not a good idea to have glasses, ceramics, or metals with rough edges close to a baby’s reach. These items will become a safety hazard when your baby starts to crawl.
- Check the sturdiness of what you hang around the room. You need to reduce the risk of items falling off the wall and injuring your child.
- The weight and size of furniture you put in a baby’s room matters, so pay attention to them. Ensure that heavy and taller furniture is sturdy and won’t fall easily if your baby touches them or something pushes them. Secondly, it’s best to use lighter and shorter furniture at the center of the room or areas where your baby will be spending more time.
- Electrical plugins should stay hidden when designing a room for a child. Use furniture to block off access to electric sockets.
- If windows are reachable, they should have protective barriers.
- Avoid the use of heavy curtains in small rooms with single windows. Ventilation is crucial.
FUN FACT: Unintentional child injuries remain the leading cause of death among children between the ages of 1-4 years cdc.gov. Common types of unintentional child injuries within homes are suffocation, drowning, fire, and flames. Approximately 3400 infants die of suffocation yearly.

Pick out items that would last longer than your baby’s first 6 months.
A baby won’t remain a baby in a couple of months. Unless you’ve made plans to redecorate your child’s room in a few months, the design you settle for should be valid for a minimum of three years to serve them through the toddler stage. For example,
- Instead of plastic drawers and storage, choose sturdier ones that won’t break or fall easily with the baby’s aggressive plays.
- Instead of small cribs, choose baby cribs that could be converted into bigger beds as your child grows older.
- Use durable/ waterproof paints or wallpapers as opposed to certain water-based paints.
This point is particularly important for first-time parents. It will save you time and lots of money shopping for another baby. Always remember that the best room ideas for a newborn have items that outlive a child’s baby phase.
Pay attention to positioning/ room layout.
When planning to design a newborn child’s room, the first thing to do is to draw or design a room layout. If you pay close attention, the best room ideas for children have well-thought-out room layouts. The positioning of items such as the baby’s bed, drawer, storage shelves, baby wardrobe, lighting, and play area, are important for safety, functionality, and accessibility.
Here are a few tips to consider when drawing up a room layout.
- Place the baby crib away from the window or heavy wall hanging like shelves. It protects the child from dust, cold, and things falling on them.
- It’s always a great idea to place the baby crib, nursery chair, and supply station not far from each other. You want to be able to watch and carry your baby easily. You also want quick access to items such as diapers and napkins.
- Place the nursery chair in such a way you’ll have multiple viewpoints around the room and entrance of the room. Never back the door.
- Hard and tall furniture should not block ventilation.
- Position the crib in a way that allows your baby to sense your presence quickly. You should be able to peek at them as soon as you get to the door. If this is not possible because of the size and structure of the room, install devices that help you keep a close eye on your baby.
Choose colors that appeal to the senses of a baby.
When deciding on colors for the walls, decors, toys, and other items for the baby’s room, remember that the interior design you choose can affect your child’s mood and overall experience as an infant. Here are a few things to consider;
- Instead of using saturated colors for the room’s walls, use a milder version of one color as your main color theme before adding other contrasting colors in different levels of saturation.
- Use multiple colors in your baby’s room instead of one color. Plain colors are uninspiring for kids, whereas contrasting colors stimulate children’s senses and encourage them to think and learn.
- If you don’t want to change the colors on the wall of your rented apartment for your newborn child’s room, a better alternative would be child-friendly wallpapers and stickers, and there are tons of them on Amazon. Wallpapers are more durable and take less time to install. You’ll find some recommendations at the end of this article.
- If you decide not to use wallpapers or contrasting paint colors on the wall of the baby’s room, a third option is to introduce warm and friendly colors in the room decorations/ furniture and toys. For example, you could paint the knobs of the baby drawers yellow, blue, red, and green.
Baby room lighting.
When designing that adorable room for your newborn child, don’t forget the room’s lighting. You don’t want to expose your child to much light, as it affects their eyes, health, and overall comfort. Soft lights help children to relax and sleep better.
To create the perfect lighting for your baby’s room, consider the following tips;
- If you purchase lamps for your baby’s room, buy those that afford you different light settings.
- Use thick, bowl-like chandeliers to dim excessive bright lights.
- Do not put your child’s beds directly close to windows. You need to protect them from excessively bright light from the sun or even from cold.
- Have two types of curtains; light and thick curtains. You need to use them interchangeably.
Few useful items for your newborn child’s room on amazon.
Safety accessories for homes
Safety should be the prime focus when deciding on a room idea for a newborn child. Aside from the tips we’ve provided you above, there are several items you could purchase for your baby’s room.
You don’t need to stress about the edges of items in your baby’s room if you have an edge guard bundle within your reach. This brand is not toxic for kids. This edge guard comes in different colors to rhyme with the nursery.
In a few months, your baby will be a curious toddler running the widths and lengths of their room or house. You want to trust that you can leave them in their room to run to mischief without injury. This safety outlet cover will deny them access to any plug or switch around their room or house. This particular cover is difficult for most toddlers to open, so we recommend it.
We urge you to provide your baby with extra crawling protection. It will save your baby’s knee from prickly items as they crawl or nasty falls. Please pay attention to customer reviews about the safety strap before purchasing.
If you don’t want your baby to get sick often or develop breathing problems, you will invest in a good indoor thermometer for your newborn baby’s room. Your baby relies on your wisdom to keep their space moderate and comfortable. This thermometer does a decent job of monitoring the room’s temperature.
If you decide on wallpapers or wall stickers for your baby’s room, here are a couple of them you might like;
This wallpaper will easily give your baby’s room a warm and positive feel. The contrasting colors will keep them curious. It will remain relevant even after your baby outgrows its toddler phase.
Jungle animals wall sticker
Perhaps you’ve already painted your newborn baby’s room but want great visuals to boost the room’s overall appearance; these jungle wall stickers will do. The contrasting colors of the animals are visually stimulating. It’s would be cool to introduce your baby to the world of animals. As they grow, you can teach them how each animal sounds. These stickers have decent customer ratings.
Polka dot wall stickers are neutral designs for both genders and are visually stimulating for toddlers. They are a better alternative for parents who want to stick to the color theme in the house.
Lighting and accessories
In case you are uncertain about the type of chandeliers we think will be helpful to you, here is one;
- An oatmeal color chandelier or woven chandeliers
A chandelier such as this one with an LED bulb will create soft lighting for your baby’s room. Cheaper versions of woven chandeliers would work well if you find them. You can make a cute chandelier if you have the time.
When designing a newborn baby’s room, consider how you would feel if you discovered that you’ve spent money, time, and effort organizing a space that isn’t good for your child’s physical or psychological well-being. We are not hinting that you should compromise on aesthetics but prioritize the safety and well-being of your baby.
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