
18th birthday adventure ideas

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Celebrating an 18th birthday is a huge day in someone’s life. It is the day you become an adult. Adulthood brings a new sense of freedom. A freedom that is filled with many different adventures. So why not start with an adventure on your 18th birthday?

At 18 the world and its many opportunities seem to open up to you and are there for you to explore and to enjoy. Making doing anything that your heart desires seem possible. 

But on the other side of turning 18, it adds a lifetime of responsibilities. These responsibilities consist of studying further, getting a job and paying bills.

But before you arm yourself up and take on life’s responsibilities. You want to enjoy a little bit of your new-found freedom. And the best way is to go on an adventure. Celebrating your 18th birthday with an adventure is an exciting way to kick off the next chapter of your life. 

The world is filled with many different types of adventures that you could go on. Which also raises many questions for you like:

  • What to do for your 18th birthday?
  • What qualifies as an adventure?
  • Which adventures would be the right kind of adventure for you?

So you are looking for 18th birthday ideas for what to do that will give you an experience of a lifetime. But will also need to involve the right kind of adventure for you.

But before we get into some 18th birthday adventure ideas, let us take a look at:

What is considered to be an adventure? 

Going on an adventure is different for everyone. It all depends on you as a person, your likes and your desires. It will also depend on if you are looking for something that excites you that is enjoyable and unique. Or if you are looking for something that challenges you or something that scares you.

Having an adventure is all about having exciting and new experiences. It is about going to places and doing something that you have never done before. Breaking out of your normal routine and doing the things that you wouldn’t usually do.

 Some of these things could involve taking risks that could be a danger to your physical well being. It could also be all about exploring different places across the globe. Learning about the different cultures, visiting historical buildings and monuments. Taking the plunge and experiencing different cuisines that you have never done before.

An adventure does not have to be something extreme like most people believe it to be when they think about having an adventure. It does not have to be something dangerous if you don’t want it to be. It can be something as simple as going to an amusement park with a bunch of friends and riding that roller coaster that you were always too scared to do. It can even be a long road trip along a coastline. 

An adventure can be anything that you want it to be.

Which adventures would be the right kind of adventure for you?

Deciding on which adventure would be the right kind of adventure for you will depend on the type of things that you know that you would enjoy doing. It is doing something that interests you and excites you, something that you can’t wait to experience. 

The best way to approach this is for you to make a list of the decisions that you need to make. Things like:

  • First decide whether you would celebrate your 18th birthday adventure solo, with a group of strangers in a tour group or with a bunch of friends. 
  • Decide whether you would want to stay close to home or venture out into the world.
  • Decide on what type of adventure you are looking for. Is it something to test your physical capabilities, a cultural lesson, or would you like a bit of both?
  • Think about the different types of adventures that there are. Then decide which ones make you feel the most excited about trying out. Such as choosing between adventure sports or adventure travel.
  • Decide on how long you want your adventure to last and how many activities do you want to cram into your itinerary. 

So what is the difference between Adventure sports and Adventure travel anyway? They both can include travel, different activities and taking part in an active sport.

Infographic 18th birthday adventure ideas

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/18th-birthday-adventure-ideas/

Adventure sports or Extreme sports

Adventure sports are the sports and activities that you do to get your blood pumping. Depending on your location, many of them can be found and done close to home. So there is no need for much traveling.

Adventure sports involve mostly physically demanding activities. They are usually performed with specialized gear. Which would be great for 18th birthday gift ideas.  If friends and family need a little help with some gift ideas. They can take a look at adventurous gifts for him or outdoorsy gifts for her.

These types of sports are extremely challenging and are a high risk to your physical well being. They involve high speed, extreme heights, physical exertion or a mixture of all three.

With adventure sports, there are many different options to choose from. Which also depends on the type of sports that you enjoy. We have broken them down into three types and they are:

Water Sports


Water sports speak for itself as it all sports and activities that are done on, in and under the water. They are a lot of fun, packed with action and are exciting. Below are some popular ideas that you could try:

  • Surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Sailing
  • Yachting
  • Jet Skiing
  • Barefoot Skiing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Water Skiing
  • Kite surfing
  • Parasailing
  • Cliff diving
  • Rafting
  • Kayaking
  • Canoeing
  • Paddle Boarding
  • Scuba diving
  • Snorkeling
  • Underwater Photography
  • Diving
  • Cave diving or exploring

Land and Mountain Sports


Mountain sports are adventure sports that take place year-round in mountainous terrain. They are the types of sports that also need special equipment. Including specialized training for safety purposes before you can attempt any of them. Some ideas are as follows:

  • Skiing
  • Snowshoeing
  • Dog sledding
  • Mountaineering
  • Rock Climbing
  • Hiking
  • Trekking
  • Caving through mountain caves
  • Canyoning
  • Mountain biking
  • Camping
  • Dirt bike riding

Air Sports

Sky diving with friends

If you enjoy being up in the air with your feet off the ground air. Then air sports are the types of adventures for you. Do take into account that for many you will need training and practice beforehand. Some ideas for you are:

  • Skydiving
  • Aerobatics
  • Base jumping
  • Bungee jumping
  • Hang gliding
  • Sky surfing
  • High wire walking (tight rope)
  • Parachuting
  • Paragliding
  • Ziplining
  • Hot air ballooning
  • Helicopter rides

Adventure travel

Adventure travel is otherwise known as adventure tourism. It has all the excitement of traveling to a distant location. It also includes interacting with different cultures, connecting with nature. But it can also include physical activities of some kind if you wish to do so.

It is an adventure filled with a variety of different activities. The focus is less on the location that you go to. But more about the experience of certain types of activities that they have to offer.

The best way to experience this type of adventure is to take an adventure tour. These types of tours offer packages that cater to those who want to try new things. There are many different types of adventure tours out there. They offer different types of adventures that suit different types of people.

So it does not matter if you are looking for a danger thrill or something more low-key. It could be something that lacks the danger element but is still a lot of fun to do.  Like going for a nature hike during the day and at night trying new cuisines. You will find something that will suit your needs perfectly.

When choosing the tour company that offers the best experience for you. There are a couple of things that you need to keep an eye out for and they are:

  • Look at what they offer carefully. With some tours, all activities are included and with others, they are offered for an extra fee.
  • Some adventure tours offer tours for small groups of like-minded people. While other private tours. Decide which one you would prefer. 
  • Know what your travel style when it comes to the type of accommodation you prefer. As they can vary from super rough out in the wilderness to luxury accommodations.

Adventures close to home or nearby

If you are looking for 18th birthday adventure ideas that you can enjoy with your friends. Something that is nearby or close to home and does not involve traveling to another country

Some ideas to look for close to home are:

Take a weekend away with friends

Rent a cabin up in the mountains or at a lake and spend the weekend with friends. Plan and organize some cool games and activities for you to do. Like playing truth or dare, have a sing-off with a karaoke machine. Or you can explore your surroundings together by taking a hike.

Take a road trip

Taking a road trip with family or friends to somewhere you have never been before can be memorable. Exploring a different town and all the attractions it has to offer. Like enjoying the different types of entertainment, historical buildings, and even ghost buildings that the town has to offer. It can be an extremely interesting and exciting experience.

Go to a music festival

Check your local advertisers or online. You will be surprised what you can find. There might be a concert around the same time as your 18th birthday that you are your friends can go to. Even if you don’t know any of the artists and their songs.  It will be fun to listen to and discover something new. Meet new people and try different types of food that you haven’t before.

Book a couple of hours at an indoor trampoline park

Trampolines are just as much fun for adults as it is for kids. This is especially true if you book a couple of hours bouncing around with a group of your friends.

Go zorbing

Find a place close to you that offers zorbing where you get strapped inside a large plastic ball. You are then launched to roll downhill at a high speed uncontrollably. It is an amazing experience that you could share with friends which lasts between 45 minutes and an hour.

Go Paintballing

Have a paintball adventure with your friends at one of the many that are available to choose from. You can compete individually or in teams. By tagging your opponents with paintballs that you shoot with a paintball gun. 

Go camping 

Celebrate your 18th birthday by going camping with some friends. Sometimes all you need is to enjoy the outdoors. Explore nature and then relax around a bonfire. Where you can sing songs or play games while building incredible memories.

Take an indoor skydiving class

Grab a bunch of friends and go for a group indoor skydiving class.  You will first be given an introduction to everything that you need to know. Then you will suit up and fly, what an experience it can be.

Race Go-Karts

Another way to have an action-filled experience is to go to a go-kart race track. This could be either indoors or outdoors, the choice is yours. You can have so much fun racing against your friends or complete strangers.

Go Ziplining

Zip lining has become a popular adventure for many different people. It is an exciting experience that definitely gives you an adrenaline rush. Strap in safely and sour through the air, above and through the tree lines while feeling the wind in your face.

At the end of the day, it is your choice how you would like to celebrate your 18th birthday. No matter if you are looking for 18th birthday adventure ideas that are filled with action, adventure or for something that is a little more low-key. As long as it is an experience that you and your friends or family can all enjoy together. There is the right kind of adventure that is perfect for you.





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