

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Finding gifts for the impossible women can be difficult because of two reasons,

One is because with some women, when they need something or want something, they go out and buy it themselves as they are impatient and do not like waiting for someone else to buy it for them.

The second reason is that some women crave a man’s adoration, approval, and acceptance, so they tend to appraise the quality of a man’s love by the gifts that he gives them and the money that he spends on it. In her mind, gifts are a way of telling her how much he really cares about her.

They feel that if the man in their life gives them a cheap and thoughtless gift, he does not value them, but if he really took the time to choose a great gift that suits her interests so well or took her to a fancy restaurant, he loves, adores her and she is truly special to him. That puts more pressure on choosing the perfect gift.

Women also take note of the frequency of gift-giving. If she receives a gift only on special occasions, she could see the gift meaningless as it is a gift that had to be given and not wanted to be given. Gift-giving should not only be reserved for major anniversaries and holidays, but it should also be used to keep the flame burning during your normal day to day lives together as well.

What Different Types of Gifts Mean?


When women receive good quality jewelry from her man, it usually means that he is truly committed to her and their relationship because men do not spend that kind of money on any woman unless she really means something special to them.

A Personalized and unique gift

When a woman receives a specific and personally made gift, it tells her that he has put a lot of thought into the gift and that he has been paying attention to her and knows what she likes or needs. The thought that goes into a gift is much more important than the actual value or the amount spent on the gift.

When the gift is all wrong

When men get gifts for the special women in their lives, there is always a risk of giving them the wrong gift, and the gift itself can cause problems in their relationship because the women might feel that he does not know her very well or at all.

If a gift shows little imagination and is impersonal, insensitive, or cheap, it may be a sign that the relationship is in trouble and will not last. It clearly shows women that the man in her life has lost interest and could not be bothered with trying to impress her or make her happy. On the other hand, a gift that costs too much can create more tension in a relationship than joy, especially if it strains the budget or cuts into other spending priorities that she considers to be more important.

To stay clear of giving women the wrong kind of gift or the wrong idea about your gift, make sure that the gift you give her shows that you acknowledge, respect, and value the person that she truly is and is not ridiculously expensive.

So how do you do this? Here is a list of ways to help you come up with some ideas of gifts for difficult women.


Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/gifts-for-the-impossible-women/

Ways to find gifts for the impossible women

Make a list of all the things that she likes and is interested in 

When trying to come up with gifts for people who are hard to shop for, especially if it is a special person like your girlfriend or wife, take some time and write down a list of all the things that she likes, her interests, and things that she might have mentioned in conversations that you have had. Then go through the list and try to write items that you can buy for her that goes with each one.

These items can be big or small, but don’t panic; you do not have to buy her all the items on the list. You can just pick one or combine a couple of the small ones, and she will really appreciate the thought and effort put into it.

Here are some ideas that you can include on your list:

  • Her favorite color.
  • Her least favorite color.
  • Does she wear gold or silver? 
  • What is her birthstone? 
  • Her favorite food or meal.
  • Does she like chocolates? If so, what kind?
  • Her favorite animal. 
  • Her favorite author or book. 
  • Her favorite movie or TV show. 
  • Her favorite flower. Fresh or plastic?

Inspiration from her past.

If you are not entirely happy with the first result of making a list of all the things that she likes and is interested in, then you can take some inspiration from her past.

Look at what she has accomplished, a special moment in her life, and personalize your gift, such as frame a diploma that she has received, enlarge a special photo of hers that is dear to her heart.

Think about things that she may need

You might be asking yourself, what could she possibly need, generally or specifically for certain parts of her life? With this one, you will need to think outside the box a little by thinking about what her goals and what her aspirations are?

If you know of a big event coming up in her life, like if she is about to graduate with a law degree or she may aspire to become a published author in her near future, you can put together a law-themed or writing-themed gift basket with several items to celebrate her accomplishment or to help her achieve her goals.

Make her gift an event.

Once you know what gift you want to give her, try to get a little creative with her gift, either with the wrapping of the gift or the way you will present her the gift. Instead of wrapping her gift in the boring wrapping paper or gift bag, you can wrap her gift in an unusual shaped box or container to keep her guessing or hide her gift and send her on a scavenger hunt. Use your imagination, and this will make the process of gift-giving a lot more fun.

Type of gifts for the impossible women

Give her a gift of an experience.

Rather than getting stressed out about what sort of physical gift to buy her, there is another strategy you could follow. Try going down the route of giving her the experiences of a lifetime as a gift. The idea is to give her memories instead of a physical gift that she may not want or may not need.

When many people think about an “Experience gift,” they are under the impression that it is expensive, yes some can be, but it does not have to be. An experience gift does not have to be something extreme like sky diving that can cost a fortune. It can be something inexpensive and simple like:

  • Ice skating
  • Roller skating.
  • A comedy show for two
  • Laser tag.
  • Rock climbing
  • Museum tickets
  • Theatre show
  • Ziplining
  • Tickets to a concert
  • Even a relaxing picnic.

Any of these bonding times and adventures will always build some excellent memories, memories of you, and her spending some quality time together while also having a little bit of fun, which will always go a long way.

It is advisable to always keep in mind to choose an experience that she will enjoy. If you choose something that will not suit her, it might not go down very well. Let’s say, for example, you book an appointment to go sky diving, and she is terrified of heights. This might cause some conflict in your relationship and will not be an enjoyable day.  

Give her a gift of learning.

If the impossible woman enjoys learning new things or would like to learn a new skill, then the gift of learning will be a great idea. The opportunity to learn is one of the most meaningful gifts that you could give anyone.

There are plenty of different ways to give the gift of learning:

  • Books and other reading materials are a great source of learning. 
  • Online courses, some online courses are free, and others can get expensive, depending on the system and the provider.

A gift that keeps on giving.

Gifts for the impossible women that keep on giving might be a membership or a subscription to something that they will enjoy. This gift could also fall under the gift of learning, enjoyment, or a gift that would make her day to day living a little easier and better.

Some examples are:

  • A lecture: It’s always nice to attend a lecture on a topic that she is interested in.
  • Yoga classes for a month: If she loves yoga, give her a yoga pass for a month.
  • Dance lessons: If she loves to dance, then she will love to have a couple of dance lessons with you.
  • Musical classes for a month: This will make a great gift for the impossible women in your life if you know that she would like to learn to play an instrument like a guitar
  • Cooking class: For if she is interested in learning how to make a new type of cuisine. Cooking classes would make a great gift.
  • Subscriptions: With subscriptions, there are many options to choose from. They could be anything from coffee to home deliveries of makeup. Keeping in mind, as previously mentioned, you would need to know what she likes and what she would be interested in.
  • Spa or gym membership: Most women would be happy to receive an annual gym membership or a visit to a spa, but be careful as it could also backfire on you. These types of gifts could also confuse some women, as some women might take it the wrong way and feel offended. You wouldn’t want her to be thinking that you are trying to tell her that she is not in the best shape even though you only have her best interests at heart.

When and how to give her the gift

When giving gifts to the impossible women, your timing and presentation will matter enormously. If you get your timing all wrong or catch her in the middle of a crisis of some sort, she might end up being an emotional mess or angry at you or for not thinking things through and the wonderful gift that you have put so much time and effort in to will lose all of its intended meaning.

To help you avoid this situation, here are a couple of ideas:

  • Plan for a quiet moment that would be best for the two of you.
  • Leave it for her in a place she’ll find it on her own with a note attached.
  • Pick a date or day that has little or no expectations, like the anniversary of your first date.
  • Allow some time to pass after a nasty argument like a day or two.

When presenting the gift, make the gift look special and make sure of the following:

  • The price tag is removed.
  • The gift has been appropriately wrapped or is in a gift bag.
  • You have attached a small card with a sweet note on it.
  • Keep the receipt in case you need to exchange the item.

When it comes to finding gifts for the impossible women, don’t despair because all you need to do is take some time to think a little outside the box. Show your woman that you do actually pay attention to her interest and the things that she likes by making a list of all the possible gifts that you could give her that will showcase or highlight her interests and passion. She will be thrilled with the effort and care you put into finding the perfect present and also make sure to choose an appropriate time to present the gift. Always remember a happy woman leads to a happy life.







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