What to Say to Someone Who Lost Their Grandma
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Losing a grandma is one of the saddest and hardest times in a person’s life.
- When your friend has lost their grandma, you will want to do and say something that will make them feel better – without downplaying the severity of the death and its impact on their mental health, of course.
- In this article, we have come up with a couple of respectful and empathetic things on what to say when your friend’s grandma dies.
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Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things we go through as humans, but also one of the inevitable. When one has lost a loved one, one is likely to experience grief and this may go on for a while.
Grief is a normal emotional response to losing someone who meant a great deal to you. Depending on how much you cared for the person and how long you had known and loved them, your grieving period may be longer or shorter. A survey conducted by WebMD in 2019 showed that on average, a person will grieve heavily or intensely for 6 months to a year after which the feeling subside but not go away completely.
Time we Need to Grieve. Source: www.webmd.com
When a friend’s grandma has passed away, we may find ourselves short of words, unsure what to say that will make our friend feel better and ease their pain. The truth is there isn’t just one way of grieving, different people grieve differently and it is important to take note of this when you are about to send condolences message for the loss of a grandmother to your friend. Notice how they are grieving – are they crying, using humor, or are they indifferent? This will help you in how you approach them about the situation and how you can help elevate their spirits during this difficult time in their lives.
Here are a few loss of grandma messages that you can send to your friend to pass as condolence for the loss of their grandmother:
1. “I am deeply sorry for the loss of your grandmother. I know how close you two were and I can’t begin to imagine how difficult this must be for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything at all. I am here for you.”
2. “Please receive my sincerest condolences for the loss of your grandmother. She was such a beautiful light to this world and she will be missed terribly.”
3. “It is sad that I have to message you under these circumstances. I am so sorry for your loss and I wish I could do more to stop you from hurting. I am here if you need to get away from yourself – anytime. I love you, hang in there.”
4. “I remember the first time I met Nonna… She made me feel like I was part of the family, effortlessly. I will miss her terribly and I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now.”
5. “Heaven surely has gained an angel. Your grandmother was one of the best people in this world – I hope that when you remember her, you remember her light, her laughter, her love. May her soul rest in peace.”
Below are some losing your grandma quotes you can use to express sympathy to your friend over the loss of their grandmother.
1. “My thoughts are with you during this difficult time. I wish you love and strength to get through these dark times.”
2. “Please receive my deepest condolences on the loss of your grandmother. I hope that you can find light, laughter, and hope through the memories you hold in your heart for her.”
3. “I am sorry that you have to go through the loss of someone so important to you. I am sorry you are hurting so much right now and I hope the memories you have of her are enough to get you through the darkest days. If you ever feel like talking to someone know that I am here for you with an open mind and an open heart.”
4. “I hope that you and your family can come together in these difficult times to cherish and appreciate the life that was your grandma. She was truly one of a kind, a rare soul, and a breath of fresh air in this world. She will be deeply missed by all.”
5. “If your grandmother taught me anything it’s to love and cherish your loved ones while you still have them. As sad as you are during this time, I hope you can look around you and see how much love you still have around you. You and your family need each other during this moment and I pray that you can all get through it.”
Related Article: Sympathy Gifts for Loss of Grandmother
1. “Life has to end. Love doesn’t.” – Mitch Albom
2. “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we deeply love becomes a part of us.”- Helen Keller
3. “The dead never truly die, they simply change form.’ – Suzzy Kassem
Sometimes when you are going through the loss of a loved one such as a grandmother, it helps to write them a note or a letter. You may choose to keep the letter or tear it or even burn it. Here are a few words you can write in the letter to your grandma:
1. “I think about you every day since you left. Sometimes it is hard acknowledging that I will never see your face again, or hear you laugh, or even be stern with me. I wish I had told you ‘I love you’ one last time – and then a million more times after that. I miss you all the time.”
2. “I hope you are somewhere out there looking out for me – for all of us. I choose to see you in everything that is beautiful and brings me joy in this world. You are in everything that is good. I love you, grandma.”
3. “I know this separation is temporary and I take a great deal of comfort in that. I will have to learn how to live without you, for now. Until we meet again soon.”
- How do you comfort someone who lost a loved one through text?
Comforting someone via the phone can be a hard thing to do because often emotions aren’t conveyed over well through text. However, you can still use emoji’s to communicate the emotions you are trying to express. Additionally, you can send any of the messages and quotes presented to you above to let them know that you are thinking about them and that you will be there for them should they need you at any time during their mourning process. Be empathetic, express your condolences, and let them know to come to you when/if they ever feel like venting out to someone and leave it there. People who are grieving may not always have the energy to respond to messages, do not take this personally – when they are ready, they will respond to you and even if they don’t understand that they are going through so much emotionally.
- What should you not say to someone who lost their grandmother?
As with any other person who is going through the loss of a loved one, it is best to refrain from telling them that their loved one is “in a better place now” or that “they lived a long and fulfilling life” Even though your intentions may be good, it comes across in a negative light and tone-deaf to the situation at hand. Avoid trying to put a “positive spin” on the death of your friend’s grandma.
For the question what to say to a friend whose grandma just died? We have come up with a number of ways in which you can express your words of condolences to your friend for the loss of their grandmother. Remember to always be empathetic with your messages. Let your friends know they can count on you during this time and whenever they need you during their grieving period.
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