What to Say When Giving a Gift Card
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
What to say when giving a gift card is the most common question asked online. It might seem pretty easy to give a gift, but things can get a little tricky. You can’t say the same things to all people who are receiving a gift card. It’s important to choose an appropriate phrase depending on your relationship with a person. You won’t have the same approach when giving a card to your boss or when giving it to your life companion. To help you choose the most suitable way to act when giving a gift card, we made this detailed article. We composed it after thorough research, and we included our tips as well as other people’s recommendations. Once you get through it, you won’t have any issues with what to say when giving a gift card.
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Getting a Gift Card
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Most people are stressing about getting a gift card even when it seems like the best available solution and the most useful one. They fear to look too impersonal when giving a gift, especially when giving it to their girlfriends or boyfriends. However, the popularity of this gift type tells us how well-received it is. For one year, Americans tend to spend over 30 billion on gift cards. Crazy, right? Nevertheless, it has to be very successful because the numbers are not going down, and people continue to get them every year.
If you want to give it a shot, we have a few tips for you. They’ll help you get a proper gift card for the purpose.
Personalizing a Gift Card
You can get a gift card in your bank or any of the local stores. If you’re giving one to your boss or coworker, a bank card is an excellent choice. You don’t have to wonder whether you picked the right kind of store as the person gets to use a bank card wherever he or she wants.
Still, if you want to give a card to a special someone, you should avoid bank cards when possible. It’s not that they won’t like them, but it’s about making a more personalized gift. You should know your friends, partners, and family members better than people from work. Therefore, you’re supposed to know which stores they love and get a card from there. There’s a no better gift card than the one that a person can use in his or her favorite store!
Deciding on the Amount
The amount of money you’ll put on a gift card will depend on your finances. However, some general boundaries do exist, and they are all about the person you’re about to give a card. For example, you’re supposed to spend 10-20 dollars on your coworkers, 30-75 dollars on close friends and siblings, and 75 dollars or more on your spouse or any other significant person. Of course, you could add more money depending on your budget, but try not to give too much anyway. A large amount of money might be seen as an inappropriate gift and make people feel uncomfortable.
Writing a Note
Don’t forget to write something when giving a gift card. What to write when giving money as a gift, you may ask? You can write a lot of things, from personal stuff to general phrases. For example, if you got a gift card for your friend’s favorite restaurant, you can write something like: Enjoy a steak in your favorite place!
When writing for your special someone, you can let yourself be carried away and write more stuff to show your love. However, avoid this strategy when writing for a boss or a coworker. You want to keep it simple and formal, so there won’t be any misunderstandings.
Lastly, there’s nothing wrong to re-gift a card you’re not planning to use. However, don’t forget to talk with the person that gave you a gift card in the first place. Ask him or her whether it’s ok for you to pass a card to someone else as you’re not going to use it. Also, make sure not to give it in the same circle of friends and family where you received it.
Wrapping It Up
Watch this video: Life-Changing Gift Wrapping Hacks
You shouldn’t skip the step of wrapping up a gift in a paper. You can’t just hand over a bare card! No matter whether you’re giving expensive jewelry, tech gadgets, socks, or any other stuff, each one of the gifts should be well-wrapped. Otherways, it’s not much of a surprise at all!
Now, once you picked a gift card and wrapped it up, it’s time to give it to a living person. Continue reading our article if you want to find out what to say when giving money as a gift.
What to Say When Physically Giving a Gift Card
Saying something when giving a gift card is just as important as choosing the right one and wrapping it up. Don’t worry, you don’t have to say anything special! It’s all about simple phrases, but some people do have difficulties with them. Especially when you have to give one to your boss, coworker, or other people that are not so close to you. Here are some things you should consider when giving a gift card:

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/what-to-say-when-giving-a-gift-card/
A Receiver of a Gift Card
Are you about to give a gift card to your special someone? Maybe your boyfriend, girlfriend, or a close friend? In this case, you should think of witty things to say that also show how well you know that person. For example, if your friend is running low on cash yet he or she desperately wants a sweater from a local store, you can go with something like: Here you go, now you can buy five of them to wear every day! Or maybe you have a family member that could use a coupon for a spa center: Please take this little gift to relax and enjoy some time in the spa!
It’s simple as that, you just need to think about the things you know about a person who is receiving a gift card.
First and foremost, you should keep in mind the occasion for which you’re giving a gift card. Then you can express your wishes for a birthday, a wedding, Christmas, and other situations. Simple phrases for these events are always the best. You can go with something like Happy birthday, I hope you have a great time at (name of the place where a person can use a gift card).
Another thing you can do is to include a phrase about the location where a person can use a gift card. You can always express your hopes that a person will have a great time at their favorite restaurant, coffee shop, shopping center, etc.
Here’s a list of catchy gift card phrases you can use when giving a gift card:
- I got you something. I hope you like it.
- I thought you might like to update your wardrobe (driving gear, tech stuff, etc) from your favorite store.
- Have a great time at … (name of the store, restaurant, or any other location in which a gift card works)
- It’s something small, but I hope you like it.
- I thought you might like this for… (birthday, Christmas, etc)
- To (name of the person receiving the gift) with love from (name of the person giving the gift).
- Wishing you all the best…
- With my love to you, (name of the person giving the gift)
Common Questions About Gift Cards
We noticed that people have a lot of questions about gift cards. To save you from scrolling down countless google pages and looking up into all of them separately, we answered some of the burning questions that might help you out.
Is it a rude gesture to give a gift card?
This is the most common question asked online. Truth to be told, there’s no consensus about it. Some think you should avoid getting a gift card while others think it’s a fabulous idea. We think you should follow your hunch! A gift card might seem too impersonal to some people, but it’s not rude by no means.
If you know that a person could use some extra money to spend or loves shopping in a particular store, you can’t go wrong with a gift card. It’s also very convenient to get it for your boss and coworkers as you’re not supposed to give them anything special, but you do need to buy something! Just make sure to take into account the personal wishes of the person you’re giving a card.
How to make a gift card more personal?
If you’re worried that a gift card will seem a little impersonal, but you still want to get it, you can make it more personal with a note or two. Write down witty remarks and personal notes that show how well you know a person who is receiving a gift card. In case you are wondering what to write in a card when giving money, you can scroll up to the middle of our article. We included some common phrases and gift card quotes to help you out.
How much money to put on the card?
It mostly depends on your budget limitations. If you have some extra cash to spend, you’ll probably give more money. However, you shouldn’t let yourself be carried away. You could make people feel uncomfortable if you put a large amount of money on a card. For example, the recommended amount for a boss, coworker, or other people that are not so close to you is 10 to 20 dollars. You can spend more on your close friends and loved ones. In this case, a range from 30 to 75 dollars is preferable. If you have more money to spend on someone special, don’t hesitate to add a few more bucks.
Is it ok to re-gift a gift card?
Yes, you can re-gift it if you’re not planning to use it. Just keep in might that you might offend a person who gave you a gift card in the first place. Talk with him or her and ask whether it’s alright for you to give a card to someone else.
Should I include the receipt?
Putting a receipt in an envelope with a gift card may seem odd, but we highly recommend it. The only time you may want to skip this step is when you buy a card at the last minute. It could be a little bit rude to include the receipt of a gift you bought only minutes before a birthday party.
Also, you might want to write the amount available on the card. It will save the owner from having to check it online or going to the store.
Keep in mind that you’re not expected to say anything in particular when giving any gift, including a gift card. Of course, people love when they hear something funny, gift-related, but if you can’t think of anything at all, keep it simple. Express your gratitude with your relationship with that person, and the hope that he or she will like the gift. Don’t stress too much about saying the right words because there aren’t any. Simple phrases and sayings work just well. People will be thrilled with a gift and the chance to spend some time and money on their favorite places. Therefore, our ultimate advice for what to say when giving a gift card is to keep it simple for a grand success!
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