WhatToGetMy Instructional Article


Facetime is an IOS feature that allows you to video call other IOS users for free using iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks. When you have unlimited chat time with your friends, it can be easy to run out of things to talk about or do and that’s where this list comes in – we have compiled 15 of the best things to do when you’re on facetime with your friends that are creative and fun.

When you have unlimited chat time with your friends



Perhaps one of the most obvious things to do on facetime with your best friend is to talk to each other. If you and your best friend are Facetiming each other, chances are that you are not around each other and this is a great opportunity for the both of you to catch up on each other’s lives. Ask them what they have been up to since the last time you spoke, tell them about that interesting thing that happened to you on your way back from work or school or the store, ask each other how you are feeling emotionally. There are so many things you and your best friend can talk about that can fill up the hours. Talking to your best friend over the phone is probably high up on the things you can do with your best friend to show them that you love them.


If you are wondering what to do on facetime with your friends, we suggest that you should try learning Tiktok dances together. With the sweeping popularity of the video-making platform, Tiktok dances are easy to learn and usually go viral. You and your friend or friends can practice over Facetime so as to perfect your dance moves for when you meet in person – this is an especially good idea when you have a curfew at home but you still want to perform and rehearse with your friends.


Another one of the things to do while on facetime is to watch a movie together. How does this work? Well, you and your friend or friends will choose a movie that you like and would like to watch, you will each play the movie in your specific locations and watch it while still connected to each other on facetime. This gives you the same results as though you were watching the movie together in the same room. You can comment on the events of the plot of the movie, and pause for bathroom and snack breaks if needed. This is a great way to spend time together and do activities together even if you are not together physically.


Another one of the cooler things to do on a facetime call with your friends is to cook together. Look up a recipe online that you both want to try making and help each other through it by cooking together and instructing each other throughout the process. This is a special way to be able to create a meal from the comfort of your home and to not have “too many cooks in the kitchen” which can often lead to conflict. This way of cooking together is advantageous in that you can both move freely around your kitchens without interrupting each other or stepping on each other’s toes – both literally and figuratively.


Another one of the many amazing things to do on a facetime call with your friend is to online shop together. Find a website you both want to shop from and go through their catalog telling each other what you would like to buy and what you think the other person should buy and general opinions on the items you each select.


And lastly, but definitely not least, on the list of fun stuff to do on facetime with your friend is to help each other clean and organize your rooms. Talking to your friend while cleaning your respective rooms will surely make the cleaning process go by faster and seem effortless. You can even give each other advice on how to arrange the furniture and share some decluttering tips too while you are at it.



One of the best virtual games to play on facetime is trivia. To play this game with your friends, you have to assign one person as the game’s master or the emcee, this person will be in charge of reading the trivia questions and assigning points to those who get the answers correctly in the fastest amount of time. The best part about trivia is you can either play one on one or in teams, depending on how many people are playing. The more people there are, the easier it is to play in teams.


Another one of the bored games to play on facetime is called This or That. in this game, the players will take turns asking each other to choose one option out of two. For example, one might ask the other “chocolate or vanilla” and the other player has to choose which one of the two options they prefer. This is typically a game just played for fun and there are no scores awarded to anyone.


Playing truth or dare on facetime is quite easy and fun because it can be played with as few people as two. There are so many dares to do on facetime and you can either download an app that prompts the truths and dares or you can each take turns asking each other truth or dare questions that you make up on the spot. Whatever your approach, be sure to have fun with the prompts of the game.


One of the most fun games to play on facetime is the masked dancer and here is how it works. A player will disguise themselves using emojis, filters, and animated emojis and dance to a song of their choice. It is up to the other players to guess who the dancer is and after everyone has guessed, the disguised player must reveal themselves. This is a fun game to play with 6 people or more to make it more challenging on guessing who the dancer is. This is a game you play for fun and there are no scores being kept or awarded.


Newlywed is one of the best facetime games for couples to play on game nights when they are away from each other or when they are dating long distance. This is one of the best games to play with your boyfriend over the phone that is easy and fun to play. To play this game, you and your partner have to send each other pictures or messages of answers to questions concerning their relationship. For example, where we first met, our first date, when I said I love you… and so on and so forth. The person with the most correct answers or quickest to respond, or with the most sentimental answer wins that round. This is also a great way to find out how much your partner knows about you and the relationship.


Another one of the best virtual games to play on facetime is “never have I ever”. To play this game, you or the other player has to, in the form of a statement, say something that you or they have done (or haven’t done but suspect the other person has) and the other person has to agree or disagree with you depending on whether or not they have done said thing. For example, you can say “Never have I ever cheated on someone I was dating” now if the person you are playing with has cheated, they have to say “I have” and if they have never then they have to say “I have never.” You can turn this into a drinking game if you are of legal drinking age – for the person who has done the thing to drink one instead of saying that they have done the thing.


Another one of the most fun games to play on facetime is Pictionary. To play this game, the player whose turn it is to play picks a word from a random Pictionary generator and try to draw whatever the word says, the other player has to guess what the word is based on the drawing by the other player.


Another one of the best virtual games to play on facetime is would you rather. To play this game you will be asked to pick between two scenarios and you have to choose which one you would rather do or have done to you. For example, “would you rather have a million dollars but never have to talk to your family or friends ever again, or let your friends and family each get a million dollars but you get nothing?”

The options can be as silly as you want them to be or they can be as morally crippling as you want them to be – you and the other players decide what kind f=of game you want to play.


And lastly, but definitely not least, one of the fun things to do on facetime is to play the game Word Association. To play this game, one player says a word, and the other player or players have to say what they associate that word with. For example, if player one says the word “bank” then the other player or players say words that they associate the word bank with such as “teller” and “piggy” the purpose of this game is simply to have fun with vocabulary and it does not need t to have any scores whatsoever.

Related Articles: Things to talk about on facetime with your boyfriend


1. What can you do with your best friend on Facetime? 

There are many things to do with your best friend on facetime, you can talk to each other, listen to music together, listen to poetry together, read a novel together, help each other with homework, help each other with family issues, and/or mental issues, play games together, and so many other things that have been included in this article. The best thing about talking to your best friend on the phone is that it is your best friend and therefore talking to them should come very easily to you meaning that it will be very easy for the both of you to find interesting and fun activities to do while on facetime. 

2. What games can you play with your boyfriend on Facetime?

According to a survey conducted in 2010 by Tatango, over 80% of 16-17-year-olds use SMS daily as a form of communication followed closely by 20-24-year-olds with 78%. This means that if you are in your dating years, chances are high that you and your partner’s primary mode of communication is through texting, so why not make it fun and challenging by adding texting games to your daily text routines?

There are so many games that you and your boyfriend can play on facetime and some of them are; 20 questions, truth or dare, never have I ever, chess, kiss marry kill, two truths and a lie, and personal trivia – just to mention a few. You can always come up with new games to play with your boyfriend to keep things interesting and fun in your relationship

Percentage of respondents who use SMS daily


In conclusion, this article has presented you with 15 fun things to do on facetime with the people you love – friends, family, and people you are romantically involved in. we hope that this list will help make your facetime calls a little more interesting and fun and something you can look forward to doing with the people you care about frequently.





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