How to Be Nice to Your Brother
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Being nice to your brother is a sure way to build bonds of love between you as siblings. As you read this article, you will find out ways of being nice to your brother by:
- Saying nice, sweet things to him and some examples of some nice, sweet things to say to him;
- Being a good older brother and how you can do that;
- Doing fun things with him and some examples of some fun things to do with him;
- And finally how to get your brother to like you.
Sources of inspiration in life for young people (16-24) in Great Britain in 2013. Source: Statista
Siblings can be a huge source of inspiration to each other, and the above survey seen from Great Britain (found on Statista) confirms this. In the same way that siblings can inspire one another, there can also be rifts and acrimony between siblings if they do not cultivate healthy, positive attitudes and approaches to one another.
In our articles on How to make your brother shut up and How to get your sister to shut up, we pointed out that despite how annoying older or younger sisters or brothers may get, it is always best to adopt a more conciliatory approach in getting them to stop being annoying. This is because your relationship with your sibling is one of the most important lifelong relationships you would have. When everyone else walks out on you, family always remains. Be sure to check out those two articles because they provide really helpful insights on the best conciliatory approaches to adopt when dealing with annoying siblings.
In this article, we want to show you how to be nice to your brother. Being nice to your brother will strengthen the bonds of camaraderie and brotherly/sisterly love between the both of you. And in this article, we will be showing you very helpful and positive ways of being a brother or sister who is nice to their brother, older or younger.
10 Nice, sweet things to say to your brother.
Table of Contents
The right words spoken at the right time makes all the difference in any relationship. And it is no different in your relationship with your brother. It is good to cultivate the habit of saying nice, sweet things to your brother. This not only tells your brother that you love him, but it also creates an atmosphere where saying nice, sweet things is the norm in your home and family. Saying nice, sweet things is another way of being nice to your brother.
Here is a non-exhaustive list/suggestion of 10 nice, sweet things to say to your brother.
1. You are such an awesome and amazing brother.
Even for the brother who knows that they are awesome and amazing, they can never hear this enough. These are words of affirmation that you should consistently tell your brother. It tells him that you appreciate him for the kind of brother he is to you.
2. I can’t even begin to imagine having any other brother (or brothers) because I can’t imagine any other person being as amazing and awesome as you are.
This is both flattering and sweet at the same time. It is another way of telling your brother that he is awesome and that you are grateful that providence made you siblings.
3. I love you my dearest brother.
These cliche words can never go out of use. They are as important in familial relationships as they are in intimate relationships. Family members, including siblings, should consistently affirm the love they have for one another at every chance they get. And this is no different with your brother. Tell him you love him every chance you get.
4. I bet other siblings wish they had you as their brother. Too bad I am not willing to share you with them.
This is another funny yet sweet way of telling your brother that you are so proud to have him as a brother. It tells him that you appreciate him deeply and do not wish to substitute him for anyone or anything.
5. I want to take you out today and spoil you, my treat.
Doing sweet things for your brother is another great way of building your relationship and bonding. These sweet words are every brother’s dream to hear. He would be super delighted to hear them.
6. Always know that I’ve got your back no matter what.
Siblings also ought to look out for each other, protect, and help each other out. And when you tell your brother these words, you make it clear to him that you are ever ready to help him and look out for him no matter what happens.
7. Anyone who messes with you messes with me.
This is another way of telling your brother that you will never stand or sit back and watch anyone deal anyhow with him. It is another way of telling him that you will always protect and look out for him. This is always a great confidence and trust booster.
8. So, today is the day where I give you that blank cheque you’ve always dreamed of. Ask me to help you with any chore in the house you’ve always wanted to ask my help with. The offer expires in 24 hours.
Which brother would not love to hear this? You will be giving him a dream come true with these words. This is a great way to help your brother and let him know that you want to help him. Although you should not make this offer if you have no intentions of keeping it. And be prepared to do the most extraordinary of things because it is after all a blank cheque.
9. Men, I have such a smoking hot brother if I may say so myself. All of the young ladies must watch out hahaha.
These words are a great confidence booster especially if you sense that your brother has body image issues or self-confidence issues. This will help give him the needed confidence boost to always see himself and his self-image in a positive light.
10. Dude you’ve got to teach me how you make any activity look so effortless with such incredible results.
Another confidence booster to let your brother know that he is great at the things he does. It will also warm his heart to know that you notice how much he does and how good he is at what he does.
15 Fun things to do with your brother.
Having fun together with your brother is another fun and exciting way of being nice to your brother. Here are some fun things to do with your brother.
11. Play video games.
If your brother is a video game lover, he would be excited at this chance to show off his gaming skills with you and beat you too. And even if you do not know how to play the video games that he likes, you can use it as an opportunity to get him to teach you something that he knows. He would love the idea of teaching you something new.
12. Go to a game arcade.
You can take the gaming outside the house by spending an afternoon at a game arcade playing and trying out different fun games. This is another fun way to relax and spend the afternoon as siblings.
13. Go to the movies.
A movie outing is sure to create a fun time after the movies, talking about what should have happened or not happened in the movie you watched. Pick a movie genre that you both enjoy and have fun with your popcorn and drinks in front of the big screen. If you have an outdoor movie option in your town that would even be cooler.
14. Binge-watch movies at home.
If you don’t feel like going out to watch a movie, you can turn on your Netflix or any other TV subscription you have, and binge-watch your favorite movies or TV shows. This is a cool way to have fun and pass time without worrying too much about what to talk about or do as you hang out.
15. Visit a theme/amusement park.
A visit to a theme/amusement park is a fun way to let down your hair and bring out your fun and playful side as siblings. Ride the rollercoaster together or your favorite rides. Just let your hair down and have balls of fun.
16. Go bowling.
Bowling is always loads of fun and your brother will enjoy the competition of seeing who can take down all their balls more than the other.
17. Enjoy ice-skating together.
Ice-skating is another fun activity your brother would enjoy very much and especially in winter.
18. Go out on a date together.
Dates are not reserved just for couples. Occasionally going on a date with your brother is a nice way to reconnect and catch up over a meal. This is a particularly fun activity if your brother stays outside town and can’t stay around for a long time when he eventually comes to town.
19. Play his favorite games or do his favorite pastime activity together.
This is one fun activity your brother would enjoy very much. It is a thoughtful fun activity that tells your brother that you are interested in him and the things he likes. And even if you don’t do the activity very well, the thought alone would move him.
20. Having a DIY day together.
Guys generally love DIY, although of course there are ladies that love DIY too. Your brother would enjoy spending the day with you piecing together DIY items. To make it more fun, have a DIY theme to work with. Or, you could decide to make DIY items for the house.
21. Having a food fight or water attack game outdoors together.
Unleash your inner child with a food fight of ice-cream and any other food items you fancy for a food fight.
But if you think your parents would not be impressed or take kindly to the wastage of food that would ensue, you can settle for a water attack instead.
Get out the hose pipes or water guns and see who can get the other wet real quick. Any of these two fun games are fun siblings bonding games.
22. Having a bonfire or campfire night outdoors at home together.
We all enjoy camping or bonfire together with stories and marshmallows and s’mores around the fire. You can make this fun by making it a fun hangout with your brother and his friends, plus your friends. With campfire or bonfire nights, more is always merrier.
23. Go hiking together.
Dust your hiking boots and find a hiking trail to try out together. Hiking is an adventurous adrenaline-filled activity that even your brother would enjoy. And not mention the health benefits it comes with too. A perfect win-win fun activity.
24. Try out a new restaurant in your town.
Did a new restaurant arrive in your town? Why not try it out together. And even if there isn’t a new restaurant, chances are you haven’t tried out all the restaurants in your town. So, why not find that restaurant or two you haven’t checked out and invite your brother along to try them out with you.
25. Traveling or taking a road trip together.
And finally, a road trip to a nearby town or city is another fun way to reconnect and bond with your brother. Get your road trip gear together and enjoy an adventurous ride on the road to a town you both haven’t been to. Our article on 19 Essential gifts for guys who drive a lot has a good list of helpful items you can pack on your road trip.
You may also like this related article on Sisters day out ideas.
4 Ways How to be a good older brother.
As the older brother, your younger siblings look up to you more than you realize. This is why the way you treat and interact with them goes a long way in shaping and determining the kind of long-term relationship you end up having with them.
You can be a good older brother to your siblings by doing most or all of the following things.
26. Spend quality time with them hanging out and talking.
Spending quality time with your siblings at home is one way you can be a good older brother. You can also decide to spend quality time with them outdoors too. The whole point is to hang out with them and get to talk as siblings to learn more about each other and the challenges you may have. It is a good time to get to know what they’ve been up to and what their plans are.
When you spend quality time with them in this way, you show them that you are interested and invested in their well-being and how you can contribute to positively shaping it.
You may also like this related article on Fun things to do with your sister at home.
27. Spend quality time with them doing the things they enjoy/like doing.
In this way, you get to learn more about their likes and interests. When you make it about them and doing the things they like with them, you tell them that you value them and that you consider getting to know their likes and interests a priority.
28. Spoil them now and again with gifts and treats.
Younger siblings love being spoiled with gifts and treats. And it doesn’t always have to be something big. Even buying them their favorite cone ice cream, cookie, or chocolate would do the trick. You can decide to spoil them to an afternoon outing. Whatever you can afford or give, it is the occasional thought in spoiling and treating them that counts.
Check out our gift article on Things to get your sister for her birthday for cool gift ideas if it is your sister who you want to spoil.
29. Once in a while, invite them to hang out with you and your friends.
Getting your younger siblings to hang out with grown-ups is good for their social development because it helps them develop social skills in interacting with a higher and different age group quicker.
You may be surprised (or not surprised) to know that your younger siblings think of you and your friends as super cool. And they would love any small chance you give them to hang out with your crew. So, rather than always shoving them aside when your friends come along, why not invite them along on one or two occasions.
You can tell them that if they are on their best behavior, you would consider inviting them to hang out with you and your friends to play games.
However, remember that given the age difference you would need to babysit them and help them feel comfortable and at ease with your friends.
2 Ways How to be a better brother.
In addition to all the 29 things listed earlier, you can also be a better brother by doing the following things.
30. Help your siblings with their chores now and again.
When you help your siblings with their chores now and again, you will become their favorite brother. Who wouldn’t love being helped with the chores now and again, especially if they are swamped with school work and other important things.
Occasionally offer to help them out and you would score extra brownie points for being a better and loving brother.
31. Make it a habit to ask them how they are holding up and if they need your help with anything.
When you consistently do this, you show your siblings that you are selfless and importantly that you care about their welfare and well-being. This will definitely make you a better brother.
How to get your brother to like you.
In the same way, you would like your brother when he does all of the 31 things listed in the earlier section, he would also like you too if you can do most or all of those 31 things for/to him. In short, if you want to get your brother to like you, extend most or all of the 31 gestures listed above to him.
Frequently asked questions.
1. How do I stop being mean to my brother?
The most effective antidote to meanness is kindness and love. If you are always mean to your brother, get intentional about being nice to him. And to help you do that, we have listed 31 helpful ideas of ways to be nice to your brother.
2. How can I express my love to my brother?
Being nice to your brother is one sure way to express your love to your brother. When you are nice to him in all or most of the 31 ways listed in this article, he will be in no doubt about your love for him.
3. How do you get along with your brother?
Communication is a great tool in trying to get along with your brother. Spend quality time with each other getting to understand your different temperaments and the likes. Also, enjoy fun activities together. Having fun together is another sure way to build brotherly love between you. And we list 15 fun things you can do with him in this article.
4. How do you show your love to siblings?
When you do all or most of the 31 activities listed in this article to your siblings, they would know with no shadow of a doubt that you love them.
In conclusion.
Being nice to your brother is a sure and guaranteed way to show him that you love him. You can be nice to him in any of the 31 ways listed in this article. Remember that the key is consistency. Do these 31 activities consistently until they become second nature and the new normal in your relationship with your brother. And there can be no doubt in any of your minds about the brotherly bond of love that exists between you.
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