How to Celebrate a 50th Birthday Without a Party
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Turning 50 can be quite a daunting experience for many people. There are generally shared feelings of worthlessness as the impending mortality becomes even more apparent
- As you approach your 50th birthday, it is important to take a step back and reflect on what you have accomplished in life so far and plan on your future.
- This article shares with you some of the activities you can do on your own and with/for others to help you gain some new perspective in life.
Table of Contents
Physical changes are expected especially with such a milestone age – the big Five-Oh! However, these changes will vary from person to person because of several reasons such as diet, exercise, genetics, and so on. Here are some of the physical and mental changes you should expect to happen to you after turning 50.
- Strength: As a man after you have hit 50, you will notice that your physical strength will start dwindling away. This is because your muscles are weakened over time and therefore cannot withstand as much weight or force as they used to which in turn leaves you feeling tired and weak. If you are a weightlifter or someone who works jobs that require physical strength, be sure to be extra careful and take precaution and additionally visit your physician frequently for medical advice so as to avoid developing serious life-threatening conditions such as arthritis.
- Lower Testosterone: A drop in testosterone implies that (most) men will have a lower sex drive after hitting 50. This, however, can be rectified through regular exercise. It is very important to stay active in your 50s just don’t strain yourself.
- You Make Better Decisions: Young men do not have the capacity to make decisions that are their own. Most young men will let their decisions be influenced by their friend group or family. With age comes the realization of what truly matters and that is authenticity – being true to yourself – and with this realization comes the freedom of making decisions that are better for you and your life instead of trying to please others.
- Menopause: Perhaps the biggest one of all the changes is menopause. If you have reached 50 and still have a regular cycle, then you can most assuredly expect to hit menopause in your 50’s. hitting menopause affects different women differently – with feelings ranging from ecstatic to depression. If you feel depressed while going through or after menopause, please contact a therapist to help you navigate what you are going through.
- Wrinkles: You will most likely start to notice wrinkles on your face, around your eyes and mouth where your “smile lines” are. Remember this is a normal part of aging and embrace it with grace.
- Divorce: While most men go through a “midlife crisis” in their late 40’s women tend to go through theirs in their 50s. This is because for most women after 50 feel as though they are alone or as if they have been left behind – their children are grown and moving on with life and their lives are left without meaning or purpose. For most women, 50 is when they start to explore themselves, their likes and dislikes outside of being “mom” and “wife” and in most cases, this does not necessarily go hand-in-hand with their marriages and most women file for divorce because of the realization that they have limited time and they would rather spend it on their own terms doing what they like.
- Body Positivity: Throughout womanhood, women are pressured – by the media, friends, family, and partners – to look a certain way to be considered beautiful or (un)conventionally attractive and this leads to most women being self-conscious about what they wear, what they eat, and how they look.
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However, once women hit 50 they realize there is more to life than trying to look beautiful for the approval of others. Women at this age are no longer trying to live for the male gaze or seeking approval from other people and it is this realization that brings them freedom and it is why women in their 50s tend to be more confident in who they are and what they want and this extends to the way they define beauty and how they feel about most of the things that their younger selves cared about.
If you are thinking about things to do for your 50th birthday that does not involve a party of any sort, then this article is for you. We have compiled some of the best 50th birthday ideas that are not a party for your perusal. We hope we will help you to find the inspiration you need for your upcoming 50th, and oh – happiest of birthdays from us to you! Without further ado, here are a few ways on how to celebrate your 50th birthday both with yourself and with others.
There are many activities you can indulge on your 50th birthday. You have probably been wondering what to do for my (your) 50th birthday since its approach and you may even be dreading it. There is a lot of emotion that comes with turning 50 especially since we live in an ageist society where the older you get the more disposable or replaceable you become. You may be worried about your job, or your value as a person in society, and even your mortality – with all of these things on your mind, you may want to skip your birthday party and just pretend the whole day doesn’t exist. We get it. This is why we are here to tell you that it is okay to skip the party but take this opportunity to explore and learn about yourself and others. Here are some ways to celebrate your 50th birthday without throwing a party.
It is your birthday so it is quite natural to want to do things for yourself and on your own. It is very important, especially when you turn 50, to take a step back and reflect on the last four decades of your life and think of what you want to achieve and accomplish – in all aspects of your life – in the next decade of your life. Below are a few fun ideas for celebrating a 50th birthday on your own:
1. Spa Day:
Take yourself out and enjoy a day being pampered and primed by the best manicurists and masseuses. This is important because it will give you time to relax and reflect on your life up until your golden age. See your birthday for the blessing that it is and make the conscious decision to enjoy and celebrate it. Make mental plans for the next 10 years of your life and get excited for the new decade and chapter of your life.
2. Birthday Solo Vacation:
Jet off to that destination paradise you have always wanted to visit but never got around to going for one reason or another. Your 50th birthday should be a reason enough for you to finally take that trip. Decide on where to go for your 50th birthday and treat yourself to some much needed alone time. You can even turn this trip into a spiritual retreat – a ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ sort of thing where you visit the holy places in the world in an attempt to find your spirituality. This does not necessarily have to be a religious thing, but rather a search for life’s meaning and your purpose for being here – how do you contribute to the bigger picture? There are a few places to go for a 50th birthday that can help you find the answers to life’s most fundamental questions and some of them are Jerusalem in Israel, Kashi Vishwanath Temple in India, and Mount Sinai in Egypt just to mention a few.
Birthdays can be a time of reflection for most people. It is time to look at the blessings you have had in life, and be thankful for how fortunate you have been. It is also a good time to help improve other peoples’ lives in light of your gratefulness for all that you have achieved in your personal and professional lives.
1. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen:
If you are harboring the fear of becoming useless to society because of old age then volunteering at a soup kitchen for the homeless is just the kind of activity that you need. Not only will it allow you to feel a sense of fulfillment afterward, but you will also have learned the value of taking the responsibility upon yourself to help vulnerable people in your community. Additionally, this is a highly fulfilling experience and you will get to meet and interact with different people you wouldn’t have otherwise interacted with – remember, there is wisdom to be found in everyone.
2. Donate to a Charity of Your Choice:
Give back to the community that you grew up in or to a charity whose values and work you hold dearly to your heart. This could be a gift from you to others on your birthday, which is a bit of a reversal but it works wonders! Because not only are you helping yourself, you are also helping others get better help from the money that you are donating. You are choosing to passively take care of others who are less fortunate than you.
If you have a woman in your life who is about to turn 50, here are a few tips on how you can treat her on her big day without making a big deal out of it and throwing her a birthday party she would rather not go to:
1. Wine Tasting:
Take her to a wine tasting at a vineyard if she is a wine connoisseur. This is such a relaxed and fun activity to do and it will definitely create memories for both of you that will last you a lifetime. Search for a vineyard near you and book an appointment in advance and surprise her on her birthday for the outing.
2. Intimate Dinner:
Buy her a beautiful dress and take her out to dinner. Show her you appreciate her and are thankful to have her in your life and tell her how the world is a better place because she is here. This is very important because she might be feeling a little bummed out about hitting 50, so be extra nice to her.
3. Sweet Gift Basket:
What better way to turn the 50th blues around than with a basket of assorted sweets? This is a great gift because she can have it anytime she wants and in her own privacy so there is no judgment. And again, she is 50, she can eat whatever she likes!
4. Perfumes:
Because what woman doesn’t want to smell good? A good bottle of perfume will go a long way. Here are a few popular perfumes for women to help you find the right one for her.
For the man in your life who is turning 50, treating him to the things he enjoys should be your priority especially when he specifies that he does not want a birthday party.
1. 50 Favorite Beer(s):
Buy him 50 of his favorite beers. If he has a specific brand that he likes – because old dogs don’t learn new tricks – buy him that and wish him a happy birthday along with a birthday card. This is simple and most importantly it makes the birthday boy happy which is really all that matters.
2. Vintage Car Ride:
If he is a fan of old cars, a real treat would be renting one for him for the day and letting him drive it. This is such a special gift because it reminds him that he has people that care about him enough to remember his interests, and the drive will be time to himself that he might need to gain some positive perspective on turning 50.
Related Article: Things to Send Someone On Their Birthday
- What are some of the best 50th birthday themes?
The most common theme for a 50th birthday is perhaps the “Golden Milestone.” The 50th birthday balloons and overall decorations are draped in gold and there is some splash of gold confetti. This is an all-out party theme and it is preferred because it signifies a life well lived – golden! Other popular 50th birthday themes include The Great Gatsby which is elegant and reminiscent of a fancier time and the silver fox party which is a party dedicated to the beauty of old age. When picking out a theme for a birthday, it is important to remember what the birthday boy or girl likes. Check out these 50th Birthday Dress Up Themes for more inspiration on what themes your 50th birthday should have.
- Are there any creative ways to celebrate birthdays with no money?
It can be quite hard to plan birthday ideas with no money but that doesn’t mean it is utterly impossible. You can have fun cheap birthday ideas and activities for when money is tight. Here are some things you can do on your birthday with no money: you can have a movie night – invite your friends over and pick out your favorite movies to binge-watch all night. Not only is this fun but it also costs you very little to nothing. Another cheap thing you can do for your birthday is to invite your close friends to a get together that requires everyone to bring their own bottles of preferred drinks. This way you only get to spend on snacks and save up on drinks.
If you are on the other end of this stick and looking for ways to spoil your loved one on their birthday without spending too much or spending at all, then you can give them gifts of Acts of Service and Quality time. This means that spending the birthday with your loved ones and doing things for them around the house lets them know you care about them and if you had the means you would have gotten them other forms of gifts. Check out our article on How to Throw A Cheap Birthday Party For Adults to help you with your ideas.
We hope you have found your 50th birthday ideas from this article. Although turning 50 might seem like a bleak affair, you should find some light within it. With age comes wisdom and with this wisdom, you can help others and also yourself become better and do better by humanity. Remember to take time for yourself and enjoy your own company, too.
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