How to Trick Someone into Saying Something Funny - 3 Funny Verbal Pranks to Trick People
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Humor is a very important factor in most relationships, and this is not even an exaggeration as shown by this graph by Socialpronow on what people prefer in a partner.
- Being funny attracts people because it creates a comfortable atmosphere to relax and release negative energy.
- This is why people who are funny generally seem to have more friends than not.
It is now a proven fact that laughter is indeed the best medicine. Okay, maybe not the best because it can’t cure cancer but it is right up there. You see laughter lifts your mood and relieves stress and in so doing makes your immune system stronger and reduces pain.
It also helps you relate better with people and believe it or not, burns calories.
Point is, humor is good.
There are several ways to be funny: you could crack a joke, act out a funny scene, or simply do something funny like farting with your armpits. The thing is though, those things all involve you. What if instead, you made other people the comedians for a change by making them say or do something funny.
Many of us have gone through it in teenagehood so this concept should not be new. Chances are, you’ve used some verbal mind tricks to play on your friends before and made them say something funny. If that is the case then the question is, why did you ever stop? And if you never did this at all, why didn’t you?
Playing funny verbal pranks on friends and others in general can be a great way to get some laughs and to connect with the person.
Some of these pranks can be a little personal however so we recommend that you use them based on the level of the relationship you have with the intended victim.
In this article, we shall show you some words and phrases to say to get other people to say something funny.
3 Ways to Make Other People Say Something funny.
1. Talk like the Flash – Funny Phrases to Say Fast
One of the best known ways to make people say funny things is to get them to repeat a phrase that sounds funny when it is said pretty fast.
The phrase itself would look totally harmless thereby drawing in the victim like a spider web but once they fall for it and say the words fast enough, the person goes from being an intended victim to an actual victim mwahahaha.
Funny pranks with no bad words
This is for those people who do not like to use profanity or for situations where profanity can get you into a bit of trouble. For instance, maybe you want to play a trick on your boss, it’s probably best you use these then not those ones that you would use on friends.
- Tell someone to say, “Ice Bank Mice Elf” as fast as they can and listen as it sounds like, “I spank myself”.
- Get the person to say the words, “Eye Yam Stew Peed”.They don’t even need to say this one fast to realize that they just called themselves stupid.
- Convince a person to say, “We Todd Ed” really fast and it will sound like they just defecated.
- If you want to make it seem as though a person eats poop then try, “I eat mop who”.
So remember how we inferred that you might be able to use these on your boss, it’s probably best if you don’t. But if you do want to know funny things you can do at work, here you go.
Funny pranks with Profanity
Humor always seems to be funnier when there is profanity involved for some reason so there are many more funny phrases to say fast with some form of profanity. Some of these are:
- Saying “Gabe itches” really fast a couple of times sounds like you are telling someone to acquire female dogs *nudge nudge wink wink.
- Also saying “sofa king awesome” fast a couple of times makes it seem like you think something is really awesome.
- Getting a guy to say “My Dixie Wrecked” a couple of times makes it sound like they are in an upright and locked position if you catch my drift.
- Tell a guy to say “nis I have no p” or a lady to say “Jyna I have a va” fast a couple of times and I think you’ll understand why.
- For a phrase that can be said both fast and slowly try, “Alpha Kenny body” and it sounds like the person has no standards when it comes to sexual relations.
In order to better convince someone to say these words, you could try presenting it as a challenge by telling them that they couldn’t possibly say the words above. Their competitive nature will get the job done.
Again, these are best used on friends and only certain kinds of friends for that manner so be careful when using them or you could get into trouble with the person you use them on.
2. That Doesn’t Sound Right.
Apart from making someone say something really fast that would end up sounding funny, you could also get people to say phrases that sound like something else when they are said out aloud.
Clean edition.
Some of the cleaner words and phrases to say include
- Telling the person to spell the word “pig” backwards and then saying “multiple colors”. This would make it seem as though the person pees different colors.
- Convincing someone to say “eye” and then spelling the word “cup”. They should probably stop looking at you peeing.
Explicit version.
As was the case above, profane phrases seem to be more numerous in number some of which include:
- Getting the person to hold their tongue and saying “I was born on a pirate ship”. This sounds like they were born wherever sewage piles up.
- Telling a person to say “eye” and then to spell “map” and then to say “ness”. Put together this sounds like the person is calling themself a male phallic organ.
- Continuing in the same vein, you could try convincing a guy to spell “i-HOP” and then to say “ness”. He would probably wonder why you hate his coitus tool.
- Asking a person to say: “ i 1 2 ½ 6”. They need to find their sexual partner ASAP.
- Convincing a female (one that you know quite well and can joke with) to look down and spell the word “attic”. She would simply be stating what she sees on her chest.
- Getting a person to say “I won a maths debate”. If they want to play with themselves, they need to get a room and stop being so loud about it.
- Telling someone to spell say “I.P.” and then “freely”. It would sound as though they need more bladder control.
3. Misdirection
We saved the best for last for you see, misdirecting people such that they say what they wouldn’t normally say or give a wrong answer to a question includes by far, the most popular and funny verbal pranks there are.
Some of which include:
- Telling someone to spell the word “pots”. After they do so, ask them the question, “What do you do at a green light”. If you do this fast enough, chances are that they will reply, “stop” when in fact they should reply “go”.
- A variant of the misdirection above is to tell a person to say “shop” ten times. Afterwards ask them what they would do at a green traffic light and they will most likely say “stop” instead of go.
- Asking someone to say “roast” six times and then asking them what goes into a toaster. Marvel as they most likely say “toast” instead of bread.
- Getting someone to repeat the following:
- This is this cat.
- This is is cat.
- This is how cat.
- This is to cat.
- This is keep cat.
- This is an cat.
- This is idiot cat.
- This is busy cat.
- This is for cat.
- This is forty cat.
- This is seconds cat.
Then tell them to read out the third letter of each sentence. This probably fooled you too.
- Asking someone if the capital of Nigeria is pronounced “Lay-gos” or “Lah-gos”. Their response doesn’t matter if they pick either because the capital of Nigeria is Abuja. You could also do this with the capital of Kentucky whereby you ask if the capital is spelled “Loo-ee-ville” or “Loo-wiss-ville” when in fact the capital is Frankfort. Feel free to add your own.
- Asking someone the question, “John’s father had four children named: East, West and North, what is the name of the fourth child?” They would most probably say the answer is “South” when it is indeed, “John”.
- Asking someone to say the word “silk” ten times and then asking them what it is that cows drink. They would most likely say “milk” but cows actually drink water.
- Challenging someone by saying that if you say the words, “pumpkin pie” really slowly, it sounds like “gullible”. God I hope only your friends fall for this or things could get awkward really fast.
- Playing the following scenario on someone:
You: I can make you say blue if I wanted.
Person: We’ll see.
You: What color is my (something that is yellow)?
Person: Yellow.
You: What color is my (something green)?
Person: Green.
You: What color is my (something black)?
Person: Black
You: Yes! I made you say black.
Person: But I was supposed to say blue.
Game over. You win.
- Asking someone the following: “If red houses are made out of red blocks, blue houses are made out of blue blocks, yellow houses are made out of yellow blocks and white houses are made of white blocks, what is a greenhouse made out of?” Friendly reminder, greenhouses are made out of glass not green blocks.
- Asking them the question: “You are driving from Durban to Windhoek. You leave Durban with 15 people and pick 5 more at Pretoria. You then get to Johannesburg where 10 people get off and 7 people get on. In Gaborone, 6 people get on and 8 people get off and when you get to Tsabong, 9 people get off and 4 people get on. You then drive nonstop to Windhoek. Don’t use a calculator but tell me, what was the name of the bus driver?” Just so you know, the answer is “you” because you were the one driving.
Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What are some of the most fun words to say?
- Badassery
- Bougie
- Flatulent
- Zozzled
- Gobbledygook
- Bumfuzzle
- Gardyloo
- Discombobulate
- Malarky
- Comeuppance
- Cantankerous
2. How do you trick someone to say something?
The most effective way is to misdirect them by making them think they are saying one thing when in fact they are saying something else. For instance, telling someone to say the word “eye” and then to spell “ICUP”. This sounds like them telling you that they can see you peeing.
3. How do you trick people’s minds?
You can trick people by misdirecting them For instance:
- Telling them to say silk five times and then asking them what cows drink. They might say milk when in fact it is water.
- Using your eyes to manipulate people to move in the direction you want by looking at them and then looking at the direction you want. This works in sports and when people are walking.
- If you want to make someone eat something. Tell them “Please eat (something) from the blue plate”. They would be intrigued by the blue plate and forget that they might not even want to eat the thing in question.
Making people laugh is a good thing as it makes you seem more relatable to people as shown by this graph from Socialpronow.
One way to do so is by making those people laugh by playing a verbal prank on them. As the graph above shows however, it is important that you do not play offensive pranks as people do not generally like them as much and if you do, it must be with someone close who enjoys that kind of humor or at least someone who you know would not mind it.
You should be careful not to overdo this however, because people can only find being the butt of a joke amusing so many times.
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