
8 of The Best Funny things to do on your last day at work

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

You have worked your notice period at work and your last day has finally arrived. But you feel that you are in two minds about how to spend it.

You are struggling to decide between two ideas. Not going in on the last day of work so that you can avoid the discomfort that you know that you are going to feel. Or if you want to go to work and spend your day doing funny things to your co-workers.

We know that the last day at a company can be horrifying and very emotional but you do need to go into work. You need to go in to say proper goodbyes to the people you have worked with for however long it has been.

Who says that you can’t have a little fun on your last day at work.

But, if you are going to have some fun, make sure that you keep it light-hearted. This means that you should not be rude but be as positive and friendly as possible. You do not want to end up humiliating or offending anyone. 

When looking for great funny things to do, make sure that they can be set up and executed reasonably fast. This is to avoid a long process of clean up which will disrupt your co-worker’s work for the day.

Once the fun stuff is over and everyone has settled down. You might also want to think about a few nice things to do on your last day at work for your co-workers to appreciate.

Before we get into some ideas that are funny things to do on your last day at work. These things will either scare your coworkers or make them laugh. Some of these are obvious things that you should remember which are usually known as the ground rules and they are:

  • Don’t do anything that will cause damage to the property
  • Choose your time wisely not to cause major disruptions to the rest of your coworkers
  • Don’t do anything that could injure someone else
  • Don’t go overboard by insulting anyone’s race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
  • Remember it is never a good idea to burn any of your bridges. Which are the result of being rude and telling your boss all the terrible things that you think that they have done in the past.

8 Funny Things to Do on Your Last Day of Work

Infographic 8 of The Best Funny things to do on your last day at work

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/funny-things-to-do-on-your-last-day-at-work/

Funny dress up

You can start off your last day at work by arriving dressed up in your favorite costume or funny and weird outfit. Make sure that your choice of clothing is a standout by using bright colors. You can even decide to arrive at work in your pajamas or that t-shirt that you’d never have dared to wear before. This will leave your coworkers with a lasting memory of you. They will talk about you for a long time after you leave.

Stapler or coffee mug set in Jell-O

This one is a classic “stapler in Jell-O”. You can even use an office coffee mug that belongs to the person you want to pull the prank on

For this idea to work, you will need an insane amount of Jell-O, a bowl to put the Jell-O in, a stove or any way to heat up water and a refrigerator. Fill your bowl up halfway with the Jell-O, allow it to cool, place the stapler or mug in the center of the bowl. Then cover it with the remainder Jell-O and allow that to cool.

Once it is set hard enough, hide it in the desk drawer of your co-worker, and wait for them to find it. This will definitely get some laughs.

Toffee Caramel Onions

Give your coworkers a real treat. But this treat is actually onions that have been dipped in toffee caramel to make them look like the classic toffee apples. To make them look like the real thing, place popsicle sticks into the center of each one. They will be so surprised when they take a good bite from it and realize that it is definitely not what they were expecting.

Scare the entire office with one chair

No-one ever thinks or expects that when you go to sit down on your office chair, it will scare you half to death. To pull this prank off you will need to make sure that you choose a chair that is set as far down as possible as it will help conceal the item you put under it. 

Then strap an air horn to the base pole of the chair under the seat. When the coworker sits down, their weight on the chair will hit the horn which will trigger it to squeal, sending the entire office into a panic.

The bug cup

If one of your co-workers is not very fond of bugs or spiders, you can pull the bug cup prank on them. Tell them that you found a bug or spider on their desk, but they don’t need to worry about it, you took care of it. 

The way you took care of it is by leaving a disposable cup upside down on their desk. There does not have to be an actual bug or spider under it. All that matters is that your co-worker will be convinced that there is something under the cup that they do not like and want to get rid of.

Co-workers work station desk filled with pictures

This one is for the co-worker that has the ultimate dislike of a specific type of insect or an animal. Cover their entire work area with as many different pictures that you can find of the things that they do not like. For example spiders, snakes, cats, dogs or whatever they may have mentioned.

The mouse that seems to be “broken”

This one is an oldie but it is still a lot of fun. Take a co-worker’s laser mouse and apply a piece of clear tape to the underside of the mouse so that it covers the laser. You can also write a note for them to see.

Watch them bang the mouse on the desk several times before actually turning the mouse over to check what is causing it not to work.

The mystery of the paperclip

This one is so much fun to watch. Make copies of a paperclip, about 20 or 30 copies and put the copies back in the paper tray of the copier. Sit back and watch co-workers make copies and realize that there is a paperclip on their copy. Think that there is a paperclip in the machine somewhere, so they start searching for it.

Another fun idea is to print out enough funny coworker memes. Match them to each person and place them on each of their desks. Funny memes are great last day at work message as long as they are not too over the top and too nasty.

Some nice things to do 

Once all the fun is over and the time for you to leave is getting closer. You might want to do the things that you should really do on your last day of work. Do things that nice for your co-workers and for your boss.

Things that you should do are as follows:

  • Write thank-you notes or thank-you cards to your co-workers
  • Thank your manager or your boss. But be specific
  • Give a farewell speech, send out farewell emails or say your goodbyes to each person individually
  • Turn over all your work items like work files, office supplies, badges, keys, and the work cell phone if you have one.
  • Set up an out of office email referring people to a new contact
  • Go for lunch with the co-workers that you are close to

With that been said, you might have some other questions that need to be answered, like:

  • What to say for your farewell speech?
  • What to write in thank-you notes or cards for your co-workers?
  • How to write a thoughtful farewell email?
  • Should you give your co-workers gifts?

Things you can say in your farewell speech

If you are feeling stressed about what to say on your last day of work. It is best to write down a draft to help you organize your thoughts. Then write the final speech down clearly because when the time comes for you to deliver it. It is likely that you could become very emotional and won’t be able to remember your speech at all. 

Open your speech by saying something funny or with a joke. But the body of your speech should be about your time at the company. It should include a reference to specific details of events that occurred. This helps make it easier to express your appreciation to your co-workers, managers and your boss.

It is best to keep your speech professional by being respectful and positive towards the company and your co-workers. Your speech is not the time to lash out at all the wrongdoing that you feel they have done. It is the time to be thankful for all the things that you have learned and for the support you received along the way.

What to write in Thank you notes or cards

A thank you note or card is something that your co-workers will keep to remember you by. It does not have to be all that complicated by going into too much detail. Keep it short. It is best to tell them how much you have enjoyed working with them, that you wish them all the best. If you want to you can tell them to keep in touch with you sometime in the future.

Writing a thoughtful farewell email to your co-workers

Sending out a thoughtful last day at work email to say farewell to your co-worker is a great way to end off your day.  You can start off your email by saying something like, “You may have heard that I am leaving the company and today is my last day”. 

Then thank your coworkers for their work and support during your time at the company. You can tell them how much you have enjoyed your experience working with them and let them know how they can contact you

Writing a thoughtful farewell email to your boss

It is wise to send your boss a separate email from your co-workers even if you did not like him or her very much. It does not have to be a long email but it should be a few sentences that you have written with a positive tone to them. The main purpose of the email is to thank your boss for all that you have learned and for how much you have grown as a person. If you wish to, you can even offer your help in the future for if and when they might need it.

If you are still unsure of what to write a farewell email or thank-you card to your boss, you can take a look at things to write in a boss day card for some ideas that may help.

Giving your co-workers gifts

You do not need to give your co-workers gifts on your last day at work. It is entirely your decision if you want to because you work in a small office and are friends with all of your co-workers. 

But only give gifts at the office if you have one for everyone and if not give the people who you have bought gifts for either after hours or when you are out of the office. It is best to stick to gifts that are non-food gifts for coworkers because that way your co-workers have something to remember you by.

When deciding on funny things to do on your last day at work, remember to keep it above board not to disrupt your co-workers, damage company property or injure anyone. The whole point is to have a little fun.





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