15 Ways How to Welcome Husband Back Home After Long Time.
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
A fitting welcome back celebration will make your husband even more excited he is back home after a long time away from you and the family. This article helps you with doing this by giving helpful insights into:
- 5 Great Welcome home ideas for husbands;
- 4 Romantic ways to welcome your husband home; and
- 6 Sweet Welcome back messages for husband.
As much as 3.75 million marriages are long distance marriages if the stats on Longdistancerelationships.com is to be believed. In that number will be wives who have to deal with the sadness of being separated from their husbands for a long time. And maybe you fall in this category and are looking for tips to tell your husband “welcome home, in your absence you were missed”. This article has just the right dose of inspiration for you. Read on to find out inspiring suggestions on:
- Welcome home ideas for husbands;
- Romantic welcome home ideas for him; and
- Welcome back messages for husband.
You will also like this related article on 23 Ways How to make your husband feel appreciated.
5 Great Welcome home ideas for husbands.
Don’t know how to welcome your husband back home after a long time, try out any of these 5 great welcome home ideas to tell your hubby “welcome back home”.
1. Surprise welcome home party.
Imagine the look of pleasant surprise and joy that would spread across his face to open the door to surprise shouts of “welcome back home”. This welcome home idea is especially fitting if your husband has been away for what is a considerable length of time, maybe on military duty or for whatever reason. Coming back to such a surprise party would warm his heart and show him just how much everyone has missed him.
Since you know when he will be coming back, let it not just be any return. Make it a return like no other. Get all his close friends and friends of the family together and give him an unforgettable return home. He may be exhausted when he comes back but being around all his close friends and family would immediately infuse him with fresh energy to at least enjoy the surprise party.
The trick to this party though is to not let it go on for a long time. Remember he has likely been on a long journey and is very likely to be exhausted and wants to rest. So, make it short and sweet. It can be as simple as everyone screaming “Surprise! Welcome home! and hugging him, having light snacks, and saying their goodbyes. You can then have an elaborate welcome back home party the next day or two days after.
Check out this related article on Surprise birthday ideas for husband with family.
2. Welcome back home party.
If you don’t want to have it as a simple and short surprise welcome back home party on the day of his return, you can plan for an elaborate welcome back home party for the next day or two after his return home. The advantage of this option is that he would have had the chance to be well-rested before the party.
Have the party venue decorated with memorabilia of his life with the family and friends. This will create the fitting sense of nostalgia that should envelop the party and remind everyone of what joy it is to have him home with everyone, and especially you. If he likes themed parties, you can make it his favorite themed party.
You can have this party at home if your house is big enough to take all your guests, or you can hire out an inexpensive community hall. Whatever option works best for you, a welcome back home party is a great option if you have a lot of people to celebrate his return home with.
3. Welcome home garden tea party.
This is a great option if you want it to be a small and intimate affair with close friends and family. You can simply have everyone gather in the garden to have drinks such as champagne, wine, or tea, and light snacks while spending some time with your husband. This intimate setting provides the opportunity for one-on-one interactions with your husband because everyone wants to hear what his time away was like.
Check out our article on How to throw a tea party for help with putting your welcome back garden tea party together.
4. Welcome home barbeque.
Get the grill out and have a grand time with a barbeque and some friends and members of the family. This is another great option if you are looking for a small and intimate alternative to a tea party.
5. Welcome back home dinner with the family.
And for a celebration that does not involve any other person but family, settle for the traditional welcome home dinner with the family.
You can have this dinner at home and his favorite restaurant. This welcome home idea allows you to celebrate with just the family and to enjoy your husband’s return without the fanfare of a crowd or other people outside of the family.
Romantic ways to welcome your husband home – 4 Romantic welcome home ideas for him.
You haven’t seen your husband in a long time and, understandably, you want to get cracking on the romance. Given that he has not been around, you have both not had the chance to enjoy intimacy together and thus you cannot wait to feel his touch again. Here are 4 great romantic welcome home ideas to try out as you anticipate renewed intimacy and passion with the love of your life.
6. Romantic candlelight dinner at home for two.
Candlelights with rose petals and romantic music in the background sound like a perfect picture to remind your husband of what he’s been missing. If you have children, consider having them stay with their grandparents for the night while you spoil your hubby for a night of pampering and passionate uninterrupted intimacy.
7. Romantic night at a hotel.
And if you don’t want to have the children spend the night outside your home, opt instead for a romantic night at a hotel. Check out our helpful article on 6 Exciting Ideas for a romantic night in a hotel to get exciting ideas of what to do at your romantic night at a hotel.
8. Romantic weekend getaway.
A romantic weekend getaway is a great option for bonding and reconnecting as a couple. The time away will bring you closer and remind you of what you’ve both lost in the time apart. Make it a weekend getaway either to a small quaint town or in a nature reserve or somewhere serene and calm with no distractions.
The weekend getaway could also be a road trip combo if your weekend away is in a small town or city not too far from where you stay. Use the drive/road trip to reconnect and remind yourselves of your road trips from the past. Check out our article on 19 Fun things for couples to do on a road trip for ideas to make the road trip fun and exciting.
9. Intimate picnic for two.
An intimate picnic for two is another great simple alternative to reconnect with your husband. Make it extra romantic by choosing a picnic park that means something to you and your husband. And if you are both feeling bold and daring, you can find a hidden spot at the park and have a steamy quickie. Wouldn’t he be thrilled to be reminded about the craziness he loves and adores about you.
Also, check out this article on Romantic evening ideas for married couples for more ideas.
6 Sweet Welcome back messages for husband.
When it comes to welcome back messages for your husband, say it like it is in your heart. If it is as simple as “welcome back my love” or “welcome home sweetheart”, tell your hubby just that. If you want some ideas to help you with keeping it sweet and delightful, these welcome home greetings and welcome home quotes will help you make your welcome back messages super thoughtful and sweet.
10. Welcome home my love, I have missed you sorely.
Simple yet profound words that convey just how much you’ve missed your hubby.
11. This home has not been the same without you. I am so glad you’ve come back home to me and our family.
It would warm your husband’s heart to hear just how valued he is at home and how much his return means to you and the family.
12. You have no idea how miserable it’s been having to wake up alone every day and missing your touch.
How sweet and mushy. Your husband would love to hear that you’ve been longing for him. Nothing gives a huge confidence boost like being desired by the one we love.
13. I’ve been looking forward to this day, and I am glad it has finally arrived.
And we are sure he has been looking forward to it too and is happy the day has arrived.
14. I didn’t realize how deep the hollow left by your disappearance was until you walked through that door. And I can’t begin to explain to you the joy and completeness that floods my heart.
Will this not make him shed a tear or two. This will warm and melt his heart.
15. At last, my missing rib has returned to me. I feel whole again.
Hahaha. Yes, laughter and love are what you want to have flowing in the atmosphere on his return.
And remember that even though your husband may not be around all the time, you can still keep things interesting with your husband over the distance. Check out our article on How to keep things interesting in a long distance relationship for helpful tips on how you can do this. Keeping things interesting over the distance would make it even more enjoyable when he comes back home.
Frequently asked questions.
1. How do you welcome your husband at home?
Welcome him with open arms, a big hug, and a passionate kiss. Basically show him just how much you’ve missed him. The 15 ideas in this article are great ways to show him just how much you’ve missed him.
2. How can I surprise my husband after being away?
A surprise welcome back home party is the best starter to surprise him after being away. After the surprise welcome back home party with friends, you can follow it up with a surprise weekend getaway for just the two of you. Or you can make it a surprise dinner for two.
Another exciting way to surprise your husband is to surprise him in the bedroom. Buy a risque lingerie and give him his sexual fantasy as a surprise welcome home treat. He wouldn’t know what hit him and after he’s recovered from the sweet surprise he may very well not want to leave again if he has to lol.
3. How do you make your husband want you all the time?
Being the wife that knows exactly what your husband wants and gives it to him all the time would make you very desirable to your husband. He would want you all the time. Some ways you can make your husband want you all the time are:
- Send him random sweet text messages on random days when he doesn’t expect it.
- Send him random surprise gifts like his favorite coffee or dessert at his workplace when he least expects it.
- Offer to help him out every now and again.
- Cook him his favorite dish.
- Make him look and feel good.
- Be his number 1 hype man, giving him a huge confidence boost for everything he does.
- Occasionally bring him breakfast in bed.
- Tell him you appreciate him. Check out our article on 23 Ways How to make your husband feel appreciated for tips on how to appreciate your husband.
- Be open to trying out new things in the bedroom and exploring his sexual fantasies as well as your sexual fantasies.
- You can give him a strip tease sometimes if you are open to such type of sexual adventure.
- Spend time together whether it is hanging out, watching movies, going on dates, or playing games. Cultivate spending time together as a couple and enjoying each other’s company all the time. This article on 35 Interesting topics to talk about with your girlfriend also has interesting topics you can borrow in your conversations with your husband as you hang out.
This list is not exhaustive but to give you an idea.
3.75 million Americans are in a long distance marriage. And this means when husbands who are away for a long time return home, it is always a thing of joy for the wife. Knowing what to do to make the return home enjoyable would make any husband always look forward to coming back home.
And with the 15 ideas listed in this article, you can be sure that your husband’s return home would be super enjoyed by both you and your husband. These ideas would make him look forward to his next return home. So, go ahead, and spoil your husband with these exciting ideas.
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