Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Someone Who Has Everything whattogetmy

Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Someone Who Has Everything

Nowadays, we all lack time! We run from our offices to our homes, with so many things in mind all the time. We manage our work, our home chores, try to have a social life, etc. It feels like having all these different voices in your head telling you: “You should do this, or that, or all together.” It’s exhausting, and it leaves almost no free time one can spend on himself or herself. As if all of that wasn’t enough, you wake up one day and realize you should have bought a gift for someone like weeks ago!

So, you’re going for a great last-minute gift, that’s not so bad. Or is it? Just as you think that things couldn’t get any worse, you remember that you’re supposed to pick a last-minute gift for someone who already has everything! There’s no way you’ll ever come up with a gift good enough for such a short time. There’s where we step in! Don’t forget that we are here to help you with those exact situations, where you feel hopeless and lost in trying to pick perfect last-minute gifts for that special someone or occasion like a birthday or Christmas. Therefore, take a deep breath and relax, we have some incredibly simple yet amazing last-minute gift ideas for someone who has everything.

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Quick Overview: Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Someone Who Has Everything

Last minute gift ideas for someone who has everything

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Amazon Smart Plug

The chances are, if a person already has everything, they probably have Alexa around. That makes it super easy for you to find an appropriate gift! Amazon Smart Plug is one of the most popular gadgets on the market right now. It works with Alexa to give the ultimate experience by powering up outlets with voice controls. All you need to do is to sit back and tell Alexa what you want her to turn on or shut off. You can control appliances around the entire house without moving from your couch! The device is super easy to use, you only need to plug it into the outlet, and open the Alexa app. You can use it for immediate actions or on schedule.



Amazon Smart Plug is a super useful device to have around the house. It controls devices with voice controls and allows you to sit back and relax after a tough day you had. We highly recommend it as a gift!

Outdoor Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

If you’re looking for last-minute gift ideas for friends, we recommend a Bluetooth speaker. Of course, we are not talking about just any type of speaker, but about a tough one designed for outdoor use!

VicTsing is a water and dustproof speaker. It’s perfect for adventurers who spend a lot of time outdoors. The speaker has a sturdy outer shell (tested IP45) that can withstand a lot of abuse. Additionally, it’s ergonomically designed for easy use and better overall experience. It’s compact, fits pockets, traveling backpacks, and bags! Of course, people also like it because it produces a clear sound, deep bass, and comes with a durable battery.



VicTsing is a Bluetooth speaker perfect for people who like to travel. It’s compact, easy to use, produces quality sound, and it’s completely waterproof. You can enjoy your favorite songs wherever you go, without worrying about damaging your speaker on the road!

If you’re giving a gift to an adventurer, we recommend taking a look at Adventurous Gifts for Him. We included some universal ideas that can be a great option for both men and women.

BalanceFrom Yoga Mat

Those looking for last-minute gift ideas for sister can finally take a break, we have a perfect thing in mind! BalanceForm Yoga Mat is an excellent choice for those who enjoy indoor training. Even more, if you want to motivate someone to start training, this is your chance to do it in a subtle and unoffending way!

What makes this yoga mat special is the high-density foam material. It’s super thick and therefore very comfortable. It provides excellent support for the body during exercising. Also, it has anti-slip surfaces for more security and better balance during different movements. Furthermore, people love the moisture-resistant material that is easy to clean and maintain. It proves to be very flexible as well, which makes it highly portable and easy to store.



A yoga mat is simply a perfect gift! Especially this one, a lightweight and compact option that allows for great comfort. It provides support for the entire body, ensures security during training, and it’s easy to maintain. People all over the market are thrilled with it! For more similar ideas, don’t skip to check out our article about Best Gifts for Someone Going to Basic Training.

Oster Rechargeable and Cordless Wine Opener with Chiller

One of the best last-minute gift ideas for someone who has everything is a wine opener. Yes, everybody has a wine opener somewhere around the house, but not a classy one like this one coming from Oster!

Oster Wine Opener operates on batteries, and it’s highly portable. People love it because it makes an entire bottle-opening process way easier. The device is also quite stylish and makes a great addition to every interior. We should also mention how powerful this device is. You can use it to open 30 bottles on a single charge! Thanks to the ergonomic design, this should be a super easy process. When it comes to the included chiller, you should know that it’s a thermal stainless steel cooler designed to last. It’s very useful to have it around the house.



Oster Rechargeable Wine Opener is a powerful device that makes drinking wine way more enjoyable! It’s efficient, opens up to 30 bottles on one charge, and it’s super easy to use. We think it also makes one of the best Birthday Gifts For Boyfriend Who Has Everything.

Takeya 10310 Cold Brew Coffee Maker

Are you’re wondering What To Buy When You Have Everything? Have you considered getting a unique coffee maker? If not, don’t miss to check this one out. Tekeya offers a Cold Brew Coffee Maker that will take your breath away!

Tekeya Coffee Maker is BPA-tested and perfectly safe for human consumption. It features sturdy and durable construction, with a strong lid and an anti-slip handle. The device can make about 4 cups of coffee at a time. It can produce hot or cold drinks, according to your preference. You can easily set it up thanks to the user-friendly design. Lastly, Tekeya Coffee Maker is a classy device, perfect for every home and office. It could make a great last-minute housewarming gift too.



You can stop searching for last-minute birthday gifts at last! Tekeya Coffee Maker is an excellent choice, no matter to whom you’re giving a gift. The device is super convenient for home or office, it’s stylish, and makes delicious coffee. Once you try a cup of coffee from it, you’ll want one for yourself too!

Salt Lamp

To help you with last-minute gift ideas for a girlfriend, boyfriend, or friend, we looked for some decorative stuff you can give to her. Finally, we came up with this beautiful lamp! It makes a perfect gift as it produces a magical lightning effect in every environment.

The lamp is handmade from the salt rock. It produces warm, beautiful light that relaxes and creates a soothing atmosphere. With a wooden base, it’s quite sturdy and offers a long lifespan. The light bulb is pre-installed in the lamp, and the power cord is about 6 feet long. You get to adjust the brightness according to your preferences. This gift can be a great last-minute gift to give someone close to you in person or to mail it if they live far away.



Even if you get this lamp for a gift, we recommend getting one for yourself! It creates such a soothing atmosphere that everybody needs it in its environment.

Letter Board

One of the best cheap and cool last-minute gift ideas for teenage girls and boys is a letter board. Well, honestly, everybody would like to have it! Felt Like Sharing board is available in more than 20 different colors! It comes in a gift box, wrapped in a pretty paper, with a case full of letters. It appears to be sturdy and durable. You can give it as a gift right away, no additional wrapping is needed! It’s perfect for every interior, including homes, offices, workshops, classrooms, and other places.



Felt Like Sharing Letter Board is designed for all generations! The youngest ones enjoy playing with it, while the seniors love to record their thoughts. No matter to whom you give it, you’ll receive positive feedback and make someone very happy!

Other Ideas to Consider

If you’re in a real hurry, and you don’t have the time to consider and pick some of the products we listed above, don’t worry. We have some super quick and useful alternatives for you:

  • Monthly subscription

A monthly subscription is always a smart choice, and you even get to decide whether you want to give 2 months or an entire year, depending on your budget. For example, you can go for amazon prime subscription, Spotify, or any other channel that interests that particular person.

  •  Flowers and Wine

This one is a classic, but if you’re in a real hurry, there’s nothing wrong with giving flowers and wine as a gift. We only recommend you to take a second and consider the type of flowers and liquid.

  • Chocolate boxes, cupcakes, or any other food

When it comes to last-minute gifts for your closest friends, you can always go for the food! Just think about it, you know those people really well, and you know what they like, from breakfast to dessert. Buy a big chocolate box for sweet tooth friend, or make cupcakes on your own for those who enjoy homemade meals!

Frequently asked question

1. Are these last-minute gifts suitable for men and women?

Yes, they are great gift ideas for both genders and some of them have no expiry date either and are easy to send mail making them perfect long-distance gifts too.

2. How to pick the perfect gift from the options above?

You should consider a few things like the occasion, person’s preferences, your budget, and of course, your closeness to the person. Once you have figured these answers out you can narrow your options accordingly.


In the end, we hope our list of gift ideas saved you some time and effort, and that you’re now more certain about what to buy and give. Our main goal was to make your life easier and help with the searching process with these 7 last-minute gift ideas for someone who has everything.







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