23 Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Doesn't Want You Back.
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Break-ups can be devastating and depending on the depth and length of the relationship, it can start to feel like you will never truly get over your ex girlfriend.
- Staying hung up on your ex girlfriend when she has moved on will be detrimental to your well-being. It is important to read the signs that she is never coming back well so that you can also do yourself a favor and move on.
- To help you make that important step in the right direction, we’ve compiled 23 of the signs you should be looking out for to know without a shadow of a doubt that it is time to move on with your life.
You can also read our helpful article on When should you give up on a relationship. Maybe it would help you see a silver lining to breaking up with your ex girlfriend.
Relationship breakups are not the easiest things to deal with. They come with pain and heartache, especially if it was a long term relationship. It can be difficult to accept the reality that your ex-lover is no longer your lover and that your life has to go on without them. For some people, this culminates in getting back with an ex, according to a 2012 survey seen on Statista where, as high as 46% of Americans surveyed got back together with their ex.
It is not however easy to return to an ex-lover. Sometimes, the ex-lover doesn’t want you back. And where this happens to be the case, there is nothing you can do about it. If your ex girlfriend doesn’t want you back, then you can rest assured that you are not getting back together, at least not anytime soon.
Choosing to be in denial about the signs that your ex girlfriend is never coming back will only serve to elongate your heartache and misery. It is better to accept these signs when you see them because you are deserving to be loved by a girl who loves you deeply. Accepting these signs when you see them will help you pick yourself up and move on so that you can find true love again.
But maybe you are not sure of what these signs are or are refusing to see or accept them. Let us help you out by showing you how to tell if your ex girlfriend doesn’t want you back. Read on to know all the signs you need to know about your ex girlfriend and the fact that she’s not coming back. You will also find the following other signs to understanding your ex girlfriend and the dynamics of your continued relationship with her:
- Signs your ex girlfriend doesn’t want to be friends;
- Signs your ex girlfriend isn’t over you;
- Signs your ex girlfriend never loved you.
You may also like this related article on Things to say to an ex boyfriend you still love.
7 signs your ex girlfriend doesn’t really want you back.
If you still need convincing that your ex girlfriend is never coming back, look no further than these 7 signs.
1. She explicitly tells you that it’s over for good and that you should move on.
She didn’t mince her words. She was very clear and told you in no uncertain terms that the relationship was over for good and that she was done with you. But because you are in denial, you convince yourself that she could not possibly mean it because how can she not want to be in a relationship with awesome you right?
Sorry to burst your bubble darling but she meant exactly what she said. A woman who entertained any faint hope that you guys would get back together will not tell you to move on in no uncertain terms. She would leave out that conversation because in her mind she hopes that you guys will get back together.
2. She is unfazed if she sees you with another woman.
Maybe you were hoping that by using another woman as a rebound or a jealousy prop she will come running back. And she shows you that it doesn’t bother her. In fact, she seems so happy for you; almost like she’s glad she’s not the one in the shoes of the woman you are with. She effusively congratulates you and tells your “new girlfriend” how happy she is for her and the both of you. Yup, that is certainly a woman that has moved on and is never coming back to you.
3. She enters another relationship and flaunts it in your face.
This is the clearest handwriting on the wall that she has moved on and isn’t looking back. It’s a lot more difficult for a woman who is emotionally invested in a past relationship to move on so quickly. If she’s already moved on so quickly and is with another lover and isn’t even trying to hide it, then you can rest assured that she doesn’t want you back.
4. If you were living together she wants you to take all your things from her house.
For the ex girlfriend who is still hoping that you guys find your way back to each other, she will conveniently allow some of your things to stay at her place. The hope is that it will be the connector that gets you both talking again, and hopefully get back together. If however, she can’t wait to get rid of everything about you in her personal space, then she doesn’t really want you back.
5. If she introduced you to her family, they become cold and frosty towards you because she’s told them that things are over between you.
She wouldn’t tell her family that your relationship is definitively over if she wanted to come back to you. She would leave them in the dark and pretend that everything is still rosy and that you guys are still together. But if she makes up her mind that it is over between you and lets her family members know and they, in turn, change their disposition towards you, that is another indication that she doesn’t want you back.
6. She has removed all your pictures from her personal space and her social media pages and has even removed you from her social media pages.
This is another sign that she doesn’t really want you back. Removing everything about you is her way of ridding herself of you for good. She doesn’t want to look back or be reminded of your relationship in any way. Usually when you see this sign, just accept that she is never coming back to you and that it is over for good.
7. She rebuffs all your attempts at trying to get into her good books and win her back.
And if you try to be nice and get in her good graces, she shuts you down very quickly. She doesn’t want to have any of it because she knows that it will give you the wrong idea and encourage you in thinking that there was a chance of getting back together. And since she has no interest in getting back together, she wants you to know categorically that there is no chance of that happening.
Who knows, she may have read our article on How to show your ex you don’t care anymore. You should probably also read it so that you find out how to move on and stop staying stuck on an ex girlfriend who is never coming back to you.
4 signs your ex girlfriend doesn’t want to be friends.
Maintaining a friendship with you is one way that could lead to getting back together with your ex girlfriend and she knows this. And so, to avoid that from happening, she will go out of her way to show you these 4 signs that she doesn’t want to be friends. She wants you to be left in no doubt that she’s never coming back.
8. She does not go out of her way to keep communication open with you.
You don’t need any special handwriting on the wall to let you know that she has no interest in being your friend if she shows you that unless you say hello she will not bother to check up on you. She will not go out of her way to stay in touch because she has no interest in being friends with you.
9. She takes her time to respond to your messages and may avoid your calls and never return them.
You also don’t need any sage person to let you know that when she starts doing this she has no interest in being friends. In some cases, she may even read your messages and ignore them altogether. Or when she responds, she responds in monosyllables and has no interest in taking the conversation any further than what you say. You can tell from the way that she responds that she is only being polite and has no interest in having a conversation with you.
10. She has deleted all your contacts from her phone and removed you from her social media pages.
And you will know this because if you perhaps called her, she answered and asked who she was speaking to. She deleted your contact as soon as you walked out the door because she considered that she was done with you and had no interest in staying in touch. If you also visited her social media pages you will notice that she has either unfriended and/or blocked you and even removed all your pictures on her social media pages. She wants you in no doubt that friendship is out of the question.
11. She is not concerned about being polite and nice when she eventually speaks to you and it’s almost as if she finds conversing with you or being around you almost an annoyance.
She doesn’t want you to get the idea that she cares enough to want to keep a friendship with you. And thus, she goes out of her way to show you that being polite or nice to you is the least of her concerns. You always get the sense that you are an annoyance to her by just being around her or just talking to her.
Find out more signs that she doesn’t want to be your friend in this related article on 11 Signs someone doesn’t want to be your friend.
7 signs your ex girlfriend isn’t over you.
On the other hand, is the girlfriend that hasn’t gotten over you. She is still crazy about you and hopes that maybe, just maybe, you can get back together. And maybe you nurse such hopes but are not sure of whether or not to make the move. You should not speculate anymore. If you still love her and wonder if she still feels the same way, these 7 signs should convince you that she isn’t over you just yet. That should encourage you to make your move.
12. She goes out of her way to keep in communication with you.
Does she still occasionally drop a hello and want to chat away? She still wants to know what’s going on in your life and can’t seem to stop talking when you guys start talking. That is an encouraging sign. An ex girlfriend that is over you would not want to maintain communication with you in that way because she has no interest in continuing to be friends on that level.
13. She looks for any excuse to be around you and hang out with you.
Suddenly she’s always conveniently in the neighborhood in places she knows you frequent. She wants to hang out almost always and she’s asking for opportunities to hang out and spend some time together. And it’s no accident. It is because she isn’t over you yet and would love a chance to still hang around you and get that energy she loves when she’s around you.
14. She tends to be flirty with you almost all the time.
She flirts so much with you that you are starting to wonder if you guys really broke up or are more than friends. She can go overboard sometimes with her flirty disposition. And this is her trying to tell you in a way that she isn’t over you just yet.
15. She compliments you almost all the time.
This one is another common sign of someone who likes you a lot. Everything about you takes on an extra special allure and she cannot help herself but just gosh about your awesomeness.
16. She still has you on her social media pages.
So, one way you know for a fact that a girl wants to move on from you or has moved on from you and does not want to be friends is whether or not she remains your friend on social media. If she wants nothing more to do with you she will unblock and/or unfriend you on all of her social media pages to make the point. If she still has you there, there’s a chance she’s not over you just yet.
17. Your pictures are still on her social media pages and personal space.
Leaving your pictures on her personal space and social media pages means she still attaches sentiment to them. She leaves them there as a reminder of what you guys shared. If you still see your pictures on her phone, her personal space, or her social media, there is a high possibility she isn’t over you.
18. Her close friends may make suggestive remarks about her still being hung up on you when you ask after her.
You might accidentally bump into one of her friends and ask how she’s doing and get an answer that would suggest that she still hasn’t moved on just yet. And if you have this answer, believe it because it means she isn’t over you just yet.
Read about more signs in our related article on 15 Signs someone is hiding their feelings for you.
5 signs your ex girlfriend never loved you.
The realization that your ex girlfriend may have never loved you all the time you were together can be a pretty bitter pill to swallow. And perhaps the pain of that realization is so hard that you want to ignore all the signs.
It is however important for you to be able to move on that you face up to that truth squarely. If on your reflection, you realize these 5 signs had been present throughout your relationship, then sadly it meant that your ex girlfriend never loved you while you were both together.
19. She was dating someone else at the same time she was dating you.
This one can be pretty painful. Perhaps when you broke up with her you realized she had been two-timing you the whole time. Do not lose heart or think that something is wrong with you. Cheaters are not a reflection of who you are but of who they are.
If you want to confront her about it, check out our helpful article on What to do when your girlfriend lied to you for helpful tips. You can also read our other related article What to say to someone who cheated on you.
20. She was using you the whole time and when what she was using you for finished, she left.
When you think back on your relationship does it appear like it was more of a relationship where she used you when she needed one thing or the other? Maybe she wanted to go out with you because she would get a free ride or a free meal. Or perhaps she wanted to hang out with you because of your friends. Whatever it was she believed she was getting from you, she suddenly changed once she realized she couldn’t get them anymore. That isn’t a girlfriend that loved you. She was a girlfriend that was using you.
And if you are still not sure whether she was using you, let our article on 7 Signs you are being used by a woman show you all you need to know about being used by a woman.
21. She only told you she loved you when she wanted something from you.
This is another disappointing sign of a girl that never loved you. It is consistent with the user that she was.
22. She hardly has regard for your feelings or the things you like.
When you think back on your relationship and the times you thought she would care, was she cold and indifferent? Did it appear she couldn’t be bothered about how you were faring? That is because she never loved you.
23. She never introduced you as her boyfriend while you were together.
And if this sign was present throughout your relationship, you don’t need anyone to convince you that she never loved you. If you had to fight before she eventually started calling you her boyfriend, then it was only done to appease you and not necessarily because she loved you.
Frequently asked questions.
1. I want my ex girlfriend back but she doesn’t want me. What should I do?
Let her go and move on with your life. You cannot force someone to want you who has made it clear they don’t want you. It may look like you won’t be able to find another girl that would be able to fill the vacuum created by your girlfriend but in no time you will be fine. And importantly you will find another girl as great if not better.
2. How to know if your ex boyfriend never loved you?
Even the boyfriend that never loved you would have displayed the 5 signs discussed in the last section of this article.
3. What are the signs your ex girlfriend is pretending to be over you?
She would show you the signs listed in the section that talks about the 7 signs that show your ex girlfriend isn’t over you.
4. How to know when your ex is truly done with you?
You will know when she shows you the 11 signs listed in the first two sections of this article.
Moving on from an ex girlfriend, especially one that you were madly in love with, isn’t the easiest thing to do. It is however important that you read and accept all the signs your ex girlfriend doesn’t want you back so that you can also move on with your life. And if you still don’t know what the signs are, check them out in the first two sections of this article, and start over again. And if your girlfriend never loved you, you can verify these by reading the last section of this article. And if you think there might still be a chance of getting back with your ex girlfriend but want to be sure you are reading her signs right, then check out the section on the signs your ex girlfriend isn’t over you for confirmation. And who knows you may just join the 46% who get back together with their ex.
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