
Things to Do for 21st Birthday Without Alcohol

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to celebrate your 21st birthday sober, while still having fun at it and making it remarkable? Perhaps you are a guy who doesn’t drink and you’re wondering what ideas you could explore in celebrating your 21st. Maybe you don’t have a clue what type of non-drinking games you can play at your 21st birthday party so that you and all your friends can still be sober the next day without a hangover. You are in the right place. In this article, we have done the research for you. Read on to find out the things you can do on your 21st birthday without drinking, and still have loads of fun. (For a related article on how you can do the same thing for a teenager’s birthday party see here).


You’re about turning 21 and you’re very excited. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for; when you legally become an adult. There’s no fun in turning 21 without a party to mark the high point of your transition into adulthood. A celebration to mark your transition into adulthood has to be a memorable and remarkable one. It has to be one that you look back on with no regrets.

The last thing you want is to wake up the very next day after your party, full of regrets and wishing you’d done things differently. Most often that is what a 21st birthday filled with alcohol results in. Where alcohol is rife, caution is thrown to the wind and things usually go awry. And that is the last thing you want for your 21st birthday celebration. This is why we have put this instructional piece together for you. In this article we want to show you how to enjoy your 21st birthday and make it a very memorable and unforgettable occasion, without alcohol. We also want to show you that it is very beneficial to you to celebrate your 21st without alcohol.

Now let us show you that you can have a fun-filled alcohol free 21st birthday party. In each of these suggested activities we will give you an idea of some tasks for your 21st birthday. These in the main consist of activities to make the day more memorable and fun. This is to bring it to life for you and get you excited and stoked to start planning for your booze free 21st birthday.


There are several things you can do without alcohol on your special day but in this list we have picked out the top 3 things to do on your 21st birthday without drinking, that are sure to guarantee you a remarkable 21st birthday. You can do all the 3 on this list or mix up one or more. To have the best experience, we will suggest doing one or more of these activities for a memorable 21st birthday experience.


Infographic Things to Do for 21st Birthday Without Alcohol

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/things-to-do-for-21st-birthday-without-alcohol/

1. A road trip with close friends: 

Gather your favorite squad and hit the road to perhaps a city or town not too far removed from you, but far enough to make you feel like you’re on an actual road trip.

This particular activity answers the question of where to celebrate your 21st birthday. The uniqueness of this activity is that rather than be in a bar or pub or someplace that would make you drink, you are out on the road enjoying and taking in nature with your friends and living in the moment.

To make the road trip more exciting, you can do the following on the road – what we will call a restaurant crawl. So this works in the same way as a bar crawl except this time you are sampling every available restaurant and the food they have. Once you have decided on the town(s) you are taking the road trip to, you can then carry out a Google search of all restaurants and eateries on the road to your destination and try all of them out on your way. Remember you are eating only the food and not taking their alcohol. This would make the road trip somewhat pricey but if you save up for it and add it to your road trip, it would be real fun. Other things to do – take loads of pictures; camp for one night and have a bonfire where you all have a heart to heart.

This activity though carries the potential risk of tempting you to indulge in alcohol by carrying it along. And so if you decide to opt for this activity, it is best to embark on the journey with friends who do not indulge and who would hold you accountable should you want to indulge.

2. A booze free hangout and/or sleepover with friends 

This activity is another one that answers the question of where to celebrate your 21st birthday. As with the road trip you live in the moment and enjoy your 21st with the closest friends that matter to you.

You can invite your closest friend(s) to a booze free hangout and/or sleepover. Again remember that this must be friends who do not drink. You and your squad can do the following to make the night more fun and less tempting to drink – 

  • have a karaoke session in the night; 
  • a quiz and trivia session to know how well your friends know you and you know your friends; 
  • board and card games such as Uno; Scrabble; 30 Seconds; Monopoly and Crazy 8. These games get your competitive juices flowing and are super fun. 
  • Binge watch your favorite movies. You can either watch from Netflix or Amazon Prime Movies.
  • You could even have a cooking cook-off/competition with your friends by dividing yourselves into two teams and seeing which team can make the best spaghetti bolognaise for instance or cake or something as simple as a burger. The point of the competition is not really the competition as it is having fun with your friends and enjoying your alcohol free 21st party.

In all of these activities you will agree that to enjoy them to the fullest you need to be sober and with all your senses fully engaged. This particular activity will be so much fun without the alcohol and will bring a real bond to the friendship that alcohol could never bring. You can have alcohol free mocktails which are also fun. Here’s a helpful video of exciting mocktails for a non-alcoholic party.


You can have this hangout over a period of two or three days, to spend more time with your friends. As part of the hangout you and your friends can treat yourselves to a spa treatment; or go out to the movies; or do crazy adrenaline activities like zip lining, skydiving, go Kart and/or bungee jumping. You can check your local community’s pages to see if there are any upcoming musicals and concerts to attend if musicals and concerts are your thing. 

3. Go out for an adrenaline fun activity like ziplining, skydiving or bungee jumping.

You can then round it off by going to an amusement or fun (them) park and having good, clean fun.

With any of these activities, you are sure to enjoy your 21st birthday that is both fun and memorable without the booze.



Percentage of persons who drink for 21st birthday
College students that consumed more than 5 bottles on 21st birthday

Celebrating 21 without alcohol is kind of countercultural. Popular culture is all about boozing it up on your 21st as a sign of coolness. According to research carried out amongst college students, it was found that 3 out of 4 of them visited the bar on their 21st birthday. So you can see how very ingrained in our culture having a drink or two on your 21st is. And the truth and reality is that we humans being the social animal we are, tend to be influenced subconsciously by the behavior of our peers. You therefore need to make some important pre-preparations if you are going to have a successful non-alcoholic 21st birthday party.

1. Psych yourself up about it. 

Get into the mental frame that you will have an alcohol free party.

2. Surround yourself with friends who do not drink and who would serve as good encouragement to not drink. 

This is very important because if you hang around your friends who love to drink, chances of keeping up your resolve to say no to alcohol are almost non-existent. Several studies have shown that young people are easily prone to peer pressure to drink. 

3. Start planning the occasion in advance; at least a month in advance. 

If you want to make major plans (like traveling for instance or a road trip) then you will need to plan months ahead by making flight and accommodation reservations whether in a hotel or an Airbnb. Flights are usually cheaper when the ticket is bought some months in advance of the intending trip, and the same is true of hotels and Airbnb. And if you do decide to do the restaurant crawl you will need cash and also decide on the restaurants and the likes. If you want to embark your retreat in an Airbnb you’ll need to save up for the reservation. In short you will need to plan everything in advance.

4. Closely related to the planning is setting your budget. 

You do not want to enter adulthood a broke person. And since you are becoming an adult, chances are your parents will be less forgiving and indulgent about any exuberant behavior that still speaks of a lack of maturity. Remember like we said earlier, how you plan and enter your 21st milestone will tell a lot about the kind of adult you will be. If after your celebration you have to ask your family or close friends for money to survive, that would not augur well with your new proclaimed adulthood.

5. By planning in advance and setting a budget

You know exactly what you can afford and how much more you need to save up for; all important steps to becoming an adult.

6. Consider setting aside the monies for your celebration in a separate account or buying a piggy bank to be storing up the money.

And this is a very good idea if your 21st birthday is perhaps a year or 6 months away. If you can put aside at least $100 every month ($25 every week), by the end of 6 months you have $600 which is a decent amount to celebrate your 21st with. With $600 you could definitely afford a mini vacation to a nearby city or a road trip with friends or ziplining or skydiving. And what’s more; you are enjoying it all on your own terms with your own money.


1. What 21st birthday ideas can you suggest for guys who don’t drink?

All the three activities we have highlighted above are very ideal for guys who don’t drink. In fact, you will enjoy the activities better because of your lack of inclination to alcohol. Arrange for a road trip with your non-alcohol drinking buddies and have the time of your lives. You will also enjoy the hang-out and/or sleepover with your non-drinking buddies. You can try one or all of the activities we have suggested during such hang-out and/or sleepover.

2. How can I enjoy my 21st birthday?

By embarking on any one of the activities we have suggested in this article, you are guaranteed to enjoy your 21st birthday.


We have shown you that you can indeed have a 21st birthday without alcohol. We have also shown you the benefits to having an alcohol free 21st birthday. Enjoy your 21st and welcome to adulthood; make it count.

We have a small gift for you at the end of this article; read on to find out what it is.


You could actually plan a surprise alcohol free 21st birthday party for your best friend. By doing so, you actually show them by example that entering adulthood alcohol free is the best decision to make. If the person you are planning the surprise non-alcoholic 21st birthday party for is your girlfriend, also read this article for the type of gifts to buy her to make the day extra special for her. Our extra bonus to you for reading this article is a design trivia card specially designed for you and your friends to play at your alcohol free party.





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