23 Fun Facts to Share about Yourself and How to Think of Fun Facts about Yourself
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- If someone asks you, “tell me something funny about yourself”? what is the first thing that comes to your mind? If you struggle with how to think of fun facts about yourself to share, this article is just the right article for you. Whatever the context of the conversation, you will find inspiration for just the best fun facts about yourself to talk about.
- In this article, we share tips on how to come up with a fun fact about yourself, examples of fun facts about yourself, weird facts about yourself, and interesting facts to say about yourself.
A nation of introverts? The introverted future of America (U.S., 2016). Source: YouGov
Extroverts find it a whole lot easier than introverts to talk about themselves. Given their outgoing nature, it is not difficult for them to come up with fun personal facts about themselves.
However, as the above chart shows, the population of extroverts versus introverts, especially in the younger age group is less. Does this mean that introverts cannot talk about personal fun facts about themselves? Maybe you are an introvert and find it difficult to think about fun facts about yourself. Worry not. Even introverts can totally kill any conversation that involves fun facts to share about themselves.
Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, in this article we show you how to come up with a fun fact about yourself and great examples of fun facts about yourself that you can share.
Check out this helpful related article on How to start caring about yourself.
Talking about one’s self.
Americans that make a habit of starting conversations with strangers (2016). Source: YouGov
Being approached by strangers in public. (U.S., 2016). Source: YouGov
For some people, talking about themselves is like second nature. It is as easy as breathing. From the first chart above, as much as 24% of the persons surveyed said they found it easy to always strike up a conversation with a total stranger.
For others, a question like “tell me something funny about yourself”, would make them cringe and shy away. While for another group, they may fall in the category of persons in the second chart who do not mind talking to a total stranger about fun facts even if they may not necessarily be the one to start the conversation.
Talking about one’s self is not always an easy task. The good thing however is that with more practice, a person gets used to it and is more comfortable talking about themselves. And thus, the key is to get started and not shy away from having such seeming small talk.
Sharing fun facts about one’s self is a great way to build conversation skills and also build new relationships, whether friendships or otherwise.
Your friends will always want to hang out with you, for example if they know you always have fun facts to say about yourself and in that way get them to also share fun facts about themselves.
In the next section, we share tips about how to find a fun fact about yourself and interesting facts to say about yourself, including the best fun facts about yourself to talk about with others.
How To Find A Fun Fact About Yourself/How To Come Up With A Fun Fact About Yourself – 6 Helpful Tips.
Finding something funny about yourself to talk about does not have to be tedious. Here are some helpful tips on how to find a fun fact about yourself and/or come up with a fun fact about yourself:
1. The context and situation should determine what to talk about.
This is really important. So for instance, if you are at a job interview, the way you would answer the question, “tell me something funny about yourself”, is not the same way you would answer it in an informal hangout where it is asked as an icebreaker. In the former setting, you still have to maintain an air of professionalism and keep the humor to a comfortable and formal minimum whereas in the latter setting you can freely talk about anything.
Understanding the context and/or situation will also help with knowing how much to reveal and not reveal.
2. Talk about the things you enjoy the most.
Fun facts are meant to be just that – fun. And so, make it all about the fun stuff and all the fun things you enjoy doing. You don’t have to overthink it. It could be a personality quirk you had growing up or that awkward moment you had in the locker room in high school. The life experiences that made you laugh or even cry at the time, are good fodder for talking about fun facts about yourself.
3. Don’t overshare/talk about things that are too personal.
Talking about fun facts is meant to be light-hearted small talk that is relaxing. It shouldn’t be a time to reveal too much personal stuff about yourself, especially if those personal details are not ones you want everyone else to know and talk about.
Another reason why it is not advisable to overshare is that it would likely end up making the conversation too heavy and awkward, two things you do not want.
Reserve the heavy and deep personal stuff for very close friends that you share intimate and very personal details with.
4. Make it a dialogue by also allowing the other person to talk about themselves.
What this does is it helps the conversation keep flowing and before you know it, you’ve both traded enough fun facts about each other without realizing it. This would immediately build a rapport between you and the person you are speaking with, and who knows, it may be the start of a great friendship or relationship.
Making it a dialogue also helps you with coming up with more fun or interesting facts about yourself that you may not have thought to share because you didn’t know how to bring it up.
5. Find new hobbies and interests.
If you feel that there isn’t much happening in your life to talk about, maybe it’s time to get new hobbies and interests that would give you fun things to talk about.
You could find new books to read or take on new interests like an art class, a knitting class, a new language.
You can even travel to new and different places and take interest in learning about different cultures or peoples or even watching different things like movies, documentaries and the likes.
The list is endless but you get the point. Take on new things that would broaden your horizon and worldview. This would in turn give you a list of new fun things to talk about.
6. Pace yourself and know when to stop.
For someone who does not talk too much, they may not have this challenge. But for the one who enjoys talking, this may pose a challenge. It is however important to know when to stop sharing fun facts and either bring an end to the conversation, or let the other person or persons do the talking.
This would help do two things for you. It would help you not overshare. Secondly, it would also show that you are a good conversationalist who does not hog the spotlight and knows when to let others speak.
23 Fun Personal Facts to Share About Yourself/Examples Of Fun Facts About Yourself.
Let’s help you find something funny about yourself with these prompters and examples of fun facts about yourself. These examples will help you practicalize the tips we listed in the earlier section.
Fun Facts To Say About Yourself – 13 Best Fun Facts About Yourself.
Here are some great examples of the best fun facts to say about yourself.
1. What do you love doing in your free time?
Impress your listener with all the fun things you love doing in your free time.
Whether it is reading 5 books under 3 hours or binge-watching an entire season of Gray’s Anatomy, this is always a great fun fact that everyone loves to hear.
2. What’s your favorite meal/dish?
Don’t we all love a good meal? Food is always a great unifying conversation topic to talk about. Whether your favorite meal is Burger King’s burgers or Asian cuisine, talking about your favorite meal would always be fun to talk about. You can even impress your listener by showing off your culinary skills if you are also gifted with cooking amazing finger-licking food.
3. Where would you love to holiday?
Everyone enjoys globetrotting, even if only in our minds. Talk about all the fun nice places you would love to holiday at, even if you haven’t been there yet. It would provide a good reason to test your knowledge of geography and places in the world and around you. If you don’t have a bucket list of places you’d like to see yet, you can use the conversation as a good excuse to come up with one.
4. What is the one item on your bucket list that you would do if today were your last day on earth?
Talk about how you would travel to space if it was the last thing you got the chance to do on earth. Or maybe it’s being a stripper for one night or traveling all 7 continents in one night via time travel. Whatever it is, this can make for pretty exciting conversations.
5. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done?
We all have that crazy (sometimes naughty or nasty) thing(s) we’ve done. Well maybe at the time it looked like it was really crazy but now doesn’t look like too much of a big deal. It doesn’t matter. It was crazy for you at the time it happened so why not share it and have a good laugh while at it.
6. The scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
And then on the flipside, there would be that one or several things you’ve done that made your heart jump right to the pit of your stomach or send shivers down your spine. Sharing it would not only make you laugh about it, but it will also remind you of the important lesson you learned from the experience.
7. What’s the worst fashion faux pas you’ve committed?
Maybe it is wearing the same shirt or dress with your best friend at the school party, or wearing the back of your shirt without realizing it. We all have that fashion blunder we laugh about later in life. They always make for fun facts to share about yourself.
8. The most embarrassing moment you’ve had?
Everyone has an embarrassing moment in their life and talking about it makes for good laughs
9. The worst (or best) first date experience you’ve had?
This one would always have everyone’s attention because who doesn’t like juicy first date gossip lol. Entertain your listener with the best or worst first date experience you’ve had. Of course if you are out on a first date, it’s probably best not to talk about this so that you don’t put your date under pressure and ruin a first date that may be going just well (or bad lol).
There is a high chance you will love this first date-related article on Things to do on a first date with a girl.
10. What would you do if you won a lottery of $1,000,000.00?
We all fantasize about winning the lottery. This is one fantasy that is exciting to talk about and listen to. Wow your listener with what you would do with $1,000,000.00. Whether it’s buying a yacht or a mustang, your listener would be piqued/intrigued by this fun fact.
11. If you could travel to space with one celebrity, who would it be?
Whether it’s Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffet, who wouldn’t want to hear about a fantasy space travel with a celebrity.
12. If you could be a villain in a superhero movie, which villain would you be?
This is an interesting one. Show your dark fun side by telling your listener your favorite super-villain and why you would want to be that supervillain. Maybe you like the Joker of Gotham City or Lex Luthor. Whichever villain you prefer to be, it sure would be fun to hear about it.
13. A superhero you would like to be?
And maybe you don’t like the villains at all. Wow your listener with your superhero preferences from Wonder Woman, to Black Arrow because we all love superheroes and pretending to be one.
7 Interesting Facts To Say About Yourself.
Everything about each person is interesting facts about that person. So, make these interesting facts show your uniqueness. These prompters will get you to show your unique and interesting self.
14. Something you are really good at.
Sharing something you are really good at is an interesting fact that would also encourage the one listening to you to find something they are good at. Not to mention that it would give you a boost reminding yourself of what you are good at.
15. Something you consider a significant milestone for you.
And of course, it is important when talking about this not to come off as being too cocky or being a show-off about it.
16. What books are you currently reading/have you read?
A person’s reading list is always a fascinating subject of discussion, especially in this age of intellectualism. It tells your listener that you are serious about improving your intellectual capacity. This is an interesting fact that always impresses and earns you imaginary brownie points.
17. A cause or project you are passionate about and/or working on.
Talking about what you are passionate about and/or working on makes you come across as focused and hardworking. It is another good interesting fact to talk about. You just might end up motivating your listener to also start taking being passionate about a cause seriously.
18. A world leader you look up to and why.
Again, this shows that you are up to date with what is happening around you and not just lost in your world. Showcase your knowledge of world politics and events by talking about a recent world leader that inspires you and why they inspire you.
19. Your wardrobe and fashion sense.
This is an especially favorite subject of discussion for ladies. Fashion has been known to unite women all over the world. So, show off your fashionista side by talking about your fashion interests and the likes.
20. Your pet peeves.
We all have our pet peeves. In sharing your pet peeves, you may just find that your listener is your kindred spirit when it comes to the same pet peeves.
3 Surprising Facts About Me.
Surprising facts are usually surprising facts because of your personality and how you are perceived. If people see you in a certain light, telling them the exact opposite of how they perceive you would surprise them.
While there is no exhaustive list of what could be surprise facts, these 3 are a pretty good place to start.
21. Celebrity crushes you have or have had.
This one would be surprising if you are perceived to be a certain way. So for instance, if you come off as uptight and overly conservative as a lady, it would likely surprise someone to hear you say you have a crush on Matthew McConaughey or Brad Pitt for example.
22. Your dream job and dream role.
If your dream job is different from the one you currently have, this would come as a surprising fact, especially if you are really good at your current job.
23. Your dietary preferences.
If you have a unique dietary preference that is not the usual vegan or vegetarian, it would always be a nice fun surprising fact to talk about in a conversation.
For example, telling your listener that you are a pescatarian would likely get them curious to know what on earth that means. This would in turn get the conversation to the interesting subject of fishes and who knows, maybe climate change.
Weird Facts About Yourself.
When it comes to weird facts, you don’t want to go too far with the weird because it may have the opposite effect of coming off as funny. Instead, choose weird facts that are not too heavy and/or hardcore. And if you can’t find any that aren’t too heavy, it’s best to avoid the weird facts about yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions.
1. What can I say about myself?
What you say about yourself will depend on the occasion, the reason for talking about yourself, and who you are talking to about yourself. Always bear these factors in mind before talking about yourself, so that it guides you on how much about yourself you should be divulging.
2. What can you tell someone about yourself?
Again, this will depend on what the person asked you about yourself and the context of the question. It would also depend on who the person is and their relationship with you.
3. What are some unique things about me?
Everything about you is unique. You are unique and special in your way. Never forget that.
Talking about one’s self can be easy for some people while it is a nightmare for others. Extroverts tend to enjoy talking about themselves more than introverts. Whichever side of the aisle you fall on, sharing fun facts about yourself is good practice that helps with building great conversationalist skills.
To make great conversations around fun facts about yourself, follow the 6 tips we list in this article. And if you need help with examples of fun facts about yourself, we list 23 great examples to help you get started.
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