Gifts For Someone With a Broken Arm

Gifts For Someone With a Broken Arm

Breaking an arm takes a lot of activities off the table, and that’s why you’ll want to find the perfect gifts for someone with a broken arm. Not only will these gifts bring back joy into their lives, but they also tell them how much you care.

Here are a few gifts you can get someone with a broken arm as well as a couple of broken arm gag gifts because having a broken arm doesn’t mean they’ve lost their sense of humor.

You’ll Need to Know These Things Before Getting Gifts for Someone with a Broken Arm

Before we get to that though, there are a couple of things you need to know about people with broken arms. It’s a pretty safe bet that if you’ve never broken your arm, everything you know about arm fractures comes from Hollywood. That means you probably don’t know anything about broken arms because movies tend to get a lot of things wrong. If you’re to believe Hollywood movies, you’d think courtrooms are all about lawyers shouting “Objection!” and the judge slamming their gavels yelling “Order in the court!”

So the next time you see a hero in the movie shrug off a broken arm or wrist, don’t think it happens in real life. Here are a couple of other things you might not have known about folks with a broken arm.

Our Gift To You: Find out how to download This Free Printable broken arm greeting card at the end of this article.

Broken Arm Get Well Soon Printable Card

1. Breaking an Arm Makes you Pretty Much Dependent on Others

We use our arms in almost everything we do. The only thing we can think of where we don’t summon the versatility of our arms is walking -although they kind of get involved somewhere. You can’t walk with a stiff upper body like a robot. You find yourself swinging your arms, even if it’s a slight swing, to keep us balanced.

So, yeah. Your arms and hands are pretty important. Science agrees, noting that the development of our limbs, more so the arms, got us to where we are – at the top of the food chain.

So, when you break an arm, you literally go down a notch in the evolution ladder, figuratively of course. With a broken arm, you pretty much have to rely on others to help you with:

  • Feeding yourself (if you break both arms)
  • Dressing
  • Answering your phone (because multitasking with a broken arm is like white water rafting while steering with your legs)
  • Reaching for items
  • Opening doors
  • Driving
  • Using the bathroom (if you break both arms)

And a whole bunch of things.

While Furiosa in Mad Max kind of looked cool and kicked butt with her metallic arm, you can bet going to the bathroom with that thing strapped on has its fair share of challenges.

Breaking an arm takes away your confidence and self-esteem because you are dependent on others to get day-to-day stuff done.

When you’re shopping around for gifts for someone with a broken arm, look for something that gives them their independence back. In fact, if you’re looking into how to cheer up a kid with a broken arm, go for something that helps them do what they love without having to rely on others.

2. They Don’t Like Reliving The Moment They Broke Their Arm

A person with a cast on their arm spends pretty much every single minute outside answering one question: “How did you break your arm? Did you fall off a plane?”

No one wants to be reminded of how their forearm, or any other bone in their arm, went Snap! Pop! Crackle!

Just think about it. It was probably the single most physically painful moment in their lives. And no one seems to realize this because when we see a cast on someone’s arm, we instinctively ask them how it got there. It’s pretty much the same feeling someone in a wheelchair gets if everyone they met asked them how they ended up on the chair.

It’s insensitive and a bit rude to ask them how they broke their arm. Don’t surprise if they retorted with “Did YOU jump out of a plane?”

When you’re looking for broken wrist gift ideas, you might want to steer clear of anything that would make other people ask how the person broke his arm.

The right gifts for someone with a broken arm take the attention from the stiff cast on their arms and divert it to the actual person. This is probably why you shouldn’t be thinking of gifts for pc gamer boyfriend right after he fractures his arm. It only reminds him he can’t use his arm and draws all attention to his temporary disability.

3. It’s a Huge Pain to Take a Shower with a Cast on your Arm

You probably figured this out on your own, but let’s put it out there. The first thing cast wearers learn is how much of a struggle showering or taking a bath becomes. Right after the doc fastens the cast on an arm, he tells them “Don’t get it wet!”

Suddenly, they realize they’ll have to get a little creative in the bathroom for the next six weeks or till the bones mend. If they don’t get creative enough, the only feasible solution would be not showering until the cast comes off. Not an ideal practical solution, is it?

You can make their lives a little easier by finding gifts for someone with a broken arm. And we’re not talking about plastic bags here. Put some thought into it and come up with a practical gift that doesn’t say “I strolled through Wal-Mart and immediately I saw this plastic bag, I thought of you!”

4. Casts are Itchy

A couple of hours after getting a cast, whether it’s the plaster kind or the fiberglass kind, the skin under it tends to become irritated. A person feels so itchy that they’re literally willing to stick anything under the cast to scratch that itch. People have stuck forks, sticks, and a variety of kitchen utensils down their cast to send that nagging itch into oblivion.

But that does nothing more than pissing off the itch. It comes back with a vengeance making them want to constantly shove your favorite pancake spatula deep into the cast.

There are tons of things you can do to help them get rid of that itch. You can have them rest the arm on an elevated area using pillows to keep the limb from swelling up and making them itch. You can also apply ice on the affected arm or encourage them to keep on moving fingers on the injured limbs.

Allowing them to stick objects inside the cast to scratch that itch, while making the brain glee from the elevated serotonin levels can cause further injuries or infections.

As a matter of fact, we have the perfect gift guaranteed to get rid of that itch at the end of the article. 

That’s about it. You have all the knowledge you need to find the perfect gifts for someone with a broken arm.

But we want to make your search a bit easier by suggesting a few gifts that are not only practical but fun. Here they are:

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Quick Overview: Gifts For Someone With a Broken Arm

Infographic Gifts For Someone With a Broken Arm-min

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/gifts-for-someone-with-a-broken-arm/

Ergo  Arm Sling Air

Nothing says how much you care than getting your best buddy a gift to help support that broken arm. Think Ergo’s Arm Sling Air is the best arm sling you can get them to keep that arm in place allowing broken bones to heal. It is adjustable, offering shoulder and rotator cuff support for all arm sizes.

Some of the features that make Think Ergo’s arm support one of the best arm slings are:

If you’re looking for the perfect practical gift for a person with a broken arm, you’ll never go wrong with Think Ergo’s Arm Sling Air.

Reacher Grabber Tool

Remember we mentioned that the best thing that could happen to someone with a broken arm would be getting their independence back? Sure, they can milk their broken arm for all it’s worth by skipping the line at the supermarket. What they really want is a way to get things done without calling someone for help. That’s exactly what the Reacher Grabber Tool does. It helps them pick up items easily even if they’re out of reach.

Here are a couple of things that make the Reacher Grabber Tool one of the best gifts for someone with a broken arm:

Help your buddy get things faster with this indispensable third arm. However, it’s not submersible, so make sure you tell them not to use it in the pool.

Melancholy Mel Puppy Dog

Know a kid who just broke his or her arm? Cheer him up with First & Main 10-inch Melancholy Mel Puppy Dog complete with an arm sling. The adorable sitting puppy is the right companion for that booboo that has the little tyke in a cast. The best thing is, it’s rated for kids of all ages and has a personality that’s impossible to resist. Just look at those droopy eyes. Who can say no to them?

The little one will also like the doll because:

Put the smile back on the little one’s face with this fluffy stuffed dog.

Arm Elevation Pillow

The arm elevation pillow is one of the few practical gifts you can get a loved one with a broken arm. It keeps the arm from selling by resting it above the heart. That means they won’t constantly be feeling that murderous itch that comes with having a cast resting on what is already sensitive skin. It is also the ideal gift for people who recently had arm or shoulder surgeries and mastectomies.

What makes this the ideal armrest rather than using a pillow is:

You’ll have to use a damp cloth and some disinfectant spray to clean it because it cannot be hand-washed or machine washed. That’s not a deal breaker though because it is hard to get the arm support dirty.

Waterproof Arm Cast Protector for Shower Bath

Remember we said that one thing folks with broken arms have to figure out is how to take a bath or a shower without wetting their cast? Well, this waterproof arm cast protector is the perfect bath companion. Rather than getting them a raggedy plastic bag, get them DOACT waterproof protector complete with a diaphragm seal to keep moisture out.

What makes this better than a plastic bag is:

Whether it’s a child or an adult, this waterproof arm cast protector helps them enjoy showers without consciously trying to keep the fractured arm away from water.

This list should get your creative juices flowing and help you find the right gifts for someone with a broken arm. Just remember, with any gift you have in mind, it must be practical, usable, and fun.

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