How to Keep Things Interesting in a Long Distance Relationship - 27 Ideas.
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Let us show you what it takes to keep long distance relationships exciting because, without the commitment to keep the romantic long distance relationship fun and exciting, it will not last for too long.
- Finding ways to spice up a long distance relationship does not have to be a daunting task anymore because this article helps you with 27 guaranteed ways to keep things interesting in a long distance relationship.
The above charts are an encouragement for all romantic long distance relationship lovers because it shows that you are not alone. It is quite encouraging to see that as many as 3.75 million Americans as of 2015 were in long distance relationships. It is also encouraging to see that the percentage of those that last for longer periods is higher than those that last for a shorter period of time. And you can be part of those whose long distance relationships last for a long time, and ultimately end up in marriage.
For a romantic long distance relationship to however survive the distance and stand the test of time, it requires work and commitment from both parties. Both partners have to be committed to keeping a long distance relationship interesting and fun. And we will be helping you with just that in this article. We will be showing you how to make long distance relationships fun and interesting by giving you an exciting list of activities for long distance relationships to keep things fun, interesting, and exciting.
How to keep things interesting in a long distance relationship – 27 Ways to spice up a long distance relationship.
Table of Contents
Knowing how to make long distance relationships fun is important to the longevity of the relationship.
If you don’t have a lot of ideas of the kind of things for long distance couples to do to make their relationship fun, here are 27 tried and tested ways to keep a long distance relationship interesting and fun. These are discussed in 5 broad categories.
3 Crucial Long distance relationship foundational tips.
It is important to get the following foundational tips right at the start of any romantic long distance relationship for it to work long term. These foundational steps will ensure that a solid foundation is laid for the relationship to survive long-term and stand the test of time.
1. Set/agree to some ground rules/expectations.
This is very important at the start of every relationship, including a long distance relationship. You both need to agree on such important things like:
- Are you being exclusive?
- Or would seeing other people on casual dates be permitted?
- What are your boundaries and expectations from each other?
- Is this a fling or a serious long distance relationship?
- How often would you be seeing each other in person?
These are simply to provide a guide, but you get the idea. Whatever is important to you in any relationship, it would be important to iron them out together at the very get-go before the long distance relationship advances any further.
2. Meet up in person early enough in the relationship.
This is another important point. You should work towards having your first in-person meeting at least 2 months and at worst 3 months into the relationship. This is because the longer you delay the in-person meeting, the higher the odds of one of the partners moving on from the relationship quickly.
Remember that as humans we thrive on regular human contact and touch. It would be somewhat naive to expect that one or both partners will remain 100% faithful if they haven’t even met physically 6 or 8 months into the relationship. Your partner is surrounded by other equally awesome men and women who would be in a position to fill up the vacuum left by your physical presence.
And so, unless the relationship and your partner don’t mean much to you, delaying your first physical meeting too long into the relationship is dangerous treading.
3. Maintain a high frequency of in-person meet-ups at least in the first 6 months of the relationship.
And even after your first physical meeting, it is important to keep up the frequency of those physical meetings for at least the first 6 months of the relationship.
Ideally, the physical meetings should be at a high frequency in the first 12 months of the long distance relationship. We’re talking at least once every month for the next 12 months.
But if you cannot make it that frequent, at least try to make it at least a once a month physical meetings for the first 6 – 8 months of the relationship. And don’t forget to make every second of each of these physical meetings count.
B. 4 Important Communication tips.
Communication is key in any relationship, and even more so in a romantic long distance relationship.
Keep long distance relationships exciting with these helpful communication tips for romantic long distance relationships.
4. Maintain communication but don’t make it too excessive.
It is important that communication is regular and frequent between the both of you. It should however not become too excessive or it will tire one or both of you out and make the relationship super boring.
While it is important to ensure that you both greet each other in the morning every day and also say goodnight every day, don’t smother each other calling every other minute of the day. It is important to give yourselves breathing space so that you also don’t run out of things to talk about.
5. Reduce the monotony by having an exciting variety of fun things to talk about.
And you don’t want your conversation to become too monotonous and routine. Even your communication and the things you talk about needs to be spiced up. Rather than the usual good morning or good night every day, on some days you can spice it up with flattering compliments and lots of sexual innuendos to also show your significant other that you think of them in fun exciting ways.
If you’re a guy and want more inspiration on fun and exciting things to talk about with your girlfriend, our article on 35 Interesting topics to talk about with your girlfriend can help you out. And for the girlfriend, we also have got you covered in our article on What to say to your boyfriend to make him happy.
Check out this related article on Things a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend.
6. Have no secrets and talk about your fears and desires.
Effective communication in any relationship is one where the partners talk about every single thing without holding back, especially when it concerns their relationship and how they feel about each other. If you’re afraid that you will lose your love for any reason, don’t shy away from telling them. This helps them know what not to do to keep you assured of their love for you. And the same goes for you too. Find out from your partner what their fears and desires are, even as you share yours with them.
7. Get a couple’s app and keep communication different and exciting.
There are several couple’s apps designed specifically for romantic long distance couples to keep the communication between them exciting. You can check out a few of those and download and use them to spice up communication between the both of you. And if you don’t know any of such apps, check out a helpful list here.
C. 8 Fun online activities tips.
A large chunk of the long distance relationship will be spent online given the distance. And this is why it cannot be business as usual or a monotonous routine when it comes to your time together online. Here are some exciting and fun online things for long distance couples to do which you can try out with your romantic long distance relationship lover.
8. Drinking competition over Skype, WhatsApp.
If you and your boo love your alcohol, no need to let the distance stand in the way. Challenge each other to the last man standing drinking competition whether over Skype or a WhatsApp video call. See who the last man standing will be. You will have lots of fun talking about your hangover the next day.
9. Book club meetings online.
Couples that read together stay together. Okay, we made that up lol, but it is actually true. Reading about books on topics that are of interest to both of you would give you a lot more stuff to talk about. Engaging with other topics of interest outside your relationship would bring a needed variety to your relationship. So why not both agree to a book every month, and then set out either one day in the month and one day every week or bi-weekly to discuss your book of the month.
10. Watch an online series or movie together.
Okay, so you can’t both go to the cinema together for a movie because you’re miles apart. But does that mean you can’t enjoy a movie together? Thankfully not. Thanks to online streamers like Netflix and HBO, this problem is solved.
Agree on your favorite movie or TV series/show and set out a date to watch online together at the same time. Make it more fun by chatting about favorite scenes in real-time.
11. Play online games together.
Gaming couples would love this one. And thanks to advancements in online multiplayer gaming sites, you can now both play your favorite games online and still feel like you’re in the same room. And what’s more, we have just the right article for you with an exciting list of online games for couples to play. Check it out here.
12. Taking walks together via video calls.
Who says video calls can only be taken inside. Agree with your bae to take a walk together via video calls. While you are both out taking your walk, you are talking on the phone and exploring your environment.
Be sure to be safety conscious when taking such walks and avoid extremely lonely paths or taking a walk too late in the day.
13. Play question games together online.
There are several conversation cards you can buy or even check out online for ideas on couple’s question games to play together. Rather than your usual conversation, you can instead make it a question games conversation online.
14. Good old video calls.
The good old video calls remain an effective fun online activity for long distance couples. Since you cannot physically be present all the time, your video calls are the closest thing to staying physically close to each other. And so, these video calls should not be neglected or taken for granted.
15. Sexting.
Sex is an important part of every relationship and your long distance relationship doesn’t have to suffer in that department. Keep things hot and wild in your sex life by keeping the sex talk going. Talk sexy and hot to your partner. This would create enough sexual energy and anticipation for when you eventually meet to enjoy the real thing.
D. 4 Exciting in-person meeting tips.
The days you both eventually get to meet up are always filled with anxious yet exciting anticipation. You cannot wait to be reunited with the love of your life. And this is why your in-person meetings/link-ups have to be super fun and exciting, to make up for when you will both be separated again. And you can make it count with these exciting activities.
16. Plan a holiday for one of your meetings.
Make your next physical meeting very memorable by planning a vacation outside of the U.S. Maybe go to Europe or South America or perhaps a safari somewhere in Africa like Kenya or Botswana. Use one of your meetings as a chance to see an exotic place on your bucket list together.
You can make it a sailing vacation and our article on Sailing vacations for couples can help you with planning one.
17. Take a road trip together.
Road trips are another fun activity that connects couples. For your next physical meeting, make it a fun road trip. And if you are looking for ideas on how to make it an exciting article, check out our insightful article on 19 Fun things for couples to do on a road trip.
18. Have a weekend getaway.
If you’re both busy in the year and wouldn’t be able to squeeze out time for an exotic vacation outside the U.S., you can still make it a weekend getaway here at home. Plan a dream getaway to a beautiful vacation city or town here in the U.S. and have an enjoyable weekend together in a different environment.
19. Plan surprise meetings especially on significant events like birthdays and relationship anniversaries.
Imagine the look of happy shock and surprise on your beloved’s face when you surprise them by showing up on their birthday or on the day you both celebrate your anniversary.
Let our article on Cute ways to surprise your girlfriend on her birthday help you with planning a surprise for your girlfriend on her birthday.
E. 8 Other helpful tips.
These activities for long distance relationships would help keep the relationship interesting and exciting and keep the fire of love between you two ever burning.
20. Avoiding dangerous and/or compromising situations.
By now you would have known what makes each other uncomfortable and insecure. As a sign of your commitment to one another, it is always best to avoid being in such situations.
21. Send each other gifts occasionally.
Buy your bae gifts for no reason and have them delivered at their workplace or home with a sweet message of love from you. It can be his/her favorite dessert or any other item on their wish list.
22. Send cute things in the mail like love letters.
Technology does not mean we should stop good old classics like a sweet handwritten love letter. How delighted your love would be reading your affirmations of love for them written in your handwriting. You can make it extra romantic by spraying the letter with cologne or fragrance that means something to both of you.
Our articles on 19 Cute things to send your girlfriend in the mail and 11 Cute things to send to your boyfriend in the mail have other sweet ideas of other cute things you can each send to the other in the mail.
23. Have a life that does not revolve around your partner.
While it is important to have a couples’ hobbies that you both enjoy together, your life mustn’t revolve around your partner. If you don’t have a life outside your partner, it is only a matter of time before your partner starts to see you as clingy and undesirable and it goes both ways. Both partners should have a life that does not revolve around each other. In this way, the relationship will remain healthy and they will remain ever enraptured by each other.
24. Follow each other on social media.
Following each other on social media is a way of making it easier to keep up with what is happening in each of your lives. Liking each other’s posts on social media is a way of showing your commitment and continued interest in each of your lives.
25. Update each other about your schedules and plans.
This especially comes in handy when you want to plan surprise meetings. You don’t want to plan a surprise only to come into town and realize that your partner is either out of town for a business meeting or working late.
26. Give each other a memento to remember each other daily.
It can be a necklace or bracelet or anything else. But let each of you have a memento that reminds you both of yourselves daily. Mementos are a great way to keep someone who is far away closer.
27. Never stop affirming your love for each other.
And this is the most important of all. After doing all of the above, ensure that you never fail to tell your partner just how much they mean to you. Given the distance between the two of you, it is important in a long distance relationship to constantly affirm love and affection.
Frequently asked questions.
1. How can I stop being bored in a long distance relationship?
Boredom in a long distance relationship becomes inevitable when there is no fun and excitement in the relationship. But by doing all of the 27 things listed in this article, you will keep the boredom out and keep the relationship exciting.
2. What kills long distance relationships?
Several things can kill a long distance relationship. The major killers are lack of effective communication and absence of fun and excitement. And this is why you must follow through with all the 27 things listed in this article. When you do this, your long distance relationship will stand the test of time.
3. What are some romantic ideas for a long distance relationship?
Send each other sweet messages regularly. Plan a romantic holiday or weekend getaway and do all the fun and exciting online and in-person activities listed in this article.
Long distance relationships can be challenging to navigate sometimes. However, with the right fun activities and the commitment to make it work on the part of the partners, it can stand the test of time.
The activities for long distance relationships listed in this article will not only keep things interesting in a long distance relationship but would also keep the love between the partners stronger.
You may also find this long distance relationship article useful – How to know when a long distance relationship is over.
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