13 Signs He Wants to Marry You in the Future.

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Likelihood of adults to propose on vacation in the U.S. 2015. Source: Statista

Likelihood of adults to propose on vacation in the U.S. 2015.

Americans who received/made a marriage proposal on Valentine’s Day 2017. Source: Statista

Americans who receivedmade a marriage proposal on Valentine's Day 2017. Source Statista

When a man is ready for marriage or feels that he is ready for marriage, the next step is usually to find the special woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. When he finds her or thinks he has found her, he will not hesitate to give her signs that he is thinking about marriage.

As a woman though, it may not be so easy to know if he wants to get married, especially if you have been in the relationship for a little while now. You’ve probably been together for so long that you are now starting to ask “will he ever ask me to marry him?” One of the best ways to put your mind at ease is to subtly ask him. And if you’re not sure how to go about having that conversation, you can check out our helpful article on How to talk to your boyfriend about the future for helpful tips.

If however, you feel that asking him may come across as too desperate, then the other way is to look for the signs that he wants to marry you someday. In this article, we help you with how to know if a guy is serious about marrying you. The signs you will read about in the next section, are sure ways of knowing that he wants to marry you someday.

You might want to also check out our related article on Signs your boyfriend won’t marry you for a holistic picture in case you don’t see the signs listed in this article in your relationship with your boyfriend.

How to know if a guy is serious about marrying you – 13 Signs your boyfriend wants to marry you.

Look out for these 13 signs to be at ease that he wants to marry you someday.

1. He includes you in the plans he makes.

A man who sees a future with you will start making his plans with you in it.

A man who sees a future with you will start making his plans with you in it.

If for instance, he gets a job in a new city or town, he’s already thinking about how it will affect your relationship and asking questions about how you can make it work. He may even seek your opinion before applying for the job or taking it up.

If your boyfriend always includes you in every major (or even minor) plan that he makes about his life, then you can be certain that he is thinking more long-term about you, particularly marriage.

2. He confides in you about everything including his deepest fears.

Guys generally do not open up easily or to just about anyone. You have to be pretty special for him to even confide in you or tell you his deepest fears and secrets. And a guy will only open up to a lady in that way if he sees her in his future. If he confides in you with relative ease, you can give yourself a thumbs up because it is a sign that he may marry you.

3. He has taken you home to meet his parents.

This one is another major sign that he will most likely ask you to marry him in the future. The only lady a man takes home to meet his parents is the lady he thinks or believes he will marry. And the reason for this is obvious – taking a girl home to your parents signifies to them that you are seriously considering settling down with her. And it will not be long before they start asking questions about when the wedding date is. This is why guys do not take just about any girl home to meet their parents. You have to be the one they think they see a future with before they take that bold step.

4. You’re his plus one at every important (and even seemingly unimportant) event he attends.

He is so proud to have you by his side and wants to show you off to everyone that matters to him. A guy will show you off in this way if he sees a future with you. If you are always by his side at every important and even seemingly unimportant event that he attends, then sweetheart, it is only a matter of time before he goes on one knee and pops the question you’ve been dying to hear.

5. He talks about the future with you.

Have you guys had conversations where he daydreams about what a future together will look like? Maybe he asks you what you think of moving to a new place together. Whatever the case, you always have comforting ease that whatever future plans he is making, he always thinks about you in it.

6. He has mentioned family and kids in passing.

When he talks about marriage and starts dropping hints about a family and the number of kids he wants to have then just know that your boyfriend wants to get married and he’s just putting out feelers to gauge your reaction and response. If your boyfriend jokes about marriage times without numbers, don’t be fooled and think he’s just joking. As is often said, many a truth is said in jest. He’s not really joking. He wants to know if you also are feeling the whole marriage thing as well.

7. He talks about you almost all the time to those closest to him.

If you meet his close friends and family for the first time, they can already tell who you are before you’ve had the chance to introduce yourself. And that’s because he’s told everyone who cares to listen about the woman that brings such sunshine into his life. This is another great sign that he may marry you in the future.

8. He is interested in your life and future aspirations.

A guy who wants to spend the rest of his life with you is also interested in your progress and advancement. As a result, he is always keenly involved in what your career and life aspirations are. He is always asking and interested to know what ways he can help you. If he didn’t see you in his future, he wouldn’t bother.

9. You guys plan your future vacations together.

How often do you plan a vacation together? That is also a sign he wants to marry you someday. He sees planning vacations with you now as a precursor to when you will both get married. Planning a future vacation together also signifies that he wants to spend something as personal as a vacation with you in his personal space. Wanting to spend that much time with you shows he cannot imagine a fun life without you in it. If he however always takes his vacation alone or plans them without you, then it is a warning sign that he may not see you in his future.

10. All his close friends know about you and speak highly of you.

Guys always talk about the special women in their lives with their friends. And any woman they see a future with, they make sure their closest boys know about her. If all his close friends know you and speak fondly of you, honey you can stop worrying about whether your boyfriend wants to marry you.

11. He treats you with love and respect and cares about your feelings.

You are in no doubt about his love for you. You know that he cares deeply for you and loves you with his whole heart. This one obviously should be the default in any relationship, whether or not the man will marry the woman or not. This sign cannot, therefore, be taken alone and has to exist in tandem with the other signs in this article. This is because most men treat the women they are in a relationship with, with deserving love and respect, even if they do not ultimately marry her.

12. You’re not second place in his priorities.

If he treats you like an alternative and not his number 1 priority, then you can be sure that he has no interest in marrying you. A man will place the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with or thinks he wants to spend the rest of his life with, as his number 1 priority.

13. He’s always ready to support and help you out when you need it.

And even if you do not ask for it, he makes it a point to ask because he is genuinely interested in your wellbeing. He sees taking care of you now as his practice runs for taking care of you in the future he pictures with you.

Frequently asked questions.

1. Who am I gonna marry in the future?

No one can predict who you will marry in the future, not even a fortune cookie. If you are dating someone at the moment, they may or may not marry you. If he displays the 13 signs listed in this article, then the odds are higher that he will marry you in the future. And if you are not even in a relationship, then it becomes practically impossible to be able to tell you who will marry you in the future.

2. How do you know he sees you as his future wife?

His disposition and actions towards you will leave you in no doubt about it. And his dispositions and actions will mirror the 13 signs listed in this article. He may even jokingly start calling you his wife. It may sound like a joke, but in time you will realize that it wasn’t a joke because he will propose to you eventually.

3. How do you know if he will never marry you?

Check out our helpful article on Signs your boyfriend won’t marry you for all the signs you need to be on the lookout for to know that he will never marry you.

4. How long does it take for a guy to know he wants to marry you?

It varies from one guy to another but generally, the period is between 3 – 6 months, and 12 months in the worst case. It would however not take a guy 5 years to know he wants to marry you.

5. How can you tell if he’s about to propose?

It’s hard to know exactly when a guy wants to propose. If however, your relationship with him has all the hallmarks of the 13 signs listed in this article, then you can rest assured that it is only a matter of time before he proposes. It is however important not to put your heart into a timeframe so that you do not get disappointed because there may be reasons that militate against him proposing when you expect him to propose.

6. What are the signs he is thinking about marriage?

When he starts talking about marriage too often and brooding about what having a family would look like, then it is more likely than not that marriage is topmost on his mind.

7. When will he ask me to marry him?

No one except your boyfriend can answer this question. If he has given you the 13 signs shown in this article, you can take solace in the fact that he may marry you. But to want to put a definitive time to when he will ask you to marry him, will only be to set yourself up for disappointment. Wait, and when he is ready, he will ask you to marry him.


A man who is ready to marry a woman will show her through his actions that he is thinking about marriage. His action will mirror the 13 signs listed in this article. And when you see those signs, know that he wants to marry you in the future and will eventually get round to it if you guys do not break up before he is ready to pop the question.





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