What to Do for Dad’s Birthday

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

  • Dads are special people that need to be celebrated, especially on their birthdays and there are many ways you can show them they are loved and hold a special place in your heart.
  • This article lists some of the things you can do with your dad on his birthday that will make his day.

Birthdays are a great time to celebrate the people in our lives. It is an opportunity that presents itself yearly for you to show the people you love just how much they mean to you – and dads are as special as people come. In a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid in 2015, it was found that 87% of Americans thought celebrating birthdays was important to celebrate birthdays as opposed to 11% who thought celebrating birthdays wasn’t at all important.

Birthday Factum: Celebrating Birthdays. Source: www.enbridge.com

Birthday Factum Celebrating Birthdays.


When thinking of birthday party ideas for your dad’s birthday, think of activities that are relaxing, calming, and fun for your dad. Also before you start planning anything, consider asking your dad if he would like to do anything for the day – depending on what kind of person he is and how old he is, he might just want to spend the day indoors with his family – and that’s okay. Remember, it is his day and you do whatever he wants and feels comfortable doing.



A great bonding activity for children with their dads is to complete DIY projects. This is an especially great activity for dads who like building and fixing things around the house, or as a hobby.


You can make things such as wine racks, rocking chairs. This can be used as an opportunity to relax and talk about life with your dad which can be good for bonding and strengthening your relationship with your dad.

Alternatively, you can build things with metal instead of wood, depending on what you and your dad are interested in and skilled in – achieving the same goal.


 Dad’s are really just grown boys – give a boy a lego and he will build something. This is an especially great activity for a young dad with young children. It can be fun for both dad and daughter/son.


Another fun activity for young dads to do with their young children is having a bake-off. This can be a fun family activity with the mom helping the kids – or to make it even more interesting, make it a ‘boys vs. girls’ bake-off – with mom and daughter(s) on one team and father and son(s) on the other.


A cute birthday idea for your dad would be to decorate the house in his favorite movie franchise. If he is a big Star Wars fan, have Star Wars-themed decorations, from the balloons to the cups and even the food. For more birthday decoration ideas for fathers check out this article on birthday decorating ideas.



Take your dad out for a fun day of paintball. You can even go as far as inviting his friends and their kids over and make it a fun day out with a lunch planned later in the day after all the paintball fun.


Alternatively, you can take your dad out go-karting. This is especially great if you want to hang out with your dad without an extra party of people. Just you and your old man going head to head racing karts and seeing who is faster and better at driving in a controlled and fun environment.


If your dad is a beer man, then taking him to a beer fest would be the best thing you can do for and with him on his birthday. You can look up beer festivals near you and if you don’t find any during the season of his birthday, you can always go pub hopping and buy him different types of beers to taste. To make it even more fun, buy your dad different and exotic beers that equal the number of years he is turning, for example, if he is turning 45 years old, then buy and make him try 45 new beers from across the world.


Switching it up a bit, offer to go golfing with your dad on his birthday. This will show him that you are interested in his hobbies and who knows – you may even like golfing!


If your dad is an outdoorsy man, then camping would be a great activity to do with him on his birthday. You can either go out into the woods to camp or if there is a bit of an inconvenience, you can set up a camp outside your house – which will still give you the experience of camping. This is also a great idea on what to do for your dad’s birthday at home when or if your day is incapable of doing any outdoor activities.


1. What do dads like for birthdays?

Dads, just like any other person, have their own interests and hobbies outside his role as a family man. To give him a birthday that he likes, you will have to pay attention to what he likes as a person and plan his birthday around his hobbies. This means activities and gifts that you give him should incorporate something that he is into and enjoys doing and by doing this you will throw him a birthday that he will enjoy attending because it will show him that you pay attention to what he likes and you care about him.

2. How can I make my dad’s birthday special?

Making your dad’s birthday special can seem like such a gruesome task because what do you give back to a man who has given you everything your entire life? It may seem like an easy task, however, when you have made it to a point in your life where you can buy him the best things and send him on the most luxurious vacations. But what do you do for him when you don’t have the funds? Well, believe it or not, you can still make your dad’s birthday special by doing small acts for him that he likes and will appreciate you for. Take out the trash, clean the house, do his chores for him for that day. Or you can write him a letter or poem that expresses how you feel about him and how much you appreciate him – dads are people, too and people like to hear they are loved, cherished, and appreciated.

3. What to do for your dad’s birthday at home?

If you can’t go out for your dad’s birthday, there are plenty of activities that you can do that will still make your dad’s day special. You can set up a home theatre and watch all of his favorite movies, tv shows, and series, make him breakfast in bed, throw him a small surprise get together inviting his closest family and friends, and play his favorite sports games in the backyard or challenge him to a video game that he is good at. There is so much potential for fun to be had at home – all you have to do is look around for inspiration.


Birthdays are a great time to celebrate the people in our lives. It is an opportunity that presents itself yearly for you to show the people you love just how much they mean to you – and dads are as special as people come. They are the men who are there for you since birth, fighting for you at every turn and working to give you the best life and opportunities. Their birthdays are the one time you can pay them back and do for them what they do for you every day – or at least try. Whatever you decide to do for your dad on his birthday, ask him first if it is something that he would be interested in or not. We know you may think surprising him would be the best thing – to see that look of awe on his face – but unless you are sure it is what he wants, asking him what he wants will actually ensure that you give him exactly what he wants.





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