12 Super Fun Activities for 12 Year Olds At Home

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Coming up with all those new ideas when your children are bored is exhausting. You’re supposed to think of new ways to motivate and stimulate their little brains when your own is probably worn out from job and other everyday duties.

Although 12-year-olds are old enough to be involved in more serious games and activities, it could be difficult maintaining their attention. It’s not enough to find fun things to do, but you’ll have to make them fun for hours or even days. After some time, naturally, you get running out of ideas. It’s completely understandable, which is why you could use some help.

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Things can get even more tricky if your child has to stay at home. There are endless possibilities when he or she can get out and play in the backyard, or you can take a walk or a trip together. On rainy or cold days, you have to stay at home. Children hate staying inside, even though they have all those tablets, phones, and laptops laying around. They can’t play games and watch cartoons all the time, right? It’s not healthy. That’s why you need to think about the alternatives. To make things easier for you, we tried to gather up different ideas on what to do when your child gets bored. We composed a guide that contains 12 super fun activities for 12-year-olds at home.

Infographic 12 Super Fun Activities for 12 Year Olds At Home

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/activities-for-12-year-olds-at-home/

Play a Game

You probably already thought about playing a game with your bored child. The chances are, you already played a lot of games and you don’t know which one to choose. Check out our suggestions, you might haven’t tried one of these yet.

Board Games and Puzzles

You can always entertain your child with board games and puzzles. A family game night is even more fun. Along with games, all you need are some drinks and snacks, and you’ll all have a memorable night.

Card Games

If you know some card games, now is the right time to teach your child to play. We recommend crazy eights and snip, snap, snorem for the youngest players.

A Scavenger Hunt

Most people organize a scavenger hunt when they want to surprise someone with a gift. However, this is a fun game to play anytime. You can set up hints and clues with food rewards and have fun with your family any day.

Indoor Bowling

Indoor bowling is a fun game to play, sometimes even more entertaining than real bowling. Whether you set up some old bottles or buy real bowling pins, your child will enjoy it so much.

Balloon Tennis

Balloon games never get old. No matter how old your child is, he or she will enjoy it big time. Balloon tennis is fun even for adults!

Indoor Golf

If your 12-year-old child doesn’t know how to play golf, it might be time to teach him or her. An indoor game is a good way to learn and practice new games.

In case your child is into sports, you can take a look at our article about Sports Gifts for Teenage Guys. With one of these gifts, you can prevent him or her from being bored so easily in the future.

Obstacle Course

Set up some obstacles in the living room and let your child go crazy and transform into a little ninja. You can even set the game up across the entire home.

DIY Laser Maze

With some crepe paper and masking tape, you can easily set up a laser maze in the hallway. It will keep your children entertained for hours!

Watch a Movie

You can’t go wrong with watching movies when bored. Besides, a 12-year-old should be ready to watch some classics! Take the chance to introduce your child to the movie industry, different genres, and something different from new-age cartoons.

Also, if you don’t know What to Do for Christmas Instead of Gifts, we highly recommend a movie marathon! Our favorites would be Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Hunger Games series.

Play an Instrument

There are a lot of things to do with a 12-year-old boy, but if you want to teach him new things, consider playing an instrument. That is if you already know how to play one! If not, you can both learn to play together. It might even be more fun, as you’ll be involved in a course that will last for weeks if not for months and years if you end up liking it.

In case you have a musical prodigy in your family, you should seriously consider getting him or her an instrument for the upcoming Christmas or birthday. For more ideas, you can take a look at our article about Santa Gift Ideas For a 10-Year-Old.

Sing Karaoke

Are you wondering what to do when bored for 11-year-olds at home? Throw a karaoke party! Gather up the entire family, prepare some food and snacks, and get ready to play favorite songs. Although you can do it without any equipment (which can be even more fun), we recommend buying a budget-friendly mic and connecting it to the speakers. This way, you can really rock the party!

Build a Fort

There are numerous indoor activities for 10-year-olds, but we have a special one in mind. Building a fort in the center of the living room never gets old! Not only that your child won’t be bored more, but you’ll both have a wonderful time. You can even organize a big family event, build separate forts, and get into the battle for the territory. The winner gets all the snacks!

Involve in a Project

Projects at home are different than the ones that have to be done for school. At home, your child can be more creative and do whatever he or she wants, and you can help! Think of all those fun projects you can do together. Here are some that we think could be fun for you to try:

  • Construct a snow globe
  • Make a rainbow soap
  • Make a candle
  • Fill jars with layers of color
  • Fill balloons with shaving cream
  • Make a newspaper fort
  • Make paper kites

These are some of the most enjoyable things to do with teenage grandchildren. You can teach them so much stuff, and they’ll most certainly enjoy and appreciate it!

Draw a Comic Book

One of the most fun things for 11-year-olds to do when bored is drawing! Your child is now old enough to get into some serious stuff and not only doodles. Pick up some books, notebooks, and pens from the store, and the adventure can begin!

This is also a great way to unplug your child from tech gadgets and encourage imagination. Let her or him be creative and come up with her or his own story. You’ll see rather quickly how good that will do to your child’s development!

Read a Book

If you’re looking for fun things to do with a 10-year-old daughter we recommend starting a book club. These days, it might be difficult to convince children why reading is so important, not to mention that it can be fun. Once they try it out, they’ll love it, but you have to get to that point. The easiest and most fun way is to involve them in a group reading with games and puzzles. You can set up a task like reading several chapters a day and then playing a game to revise what you have read. If other family members want to play, even better. It will be a special club, that’s for sure!

Home Theatre

You don’t have the time to go to the theatre or there’s no available seats or plays at the moment? Then bring the theatre to your home! Whether you organize a play or a puppet show, your child will be thrilled. You can even set up a date for a play and spread the roles, organize rehearsals, and craft the costumes all on your own. It will occupy the entire family for weeks, and you’ll all enjoy it so much!


Wherever your child is bored, bring out your box with scissors, colors, tapes, papers, and other accessories. Pick the materials and cut, glue, colors, and have fun! It doesn’t matter what you make. You can make toys, decorations, and all kinds of other stuff. The important thing is that your child will have lots of fun while also being creative and dragged away from the screen. It’s a healthy habit to have, spending time in making things, no matter how simple they turn out to be.

Do the Chores

If you’re wondering what things to do when bored for 10-year-olds at home, we have a suggestion – chores! How could chores be fun to do, you might ask? We get it, it seems unbelievable, but hear us out. In a good company, this could be excellent boredom prevention. Besides, if you want to teach your child how to be responsible and start helping with tasks around the house, this is a good way to do it. Show him or her another perspective and how doing chores can be fun.

Cook Dinner

Children love to play with food. Ok, so most of their meals are not really edible, but that’s only because they lack practice. You can teach them how to cook tasty meals by spending some time with them in the kitchen. Besides, you both get to have a lot of fun playing around.

Paint Food

So, you could follow a good old and rested recipe, or you can take a risk and try something new! What do you say? Considering you’ll be cooking with your child, we recommend you to paint the food. You can make edible paint rather quickly, and then improvise with coloring pastry. You can make whatever you want and paint it in any color! Cool, right? Your child will most certainly enjoy it.


Working with pastry is incredibly fun, especially with kids around. Yes, you’ll probably have flour all over the kitchen and on your clothes, but that’s part of the fun! Let your child shape pastry and enjoy a tasty meal afterward. It will wipe off all the boredom, that’s for sure!

Dream Come True Ice Cream

You can’t go wrong with making ice cream with your child. Nothing compares to homemade ice cream! You get to choose the flavor and have as many sprinkles and chocolate toppings as you want. Not only that you won’t be bored but you’ll make your tummy happy!

If you want to encourage your child to improve his or her cooking skills, you should consider getting a cooking gift. Here are our recommendations for Gifts for Children Who Like to Cook.

Final Thoughts

As we mentioned above, we understand how difficult it is coming up with new fun activities to do with your child, especially at home. That’s why we tried to include a wide range of activities you can do. Some of them are quick to pull off while others require a lot of planning and preparations. No matter which one you choose from our list, we have no doubts that your child will enjoy it. Just think about the general things he or she enjoys, and you can’t go wrong. Also, we recommend including the entire family in all these activities for 12-year-olds at home. There’s nothing more fun than all family members playing games and having some quality time together!





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