How A Man Feels When He Hurts A Woman?
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- It's a simple fact that men hurt women. They always have, and they probably always will.
- Sometimes they do it intentionally, and other times their actions are truly mistakes.
- But with men hurting women so much, one is tempted to ask, “How does a man feel when he hurts a woman?” Let’s find out.

While it can be hard to tell how a man feels when he hurts a woman, this isn’t always the case. Men might not be great verbal communicators, but oftentimes you can tell how they feel from their actions.

Data from the ONS according to Full Fact shows that women suffer more abuse than men. This means that women are the most hurt gender in the world.
But let’s get one thing straight, hurting a woman is wrong. It doesn’t matter if this is physical, mental, or emotional; it is wrong. So what could drive a man to hurt a woman, and how does he feel when doing so?
The answer to this depends on the kind of man in question. Some men don’t hurt women on purpose, and these are the ones that feel bad when they do.
But there are also the psychopaths who either enjoy inflicting hurt on women or don’t care much for their feelings.
You can tell the kind of man you have in your life by his actions after he hurts you, and we’ll be discussing some of those actions and the feelings that spurred them. So for those who have wondered, “How does he feel after hurting me?” Here are some answers.
He regrets his actions
Good and kind men won’t want to hurt the women they hold near and dear in their lives. They want to protect these women and help them as much as possible.
Such men will feel really bad when they hurt a woman and when they do – or find out they did – they will regret it instantly. They’ll punish themselves by wondering why they did what they did and will try to make amends.
You’ll know such a man by observing that he tries to apologize for what he did and offers to make amends. He’ll also abstain from the behavior that hurt the woman in the first place.
He feels pain
Does a man feel bad when he hurts a woman? If he is a good man, he does. He will feel pain from hurting a woman he is meant to protect.
While this pain will not be as much as the pain the lady feels, it will still materialize because of the guilt, regret, anger, and other negative emotions he will feel towards himself.
You’ll notice a man in pain by his withdrawal into a shell. He’ll avoid talking to you because he feels you won’t forgive him, but he will seek forgiveness eventually.
He feels guilty
Guilt is another powerful emotion a good man will feel when hurting a woman. Remember how guilty you felt when you did something your parents warned you against? It’s the same situation.
He may not have been warned against betraying the lady’s trust, but it was implied. And now that he has hurt her, this good man will feel bad for betraying the confidence placed on him.
This is even more evident in men that have been raised around women, such as those close to their mothers and sisters. They are more likely to feel guilt because they wouldn’t want what they did to be done to their relatives.
He feels apologetic
Those same feelings of pain, regret, and guilt will make the man apologetic when he hurts a lady. He’ll want to make it known that he didn’t mean his actions and would like to make amends.
Men’s feelings are not so easily deciphered, but if you see him going out of his way to make things right, this is a sign that he feels sorry about what happened. For instance, he could pay more attention to you, offer you things – both material and otherwise – and make promises never to do what he did again.
He feels confusion
Another entry on the “How a man feels when he hurts a woman” list is confusion. This may be the first time he has hurt a lady in that manner, and he is still confused about what drove him to do it.
This is often seen in emotional and mental hurt but sometimes can be physical as well. For instance, snapping at his partner and insulting her or hitting her in the spur of the moment.
If you’ve been with him for a while and noticed this behavior for the first time, his confusion might be genuine. It could be that he is going through stress in other areas of his life and is more agitated in general.
But if he has hurt you in this manner before, he shouldn’t be confused because it was intentional, and he needs mental help.
He feels shame
There are several reasons why a man who hurts a woman will feel shame for his actions. Apart from it being a taboo in society, he might have been raised to be good to women or be disappointed that he reacted so poorly to the relevant situation.
He might also feel shame at being counted amongst men who hurt women and hurting a woman who he was meant to protect. So do guys feel bad when they hurt girls? They can feel many things, and shame is one of them.
He feels disappointment
Speaking of disappointment, a man will feel this when he hurts a woman if his “hero instinct” works the way it should.
Why? Because men are genetically wired – thanks to evolution – to protect the women in their lives.
So, the answer to “Can a man feel bad if he hurts a woman?” largely depends on how his hero instinct works. If it works as it should, he would feel like dirt for hurting a woman.
He feels justified
As much as there are good men who don’t believe in hurting women, there are others who are the spawn of the devil and feel justified when they abuse ladies.
They feel that the lady messed up somehow and want her to know she messed up by hurting her. Such men think they have the right to treat the women in their lives a certain way due to a misplaced sense of authority.
You will know that this is how a man feels when he hurts a woman if he doesn’t apologize and even goes further to blame the lady for his actions.
He feels in control
Some men want to control all aspects of the lives of the women in their life. One way they can achieve this is by constantly hurting the women so they stay subjugated and live in fear of the man.
They hurt to remind the woman that they control her life and can do whatever they want with her. You’ll never see such men apologize for hurting a woman. They will simply continue as though things are business as usual.
He feels insecure
An insecure man is potentially a dangerous man to the women around him. They could worry that they are not good enough, inadequate, and can be left by the woman at any point.
To counter this, they might hurt the woman by engaging in abuse of various forms. For instance, they could emotionally and mentally abuse the lady to make her feel that she doesn’t deserve better. They could also physically hurt her to make her too afraid to leave them.
Such men are often manipulative, and you’ll know them because they blame the lady for their actions while constantly repeating them.
Find out How to Deal With an Insecure Man.
He feels its okay to hurt you
There are men who will laugh at the question, “does a man feel good or bad when hurting a woman?” because to them, it isn’t about right or wrong, but what is “normal.” Considers it “discipline”
They hurt women because they consider it their right to “discipline” them as the men in their lives. Such a mindset might result from an abusive upbringing or cultural and religious norms that the man subscribes to.
You don’t have to look too far to find out what the feelings of such a man who hurts women are. He’ll say it out loud and defend this misconceived notion that he has the right to act the way he does.
He feels aroused
There are twisted men out there who actually get off on hurting women. This wouldn’t be a problem if the women being hurt were masochists, but some sadists prefer it when they inflict pain without permission.
“If a man hurts a woman, does he feel good or bad?” is a question that does not apply to such men. They just feel sexually gratified.
Such men might try to mask the feelings of euphoria they get from making women sad, but their true natures will seep through every now and then. They’ll also repeat their hurtful actions, increasing intensity, to satisfy their ever-growing sexual appetite.
He feels angry
He doesn’t feel angry with himself; he feels angry with the lady he is hurting. He blames her for making him hurt her and is mad that she didn’t do what he wanted or asked of her.
Essentially such a man has convinced himself that he is right and the lady is wrong, which is dangerous because the abuse and hurt will only worsen.
You’ll notice such men because they won’t fully apologize when they calm down. They’ll rather blame the lady for making them angry while making half-hearted attempts to appear remorseful. The audacity!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does a man know when he hurts a woman?
Men, for the most part, know when they have hurt a woman because women are not some alien creatures that hurt differently from men. Men would get hurt from much of the same situations that a woman would get hurt from, so when they engage in certain actions, they know it will hurt a woman.
There are times, however, when a man has no clue he has hurt a woman. There are several reasons for this, such as gender differences, different upbringings, and sheer ignorance of what is expected of him.
How do guys act when you hurt their feelings?
Some ways guys act when their feelings are hurt include:
- He focuses on hobbies or work as a distraction.
- He gives the silent treatment.
- He doesn’t reciprocate effort in the relationship.
- He is easily agitated.
- He’ll withdraw from sexual activities.
- He acts more serious around you and seems moody.
How do you make a guy feel guilty for hurting you?
You can make a guy feel guilty when you do the following:
- Tell him how hurt you feel.
- Focus on yourself and avoid contacting him if he doesn’t try to fix the situation.
- Give yourself some space from him.
- Dress like nothing happened and look gorgeous. Last thing you need is for him to feel you are letting yourself go because of him.
- Don’t give him too much time if you see him. Just “heys” and “byes.” Ignoring him might make him feel he has power over your feelings.
- Live your best life.
In conclusion…
The feelings of a man when he hurts a woman depend on the kind of person he is. A good man will feel bad about hurting a woman and try to make it up to her.
A bad man, or as we call them, satan spawns, will not only feel vindicated when hurting a woman but will also blame her for it. Most of them will not make any attempts to apologize, and those who do will still repeat their hurtful actions in the future.
If you are in a relationship with a man who hurts you repeatedly, we recommend leaving him as soon as possible. You deserve better. And suppose the man involved is a relative such as your father, uncle, or brother. In that case, we recommend reaching out to women’s rights groups and social workers to advise you appropriately.
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