
9 Ideas How to Get Revenge on Your Boss Without Getting Fired

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article



Before planning, kindly note that there are intelligent ways for you to make your boss miserable without feeling bad about it. A survey from Statista shows common traits exhibited by managers.

The 10 Most Common Bad Boss Traits

But note that, using revenge as a tool in some cases might work by pressuring your boss to do your bid but it might backfire if your boss decided to sack you. Read this, if you are leaving your job and you don’t know what to do before or after,

These are the smart way for you to get revenge on your boss without getting fired:

  1. Your work should speak for you
  2. Start a business
  3. Being transparent
  4. Start working out and get in good shape
  5. Develop your network
  6. Create a void
  7. Turn it into your WHY- a reason to grow and to achieve bigger goals.
  8. Your focus will be hijacked or confiscated
  9. Build up a fog around you
  10. Do something good for them

How to make your boss miserable: Ideas

1. Do you have to deal with an evil boss at work?

Tired of working with an evil manager who often complains about your work, despite your best during office hours and after work. Sincerely, not all bosses will appreciate your effort even if you lay down your life for them. It is ideal to create a way to deal with your boss without feeling bad about it;

  • You can reduce your time work in a day
  • You can get a part-time job and work from the office
  • You can tell your boss about the new job, and you want to apply for

2. Don’t resign easily if your manager is at fault

If you are boss or manager is making your life hard at work, or they want you to work as their slave. Quitting from work might not be the best solution to do, simply because you can’t quit every job because your boss or manager is acting weird. You can get revenge on your boss for all the actions been done on you in the past without getting fired.

Before sabotaging your boss, think about the effect that can happen to your boss or the company. You can create a feeling around your workspace to understand your value in the company and why they can’t sack you without prior knowledge.

3. Voice out when necessary

No one hates to be controlled or used, but if you find yourself in a situation where you feel your boss doesn’t appreciate you. The best way to get revenge against your boss is to raise your voice at the due time; whenever a meeting is conducted, you can voice out to show concern and how you are treated.

A meeting is a place for employers and employees to discuss the issue facing the company and how they can move it forward. But you have to be careful during this meeting if you want to sabotage your boss. Your words must be chosen carefully so that you won’t pick the wrong time to say the right words. Getting revenge on your boss during a meeting can be a bold move, but at the same time, you can get fired during your speech.

4. If you are talented, make your move

Everyone is replaceable, but at the same time, some talents are hard to replace once they leave a place. You can get revenge on the boss who maltreats you by getting a massive project worth millions of money for them or a lifetime deal with a multimillion company. This is one of the best revenge on your boss without getting fired, and you will be given the perks you deserve. Also, there will be a promotion for you.

If you are bold or your confidence is top-notch, you can work with the company as a stakeholder, or your position will be behold with importance. Threatening to leave a company with you as their top talent should always be the last resort to use when there is no more way out.

5. Use HR as your point of entry

HR is created to solve human-related problems in the company if you plan to get revenge on your boss without getting your hand dirty. HR is the best solution for you to use. They will help you create the best approach to win over an issue or argument you might be having with your boss.

Note that HR only mediate issues between employer and employee. You can’t directly get revenge on your boss or sabotage him, and the only smart way is to report to HR and get your revenge carried out quickly. You can always get your revenge by stating the importance of your position in the company and how much they will lose the moment you are fired.

6. Don’t feel weak or bullied in the company

You are in a corporate world and not in a school. Before getting the job, you went through the proper channel and at the end. You were employed in the company, getting bullied at work by your boss should not be acceptable. If you are afraid to say no or fight back whenever your boss bullied you, it will be hard for you to progress in the company, and the best way to get back at a bully boss include:

  • Always say no to crazy jobs and deadline
  • Let your boss understand you can’t work after normal office time
  • Always report an illicit act done by your boss to the right channel
  • You can put in a letter of leave when due: if you need rest
  • Don’t be intimidated by anyone

7. Decide on what to do next

You can decide on your next move in the company. Are you going to stay or run? You might decide to stay under your bad boss and continue to live a miserable life. The best way for you to make your boss life miserable is to leave when you think that the company has no benefit for you again and your employer is still hell-bent on making life hard for you. Don’t be scared to leave a job that attacks your peace of mind.

Talking to HR before leaving can also be a strategy to sabotage your boss if you narrate your ordeal to the channel and actions are taken. Your boss will be sacked, and you might be called to retain your position back in the company. But the moment you notice that your revenge strategy doesn’t work with your boss, you can leave the company for the sake of your mental health.

8. Monitor your boss movement and look for a loophole

The greatest revenge you can have on your boss is getting them arrested for their illegal deeds. Everyone always has their other side, which can’t be hidden, and your boss unlawful act might be:

  • Sexual harassing other staffs
  • Acting in a violent way
  • Stealing
  • Trading company vital data to competitors,
  • Coming late to work
  • Lying

All these illegal acts have their punishment. Suppose you want to get revenge on your boss, look for their weaknesses and use it against them. You can act like their shadows must times. You can be undercover. But make sure you are careful whenever you want to sabotage your boss. You don’t want the matter to come back on you or even risk the chance of getting arrested. Act carefully and work smartly.

9. Build your team

You might not be the only one in the company who wish to get even with your boss, which is why you have to form your team. “Two heads are better than one” is the only way you can have the proper backing and use it to get revenge on your boss at the right time. Working alone sometimes might delay your plan or not work in most cases. Rally around people of similar minds, convince them about your goal and how to achieve it. Your objective will be completed in no time, and you are already making life difficult for your boss. Your boss will have no chance but to yield to the pressure and change for good.

Never get revenge on your boss to the stage of using weapons or illegal means to achieve your aim. No one will ever follow you for a crime committed by yourself. Be strategic and innovative about your plan.

Best way to get revenge on a boss that fired you

There are countless things to do or approach you can take to get revenge on a boss that fired you; these include:

1. Excuse me, Did Something Crawl Into the Office and Die?

2. Post the Boss’s Number in Bathroom Stalls

3. Biding Your Time for Karma

4. Nuisance Calls on a Sunday Night

5. An Anonymous Message on Social Media

6. Send Love Letters to Their Home

7. Good Old Fashioned Poop

8. Take Their Business Away or go to the Competition

9. Pretend to be Hit by Your Boss

10. Prank Calls


Revenge can be the best way to achieve your aim and get back at your boss. But also, it can cloud your judgment from knowing right from wrong. You can use the strategy above to achieve your aim at the same time, and you can lose your job also face a jail term if you are not careful.

Your boss might be the most annoying person in the world who deserves to die or go to jail before you make any action; think twice. But you can enjoy and simultaneously play pranks with your boss until they are ready to make the right call.

You need to identify the path you want to take in the office, and if it gets to a stage of you leaving the company, don’t be afraid to go. No one will compensate you if you are the reason for your company downfall; if this news has been known to the company’s board, it might leave a spell on your resume, which will make it hard for you to get a job in another company. Before getting your reputation destroyed, think twice about your decision and the aftermath.


1. How do I take revenge back on a bad boss?

If you are wondering how to take revenge back on a bad boss, this is no problem. You can read this article from the beginning till the end. Your boss is not a god but a human-like you if you feel uncomfortable with your boss. Getting revenge might be the perfect solution, or you leave the company.

2. How to sabotage your boss without getting fired?

These are things to do if you want to sabotage your boss without getting fired:

  1. Excuse me, Did Something Crawl Into the Office and Die?
  2. Post the Boss’s Number in Bathroom Stalls
  3. Biding Your Time for Karma
  4. Nuisance Calls on a Sunday Night
  5. An Anonymous Message on Social Media
  6. Send Love Letters to Their Home
  7. Good Old Fashioned Poop
  8. Take Their Business Away or go to the Competition
  9. Pretend to be Hit by Your Boss
  10. Prank Calls 

3. How to challenge your rude boss?

Challenging your boss might be hard to do, but at the same time, you can pay back your boss for being rude. These are the ways for you to challenge your rude boss:

  • Stay positive
  • Ask questions
  • Stay calm under pressure
  • Say “No” to things you don’t like
  • Report to the right channel





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