
11 Things to Tell Yourself to Boost Self-esteem

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Even people who have productive days also need to boost their self–esteem once in a while. We are all not created to have the same moment every day. Most times, we might not have the power to raise ourselves when we are down. You can look into the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and speak positive things to boost your morale. You can make your day awesome by telling yourself how great you are and how many things you wish to achieve before the day ends. Forbes shows the statistics of confidence level in both men and women.

The Confidence Gap In Men And Women_ Why It Matters And How To Overcome It

No one can improve your self-esteem, people can only sympathize or wish you a good day but whenever you are down. It is up to you to boost your self–esteem without having a bad day. This is why you need to man up and let your self-confidence set in without anyone or anything ruining it. Do you want to know what does it mean to have low self-esteem?

Are there any right words to say to yourself whenever you are down? There are no exact words or quotes that fit all moments, but there are some words you can say to make your day lively and improve your self–esteem in no time. There are a lot of things that can lower your self-esteem; this could be

  • Unsupportive parents, bad careers can play an influential role in their life.
  • Bad influences from friends.
  • Divorce or moving houses can be the cause of low esteem.
  • Trauma or abuse.
  • Poor performance at school or unrealistic goals.
  • Mood disorders such as depression.
  • Anxiety.

This article is created for you to help your journey on how to boost your self-esteem. We have listed things to tell yourself to boost self-esteem.

1. I am alive and I can do all things

Low esteem can make people look useless and unproductive, creating an impression on what you can do and appreciating that being alive is important. Your self–esteem will be boosted and your day will go on well. The moment you feel like things are not working out or you can do a thing because you lack confidence, remember there are still a lot of things to achieve in that same day.

A mind is a powerful place and whatever you feed it will always manifest if you feel down or ever thought like you can’t execute a project or work effectively. Your self–esteem will deplete and it will affect your entire day.

2. Saying ‘No’ can help boost self-esteem

Do you know that saying “No” at certain things can boost your self–esteem? The workload on a project or at work can be very annoying to complete. But the act of trying to please everyone who is around will make you get frustrated and your day will be ruined. If you are the type who always says yes to things without thinking about the results. People will always exploit you and use your weakness against you.

Saying yes to multiple tasks or events can decrease your self – esteem and you won’t know. Everyone wants to make others feel good and show how much they can do within a certain period, but you have to be extra careful on what you say “yes” or “No” to. You can boost your self–esteem when you have the power to decide on your own without feeling bad about it. If you know that a task or an event can ruin your self-esteem or confidence, you can say “No” to such a task. This will help your mental health and also create a productive day for you.

3. You are human; and not perfect

No one is born perfect but we humans often want to go to an extreme to prove to others that we are perfect. We have a limit to things we can do and also there are times when you might get tired of executing some plans probably because of fatigue or low morale. This is the time for you to take a break to avoid shutting down.

You might find it hard to take a break while working or feel somehow if you are less busy, kindly remember that you are human and not a robot. This will boost your self–esteem whenever you are down or looking for a way forward. There is no end to things and also humans can be replaced easily, whenever you see that things are not going according to plan, take a break and strategize.

4. Nothing will ruin my day

This is a big affirmation of how you want your day to go, do you forget to buy milk while coming from the office? But woke up in the morning to take cereals but there is no milk for the cereals. A moment or action can ruin your day completely if you are not careful. To prevent such things from happening, you can take a deep breath and tell yourself this; “Nothing will ruin my day and I will be happy” your brain will take in the message and interpret it into a good thing.

No one can ruin your day for you except you wish to have one, humans have the power to choose how they want to spend their days and ways to improve their confidence. You can decide on how you want your day to go.

5. Can I say these words to my best friend?

Have you ever raise the confidence in your best friend through words before? If your answer is “yes. Then you have to choose your words carefully whenever you are talking to yourself. Before you speak ill about yourself, have thought over it like how would how your best friend feel if you say those words to him or her. If you can’t say those words to anyone then it would be best not to say them to yourself.

The best way to destroy your self-confidence is to say words that are disheartening which include:

  • I can’t do this 
  • People will mock me or they won’t believe in me
  • I’m a failure
  • I can’t be successful
  • Life is hard
  • No one loves me
  • And other things that can lower self–esteem

6. I need a break from everything

When low esteem hits everything around you might seem boring to you and you will have zero energy to work or perform any tasks. Whenever you noticed that you are having low esteem to work on any task, this is one of the ways nature telling you that you need to take me – break from everything until your self-confidence has finally returned.

Don’t feel bad whenever you are taking me – break from work and everything else, this is a way for you to cool your brain and regain back your lost confidence and rebuild self-esteem over time. You might want to take a vacation or take a break from work till the day you are ready to face reality once more. You are human and also it is important to take a break when necessary.

7. Stop the bad thoughts

 Whenever you are having bad thoughts on how to having an unproductive day. You can shut out the negative thoughts and replaced them with new ones. You can say STOP whenever bad thoughts suffice in your mind. A bad thought will always create low self-esteem for you but instead of feeling insecure about your ability or what else you can do to improve yourself. Shut all bad thoughts before it grows to become an action.

8. I know who I am; both good and bad

Accepting who you are can be difficult most times and if you have low esteem people will use that against you but the moment you accept and understand who you really are your confidence will be built automatically. You can write down the things you are good at and also things you know people love about you. Once you can list all these attributes about you and accept that this is who you are and nobody can change that. Your confidence will skyrocket and no one will be able to use that against you.

Low self – esteem most times are caused when people tag you as a bad person or as someone who doesn’t have any good attribute to portray.

9. You don’t have power over everything

Even superman does have bad days. Which means you don’t have power over everything that happens in your life. Whenever something goes wrong in your life and you have tried all your possible best to salvage the situation and turn it around. Just remember that you don’t have power over everything. When we realized that we don’t have power over situations that happened around us, we can take a deep breath and expect a little less from the situation.

Things that you don’t have power over, it is easy to let go and don’t stress about it.

10. Why am I getting triggered over what people say?

One of the best ways to build your self–esteem is to understand what you are thinking about yourself. Negative thoughts can completely ruin your day if you are acting on what people say about you. Before getting triggered about an event, you have to think about the issue if truly applies to you. After accessing the whole event and you noticed that the words are said based on what people think and not about who you are. It is advisable to completely ignore those words and focus on yourself. The moment you can hold onto your own words and understand that no one can use them against you, it will boost your self-esteem and confidence.

11. I am happy because of who I am

When things go well and you feel good about your day. There is no harm in utilizing the happy moment, people around you or the environment you are in can influence your mood and self-esteem. Giving credit for your little win and achievements can help boost your self-confidence and create a productive day for you.

Thinking about an idea or how to run your day might come in different folds, it is up to you to pick the right mood to perform a task without feeling bad about it. Stick up with the right mood and lighten up your day. Self–esteem can be built by you and no one else can do that for you. If you are feeling down or unproductive, tell yourself these 11 things; repeat and rewrite them.

Things to say to boost someone’s confidence

There are many things to say to boost someone’s confidence, these include;

“You are capable.”

“That was brave.”

“You’ve got this.”

“You can do hard things.”

“No matter what happens, I love you.”

“How’d you do that?”

“That sounds awesome, can you tell me more?”

“How can I help?”

“Give it your best.”

“I know it’s hard, but I have seen you do it before.”

“You are enough.”

“You make me proud.”

“Even when we get frustrated, we still love each other.”

“I wonder what would happen if…”

“Do you know what grit means?”


1. How to boost your self-esteem and confidence?

There are many ways to boost your self–esteem, and confidence by saying positive things to yourself which include;

  • I am alive and I can do all things
  • Saying ‘No’ can help boost self-esteem
  • You are human; and not perfect
  • Nothing will ruin my day
  • Can I say these words to my best friend?
  • I need a break from everything
  • Stop the bad thoughts

2. How to fix low self-esteem?

You can fix your low self–esteem all by yourself without the necessary need back up from anyone. If you are feeling low on self–esteem, you can say these words and regain your confidence;

  • “You are capable.”
  • “That was brave.”
  • “You’ve got this.”
  • “You can do hard things.”
  • “No matter what happens, I love you.”
  • “How’d you do that?”
  • “That sounds awesome, can you tell me more?”
  • “How can I help?”
  • “Give it your best.”

3. What causes low self-esteem?

Low self–esteem can be caused by an action, mood, or words and these include:

  • Unsupportive parents, bad careers can play an influential role in their life.
  • Bad influences from friends.
  • Divorce or moving houses can be the cause of low esteem.
  • Trauma or abuse.
  • Poor performance at school or unrealistic goals.
  • Mood disorders such as depression.
  • Anxiety.





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