
What to Say to Your Boyfriend When He Breaks Up With You. 10 Suggestions.

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

“The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with.” -Love Quotes daily.

Most of us get into relationships with hopes of spending a lifetime with the person we’ve met. Sadly life happens, and some of us will break up with our partners.

Breakups suck. But sometimes, we worsen our breakup experience by how we choose to respond to the unfortunate news. Many relationships would have ended better than they did if partners hadn’t reacted the way they did when their girlfriends or boyfriends called a quit.

Teaching yourself in advance how to respond when someone breaks up with you may seem like attracting bad luck to your relationship, but it’s not true. The truth is, you never want to look back at a past event like a breakup and spank your head for saying certain things or behaving in a certain manner to your ex.

Take a look around you; so many people have had a breakup at least once in their life. A few of those people may have been in a situation where they didn’t know what to do or say when their partner broke up with them. You may even know one or two friends or relatives that didn’t know how to reply to a breakup text.

Learning what to say to your boyfriend when he breaks up with you will help you end a relationship on amicable terms and empower you to help out a friend or someone close to you.

This article has been subdivided into two;

  • How to act when he breaks up with you.
  • What to say when he breaks up with you.

You might be interested in our article, how to fix a broken relationship with your boyfriend and things to say to save a relationship.

Did you know that out of 5,541 people that were asked if they’ve ever gotten back together with someone they had broken up with, 46.6% of the respondents said YES? Just in case you need to patch things up with your ex, it can still happen. Just focus on ending things amicably. Good people do meet at the wrong time. If he is yours, you’ll both find each other.

Have you ever broken up with someone and then got back together again with the same person_

Source: Statista

Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together.” 

– Anonymous.

How to act when he breaks up with you.

When a guy breaks up with you suddenly, what do you do? Sometimes we don’t see a breakup coming until it does. And even when we see it coming, it often slaps us so hard that we don’t know how to respond. Here are some tips that could help you;

1. Breathe and be calm.

When your boyfriend breaks up with you, try to breathe and calm yourself. It is easy to get into a panic mood if the news of the breakup is sudden. Don’t raise your voice to draw attention to yourself. Keep your response or reaction as minimal as you can. Just breathe and be calm. Get a grip on your emotions if you are in a public space.

2. Don’t overthink.

When a guy breaks up with you suddenly, never allow the memories of the entire relationship to overwhelm you. It’s best to shut them out as soon as they flood your mind until you are in a better place to handle them. When people envelop themselves in memories of their relationship, they tend to act irrationally during a breakup. When your boyfriend breaks up with you, try not to overthink. Not overthinking will save you from sinking deep into a dark place or acting out in front of your ex.

3. Acknowledge his decision.

Whether he tells you in person or via text about the breakup, acknowledge the message. Don’t disagree or agree with what he has said. Just acknowledge it while you get your thoughts together. You can say “Okay..” or nod if you find it hard to say anything. We know how painful it is when a guy breaks up with you suddenly, but you need to handle yourself in the best possible way. You do this by first respecting his decision.

4. Ask brief questions for closure.

Some people find themselves hanging after their ex has broken up with them. Sometimes, this is due to how they responded or reacted during the breakup. You don’t want to be left hanging, trust us.

After you’ve acknowledged the breakup, ask your boyfriend some brief questions to ascertain why he has reached his decision. ‘Why?” should be one of the first things to say during a breakup conversation.

Remember, stick to asking brief questions instead of expressing your thoughts and feelings in length. Try not to ask too many questions too. Be purposeful with your questions to help you understand why he made the decision.

5. Do not argue with him and wait for him to finish responding to your questions.

There is often a temptation to argue with your ex when he explains his decision to end the relationship. However, it is important to comport yourself and not argue or interrupt him when he is speaking. Allow him to say all he has to say while you take mental notes of things to address later. Being broken up with your ex should not warrant any disrespect from you, no matter how hurt or insulted you feel by the breakup.

If he refuses to disclose why he wants to break up with you, do not persuade him to say more than he wants to say. Let him move on. Be brave enough to start your journey to healing.

6. Be mindful of what you say.

How to respond when someone breaks up with you? Be mindful of what you say to them, and don’t say too much.

As much as you want your boyfriend to know everything going through your mind and how he has hurt you, the truth is, anything you say won’t change his decision if his mind is made up.

When you are not mindful of your response and disclose too much to him, you might come off as bitter, pressed, clingy, or immature. You’ll give him more upper hand than he deserves in the whole situation. Do not give him so much power by saying too much.

Stick to important points or misunderstandings and address them maturely.

7. Do not beg for the relationship.

Please, uphold your dignity at all times and never beg for a relationship someone has discarded. You may feel weak, jellied, paralyzed, confused, frustrated, extremely hurt, etcetera, but begging and pestering someone to stay with you is not how to respond when someone breaks up with you. By doing so, you will sell yourself short and even give him reasons to treat you poorly. The end of a relationship is not the end of your life unless you make it. No matter how bad you feel about a breakup, it can never kill you unless you permit it.

In case you wish him to think things through, you can say;

“I’ve heard all you said. If you want us to work on your grievances, I am up for it. But if you’ve made up your mind to move on, I will respect your decision. I am confident you’ve thought things through and have chosen what is best for you.

The above statement shows that you’ve respected his decision, and you have respect for yourself at the time.

8. Stick to boundaries.

Avoid PDA or any intimate gestures with someone who has broken up with you. It’s never a good idea to entertain physical intimacy when your boyfriend breaks up with you. When you set boundaries and stick to them, you’ve successfully communicated your value to him just in case he forgot. Never give him the impression that he can have easy access to you after he has broken up with you. A brief hug or a handshake and a generous smile are enough gestures for both of you.

9. Appreciate him and bid goodbye.

After you’ve both concluded your discussion, appreciate him for everything, including the good times you’ve shared with him, wish him the best, and bid him goodbye. Bidding goodbyes is one of the hardest parts of ending the relationship, but you need to be bold enough to do it so that you can start your healing process. Doing things this way is how to accept a breakup gracefully.

“Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.”


What to say when he breaks up with you.

The news of a breakup sometimes leaves us dumbfounded, whether or not we are expecting it. Here are some things to say to your boyfriend when he breaks up with you;

1. If your boyfriend breaks up with you and explains some of the things that led him to the decision, you could say;

I am sorry that my actions have weighed on you this much. I am saddened by everything; I respect your decision.

2. If you wish him to think things through, you can say;

“I’ve heard all you said. If you want us to work on your grievances, I am up for it. But if you’ve made up your mind to move on, I will respect your decision. I am confident you’ve thought things through and have chosen what is best for you.

3. The best response to being dumped disrespectfully is;

“O well, life happens, we’ve got to keep the queue moving, but I wish ya the best. Next!”

4. If you are wondering what to tell a guy when he breaks up with you after 2 years together, you can say;

“Truthfully, this feels like a punch to my gut. I knew we had problems, and I thought we were willing to work them out. I can’t imagine what it might have taken you to reach this decision. If this is truly what you want, I’ll respect it. I wish you the best too.”

5. If you want him to reconsider, you can say;

“Would you mind if we took some days to think through this? If you still feel the same, I won’t bother you.”

6. Attractive response to being dumped;

“You are an amazing person, and I will miss you so much.”

7. When your boyfriend breaks up with you and you don’t know what to say;

“I don’t know what to say. I wish you could think this through again. Maybe we could work things out. But if your mind’s made up, I understand. It’s hard to let you go. I wish you the best.”

8. When he breaks up with you and you’ve come to terms with his decision;

“I know we had huge expectations for us and this relationship. Sadly, we have to go our separate ways, but it is for the best. I appreciate you so much for everything, and I hope we both find what we are looking for.

9. What to say when a guy breaks up with you suddenly;

“I hope this is a joke and you have a good comeback. I will be lying if I say I am ok with this. I’m sad about this. I hope this is a good decision that will leave us with no regrets. Take care.

10. How to reply to a breakup text;

Thanks for letting me know. I have nothing against you. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Frequently Asked Question

1. How to act when a guy breaks your heart.

  • Breathe and be calm
  • Do not overthink
  • Acknowledge his decision
  • Ask questions for closure
  • Avoid arguments and allow him to express his thoughts fully.
  • Be mindful of what you say
  • Do not beg for the relationship
  • Stick to boundary
  • Appreciate him and bid goodbye.

2. What to say to your boyfriend when he breaks up with you.

  • This feels like a punch to my gut. I knew we had problems, and I thought we were willing to work them out. I can’t imagine what it might have taken you to reach this decision. If this is truly what you want, I’ll respect it. I wish you the best too.
  • I know we had huge expectations for ourselves and this relationship. It’s sad we have to go our separate ways, but it is for the best. I appreciate you so much for everything, and I hope we both find what we are looking for.
  • Thanks for letting me know. I have nothing against you. I hope you find what you are looking for.


Whether you anticipated a breakup or not, it is not a palatable event. It can leave anyone awestruck. A few of us wish our relationship had ended differently than it did. The way we respond to breakup matters. It could worsen the whole situation or leave us in a bearable state. It is not bad luck to prepare oneself for a breakup that may never happen. Just in case you don’t know what to say to your boyfriend when he breaks up with you, we hope you found answers in this article.





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