What to Write in a Mother's Day Card From Daughter : 5 Great Ideas

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

She gives life, accompanies the first steps, is always present when she is needed. This permanent angel is the mother. It is therefore normal that from time to time, we want to thank her for all the good she does and to offer her even a card. But what should be written on this card? How to find the right quotes for mothers day cards from daughter?

Surprising as it may seem, we have more and more trouble expressing our emotions and feelings, at least in writing. So, how do we thank that special person who does so much for our mother or even grandmother? How do you express our gratitude, or at least let her know that you are thinking about her?

It is easy to do it, many people tend to do too much, but not well because they want to be original. In reality, nothing beats simplicity and sincerity. True beauty is always simple, so are words. Think about it when you try to write mothers day messages from daughter to mom.

Mom, a being that is born at the same time as us, but must grow up fast enough to guide our steps.

Mom, a being that is born at the same time as us

Mothers day cards messages from daughter: what to do before writing the card

What do you think about before writing a love letter or saying love words? It’s something else? Not really! Writing a few words on a greeting card to your mom is about expressing your love for her. Just like in the first case, mothers day words must be sincere and reflect your emotions. You must share with your mother your true feelings. There is no reason to do it differently than when you write a letter to your lover.

1- Who is your mother?

This question may be funny, but if we ignore the personality of the person we are addressing, we will not be able to express clearly what we feel. Everyone has their perception of life, and your mother is certainly no exception. By understanding who your mother is, you understand how to talk to her, and your sayings for mothers day will be more accurate and authentic.

2- Who are you?

Are you laughing out loud? This is wrong! People are never expected to go above and beyond. If you have trouble expressing your feelings, your mother won’t expect you to write a poem worthy of great writers. Keep in mind that she is the person who knows you best. If you present her with a card with a unique piece of literature, she will quickly realize that you didn’t write it. This will not make them any less proud of you, but the impression will not be the same.

3- What message do you want to convey?

Sometimes, we want to thank our mother just because she is there and always present for us. But occasionally we want to thank her for a concrete event, just using Mother’s Day as an excuse. It also happens that we want to take advantage of the same holiday to cheer her up. That’s why it’s important to understand the nature of the message you want to send. Once you know what you want to say, you’ll know what happy mothers day sayings from daughter will please her.

4- What style do you want to adopt?

Style? This is a Mother’s Day card, not a letter to the boss! That’s right. But some mothers prefer a very classic formality, even if it comes from their children. They hate funny messages that make them feel like they’re being made fun of. Others, in contrast, will prefer a more relaxed, familiar style. Adopt the style that will most likely please your mother, or at least surprise her.

5- Comment voulez-vous transmettre votre message?

It can be a text, a poem or a simple family joke. However, one can also choose to express deep feelings, which is an excellent idea. One will have no trouble finding mother day card sentiments ideas online. Needless to say, it is advisable not to copy them stupidly. Imagine for a minute that other family members decide to do the same, and you choose the same text. Unlikely, but still. Keep in mind that the only thing that matters is that the mothers day sentiments you express are sincere.

Mother's Day Gift From Daughter

What to write in a mother’s day card : the different styles

No, a message on a greeting card does not have to be the same length as a text message. Nothing is lost by writing a long and explicit text. Mothers day paragraph from daughter are also interesting when you know how to do it. Speaking of style, the ideal style is the one that your mother loves, or at least, that will make her shed a few tears of happiness. We have several styles to choose from:

  • fun;
  • simple;
  • classic;
  • poetic;
  • mixed.

1- Fun style

It’s hard to be a clown, but with a little willpower, you can do it. Before you try to be funny, ask yourself one question: what topics do your mother love to joke about? Her age? Your childhood? Her family life? Your mistakes? Her mistakes? Then answer another question: what are the traits of your character that offend her the most and that she constantly asks you to change, or at least that she criticizes constantly? Once you’ve managed to answer these two questions, you’re on the right track.

Example 1 – She constantly complains about being too old when she is still in great shape

To my mother, the oldest lady in the world, according to her, who is always mistaken for my sister. Thank you for always being there for me mom… and thank you for making sure I am always mistaken for a granny. — Kisses!

Example 2 – She constantly blames you for not wanting to get married or give her the grandchildren she is desperately waiting for

Sorry mom, you won’t be a grandma this year, but I’m working on it to be at least partly like you. Happy Mother’s Day to you mom.

I love you very much.

Example 3 – She constantly reminds you of all the misery you caused her as a child, and now laughs at you when she sees what your children are doing.

I read somewhere that grandchildren come to avenge their grandparents for all the pain they suffered at the hands of their parents. I can reassure you mom, your grandchildren are avenging you wonderfully. And now that I understand you better, I want to thank you, mom. Thank you for always being there for me, ready to help and support me. I love you very much

Example 4 – You have had some tense moments, and you want to take advantage of Mother’s Day to reconnect.

Usually mom, when you ask me if I’m ready to listen to your advice, it’s always rhetorical. You’ll do it to me anyway, whether I want to or not. I get angry, I ignore you, we argue, but that’s why I love you mom. I know that no matter what happens, there is always at least one person who will be there for me, you. Furthermore, I don’t raise the white flag, the fight goes on, but I want you to know that I love you very much.

Example 5 – The mother of a teenage girl who constantly complains that she is very lazy.

I know, Mom, I’m more likely to save the planet than help you clean the house or wash the dishes, but I want you to know that I still love you very much. Thank you for putting up with me and for always being there for me.

Example 6 – Just for fun and to remember the good old days

I remember when I was little, it was: No sweets until you finish your dinner. Since you’re a grandmother, it’s: a little slice of cake before dinner won’t kill it. I must admit that I would have liked to have had the grandmother that you have become as a mother. However, I must admit that I am glad I had the mother you were. I owe you everything and I love you very much, mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

2- Simple style

There’s no need to complicate things when you can express them simply. Here, it’s just a matter of opening your heart and showing it to your mother, without any embellishment.

Example 1 – A simple love statement

I just spent a few hours thinking about what I could write on this mom card. I couldn’t think of anything better than this: I love you very much, mom. Happy Mother’s Day. 

Example 2 – Wishes with an apology.

Nuisance, stubborn, irascible, unbearable. That’s me! I know mom that I’m sometimes abominable, but nothing makes me happier than knowing you’re always by my side. All the best, Mom.

Example 3 – Thank you

Thank you, mom, for always being my island of calm in the surrounding whirlwind.

Example 4 – Recognition

I criticized you for a long time, but now that I am a mom, I understand better what you had to endure. Thank you, mom, for your constant presence and unconditional love. Happy Birthday.

Example 5 – Attempting to reconcile after tense moments

I am constantly blaming you, but I am not a saint either. I want you to know, Mom, that beyond all our differences, you are always in my heart. Happy birthday mom, I love you very much.

3- Classic style

Here, it is out of the question to raise hot or stressful themes. We will limit ourselves to the typical wishes of happiness or conventional, thanks. This type of greeting can be addressed to any mother in the world. In this case, there are three options.

Simple wishes

  • To the best mom in the world, whom I adore. Happy Birthday!
  • I wish you a happy birthday mom, may this day be radiant and happy. Kisses
  • I wish you a delighted Mother’s Day mom. You are always in my heart.
  • To my beloved mom, Happy Mother’s Day to you.


  • You are the heart and soul of our family. Thank you for everything, and happy Mother’s Day to you.
  • Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend and the best mother ever.
  • To my guardian angel and my best friend. Happy Mother’s Day Mom.


  • You are the best mother in the world, and I hope to be like you one day. Happy Mother’s Day mom.
  • I feel fulfilled every day because heaven sent me the best mother in the world. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
  • Your laughter, kindness, and love have always inspired me. Thank you, mom, for being there and Happy Mother’s Day.

4- Poetic style

Those who have a poetic soul and a good pen have no reason to avoid it. The poetic style touches everyone, even the strictest of people. One is never indifferent to it, even if one is not particularly fond of poetry.

Example 1

For you Mom, my angel

For all you’ve done for me

I say, thank you Mommy

You are so kind and gentle

My best friend, my angel

Example 2

Thank you mom, for being here to guide my way

Thank you mom, for being the sunshine who lights my day

Like everyone, today, I wish you happiness too,

Because it’s a blessing to have a mother like you

5- Mixed style

Sometimes we want to mix several styles at the same time, simply because we do not want to, or we cannot do otherwise. This style has many advantages, it is very personal. Take inspiration from your daily life, from remarks.


A few years ago

Mom: Can you finally do what I ask you to do?

Me: My God, I’m fed up, I can’t wait to leave this house

You know mom, when I think about it today, only one word comes to mind. That word is, thank you. Thank you. I know I haven’t always made life easy for you, but on this day I want you to know that I am honored and happy that you are my mother. Happy birthday mom, I love you very much.

Frequently Asked Question

1- What is the maximum size of a wish on the card?

There is absolutely no limit. It all depends on what you want to say. You can limit yourself to one word or write a long text. The important thing is that it makes your mother happy.

2- Can we make our greeting card?

It is possible to do it. In fact, the more personalized the gift, the better. So don’t hesitate to make your card and add whatever your mother likes.

3- Can you copy a poem and adapt it to the occasion for your mother?

Nothing is impossible, it is possible to do it and your mother will even be happy if she learns that you have copied this text because for her, only the intention will count. But ask yourself one question, why copy when you can honestly express your feelings in your words?

4- Is it reasonable to take advantage of Mother’s Day to mend fences if you are in a quarrel?

All occasions should be exploited, and Mother’s Day is one of the best options. She expects to receive your wishes, take advantage of it?

5- Why not buy a card once where the wishes are already written?

It’s one thing to wish a random woman a happy birthday, but it’s another to send your wishes to your mother. It would be a shame not to be able to find even 5 minutes to express your feelings to her alone. Those who celebrate happy mothers day like a mom probably understand this better. There’s no substitute for heartfelt words.

6- How should be mother’s day card wording?

Happy mothers day card messages are the best. However, keep in mind that the most important thing is that your mother’s day card sayings must come from your heart.

What to say in mother’s day card : how do you get over the blank card crisis?

It’s a horrible situation. You have the card, you’ve been sitting for a few minutes, but nothing comes to mind. Remember that the best ideas are inspired by basic, even insignificant events. Don’t try to find mother’s day phrases for cards online. Think outside the box and be creative. Your mother will appreciate it.

Take inspiration from your daily life, your mother’s words, your own, your father’s jokes, your brothers’ jokes. In short, take inspiration from your family void, and you will always have enough information at hand to compose excellent mothers day cards sayings from daughter.

If you are totally out of ideas… either you can’t do the impossible, but if you can’t, simply show your heart to your mom, she’ll be all the happier. You’re bound to have plenty of sweet things to say to mom on mother’s day, even if you don’t realize it right away. By the way, to avoid that your children live the same nightmares as you, as adults, initiate them from the youngest age to this exercise.





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