23 Fun Things to Do on a Snowy Day

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Number of Snow days in the Netherlands (1990 - 2019) vs. Year

Snow is a novelty to a lot of people because it doesn’t fall everywhere and even in places where it does fall, it might not come very often. The Netherlands for instance doesn’t see many years with more than 20 snow days as shown by the graph from Statista above. Point is, if you get a snowy day, you should definitely already know some fun things to do on a snowy day so you can take advantage.

While there are many who are enthusiastic about snow, there are quite a number of people who aren’t too crazy about it and this applies to all ages. My grandparents for instance absolutely love it when it is snowing, much like kids do – which is what they turn to on such days anyway.

This means that some people will gladly engage in activities in snow while some others will prefer to stay indoors. Whichever group you fall into, we’ve got you covered. Included in this article is stuff to do on a snowy day whether inside or out and whether old or young.

6 Snow day activities for kids outside

1. Go sledding/ snowboarding

A common thing to do in the snow for kids, going sledding is an absolute must on a snow day. You can grab some friends in the neighborhood and a sleigh and work having fun. And if you’re lucky enough to live in an area that allows it, you can go snowboarding to have double the fun.

2. Snow fight

“What can you do in the snow?” cannot be answered without including a snowball fight. You can have some fun making and throwing snowballs at family or friends, or even making it a competition between teams, sort of like dodgeball or paintball.

What can you do in the snow

3. Get some snow painting done

There are some creative things to do in the snow, and this is one of them. You or your parents can help you out by mixing food coloring or even watercolors which you can then use to paint whatever snow creations you come up with. You get bonus points for using a spray bottle.

4. Build a snowman

Building a snowman is an essential to do when it’s snowing outside, which can provide you with hours of fun. You don’t even have to limit yourself to snowmen – you can make snow penguins, aliens, and whatever else your imagination drives you to.

5. Build a snow house/ Igloo

Be an Eskimo for the day by building a snow house/ igloo where you can have tons of fun with family and friends. If you feel it might be a huge task, you can get an adult involved in what promises to be a fun-filled bonding experience for both of you.

6. Scavenger hunt

A snow day activity for toddlers that is sure to keep them occupied and having fun is going on a scavenger hunt in the snow. They can attempt to find things like animal tracks, snow animals, or certain types of seeds and plants such as pine cones. Parents can also get involved by placing certain materials around various locations that the kids can then try to find, much like an Easter egg competition.

6 Snow day activities for kids inside

7. Make some snow ice cream

Kids looking for things to do in the snow at home can indulge their taste buds by making homemade snow ice cream. There are several recipes one can use, and one of them is to mix a cup of sugar with a teaspoon of vanilla extract and about a ⅓ cup of sugar. You then add 6 cups of clean snow or as much snow as is needed to get it as creamy as you would like.

8. Play board games

These can be pretty fun things to do when you are snowed in, especially when you have a variety of games and people to play with. Grab your siblings and parent/s, and if your neighborhood friends can make it, even better.

Check out some ideas on board games.

9. Get some baking done

Many kids I know love to bake and would consider baking a fun thing to do when it snows, and you can’t go outside. If your kids are one of those, you can engage them in baking some cookies, pastries or even teaching them how to make butter. Be careful, though; they might become addicted to baking which means more monitoring.

If baking with children, here are some must-haves.

10. Build an indoor fort

You can create an indoor defense inside if you can’t build an igloo because it is snowing outside. Your building materials can be pillows, chairs, and even blankets. Make this your kingdom and engage in all manner of fun inside.

11. Make some friendship bracelets

One of the best things to do on a snow day when snowed in is to engage in DIY, and a trendy one is the making of friendship bracelets. Let your friends know how much they mean to you by making a memento to your friendship in the form of a bracelet.

To do this, you will need some letter beads, buttons, embroidery thread, and some tape, and you can then pop into the internet for different techniques to use to make the bracelets.

12. Play some physical games

Getting physical can be a fun thing to do on a snowy day, even when stuck inside the house. You can play some indoor games such as egg races, balloon tennis, or even a hula hoop competition. You can even design your own obstacle course around the house. This way, even if it is snowing outside, you still get to have fun inside.

For more games, here are family games to play at home.

5 Snow day activities for adults outside

13. Activities in the snow

There are many cool things to do in the snow as an adult that should not be reserved for kids alone. For instance, the best snowmen are built by adults, and this is a fact. So when you need stuff to do on a snow day, look no further; get into the snow and build yourself some snowmen, penguins, and whatever else your creative side comes up with. You can also just roll around in the snow and make a snow angel or engage in some lighthearted snow fights – just make sure you have fun.

14. Go skating/snowboarding/skiing/ snowmobiling

Looking for stuff to do on a snow day? Why not take yourself skating. If there is a skating rink in town, then you are in luck. Meet up with some friends or take your family to that rink and have some good times.

You can also go snowboarding if the weather and environment allow it. There is also the biking alternative for snow – snowmobiles. If you can get your hands on one, you should have some fun with it on a snowy day.

If you are a snowboarding or snowmobiling enthusiast, check out these must-haves for snowboarders and snowmobilers.

15. Go hiking/ take a walk

Taking walks and going on hikes are not things reserved exclusively for the summer; snowy landscapes can be pretty fun to observe.

You can do either of these things simply to enjoy the snow or the wildlife that comes out when it snows. You could even engage in a scavenger hunt for interesting things – living and non-living – in the snow, like how I do with bird-watching.

16. Shovel your driveway

The thing about being an adult is you have to engage in adulting. One of those things to do on a snow day for adults is clean your driveway. Yes, this is a chore but a necessary one for when God forbid, you face an emergency that requires you to drive out quickly.

It could also allow you to decorate your yard with whatever snow imaginations come to mind.

17. Take yourself/ significant other out

After the chore, that was the last suggestion; you need to unwind. Another fun thing to do on a snowy day is take yourself and someone special out to enjoy the nice snowy night. You could go to a restaurant with a view where you would enjoy good food, company, or go to a skating rink and skate the night away with the special someone.

Here are some ideas for a romantic night with your significant other.

6 Snow day activities for adults inside

18. Sleep in

As adults, we work very hard, and any opportunity to rest is always welcome and should be taken. If you wake up and find that there is a lot of snow outside and you can’t make it to work or work is canceled, tell that alarm clock to shut up and get some more hours of precious sleep. You’ve earned it.

19. Binge-watch Netflix

We cannot talk about what to do on a snowy day inside without mentioning some binge-watching. With so many shows being made these days, it is almost impossible to keep up with our favorites. If snow falling outside gives you the chance to catch up with The Witcher, then, by all means, go for it. Thank you, snow gods; we can now watch shows in peace.

20. Host a dinner/ wine party

Time spent with friends is a good and fun time, so why not combine that with a snowy day. Hit up your friends and invite them over for a snowy wine party or a dinner where you can be in the company of those you love, inside and safe from the snow.

21. Get some reading done

Another fun thing to do on a snowy day is to get some reading done. There are tons of things you can read that you have probably been putting off, and today is the day you get started. You can read anything from novels to academic books and journals to comics/manga. Reading can be fun, especially in winter with a hot cup of chocolate in one hand, a lovely book on the other, and a warm blanket to keep you warm and cozy.

22. Treat yourself to a nice long bath/ spa day

It’s snowing outside; you’re staying inside, your responsibilities are less for the day, what are you going to do? Treat yourself is the answer. This could be your day of relaxation, and you would have earned it. So run a bath, put cucumber slices on your face, lay back, and listen to soothing sounds (or whatever rocks your boat). Do whatever you need to do but above all, relax.

23. Call your people

This would be an excellent time to catch up with relatives or friends you haven’t spoken to in a while. Make a list of those you think are deserving of a call, throw your legs up, and call them. This would be a great time to reconnect with them and allow you some guilt-free breathing space before you have to call them up again.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can adults do on a snow day?

  • Binge-watch your favorite shows
  • Catch up on some reading
  • Get your relaxation mode on with a long bath and an indoor spa day
  • Go skating at the ice rink or snowmobiling
  • Host a dinner party with friends
  • Sleep in

2. What are some fun things to do on a snow day?

  • You simply must build a snowman
  • Go skating/ snowmobiling/ snowboarding
  • Play some physical games with family and friends such as egg races
  • Binge watch some series and movies
  • Take yourself and your significant other out
  • Snow fight

3. What can you do on a snow day with your boyfriend?

  • Take your boyfriend to an ice skating rink for some ice-themed bonding
  • Movie night/ binging on series
  • Cook with each other – naked
  • Game night – throw in some sexy games
  • Put on some nice jams and dance
  • Have a snow fight in the snow
  • Engage in all sorts of regular activities

In Conclusion

Snowy days do not mean boring days. There are loads of activities to do both outside – if the weather permits – and inside that will keep you occupied. We hope that you enjoy our suggestions and from us to you, have some fun, you deserve it.





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