
How to Give Your Crush a Gift Secretly

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

You have a CRUSH on someone, it is so exciting but scary at the same time. You want to let this person know how you feel. But it is a little intimidating to just walk up to them and tell them directly as you are unsure how they will react. So you find yourself wondering and looking for some ideas of how to give your crush a gift secretly.

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Although almost everyone from young to old goes through a stage in their lives where they have a crush on someone. This person could be a classmate, a co-worker, a friend that you have known for a long time and even someone that you don’t know at all.

But why all the secrecy, surely if you adore that person and feel that you could be in love with them and would like to date them, then why would you not want to let them know who you are? Why would you want to give your crush a gift secretly?

The First Reason which is the biggest reason why people do this is because of the fear of rejection. They fear that when their crush sees who they are, they may not like them in the same way and there is the possibility that they would refuse to accept the gift that they were given. By giving them a gift anonymously, they have no choice but to accept this gift and keep as they do not know who to return it to. 

The Second Reason would be if they are already friends with their crush they don’t want to be the first to admit their feelings for the other person without being sure how they feel about them. This would also be a fear of rejection as well as fear of damaging their friendship.

When anyone has a crush on someone else, they find themselves doing strange things that they wouldn’t usually do. They go out of their way to see this person or bump into them. They are always trying to be around them or near them as much as possible. Some even build up the courage to talk to them all of a sudden even though they have never really been friends with them before. They then will secretly leave all sorts of messages and gifts for them to find.

There is a downside to this too:

There is another side of to giving your crush a gift secretly. A down and creepy side which will all depend on what type of gift you give them and how often you send them these gifts. If the gift is too expensive and way too big, it could be received negatively. If you send them too many gifts too often then it could become very creepy and uncomfortable for your crush. 

And when they find out that you are the sender, they will remember how bad they felt when they received the gift. This could cause your crush not liking you back because of that very reason. 

So how do you find the best gift for your crush and how to surprise someone with a gift without it being creepy or making them feel uncomfortable? The whole point of giving your crush a gift is firstly to do something nice for them and by doing that you want to ensure that you don’t scare them away. So the best way is by making sure the gift that you give them and the way you give it to them is kept fun and lighthearted.

Before you can find surprise gifts for your crush that are perfect for them, there are some things that you would need to consider and things that you need to do which would also depend on how well you know your crush. Things like:

  • Think of things that your crush is interested in, the places that they like to go
  • Think about the type of person that they are. Things like whether they enjoy spending their time outdoors on different types of adventures or if they prefer to be indoors with a good book or watch movies.
  • Think about their hobbies and activities that they do
  • Think about the sports they enjoy watching or taking part in
  • Think about things they like to do to relax
  • You can think about the things that you have in common with them
  • Think about how you know your crush. If your crush is a co-worker, it would not be a good idea to send a gift to them at the office.
  • Think about the purpose of the gift. Is it a special occasion like their birthday, Valentine’s Day or Christmas?
  • If your crush has a job, you can think about the work that they do

Things to keep in mind when buying your crush a gift

There are a couple of things that you need to consider when buying a gift for a crush

Do not overspend and buy a gift that is too expensive

The gift that you choose to buy your crush should not be expensive, that can wait until you are actually in a relationship and are dating. The gift that you buy should be something thoughtful, meaningful and even useful.

Do not buy too many gifts to give your crush

When you are thinking about gift ideas for crush, remember to limit how many gifts that you plan to give them. Just because you are having a hard time choosing which gift to give them, it does not mean that you need to buy them a couple of different ones.

Try to think of a gift that your crush would be interested in

When thinking of their interests and hobbies like:

  • Music – Everybody loves music, think what your crushes favorite is and if maybe you both have the same music in common, you can make a playlist of their favorite songs or if they will be playing nearby in the near future, you can get tickets.
  • Reading – If they enjoy reading, find out what they enjoy reading , for‌ ‌example, a certain type of magazine or if it is books find out who their favorite authors are and what books they may not have read yet.
  • Cooking or baking – If your crush enjoys baking or cooking, you could consider recipe books of their favorite cuisine, cooking classes or any other items that could be useful to their cooking interest.
  • Health-conscious. Your crush may be a person that enjoys working on staying healthy and they follow a set diet. They may spend a lot of their time in the gym. Keep this in mind because a gift that is a box of chocolates would not be a good idea.

Some gift ideas for your crush

To decide on a great gift, remember to keep the gift really simple at first as you are just trying to let them know in your own way that you like them and are interested in starting a relationship with them. You can have a look at some cute sentimental gift ideas for boyfriend which could also work well for girlfriends. Although, your crush may not be your boyfriend or girlfriend yet. It is worth a look.

Here are some gift ideas that you could maybe consider:

⓵ Flowers

Guy gives Flower to his girlfriend

Flowers are a common gift that most guys would give their crush as it symbolizes their beauty. If you decide to give your crush flowers, make sure that they are her favorite kind as well as her favorite color.

⓶ Chocolates, candy and other sweet treats

Chocolates or sweets gifts from a Guy

Chocolates, candy and other sweet treats make a perfect gift to give your crush as long as they are their favorites. If you can make some sweet treats like cupcakes or cookies that are delicious yourself, you will be able to impress your crush even more.

⓷ Concert, Show or Event TicketsTicket Gift

By buying tickets for your crush to attend a concert, show or event that you know that they will like. With this invitation, you can use this as an opportunity to tell them how you feel about them.

⓸ Shared unusual interest

beautiful girl surprise gift

If you and your crush happen to be good friends and you have a shared unusual interest or experience. You could think of a gift that would fit in very well that is related to that shared moment the two of you had. With this type of gift, it makes it easy for you to use the gift to lead to something more. You can also either do something fun with it by making it into a gag gift or something a little more thoughtful by making it a meaningful gift.

⓹ A handmade gift

DIY Handmade Gift Box

A handmade gift is more thoughtful and meaningful than any other gift that you could buy. This gift shows your crush that you care about them as you have taken the time and made the effort to make something special for them. For this type of gift to be meaningful, think about what they enjoy, there are so many different things to choose from like from making up a gift basket of their favorite things to creating something from scratch like pottery plant potters and wooden memory boxes where special messages can be placed in.

Some other handmade gifts that you could think about:

  • Handwritten letter or open when letters always make a great gift, no matter what the status of your relationship is.
  • A mixed CD that you made with all their favorite songs on it.
  • Mason jars filled with special handwritten notes or poems and their favorite candy makes an amazing gift for your crush.

⓺ Arrange an outing for the two of you

Giving an amazing gift to your crush does not always have to be a physical item that you have bought. It could be something like a day at the amusement park together or tickets to a comedy show where the two of you can have a good laugh together.

⓻ Do something nice for your crush

Another type of gift that you can think about is to do something nice for your crush. You can help them with something like washing their car or fix something that is broken. A nice thing to do for your crush is sometimes something as simple as just being there for them, giving them your full attention to really listen to them.

⓼ Give them a special card

A special card can sometimes be the most meaningful gift a crush could receive. With just the right words at just the right moment can really help lift someone’s mood and make them feel good and they will appreciate you for it

Ways to give your crush a gift secretly

When it comes to finding ways to give your crush a gift secretly, you should always consider safe places. Places where they will find the gift without it going missing or can be stolen. It is best to choose a place that only your crush has access to such as:

Infographic How to Give Your Crush a Gift Secretly-min

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/how-to-give-your-crush-gift-secretly-surprise-birthday/

  • Items that they carry on them all the time, like a bag or a book if your gift is a card, tickets or voucher of some kind
  • You could leave the gift in their mailbox or have cute things to send in the mail to friends via a courier service.
  • You could leave it hidden on their work desk or in a draw that only they will see when opened.
  • You could ask a close friend of yours or a trusted friend of theirs to hand-deliver the gift for you.

Before you can decide on how to give your crush a gift secretly. You need to decide on what is the best gift for your crush without it being too expensive or too large. It is also a good idea to limit the number of gifts that you give them as well as how often you give your crush a gift. The gift that you choose should also be thoughtful and meaningful to them if you want to grab their attention in a good way.





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