
Inexpensive One-Year Anniversary Date Ideas

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Is it already a one-year anniversary? Congratulations! Time truly passes quickly! By some theories, it passes even faster when we are in a set routine. One year is a long period in every relationship. You get to know everything about your loved one, to share thoughts and hopes, and enjoy daily life together. The routine is not necessarily a bad thing, although a lot of people think so. No, it’s nice to share life with your partner and to know everything about him or her. Daily life is bonding people, making them fall in love all over again every day. The time spent together is beautifully transforming your life, so you should just let it. Love is an incredible thing, and you should enjoy every bit of it!

Still, it’s healthy to step out and make something special arrangements for date nights every once in a while. It’s not because the routine is bad, but because the change is good too! If you want to organize a romantic date with your partner for the one-year anniversary, yet you’re on a tight budget, we are here to help. We have an entire list of date ideas for couples, and all of them are incredibly romantic! Keep reading if you want to find out where to take your loved one for a one-year anniversary.

Infographic Inexpensive One Year Anniversary Ideas

Source Link: https://whattogetmy.com/inexpensive-one-year-anniversary-date-ideas/

Bed and Breakfast

Bed and Breakfast make croissants

If you’re on a tight budget, serving breakfast in bed is a perfect idea. Don’t worry, this one never gets old! You can organize a perfect date without too much effort. Your loved one gets to wake up to a beautiful morning and an amazing meal. What could be more romantic than that?

We recommend taking some time to prepare a simple yet tasty and esthetically attractive meal. You can make croissants, eggs, waffles, and much more. A cup of coffee or tea is a must, of course! Some other drinks, such as smoothies and fruit juices are preferable. If you get up only a few minutes earlier, you can even decorate the meal with some heart-shaped bread or eggs. Just be creative, and you can’t go wrong with this one!

First Date or Wedding Day

First Date or Wedding Day Place

So, you already had a perfect first date and wedding day? Why don’t you and your loved one walk the path of memories and relive it again? Just think about it, it’s a perfect one-year anniversary date for romantic souls!

The key is to set the scene to be the same as it was before! If you and your partner went on a fancy dinner, take her or him to the same place. Book the same table, ask for the same meals. Your life partner will love it, that’s for sure!

Still, if you’re up for something different, you can look into our article about Romantic Anniversary Night Ideas. We prepared some amazing ideas you can try out anytime!

Picnic at the Park

Picnic at the Park

Those looking for ideas for an anniversary celebration will love this one! If you and your partner are nature lovers, a picnic is an excellent idea. It’s an inexpensive option yet truly romantic. Put the blanket under a tree, light up candles, bring a portable speaker, and make an anniversary date unforgettable! Just don’t forget about the food and drinks if you want everything to be perfect. We also recommend bringing some good wine to spice things up!

Those who prefer staying at home for an anniversary can also make a picnic in the backyard. Never thought about that? Now is the perfect time to try it! With a little help of dim lights, candles, and a portable music system in your home, you can make an incredibly romantic picnic at home. It’s all about being creative, after all!

Relax at the Spa

Relax at the Spa

If you and your life partner are workaholics, a spa date is what you both need! You two will enjoy the day off, relaxing with the help of relaxing treatment. Besides, you’ll feel refreshed and recharged, and even closer to your loved one.

Still, if booking a spa is too much for you, you can organize one at home! You only need a couple of things for the date, including relaxing music, comfy room, and candles. Then you can opt for face masks, bubble baths, massages, or other amazing treatments according to your preferences. One is certain, your partner will enjoy every bit of a home spa treatment!

A Walk or a Road Trip

A Walk or a Road Trip

One of the most romantic 1 year anniversary ideas is a walk through nature or the city! Picture the scene: you and your loved one are just walking around, without any special goal, remembering all the romantic moments from your relationship, talking for hours, and enjoying the time spent together. You don’t have to give a lot of money to make an anniversary date extraordinary!

We also recommend organizing a road trip if you have a few more bucks to spend. You don’t have to go far away from home at all! It’s enough to make a small getaway for just the two of you. It can be the countryside, the other city close by, or any other place. The only important thing is for you two to have an entire day to spend together!

Sports Game

Sports Game

If you and your loved one are sports enthusiasts, one of the most romantic date ideas would be watching a game! Make sure to reserve and buy the tickets for the desired game, and your partner will be thrilled with the idea. Surprise him or her with the tickets early in the morning, on the anniversary day, and here’s an inexpensive and amazing idea for the special day!

Don’t forget to buy T-shirts, caps, and other accessories for the event. You can’t deliver the tickets without the necessary equipment, right? Your partner will love the fact that you planned everything, and he or she will enjoy every moment of the anniversary date!

Biking, Hiking or Camping


Here comes one amazing idea for nature lovers, athletes, and adventurers! You don’t have to spend a fortune to go camping with your loved one. If you already have the necessary camping gear, you’ll only need to pack some food and drinks. You don’t even need to go too far from home or for a long period. A day or two in nature is good enough, as long as you can organize camping, biking, or hiking for the perfect anniversary date!

Movie Night

Movie Night

If you two would rather stay home, cuddle, and revive all the memories, a movie night is a perfect date! Yes, we know, you already watched a lot of movies with your loved one, but did you organize a date night? Did you light up candles, cooked a meal, prepared hot drinks, and snacks? No?

Waste no time and organize that movie night already. It’s a perfect anniversary date that doesn’t require a lot of money, time, and effort, yet it turns out to be incredibly romantic. Put the blankets on the floor, use your mini projector or a big-screen TV, and plan a movie marathon! You can pick whatever movie you want, from comedies to dramas and fantasies. It’s just important to pick a genre that matches both of your sensibilities. And a perfect one-year anniversary date can finally start!



If you’re searching for romantic yet inexpensive one-year anniversary date ideas, we have another one for you! Making a bonfire with your partner is a good way to spend an anniversary night. A blazing fire will add a hint of romance in the air, so you only need a blanket, some music, and wine to spice things up. If you play a musical instrument, even better! Bring it on the date and play love songs for your partner. Near the fire, you’ll feel comfy and warm, cuddling all night long with your loved one. Is there anything more romantic than that?

Still, if you want some more ideas on how to spend a romantic night, you can look up into our article Romantic Evening Ideas for Married Couples. You’ll definitely find a lot of ideas you can use for the anniversary date.



When it comes to other inexpensive one-year anniversary date ideas, we recommend a music concert! If you and your partner bonded over the similar music taste, what could be better than attending a music concert? Plan everything ahead, buy the tickets, and make your partner fall in love with you all over again! If you have some extra bucks to spend, you can also take the chance to attend a concert in another state. You could attend one of the concerts on the tour of your favorite band. It would be like a dream come true!

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to bring a camera and record this amazing date! You and your partner will enjoy looking at those photos and videos tomorrow morning. You can even make an album for future years to come!

Other Gift Ideas

Don’t forget about the gifts! Even if you are already organizing a date night, you can give a little something to your partner. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift, but a meaningful one. You want to show your partner that you thought the night through and that you wanted everything to be perfect. Here are some of the things we recommend:

Gifts for Her

Of course, you thought about the flowers already. Well, it’s a classic gift that never gets old. All women love flowers, and your girl will appreciate the gesture no matter if it’s a single rose or 101 of them. You can go with chocolate boxes as well. Wrap the candies in some nice paper, and here you go, the perfect little anniversary gift! We also recommend spending some time on love notes and letters. It’s romantic, thoughtful, and she’ll shed a tear knowing how much you love her!

For more ideas about anniversary gifts for your loved one, you can go to our article Just Because I Love You Gifts For Her.

Gifts for Him

Here you are, looking for cute date ideas for your boyfriend and gifts you could buy for him. We’ll say this once again, you don’t have to buy expensive gifts to make your loved one feel special. All you need to do is to think about those things that will show him all your love! Paint a cute picture for him, record a romantic song, make him a funny poster or a love card. These are all romantic yet inexpensive gifts that don’t require a lot of effort and time. Just think about the things he enjoys the most, and you can’t go wrong no matter what gift you choose. Again, we have a great guide to help you with this topic – Cute Sentimental Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend.

When deciding on the anniversary date night, take into account the personal preferences of your loved one. You both need to enjoy the same things if you want the date to be perfect! We understand it’s hard to pick just one place when you want everything to be like a movie date. Don’t stress too much about it! Your partner will enjoy the time spent by your side, regardless of the place. Once he or she sees the effort you put into the organization, everything else will be insignificant. You are together, you love each other, and years of joy are yet to come. Every minute counts, but it counts regardless of the place and occasion. Therefore, take our advice and pick some of the places stated above. With these inexpensive one-year anniversary date ideas, you’ll make this year celebration special!





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