
35 Interesting Topics to Talk about with Your Girlfriend

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We know you will also like this related article on Things a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend for a great list of more sweet things your girlfriend wants to hear from you.

Share of Americans who are in love in 2019. Source: Statista

Are you in love at this moment_

If you’re in the company of the 25% according to the above 2019 study who are passionately in love, then you know that communication is essential for any relationship to grow from strength to strength. For some girlfriends, they take the absence of communication as meaning that their boyfriend does not love them anymore, and they can’t be blamed for thinking in this way.

Knowing how to keep conversations going with your girlfriend is, therefore, a good skill to have.  In this article, we will be helping you with subjects to talk about with your girlfriend

and tips on how to have a good conversation with your girlfriend.

How To Have A Good Conversation With Your Girlfriend – 2 Important Tips.

Table of Contents

When it comes to having a good conversation with your girlfriend and how to talk to your girlfriend, there is no rocket science to it. Different things work for different relationships but ultimately the following 2 important considerations must always be at play in order to have a good conversation with your girlfriend:

1. Make out time to hang out with her and have conversations.

Being too busy to have heartfelt conversations is usually how relationships start on a downward spiral. If you are always too busy to make out time for your girlfriend to have conversations, it is only a matter of time before you both start drifting apart, and this cuts across both ways.

And when you start drifting apart because of inadequate time talking to each other, when you eventually get around to talking, it would feel awkward and forced. You will start to feel like strangers around each other, and before long the relationship would lose the spark it had at the start of the relationship.

To avoid this happening and to ensure that you always have a good conversation with your girlfriend, always making out time to hang out and talk is therefore very important.

You don’t even have to always talk about serious stuff. You can just hang out and goof about or joke around or whatever. But whatever it is, ensure that there is constant quality time spent together communicating and keeping the chemistry going.

And if you think there won’t be enough stuff to talk about with your girlfriend, don’t worry. We will give you enough material to work with in this article by giving you a long list of interesting topics to talk about with your girlfriend.

Making out time to hang out and talk with your girlfriend is one of the things a good boyfriend does. To see a list of other things a good boyfriend does, check out our related article on 25 Remarkable Things a good boyfriend does.

2. Be actively present in the conversation.

Nothing annoys a girlfriend like a boyfriend who is not actively present in the conversation. You show her you are actively present by:

Learn about other things that annoy girlfriends in our article on How to stop being annoying to your girlfriend.

35 Interesting Topics To Talk About With Your Girlfriend.

Here is our list of interesting topics to talk about with your girlfriend. We have divided it into several categories for you to choose from the topics that interest you.

9 Good Conversation Starters With Your Girlfriend.

Conversation starters at the beginning of a relationship are usually not very hard to navigate as the chemistry and flame are still very much high. However, as the relationship gets older, conversation starters can start to thin out and become a monotone. This does not however have to be the case. These conversation starters will never grow out of fashion no matter how old or young your relationship is, and you should never grow tired of using them.

1. “How are you and how was your day today?”

This will never go out of fashion or be outdated because every girlfriend wants to vent about how good or bad her day was at the end of each day. This is a good conversation starter that tells her that you always interested in how her day went

2. “What did you get up to today?”

Find out what she used her day to do. Whether she went out to get her nails done or hang out with her girlfriends or just chill at home, your girlfriend will relish the thought of giving you all the gist of what she got up to in the day.

3. “Do you need a massage or a back scrub?” or “Would you love a massage or a back scrub or both?”

Which girlfriend would not love to hear this as a conversation starter hahaha. This is sure to bring a wide smile to her face.

4. “Did you miss me today?”

Awwn how sweet! And of course she did. She will be sure to tell you in her sweetest cutest voice and hopefully with a kiss too.

5. “You look distracted/like you have a lot on your mind, care to share?”

This conversation starter tells your girlfriend that you are paying attention to her disposition and are perceptive about when she isn’t being her usual self. Given that it is not a usual question for guys, this conversation starter always has the desired effect of having your girlfriend open up to you especially if she wants to unburden what’s on her mind.

This conversation starter tells your girlfriend that you are paying attention to her disposition and are perceptive about when she isn’t being her usual self. Given that it is not a usual question for guys, this conversation starter always has the desired effect of having your girlfriend open up to you especially if she wants to unburden what’s on her mind.

6. “Why do you look so ravishingly beautiful today, you’re making me hungry?”

Enough said lol. This one is especially effective when she’s dressed up for an outing or occasion. Such a loaded compliment will make her feel desired and have her feeling on top of the world throughout. You can remind her how hot she looked when she gets back and follow it up with how her outing went.

7. “You know this is my favorite dress right?”

This is another great conversation starter for when she’s dressed up for an outing. Remind her of why it’s your favorite dress and why you love seeing it on her.

8. “What do you feel like doing today?” or “What do you feel like having today?”

This is a great conversation starter for when you are both trying to decide on what to spend your day doing or on what to eat, especially if you are ordering take outs at home. You can then trade ideas and have a whole conversation about what you both feel like doing for the day or eating for the day.

9. “Babe I feel like doing something a little different with you today.”

Girlfriends like a man who can also take charge. So sometimes, rather than ask her, try something different and have a conversation about what you want to do differently. Or you can just surprise her by showing her what it is you want to do.  And this can be a different outing, a different cuddle time, a different restaurant, and the likes.

You may also check out these cool conversation starter cards from Amazon if you want to use conversation starter cards instead – Our Moments Conversation Starter Cards for Couples and The Love Languages Couples Cards.

6 Serious Relationship Topics To Talk About With Your Girlfriend.

There are obviously a thousand and one topics to talk about with your girlfriend. We’ve selected the top ones when it comes to serious relationship topics to talk about with your girlfriend.

10. Her views on commitment in relationships and what she thinks of your relationship.

This is an important conversation especially if you see your relationship as a long-term affair and not a temporary or short-term relationship. This conversation would also help you get an idea of what her expectations are.

It would also help you know how committed to the relationship she is and how invested in the relationship she is or wants to be. If she is or isn’t in love with you, this conversation would also help you know early enough.

11. Her goals and future plans.

Some guys like an ambitious driven woman with goals and plans. If you fall in this category, then it is important to have this conversation early on so that you know early on if she is the type of ambitious woman you want to build a committed relationship with.

And even if she may not have future plans at the time you asked, asking her about it would get her thinking about it. It would also make her happy knowing that you take an interest in the things she likes and wants to do with her life.

12. Your goals and future plans and how she fits into them.

It is also as important to share with your girlfriend what your plans, both present, and future are, especially if you see her as the woman you want to build a future with. Discussing your plans and ambitions with her will show her that you consider her important to you and see you guys as a formidable team.

It is also as important to share with your girlfriend what your plans, both present, and future are, especially if you see her as the woman you want to build a future with. Discussing your plans and ambitions with her will show her that you consider her important to you and see you guys as a formidable team.

Our article on How to talk to your boyfriend about the future can also give you more insight on talking about the future with your girlfriend.

13. Marriage and number of kids.

If this is the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, this is an important relationship talk to have. With the marriage talk you want to find out:

Not sure marriage is for you? You might like this article on Signs your boyfriend won’t marry you.

14. Finances.

Even if you are not getting married yet, it is important early on in the relationship to have the money talk. You need to know what her views are on how the money responsibility should be shared between the both of you.

This is never a comfortable conversation to have, but it is necessary and important to have it. This is especially important if you notice that your girlfriend is a big spender and loves a lavish lifestyle that you cannot afford.

Let her know where you stand financially so that she can decide if she wants to stay. You also don’t want to be in a relationship where your girlfriend sees you as the cow to be milked dry.

15. Projects or activities you want to do together.

This is another great serious relationship topic that tells her that you see her as an important part of your life and that you want to build something with her. Nothing makes a woman feel super special than being included as part of her man’s plan and working on a project together with him.

3 Topics To Talk With Girlfriend On Call.

When it comes to what to talk to your girlfriend about on the phone, it is not advisable to have serious conversations over the phone. The serious talk should be reserved for face-to-face discussions. But you can have the following conversations with your girlfriend over the phone.

16. Asking her if she wants you to get her anything on your way back.

On your way back from work or if you’re going to a store, you can call her to ask if she would want anything. This would warm her heart and endear her all the more to you because it tells her you are considerate and very thoughtful.

17. Checking in on her to see how her day is going.

Random calls in the day to check up on your girl is a sure-fire way to keep love burning. It is one call she would never say no to. Even if the call lasts only for less than a minute, the thought behind it is what makes it such a potent and powerful call.

18. Dropping random sweet texts to show her she’s on your mind.

Every girlfriend wants to blush at sweet random text messages from her boyfriend during the day. Drop her a one-liner or two telling her how much she means to you and how much you miss her.

5 Late Night Conversations With Your Girlfriend.

Late-night conversations can only mean pillow talk, or else what are you talking about right? Lol. But seriously, late night conversations are the best times to get the love switch turned up twice a notch. Here is some pretty lovey-dovey stuff to talk about in between the sheets.

19. Your sex life and what is working or not working and trying out new things.

If there’s a fetish or fantasy you have about sex, late nights are always a good time to discuss and explore them. Talking about it will certainly have a turning-on effect and the rest as they say is history.

20. How much she means to you and the things you love about her.

And of course, there’s the part where you remind her of how much you love her and how much she means to you. Late-night conversations should never be about arguments. If you had an argument during the day, use the light night to kiss and make up both literally and figuratively. And a good place to start is by telling her how much you love her and how much she means to you.

21. The parts of her body that you love the most.

This is surprisingly an important late night conversation that doesn’t get talked about a lot. This is especially helpful if you suspect your girlfriend has body image issues. Affirming to her how wild her body drives you would give her a confidence boost you would not understand. And even for the confident woman, this still adds an extra jolt to her body confidence because every woman (and man too) wants to feel desired and wanted.

22. Your wildest dreams, imaginations, and fantasies.

No better time to let your imagination run wild than late at night. If your fantasy is traveling to the moon and building castles there, why not share those. And wouldn’t you just love to hear what her wildest dreams, imaginations, and fantasies are? You may just find that you have shared fantasies. And you may just get an inspiration or two about new things to try out in your relationship.

23. Playing conversation card games.

And if you don’t want to talk too much, you can instead resort to playing a game of conversation cards. These Intimacy Deck Conversation Cards from Amazon are an amazing set to use.

6 Random Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend.

Great random questions always have a jolting effect on relationships but in a good way. It takes your partner aback and also makes them realize just how much they mean to you and you mean to them. Always inject that excitement and fire into your relationship with any of these great random questions.

24. “Who do you think I am?”

She would be taken aback by this rather odd question because she would not be sure how to answer it. She may give an answer like, “I don’t know, Bob?” Lol. To which of course you should have a sweet retort along the lines of, “Eem no, I am the man who is madly in love with you!” or something along those lines. You get the drift.

25. “Why do you love me?”

Asked at the right random moment and with the right bedroom and/or sweet voice, the answer to this question would make you a very happy boyfriend.

Remember, timing is important with this question because asked at the wrong time, it would have the opposite effect of making her think you doubt her love for you.

26. “Where’s my heart?”

This is another one of those random questions that leave her confused about exactly what you mean or the type of answer you are looking for. It is also one of those random questions that gives you a chance to use one of the cliche romantic lines that ladies pretend they don’t want to hear but can’t get enough of. Cliche lines like “Stolen by you” or “My heart is yours forever” never go out of fashion.

27. “Can you hear it?”

She would obviously ask, “hear what?”. To which you may say “The erratic beating of my heart because you always take my breath away” or something along those lines but you get the gist.

28. “So, like how do you do it?”

Another random question to get you to make her blush. Again she would ask, “do what?” And be ready with a sweet answer like, “effortlessly take my breath away”, or “have me madly in love with you just by effortlessly being you”, or something along those lines.

29. “What do we do about this situation babe?”

“What situation?” she would ask. “The one where I am hopelessly and madly in love with you,” he says. Tell me that wouldn’t make her mushy?!.

“What situation?” she would ask. “The one where I am hopelessly and madly in love with you,” he says. Tell me that wouldn’t make her mushy?!.

6 Great Boyfriend And Girlfriend Question Games.

With boyfriend and girlfriend question games, there is no limit to the kind of questions you can ask. You can choose a theme to work with and test each other’s knowledge. The following themes work well for Boyfriend and girlfriend question games.

30. How we met and our relationship history.

This one is a great theme to remind each other of how you both met and the moment your special bond was formed. You can ask each other questions like:

This list is not exhaustive but meant to give you an idea of what a Q&A centered around this theme looks like.

31. Places we’ve been.

Test each other’s knowledge of the places you’ve both explored. It could be:

Again, the list is not exhaustive but a helpful guide.

32. Random facts about you.

This one helps you to discover more about each other in terms of tastes, and habits. You can ask each other to mention some random and weird facts about each other that would surprise each of you.

33. Our interests and hobbies.

This is an especially great Q&A if your relationship is new and you are still getting to know each other and what your likes and dislikes are, and what your hobbies and interests are. This would also help you both understand your compatibility and the likes.

34. Motivational Q & A.

And why not motivate each other with some motivational Q& As like:

35. How well do we know each other?

Here, you want to see how much you know about each other. So questions like,

All these questions will always strengthen the relationship, so ask away and have fun while at it.

And remember these conversations should be combined with adventure and fun for maximum pleasure. Check out our article on Adventurous things to do with your girlfriend for more inspiration.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How do I have a fun conversation with my girlfriend?

There is no trick to having a fun conversation with your girlfriend. Be yourself and make it fun. You can make the conversation a game or you can combine the conversation with games.

The boyfriend and girlfriend games questions are great conversation starters to have with your girlfriend. You can also use some of the conversation cards we suggested in this article.

The conversation ideas in the late night conversations with your girlfriend section are also fun things to talk about with your girlfriend.

You can also ask her some of the random questions in the random questions section or any of the conversation starters listed in this article.

Any or all of the questions in these sections would make for fun conversations with your girlfriend.

2. What do you talk about with BAE?

There are no rules or limitations to the things you can talk about with your bae. The sky is your limit. The talking points we listed in this article are just good suggestions of where to start and are not meant to limit you. So, go ahead and talk about anything with your girlfriend.

3. How do I keep a deep conversation with my girlfriend?

For deep conversations, you have to choose meaningful topics with depth. You can talk about any of the serious relationship talks listed in this article. You can also find topical issues of interest that you both enjoy and talk about. Whether it is global warming or politics in America or somewhere else in the world, your shared interest and news around it would always provide good fodder for deep conversations with your girlfriend.

4. What are good topics to talk about with your girlfriend?

All the topics and conversation points listed in this article are good topics to talk about with your girlfriend.


Spending quality time talking with your girlfriend is an important lifeblood of any relationship. Remember to be consistent at it, so that you both remain close and connected. Also, remember to actively engage in your conversations with her.

And we understand that sometimes you may run out of ideas of interesting conversations to have with your girlfriend. And that is what we help you out with in this article. So, go ahead and keep the conversation going with her. And remember, fun and adventure should always be a key part of conversations with your girlfriend.





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