15 Things to Say to Your Ex-girlfriend to Make Her Miss You
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- If you want to know if your ex-girlfriend misses you, or you just want her to miss you as much as you miss her, we have come up with 15 things to say to your ex-girlfriend to make her miss you.
- These phrases and texts are sure to drive your ex-girlfriend crazy and make her think about you and miss you.
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For whatever reason, you are trying to know how to get your ex-girlfriend to miss you. This could be because you miss her too and you want your feelings reciprocated, or you are narcissistic and you do not appreciate that she is happy and moving on without you, or maybe you just want her back into your life.
Whatever your reasons are, we would just like to point out that 70% of all people that break up, never get back together – and that only 14% of couples who do get back together, stay together. So the odds are clearly stacked against you, but since you are already here, what do you have to lose, right?
How Many People Get Their Ex Back And Stay Together After More Than 9 Months of Breaking Up? Source: Exbackpermanently.com
Getting your ex-girlfriend to miss you is an easy thing to do especially if the breakup is recent and she has not had time to move on from you yet. This is to highlight that you have a very small window to manipulate your ex into missing you because once she has gotten over you – there is nothing you can say that will make her miss you. Unless, of course, she still wants to be with you. Because sometimes, it is okay to give up on a relationship and move on.
The best way to make an ex-girlfriend miss you is to tell her that you miss her. Make sure you make this sound as sincere as you possibly can through text or a phone call and it will surely make her miss you after a breakup. This will have her thinking about you and she will find herself thinking of you and eventually she will start to miss you, too. You may even tell her that you do not need a response, you just wanted her to know how you were feeling – that way she thinks you are not putting pressure on her so she will not know that she is being manipulated.
A good question to ask your ex to make her miss you and want you back is to ask her if she still thinks of you anymore. This question will have her thinking about you and therefore making your ex-girlfriend miss you. The thing about the brain is that it seeks answers to questions and depending on how you phrase this question, and your perceived tone when you do, you may have her thinking about all the good times that you had in your relationship, therefore your very question will prompt her to start thinking about you – even if she wasn’t before.
Another good way to make your ex-girlfriend miss you is to tell her that you are still in love with her. This is one of the best things to text your ex to make her miss you because it will have her reminiscing of all the times you had told her you loved her, the first time you had admitted to being in love with her, the last time you had said you loved her when you were together, and so on. Additionally, telling your ex that you still love them is a great way to keep them attached to you and make it hard for them to move on because they will hold onto the hope that one-day things might work out between the two of you.
A great way to let her miss you is to tell her that you think she is your soulmate. If she is one who believes in the existence of soulmates she will have herself thinking back to times in your relationship looking for signs that you might actually be her soulmate and in so doing she is mentally reliving the greatest hits of your relationship and she will eventually start to miss you.
A great way to make your ex-girlfriend miss you like crazy is to give her time to miss you and by this, we mean you have to limit your contact with her. Do not text her every day, do not blow up her phone whenever you miss her. Just once in a while hit her up with “I wanted to check up on you.” This is a great segue into talking about her life and finding out what she has been up to since the breakup without having to ask directly. Additionally, occasionally checking up on her will make her think that you still care for her.
A classic way on how to make her miss you through text is to text her, without fail, every year on her birthday. She will eventually start looking forward to your text messages every year on her birthday. This is a great long-term plan to make her miss you like crazy and also a great way to get her to talk to you for a short period of time again. Before you know it, she will start messaging you on your birthdays too and soon enough you will be talking to each other regularly.
An amazing and sleek way to make your girlfriend miss you is to remind her of all the good times you had together during your relationship. Send her pictures of your last vacation, or that picture she took when her dog slobbily licked your face, really anything that is a great memory between the two of you, remind her of that because that is what is going to make her fall back in love with you – or at the very least, it will make her miss being with you.
A great way to make a woman miss you is to treat her like an equal and ask for permission and respect her boundaries. This will show her that you value her as a person and you are willing to not just satisfy yourself with ego and instant gratification. Trying to make her miss you through text is quite simple, really – all you have to do is take cue to how she is responding and vibe with it. If you feel she is off, ask her when is a good time for her to talk to you properly. However, it is good to note that this only applies when you actually have something meaningful to tell her and not just when you want to chat with her. Before you hit her up, ask yourself if what you are about to send is worth responding to.
Again, a simple way to make her miss you badly is to allow her to be an individual and ask her for permission if you want to talk to her. Do not just pick up the phone and dial her number whenever you feel like it unless you are trying to compile up evidence on how to drive your ex crazy and make her never want to speak with you again.
One of the best things to say to your ex-girlfriend and cute things to say to your ex-girlfriend to get her back is to apologize to her. If you are the reason why the relationship ended, reach out to her with a sincere apology. Do not give excuses for your behavior, acknowledge how your actions made her feel and how sorry you are that you put her through that. This is great especially when you want to fix the relationship with your girlfriend.
This is one of the best questions to ask your ex-girlfriend to get her back. Asking her how she has been keeping up since the breakup allows her to open up about how she has been feeling since you were last together. Of course, this is only possible if you had good communication in your relationship, to begin with, here are a few signs of bad communication in a relationship.
However, if your communication was good, then asking her how she has been coping with the breakup is one of the best things to say to get a girl back especially when you know she will communicate with you effectively, and that way you will know if she wants to get back together with you or not.
The perfect thing to say to your ex-girlfriend is to tell her that you are willing to give her the space she needs to process her feelings and sort herself out on her decision to end the relationship. There is nothing that pushes a woman away more than a clingy man who will not give her space and time to think things over. Do not pressure her into making a decision that is favorable for you, just let her know you are willing to give her space if that is what she is asking for. “I would like to give you more space” is one of the best things to say to win her back, if you play your cards right.
Even though you may want to tell your ex you want her back, if she does not want to get back in the relationship with you, then it is best to respect her decision and let her go. You can have all the right things to say to win her heart back but if she does not want to be with you then they will fall onto deaf ears and all your efforts will be futile. Learn to respect people’s choices and let them go when they decide they no longer want to be a part of your life.
A good thing to say to get a girlfriend back is to ask her straightforward whether or not she is willing to start over. This is the easier thing to say to ex-girlfriend because it goes straight to the point without going through all the mind games and it will give you the answers that you need. If she is still into you and wants to try again, then good. But if she has moved on from you and she does not want to give the relationship another go, then you have got your answer and you can now start moving forward. There are plenty of fish in the sea, after all.
Another great thing to say to get a girl back is to let her know how hard it will be for you to replace her. Tell her how much you do not want to let her go. Tell her how much you are holding onto the memories you created together. Tell her how much you are not looking forward to starting over with someone else.
1. How to get my ex-girlfriend to miss me
This article has provided you with many great ways to get your ex to miss you. We recommend telling her the truth and apologizing with sincerity – it is the shorter road and it will give you the answers you are looking for quicker than playing mind games.
2. What should you do when you get that I miss you text from your ex?
Well, this depends on you and what kind of relationship you want to have with your ex after a breakup. Do you want them to be your friend? Do you want them to stick around for when you need them emotionally but only occasionally? Do you want to cut off all ties for good and never want to speak with them again? Depending on your answers to these questions, you can either respond to the message or delete it and block their number while you are at it, too.
3. How do I write convincing I miss you paragraphs for my ex?
The only way to write a convincing paragraph for an ex is to write from your heart. Write what you feel. Write how they made you feel when they left. Write about what you are feeling as you write the letter. Be sure to make your intentions clear in your message so that your ex gets the message and no one is confused about the intent.
In conclusion, this article has given you 15 things to say to your girlfriend to make her miss you. Some of these are sweet things to say to your ex-girlfriend to make her cry and reminisce about your relationship, while others are sweet things to get your girlfriend back. Whatever your intentions are for wanting your ex to miss you, we hope that you found these tips helpful and that you have also learned a thing or two about relationships and how to handle breakups especially when you are still in love with your ex.
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