Things a Girl Wants to Hear From Her Boyfriend
WhatToGetMy Instructional Article
- Words women like to hear from their boyfriend are words that give them reassurance in their expectations in the relationship, and as well assuages their worst fears in the relationship. This article lists what these expectations and fears are, as well as the words that satisfy these requirements.
- In telling your girlfriend what she wants to hear, it is important to follow some important guidelines which are also set out in this article.
- And finally, where your boyfriend is not affirming his love for you by saying words that satisfy your deepest longings and desires in the relationship, it is important to reevaluate and reconsider the relationship. You should never be in a relationship where you are the only one in love or your love is not reciprocated.
More and more American women are getting disillusioned by love and relationships in general, and this is in large part because they are not getting what they want. This is revealed by a 2020 survey by Pew Research, where at least 26% of women say relationships are harder in recent times because it has become an emotional risk for them, while a whopping 56% complained that it is harder now more than ever before to find someone who meets their expectations.
Why it is hard for Americans to find love in present day than it was 10 years ago. (U.S., Aug. 2020) Source: Pew Research

And this is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? The question of what exactly it is women want, and specifically, what exactly it is every girl wants to hear from a guy or their boyfriend. What are these unmet expectations that have made relationships such a huge emotional risk for women, that they would much rather not go through that stress?
You will find the answer to this question in this article. We will be giving you all the gist and what you need to know about the things a woman wants to hear from her man.
And in case you missed them, check out our articles on 25 Remarkable Things A Good Boyfriend Does, and 29 Sweet Things To Tell Your Boyfriend to Make Him Happy.
The Key To Understanding What Every Girl Wants To Hear From A Guy.
Table of Contents
It is said that men are from Mars and women from Venus, to underscore the great varied differences between both genders. But the truth is that despite their complexity, women can be quite simple to understand, and please, once you understand the key to making her happy.
Finding that key is not exactly very difficult. There are two keys to understanding what every girl wants to hear from a guy,
- Knowing what they are looking for in a love relationship; and
- Knowing what their deepest fears in that relationship are.
Once you can understand these two things about women, you will always know exactly what to say to her and when to say it, to keep her happy.
Her Expectations In A Love Relationship – What She Is Looking For In Dating You.
Different women have different subjective expectations in a relationship. But some expectations are cross-cutting to all women, regardless of their subjective expectations, and that is what we cover in this section. Here are 5 rudimentary expectations of women in all love relationships.
Your unconditional acceptance of who she is.
In the same way you would not want your girlfriend trying to mold or make you into someone else, she also has the same expectation. She doesn’t want you trying to transform her into a vixen if she’s not cut out to be one. If you don’t like her as she is then you shouldn’t date her in the first place (and this also goes for women).
Your unwavering love, loyalty, and support.
She wants you to love her unreservedly and completely. The best gift you can give your girlfriend is your wholehearted love. If you’re in it, be in it all the way.
Related article: Gifts Every Girl Wants From Her Boyfriend.
She also wants your loyalty and support in everything that she does and the things that matter to her the most, even if you don’t agree with all of it. And loyalty and support, not just in words, but in your action(s) too.
Integrity and honesty from you.
Integrity and honesty are also very vital in any relationship. She doesn’t want you lying to her face or cheating on her. If you’re with her, then she expects that you are with her alone, and not her and a string of other women. And if there is anything that goes wrong, she would want your complete honesty.
And in case you missed it, check out our articles on What To Do When Your Boyfriend Lies To Your Face and What To Say To Someone Who Cheated On You to find out what to do if your boyfriend violates any of these important relationship foundations.
Your honest but loving opinions on things that matter to her.
It may seem like women can’t handle their boyfriend’s opinions, but this is not completely true. The reason why it may appear that way is because of the way it is delivered. If what is meant to be constructive criticism is not delivered constructively, then it won’t be taken very well. She values your honest opinion, but she wants you to deliver it constructively and lovingly. And you can start by praising her positives first and then suggesting ways you think it could be even more awesome.
A value-add to her life and overall well-being.
Finally, every woman wants to know that you are a positive influence in her life and bringing some valuable contribution to it. This does not always have to be in material possessions at all. Things like being a good sounding board when she needs to bounce off ideas, giving sound advice if and when it is needed, being reliable and dependable whenever she needs it. These little things are what make all the difference to her.
See this related article on Games To Play With Girlfriend At Home for bringing a value-add in the form of having fun times with her at home.
Her Worst and Deepest Fears In A Love Relationship – What She Is Most Afraid Of In Dating You.
And if you think you’re the only one with fears in your relationship with your girlfriend, think again. Women have these 7 worst fears in their relationships:
That You Don’t Love Her As Much As She Loves You.
This is one big fear that women have. They are afraid that you may not be as much in love with them as they are with you. So, affirm this regularly. Tell her how much you love her and how much she means to you.
That She’ll Lose You To Someone Else.
This is another fear she has. If you’re afraid you’ll lose her to someone else, she’s even more afraid of that fact than you, especially when every woman on this planet is beautiful. She’s always wondering if you will leave her for another woman equally as awesome and beautiful as she is.
This is why most women go to extremes of fighting other women over their men or even sending warning messages to other women. And this is not at all to justify such actions but to show you that most women take this fear to the extreme and you should therefore be aware of it. Affirming your devotedness to her will go a long way in providing the needed reassurance.
That You’ll Lose Interest In Her.
With so many beautiful women in the world and more being born every day, most women have this fear that you may wake up one day and decide that you are fed up with them and that you want someone else. And this is why part of what she wants to hear from you is that you still find her enchanting and captivating.
That You Don’t Find Her Attractive Anymore.
Women are always particular about their appearance and how appealing, alluring, and attractive their boyfriend finds them. And they also worry that with so many other attractive and beautiful women surrounding you, you may start to find someone else more attractive. Affirming how hot and ravishing you find her will always be loved.
That You May Find Her Boring And Not Smart.
Women know how men love smart and exciting women and sometimes they fear that you may not find them as smart and exciting as you want. Affirm how smart you find her.
That You Will Break Her Heart.
Infidelity is the worst thing every woman fears in a relationship, and for some, it has a more devastating health effect. This is why honesty and faithfulness are top priorities for women in any relationship, and when a guy cheats that will almost always be the end of that relationship. You must always assure your girlfriend that you are faithful to her and will not break her heart.
That Your Family May Not Like Her.
Your girlfriend will want to be accepted by your family because she knows how important they are to you. And it scares her stiff that they may not accept her, especially your mum. And the reason why this scares and terrifies her is because she knows that you also value your mum’s opinions, and if your mum has a negative opinion of her, it could color your opinion of her. While this may not always be the case, it is always good to affirm to your girlfriend that your family will love her.
And if after she sees the family it turns out to be otherwise, it is important to make it clear through your words and action that until your family comes around, you still love her very much and nothing changes.
What Does A Girl Like To Hear From Her Boyfriend? What Your Girlfriend Wants To Hear.
She wants to hear you reassure her in a way that gives voice both to her expectations which we have highlighted above, as well as to allay her deepest and worst fears in the relationship. In summary and broad strokes, these are the qualities of what she wants to hear:
- What she wants to hear is reassurance that her fears are nothing to worry about and that you will satisfy her deepest desires in dating you.
- She also wants your honest but loving opinions and views on things that matter to her.
- She wants you to include her in making plans even if you don’t go with her suggestions.
- She wants you to support her dreams and ambitions even if you may not agree with them.
With these keys in mind, here are our suggestions of 27 Things Every Girl Wants To Hear From Her Guy. This list is not exhaustive, and will again depend on the finer nuances of your relationship with your girlfriend.
Don’t forget to also check out our helpful article on How To Stop Being Annoying To Your Girlfriend.
Finally, before saying any of these words, be sure that you sincerely mean it. Women are emotional beings by nature and attach a lot of importance to the words a lover tells them. If you don’t mean any of this and say it, you will only bring her hurt and pain when she comes to realize that you were not being honest with her and did not mean any of it. You will enter the registry of dudes she labels as “jerks”. Don’t be that guy!
1. “I love you”.
This is a cliche word that is the lifeline of every relationship. If you’re in love with her, tell her every day, every minute. No one in love ever gets tired of saying these words especially when they mean it, because that is how they feel.
And if you don’t love her, then stop wasting her time and let her be with someone else who will love her.
You may also love this related article on Things To Say To An Ex Boyfriend You Still Love.
2. “I miss you terribly”.
It warms every woman’s heart knowing that her boyfriend wants to be with her every chance they get, and these words communicate that to her.
3. “How was your day today?”
She wants you to also take an active interest in her welfare and well-being and when you ask her this question you tell her that you are interested in what goes on in her life and not just in what is between her legs.
4. “What can I do to help?” Or “How can I make it better for you?”
This tells her that you are there for her to help her in whatever way you can. All women secretly want a knight in shining armor even if they say they don’t. With these words, you tell her that you are her knight in shining armor.
5. “I know you by now and you’re not your usual upbeat self. What’s the matter?”
It tells her that you are attentive and observant too. It also tells her that you are actively taking a keen interest in her personality. These words tell her that you love her and take notice of her in every way.
6. “I marvel how it is that after all these years (or all this time) together, you still manage to make my heart beat so fast like the first time I saw and fell in love with you.”
How sweet! As we said, she wants to know that you still find her very attractive and haven’t lost interest in her. With words like this, you communicate this to her.
7. “You’re the best thing to happen to me”.
Wouldn’t she just go putty in your hands with an affirmation of love like this? These words always have a tingling loving effect on both men and women when it is said, and even more so on women, we will argue.
8. “You are so beautiful I still don’t understand how you chose me over all others”.
Aww, so adorable. We would not even be surprised if she kisses you after you say this to her to explain exactly why it is she chose you over all others.
9. “I don’t want a life without you in it”.
This one can be a little tricky though because it may come off as though you are trying to propose to her, so it’s probably best to reserve this one for deeper commitments like a proposal.
10. “You bring rays of sunshine into my life every day”.
How cute. She would love knowing that she brings brightness and value to your life, and this tells her that.
11. “Your smile makes me forget any troubles I may have”.
Another beautiful affirmation that she brings value to your life.
12. “I hope we can grow old together”.
This is another cute affirmation that works best in relationships where there is a deep commitment. If you don’t mean it, it is best not to create any false hopes or misplaced expectations by saying this.
13. “You will definitely be best friends with my mum and sisters, I can feel it”.
You have no idea how badly she wants that. These are words most girlfriends want to hear, especially if they think that there is a future for both of you.
14. “I love how we complement and complete each other perfectly.”
Another beautiful affirmation that she means a lot to you.
15. “Life without you in it would be meaningless and boring.”
This tells her that you have no intention of losing her or losing interest in her.
16. “Hey, babe so what do you think of….?, I can’t seem to make up my mind one way or another.”
When you involve her in your life in this way, you show her that you value her opinions and that she is an important part of your life. Women love hearing this question.
17. “I love that your beautiful face is the first thing I have to wake up to every morning” (or “this morning” if you don’t live together).
You kill three birds with one stone with this statement – you affirm her beauty; you affirm that you love her body; and that you love waking up to her every morning
18. “Where have you been all my life?”
You can be sure she will smile at this and have an answer for you too.
19. “Thank you for being you.”
This communicates to her that you accept her wholeheartedly for being who she is and that you not only accept it, but you appreciate it too.
20. “Thank you for making me the happiest man alive.”
Nothing warms a woman’s heart like knowing that she brings her man happiness and joy in their relationship and this will tell her that. It also tells her that you appreciate her.
21. “Thank you for being so awesome and amazing”.
Another affirmation of acceptance of who she is and the value-add she brings to your life.
22. “I will always be there for you, never forget that”.
Every woman wants to hear this. She wants to know that even if she can’t count on any other person, she can at least count on you.
23. “Whatever you need babe, never hesitate to ask”.
Another heart-warming affirmation of dependability and reliability.
24. “I want to be the only shoulder you ever have to lean on.”
“Yes please sign me up for this” is what she will sing on the inside. You will make her very mushy with this statement because it sounds very heroic, sweet, and profound all at once.
25. “Me without you is like air without oxygen.”
Air without oxygen in it is impossible because oxygen is a key component of air. What you tell her with these sweet words is that there is no chance of you two being apart.
26. “You’re one of the smartest women I know.”
You affirm her brilliance when you tell her this. This is a good way to build your girlfriend’s confidence in herself even when she is naturally a confident person. Even confident people want the occasional confidence boosters.
27. “Babe, I may not agree with you on this but I know enough about you to know that you’ve thought this through before deciding on it, so you have my support and whatever help you need with it, I am here for you.”
This is another one of the best things you can tell your girlfriend. She wants to know that she has and can count on your support at all times, even if you may not always agree with it.
And remember, this list is not exhaustive but simply a guide. Feel free to adjust it to suit the specific circumstances of your relationship with your girlfriend. Remember, love everything about her and always affirm her.
For more ways to make your girlfriend happy be sure to read our articles on How To Make Your Girlfriend Smile and Little Surprise Gifts For Your Girlfriend To Show Her You Love Her.
How To Go About Telling Her What She Wants To Hear.
Knowing what to say is not enough. It is equally important to know how to say it so that it has the desired maximal effect. Here are 4 good tips on how to go about telling her all of the above things we have listed.
Let It Come Naturally.
Work on making these an everyday part of your relationship. In that way, telling her these things will not have to be an event, it becomes a part and parcel of your relationship. This will help your relationship stay strong and grow from strength to strength.
Be Creative.
Creativity in romance goes a long way in keeping the fire of romance burning in a relationship. Women love romantic gestures a lot so be creative when you say these words to her. It can be from big gestures like sending a wild bouquet to her workplace with a sweet message to make all her workmates jealous, to something small and simple such as kissing her goodnight with words of how much she means to you.
Related article: Creative Ways To Give A Gift To Your Girlfriend.
Understand Her Moods And Personality.
This is also very important to the success of saying any of these words to her. If her mood is off, it won’t have the same desired impact. Similarly, if your method of delivery does not take account of her personality, it won’t also be as effective. If she’s wild and naughty, let this also come out in how you say it and if she’s reserved and shy, let it also come out in your delivery.
Understand What She Loves.
Some of the words in this article may not work for your girlfriend because she may not like the choice of words and the likes. This is why it is important to understand what she loves so that you can adapt accordingly.
What If He Doesn’t Tell Me Any Of These Words? What You Should Do If Your Boyfriend Does Not Tell You What You Want To Hear.
Ladies, you are beautiful and deserving of a depth of love that feels for you what you feel for them, and also honestly communicates these affirmative words of love. If your boyfriend isn’t in love with you on that level, you have to love yourself enough to leave the relationship and wait for the man that will come along and do all this for you because he is certainly out there somewhere.
Relationships are great, but only if they are loving fulfilling relationships. It is better to be single and happy than in a failed or failing relationship and miserable.
Check out this related article on When Should You Give Up On A Relationship if you are not sure whether to leave the relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions.
What are some words women like to hear?
It depends on who the man is to them. If you are their boyfriend, then you can tell her all the words listed in this article. Whatever you tell her has to be a function of the kind of relationship you have with her and vice versa.
What do girls like to hear from guys?
Again, it depends on who the guy is to them. They like to hear the words in this article from guys who are their boyfriends.
Women want their men to affirm the love they have for them in the things they say to them. And in this article, all the words listed in this article provides all the confidence and affirmation a woman wants to hear from her man. And remember to follow the tips discussed, for the best results.
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