19 Fun Things For Couples To Do On A Road Trip

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

  • Taking a couples’ road trip is a good bonding exercise for couples. It helps to strengthen and grow the bonds of love in the relationship. And in this article, we will be giving you useful tips and ideas of what to do on a road trip with your boyfriend and/or girlfriend.
  • This article covers road trip ideas for couples, road trip games for couples, and road trip tips for couples.

Favorite road trip companions of United States travelers as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Favorite road trip companions of United States travelers as of May 2014. Source Statista

There’s a 68% likelihood for those in relationships that the companion they would have for most of their road trips will be their significant other (also confirmed by a 2014 survey).

Taking a couple’s road trip is a fun and exciting couple’s hobby because you are out on the road with the love of your life, and nothing else matters. And this was confirmed by a 2014 survey of 2,049 American adults who asserted that the most enjoyable part of their road trip was the company they had.

Most enjoyed parts of summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Most enjoyed parts of summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014. Source Statista

It is one sure way of strengthening a relationship. It is also a test of how well you would each fare when you’re in each other’s space at a very close range for a substantial length of time, especially in a fairly new relationship. In this article, we show you how to have fun on a road trip with your significant other.

Be sure to check out our relationship fun related articles for other fun activities to do with your boyfriend –

Things To Do On A Road Trip With Your Boyfriend, GirlfriendRoad Trip Ideas For Couples.

This June 2014 survey does a good job of giving some great road trip ideas that could also work for couples’ road trips, and we explain them in detail in this section.

Most popular RV vacation activities in the United States as of June 2014. Source: Statista

Most popular RV vacation activities in the United States as of June 2014. Source Statista

Here are some things you could do during a road trip with your significant other.

1. Talk.

Road trips are a great time for couples to catch up and talk about the things they are passionate about. It can range from serious topics like politics to silly topics like how bad or good your first date together was. This is especially important if you are both usually very busy. And even if you always spend a great deal of time with each other, talking remains a key component of any relationship that will last longer and stand the test of time.

Talk about everything and anything – from what you love about each other, to places you’ll like to see together. If you’re both up for it, you can even flirt with discussions about what a future together will look like. The landscape that you are driving through also offers good talking points and is a great opportunity to enlighten each other about the much you know about nature and history. Great conversations are fun, and you will both not even notice how quickly time flies by.

Such deep and engaging conversations always bond couples together and reminds you both of why you chose each other.

2. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks and discussing important takeaways from it.

Podcasts and audiobooks are great as silence fillers because understandably you won’t always be talking. Sometimes you will want to take breaks from talking and enjoy a comfortable silence. Podcasts and audiobooks can do the talking for you in those times. And both options offer good talking points.

Podcasts are preferable for short road trips because they are shorter with easily digestible points. Audiobooks are best for longer road trips as they can go on for a longer distance.

To make it more engaging, you can both discuss one or two or more talking points you pick up while listening to the podcast and/or audiobook.

3. Playing fun car games for couples.

Games are always a fun distraction to pass time, and this is no different on a road trip. You may be wondering if there are road trip games to play in the car, and the answer is yes indeed, there are fun games to play when driving, which will make for fun car games for couples. We will give you a good list of what these fun car games for couples are, in the next section.

4. Making city and town stops to take in the beautiful landscapes and scenery/sightseeing.

There’s no point in road-tripping if sightseeing is not involved. Road trips offer that advantage, and there is no reason why you should not exploit this fun activity on your next couples’ road trip.

Sightseeing can also help you plan your road trip if you are struggling with a theme and/or itinerary. You can decide to go for a theme like places to see in the U.S. before you die, or the best cities to visit in the U.S., or top small towns to visit in the U.S.

If you and your boyfriend, girlfriend like to travel a lot, then sightseeing is something you most likely enjoy very much and do a lot of. This is one fun activity that must be on every couples’ road trip to-do list.

5. Hiking.

Hiking is another fun road trip activity for couples. It is another fun activity that helps you with an itinerary if you don’t have one yet. Identify a hiking trail for your next road trip. This list of Top 10 long-distance hiking trails in the US by Guardian has a good list of hiking destinations that you may not have covered.

6. Roadside picnics.

Roadside picnics are pretty cool and offer a good leg-stretch after having driven for some time. This isn’t a literal picnic on the roadside, but a picnic in a beautiful scenic setting on the road while on the road trip. It also has a calming and relaxing effect enjoying a picnic out in nature, surrounded by lush greenery and scenic views.

Favorite road trip routes of United States travelers as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Favorite road trip routes of United States travelers as of May 2014. Source Statista

Popular road trips routes like the ones in the chart above, especially Blue Ridge Parkway, Pacific Coast Highway, and Route 66, offer beautiful scenic settings for a truly enjoyable road. This list of Top 10 Road Trip Destinations also has a good list of road trip areas that could also be good for having a roadside picnic.

Pack a nice picnic bag on your couples’ road trip. To make the picnic more exciting, you can even go with a portable breakfast maker to prepare your meal hot, fresh, and tasty on the road. Don’t forget your portable rechargeable power outlet for powering it.

7. Photo Shoots.

You will both see beautiful sights and attractions on the road that will make for killer Instagram photos. And not just for your Instagram, these photos will be beautiful memories to collect and put together in a couples’ adventure scrapbook and/or photo album, which you can both use to reminisce about later. Don’t forget to pack your polaroid and/or any other type of camera on that road trip.

You may like our article on Gifts For Scrapbookers for other cool items in going about the craft of scrapbooking your road trip photo memories.

8. Fishing.

This one is interesting and fun if you and your partner love fishing. There may be ponds and/or lakes on your road trip route, and making a brief stop to catch some little fish that you can use for your roadside picnic will be fun.

With this fun activity, you will need to prepare for it in advance by finding out and being sure that there will be ponds and/or lakes on your road trip trail so that you can pack a fishing rod and reel organizer with all your fishing rods and the likes.

9. Go to a festival and/or fair.

You could be fortunate enough to have your road trip vacation fall into a time where there may be a festival and/or fair happening in a city or town on your road trip trail. Why not make a stopover and enjoy the festivities and/or fair. City/town festivals and/or fairs are a great opportunity to explore a new city/town and learn new things about different cities/towns.

10. Visit family and friends.

A road trip is a good time to see family and friends that live along your road trip trail. Why not make a list of all the families and friends that live on your road trip trail and visit them.

With what you know about them, if they don’t mind surprise unplanned visits, you can surprise them by just showing up, although you should be prepared to be told that you may not be able to stay in their house if you had planned to spend the night.

Surprises will not work for most people because of their schedules and other engagements, so it will be prudent to notify them that you’re both taking a road trip and looking forward to a reunion with them.

Road Trip Games For Couples.

Games, as said earlier, are good fun distractions on a road trip, and there are fun games to play even when driving. According to a 2014 survey and 2015 survey, three games are a favorite on every road trip. We have also added some of ours for fun car games for couples.

Favorite family games for summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Favorite family games for summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014. Source Statista

Most popular family vacation car games in the United States as of January 2015. Source: Statista

Most popular family vacation car games in the United States as of January 2015. Source Statista

11. Guess That Flavor.

This one is a simple game that involves snack items that come in various flavors and tastes, such as packet chips, beef, and pepperoni sticks. Think of this as a fun way to have your snacks, and feed your beloved at the same time.

It’s very easy to play. Pick your favorite snacks that come in different flavors and tastes. Once it is time to have your snack while your boyfriend or girlfriend is driving, bring out the snacks. Tell them they are not allowed to look and must just focus on driving and being fed. Give them a bite, and they have to guess what the flavor of what you’ve just fed them is.

To make it even more exciting, you can add some fun prizes for getting so many right answers/guesses. Try to make them couple-themed answers to get your boyfriend/girlfriend very excited about their prize(s).

12. License Plates Game.

This traditional road trip game is a must to play on your couples’ road trip. The goal of the game is to see as many number plates from all 50 States as possible within a given time, and the rules are very simple. You mark off every number plate you see, and award points for who sees them first (or seeing them together, if you’re playing it cooperatively). Each State can only get one number plate.

You can play it competitively or cooperatively. All you need is a pen and paper. It will also be helpful to have a print-out of how license plates for all 50 States look like, to help you in crossing off the States that have been covered.

You can make it more exciting by adding fun variations to it such as how many green cars from Utah will you spot for instance. Your imagination is the only limit you have with coming up with fun variations to this game.

13. 20 (Relationship) Questions.

This is a twist to the traditional 20 Questions game that is usually played on road trips. The game is a good talking game to discuss your relationship. All it requires is that you ask each other 20 Questions about your relationship. Questions such as your partner’s favorite food, favorite place, things you would do together, and the likes. The beauty of the game is the room for creativity it allows you, in coming up with questions about your relationship that tells each other just how well/deeply you know yourselves.

14. Would You Rather Game.

This is another fun game where you get to ask your partner what things they would rather have and not have. For example, would you rather be stuck out in the desert with only your phone or with water? This game also allows you to come up with crazy scenarios and questions to get you and your partner to think about the things that matter to you individually.

15. I-Spy.

The I-Spy game is a fun game where each occupant in the car tries their hand at being a Sherlock Holmes. One player, in this case, you, tell your partner that you spot something beginning with a letter and ending with another letter. With those two vague clues, they have to guess what it is you spotted, and you will have to confirm if they were right or wrong. If they were right, you can reward them with a point or whatever other prizes you both agreed on.

16. Alphabet Game.

The Alphabet Game tests how many objects you can spot and make all 26 alphabets within a stipulated time. Once a player spots the word of interest, whether, on a billboard or a car number plate, they must call out the letter as well as the word it was taken from.

To make it even more exciting, it can be played in several variations such as reverse order where you start with the last letter of the alphabet and work backward to the first letter. Or a billboards variation where the only object you can pick out the letters from, are billboards and nothing else.

17. Two Truths And A Lie.

This fun party game can also be turned into a fun car game for couples. You have to make three statements about themselves, with two of them being true, and one being a lie. Your partner has to currently identify which of the statements are true and which one is the lie. Correct identification wins them an agreed prize. It’s a great way to learn more about each other.

18. Guess That Song.

This is another variant of the Guess That Flavor game. It’s also meant to test your music knowledge. Have a pre-planned music list either from your music library or from Spotify. Play the first part of the song for a few seconds, and your partner has to guess the name of the song as well as the artist who sang it. You can switch places to see who identifies the most songs and wins with the most points.

19. How Game Are You?

This is a fun card game for road trips. It’s a deck of 150 cards with questions, for thought-provoking discussions and debates on the road. The questions it comes with are a nice mix between very funny and just the right dose of serious. It is a great game for any road trip, whether it is a road trip with the family, a road trip with friends, or a road trip with just you and your boyfriend, girlfriend. It can be purchased on Amazon here.

Related Article: Fun Games To Play With Two People.

Preparing For Your Road Trip – Road Trip Tips For Couples.

Road trips remain one of the top leisure activities and preferred form of vacation activity for several reasons such as the flexibility it affords to carry everything and anything you want, and being able to enjoy the outdoors and take in all the beautiful scenery at a closer range that you may not be able to if flying for example or taking the train (also confirmed by a May 2014 survey and June 2014 survey).

Most common reasons for choosing to travel by car for vacation in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Most common reasons for choosing to travel by car for vacation in the United States as of May 2014.

Most popular benefits of RV vacations in the United States as of June 2014. Source: Statista

Most popular benefits of RV vacations in the United States as of June 2014. Source Statista

And to enjoy all these benefits and more, and get the best from your couples’ road trip, adequate preparation is key, even if you want to remain spontaneous with the road trip. There are a few important tips and things to check off, even for a less rigorously planned and spontaneous couples’ road trip.

Without crossing off these items from your road trip checklist, you and your partner will not enjoy the road trip and this may in turn cause you to take out your frustrations about things not going so great on each other, which will in turn affect your relationship.

1. Plan Your Budget In Advance.

Planning a road trip without a budget is a sure way to bring tension into any road trip. Since you are traveling as a couple, whether you want to believe it or not, money and how much is being spent can become a sticky issue if not handled properly.

To avoid this happening, it is best that you both agree upfront on how much you are both going to spend on the trip and which items take priority in your spending. Discussing the budget in advance also helps you both state upfront how much you can afford to contribute to making the trip enjoyable.

2. Check Your Vehicle.

Vehicle problems of one nature or the other, including getting a flat tire, are the top problems encountered on a road trip, according to a 2014 survey.

Problems that could ruin summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Problems that could ruin summer road trips in the United States as of May 2014.

Common vehicle checks for summer road trippers in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Common vehicle checks for summer road trippers in the United States as of May 2014.

And it is for this reason that checking and servicing your vehicle in advance of a road trip, is very important. Traveling without checking the essentials shown in the second chart above may cause a breakdown on the road if any of these essentials are faulty before you embarked on your journey.

3. Pack The Essentials For The Road.

The following road trip essentials are important for any journey on the road:

  • An emergency travel kit.

Even if you prepare your car in advance, you never know emergencies or breakdowns that will happen on the road. This emergency travel kit is for such unforeseen breakdowns and emergencies that may arise. Travel with one for peace of mind that you are prepared to handle anything that may arise on the road.

  • Snacks and light food items.

Getting hungry on the road with nothing to eat to help alleviate the hunger can make you and your partner grumpy and at risk of biting each other’s heads off. To take care of this, have enough stock of snacks on your journey and pack a lunch box with food. You should put you and your partner’s lunch in a lunch box warmer made for car travel, to keep the food warm and/or warm the food when you are ready to have it.

It’s still important to have snacks and at least one food course packed, even if you plan on having a roadside picnic as one of your fun road trip activities.

  • Lots of liquids for hydration.

Driving for extended hours can cause dehydration, which can in turn lead to fatigue and stress. These two are high-risk factors for road accidents. It is important to always stay hydrated when on the road. Pack lots of liquids for the road just in case you are unable to see any shops on the road at the time you get thirsty and need a drink.

  • Warm items like warm blankets and car seat warmers.

This is especially important if you are having your road trip when it is very cold with sharp temperature drops. Ensure that you have good portable warm blankets or at the very least car seat warmers for when it gets very cold.

And even if you are not having your road trip in winter, you may find that you need to spend the night in your car on one or two occasions on your road trip. And it gets very cold at night in a stationary car. These blankets will help keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night.

For more road travel essentials, see our article on Gifts For Guys That Drive A Lot that gives you a comprehensive list of everything you must have in a car if you will be doing a considerable amount of driving.

4. Download road travel apps.

Road travel apps such as maps and traffic notification apps are good road travel apps to download for a road trip and also confirmed by a 2014 survey.

Most valued road-trip-related apps in the United States as of May 2014. Source: Statista

Most valued road-trip-related apps in the United States as of May 2014. Source Statista

Download one or more of these apps (especially Maps, a Weather Condition App, and a Traffic Notification App) from your App store before embarking on your road trip. Set it up and put in all necessary information for it to give you useful information that will help you in determining what routes to take and the likes.

5. Have a rough itinerary which should be flexible.

What the itinerary does is to at least get you started on the road trip and give you an idea of where to start from. Once you start you can then become flexible. An itinerary also helps you stay within your budget.

6. Take turns driving.

Taking turns driving will prevent one person from suffering fatigue and exhaustion that comes with only one person driving for a long time. It also helps in distributing the burden of driving evenly and fairly.

7. Take needed and occasional breaks.

It is advisable to take occasional breaks after driving for a considerable stretch and time. Breaks after 2 – 3 hours of non-stop driving are advisable. It gives you a chance to stretch your back and other muscles after sitting for so long, and also deal with any onsetting fatigue.

You will also love our related article on Things To Bring On Vacation To The Beach for your road trip beach vacation, and as well as Sailing Vacations For Couples.

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • How do I survive a road trip with my boyfriend?

Using the term “survive” makes it sound like you are not excited and looking forward to the road trip. A road trip with your bae should fill you with excitement and joy, not dread. If it fills you with dread that is never a good thing for your relationship because it could be an indication that you may not be happy in the relationship.

All the ideas in this article will ensure an enjoyable and fun-filled road trip with your boyfriend that you will not have to dread.

  • What are some fun things to do on a long car ride?

All the ideas listed in this article are fun things to do on a long car ride. You can listen to audiobooks and play the games listed in this article. Have your audiobooks pre-downloaded before setting out on your trip. You can also make a brief stop halfway to your destination, and have a roadside picnic.

  • How can you enjoy a long car ride?

All the activities and ideas in this article will deliver an enjoyable long car ride. Remember to follow all the road trip tips discussed, before embarking on your road trip, so that you eliminate anything that could take away from your fun.

  • What are some fun things to do on road trips?

All the road trip ideas listed in this article are fun things to do on a road trip.

  • What are some fun road trips for interesting sightseeing?

This will depend on your tastes and preferences. There are no good or bad places. The five routes shown in the chart in this article have interesting sights to see on their trail. We have also provided some links to very good suggestions of sights to see on a road trip in the U.S.


Taking a couples’ road trip is one of the fun and exciting ways you can bond as a couple. To make it fun and exciting, we recommend all the ideas stated in this article, as well as the road trip tips. These will deliver you both the best couples’ road trip of your dreams.





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