How to Wish a Pregnant Woman Good Luck.

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Pregnancy rates among married women in the United States between 1990 and 2009, by outcome(per 1,000 women). Source: Statista

Pregnancy rates among married women in the United States between 1990 and 2009, by outcome(per 1,000 women). Source Statista

Pregnancy rate in the United States from 2005 to 2010(per 1,000 women). Source: Statista

Pregnancy rate in the United States from 2005 to 2010(per 1,000 women). Source Statista

Pregnancy is a joy of motherhood cherished by all mothers (and fathers). The experience of having another human being growing inside of her is a one of a kind thrill that every expectant mom can’t put to words. It fills her with joy with every kick she feels inside of her when her baby moves around. 

Even more exciting is when the baby is brought forth. Every year millions of new babies are born to happy mothers and their families. According to one survey seen on Statista, at least 3.75 million babies were born in 2019. That is at least 3.75 million happy families. That’s a lot of happy families if you ask us. And you want to celebrate that joy with them and tell them congratulations on having a baby.

Number of births in the United States from 2014 to 2019 (in millions).

Celebrating the joy however, doesn’t have to wait until the baby is born. You can start even while they are pregnant to offer your congratulations on their upcoming baby. And if you don’t know what to say to an expecting mother or how to congratulate a pregnant woman, then this is the article for you. We help you in this article with tips on how to congratulate on pregnancy.

Check out our helpful related article on How to congratulate a coworker on a new baby for congratulating a coworker on their new baby.

How to congratulate someone on their pregnancy.

Table of Contents

Can there be more to say congratulations for being pregnant? The “more” comes with how you say it with words and/or actions. So, here are some helpful tips on how to congratulate a pregnant woman.

1. Find out in advance the gender of their baby if they are comfortable revealing this.

This helps you with knowing what type of gift to buy. For some, the gender of the baby influences the color of baby outfits they would buy for instance. It would seem that people would buy pink baby gifts if the gender of the baby is a girl, and blue or any other not so bright color if the gender of the baby is a boy. 

Knowing the gender of the baby will also help with any pregnancy card messages you want to write and decorating it beautifully with the right baby cartoons and pictures.

2. Buy them a sweet thoughtful pregnancy gift.

This can be anything from flowers, to cute baby clothes, or even comfortable flip flops they can work around in because we all know how feet swelling during pregnancy limits shoe choices for the pregnant woman.

3. Personalize their pregnancy gift.

The quickest way to personalize their pregnancy gift would be to buy a beautiful blank card to accompany your gift. In the card you get to write your personalized congratulations on expecting message to the new mommy to be. 

4. Take them out to a special treat and surprise them with your congrats you are pregnant gift. 

It is at this outing that you also pour out your heartfelt pregnancy congrats message to the new mommy to be. It can be lunch or dinner at her favorite lunch place or a new restaurant in town. Make it a colorful outing by coming with a few blown up baby-themed balloons. You can even buy her a tiara and new mommy to be sash for good measure.  

5. Or you can go all out with a surprise baby shower for the new mommy to be.

Depending on how close you are to the expecting mom, throwing her a surprise baby shower would be the highlight of the pregnancy for her.

Depending on how close you are to the expecting mom, throwing her a surprise baby shower would be the highlight of the pregnancy for her.

If you need some help with organizing a baby shower for her, you can check out our article on Hosting a fall baby shower. And for gift ideas check out What to put in a baby shower gift basket

You may like this related article on How to ask for gift cards instead of gifts for a baby shower.

Finally it is advisable to go all out with these celebratory congratulations ideas, especially the baby shower, at an advanced stage in her pregnancy. Practice seems to be to have the baby shower four to six weeks before her due date. 

Going all out with the pregnancy congratulations so close to the arrival of the baby has the advantage of creating heightened joy and excitement in anticipation of the newly born. It also gives the mommy to be an untold joy knowing that she is approaching the end of the pregnancy.  

You or your pregnant friend may like this related article on Creative things to do while pregnant.

11 Sweet Congratulations on your pregnancy messages.

Prevalence rate of childbirth complications among adult women in the U.S. in 2014 and 2018 (per 1,000 pregnant women)

Pregnancy also comes with challenges sometimes. According to this survey seen on Statista, at least 7.8 women out of every 1,000 women suffered transfusion complications during their pregnancy in 2018. And this is why every pregnant woman should be congratulated because it is not always easy carrying pregnancy to full term.

You can wish a pregnant woman good luck with any or all of these 11 sweet pregnancy congratulations messages.

1. Congratulations on expecting, I can only imagine how happy you must feel.

A pregnant woman who wants to have a baby gets a feeling of happiness and joy once she gets news of her pregnancy. And so, she can completely relate to this message and will appreciate it.

2. Congratulations on getting pregnant, you’re about to bring a new life to this world.

Absolutely correct. And your pregnant friend couldn’t agree more. This knowledge will always fill her with renewed joy and excited anticipation.

3. Congratulations on your upcoming baby. I am looking forward to welcoming your little one to the world with you.

Convey your excited anticipation at the arrival of the newborn, with these sweet words.

4. Being pregnant may be challenging but once you carry your little one in your hands, it will be so worth it that you forget how challenging it was.

This is an encouragement every pregnant woman wants to hear because it is true. Pregnancy isn’t an easy walk in the park. And this is why she should constantly be encouraged with these words that after all the morning sickness and vomiting and hormonal changes, it will all be worth it in the end.

5. I know you’ll be a great mom and all I can say is this child is so lucky to have you as his/her mom.

Aww, how sweet and encouraging. This will bring a smile to her face and a small tear to her eyes.

6. Hope you’re ready for all the baby poop and diaper changing and sleepless nights that are about to come dear. It will be a bittersweet experience but am sure you’ll love it.

And this is so true and funny in a way. The first few years after the baby arrives is anything but a bed of roses, but it is still richly rewarding and fulfilling. 

7. Did you ever imagine that you’d be carrying your mini-me at this time? You must be over the moon with joy. Congrats you are pregnant.

This one will make her swell with pride especially if the gender of the baby is a girl (this is with reference to the “mini-me”).

8. Now you can add a new title to your expanding super resume and that’s the title of “mom”. Congratulations honey.

That’s right. Women are superwomen already and adding mom to that resume makes it even more super womanly.

9. Here’s a toast to the opening of an amazing chapter in your life. Cheers to all the beautiful stories that you are about to write with your baby.

And we’ll join you to toast to that too. Cheers and congratulations.

10. Congratulations on being pregnant. I am so happy for you and elated about meeting your bundle of joy.

This message lets your pregnant friend know that you are also counting down to the days until delivery with them.

11. Now you get the chance to feel what it must have felt like for your mom when she carried you right? How exciting and also now you can brag with your mom about being a superwoman.  

This one would draw a peal of laughter or two and you can both share notes on what her mom would possibly say to this.

Frequently asked questions.

1. How do you wish someone a good pregnancy?

You can wish them a good pregnancy with sweet congratulations on your pregnancy messages. The 11 sweet congratulations on expecting messages listed in this article are a good place to start.

You can also wish her a good pregnancy by buying her nice gifts and taking her out for lunch or dinner to congratulate her on the baby and wish her well.

2. What do you say to an expecting mother?

You can congratulate her on expecting with any of the 11 sweet messages listed in this article.

3. What do you wish someone before giving birth?

You congratulate them on the pregnancy with any of the 11 sweet messages in this article, and then wish them a safe delivery.

4. How do I encourage a pregnant woman?

Positive words of encouragement are the best way to encourage a pregnant woman. The last thing a pregnant woman needs is stress and having any negative energy around her would stress and discourage her. Help her out as much as you can so that it takes off a bit of strain from her. This will also encourage her greatly that she is not alone.

5. What are some pregnancy congratulations quotes?

You can use any of the 11 sweet messages in this article as pregnancy congratulations quotes.

6. How about pregnant card messages?

The messages in this article can also be written on a card as a pregnant card message.


Having a baby is a big deal and so is falling pregnant. Pregnancy comes with its myriad of challenges but once the baby is born, these challenges pale in comparison and are forgotten. For the pregnant woman, constantly encouraging her throughout the pregnancy will give her the needed energy boost to soldier on until the baby is born.

You can congratulate someone on their pregnancy by:

  • Finding out from them in advance of the baby’s gender. This will help you with picking out the best gift(s);
  • Buy them an adorable gift;
  • Personalize the gift;
  • Take them out to a fancy lunch or dinner and surprise them with the gift; or
  • Go all out and host a surprise baby shower for her.

And after you’ve done all these, you can encourage her with the 11 sweet messages listed in this article.





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