
Stuff to Do on Spring Break

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

In 2017, a few students in America were asked how they will be spending their spring break, and 25% of them said they had no idea (Source: Statista). This is not uncommon. Many students rarely plan for spring break or any holiday. We leave our holiday at the mercy of luck, family and friends to decide how we will spend it but you can change that. Spring break can be a lot more fulfilling if you choose what you want to do with your time.

How would you be spending this year's spring break_ 2017 survey

How to prepare for spring break

Spring break is a time to lessen the weight of school projects, tests, examinations, and other school activities, not to forget them entirely. A lot of students finish their spring break with the feeling of guilt or discontent because they either focused on having fun and forgot entirely about school or focused on school and ditched having fun.

The best way to totally enjoy your spring break is to balance out your activities. Play but also work. You can have loads of fun during spring break and at the same time, pay enough attention to important things like completing your thesis or school project etcetera. The first step to winning at anything is planning or preparing for it. Here is how to prepare for spring break;

1. Make a list

You stand a higher chance of enjoying your spring break if you actively participate in authoring your activities. Start by asking yourself these three questions;

  • What do I need to do?
  • What am I expected to do?
  • What do I want to do?

By answering these three questions, you will be able to formulate your list of activities.

A. What do I need to do?

Make a list of activities that have the same timeline with spring break. These activities must be done before and or during spring break unfailingly. How to identify such activities is by weighing the repercussion of not doing them. For example, looking for a place of internship as part fulfilment of your program, completing the first three chapters of your thesis, starting an art project, cultivating a plot of land as a project, etcetera. Failure to start or complete these activities may result in a carryover, an extra semester, delays, reduction of marks, school or family pressure, regrets etcetera. These activities might not necessarily be school-related. It could be, travelling to a particular destination urgently for something, visiting a parent at the hospital or elderly home, etcetera.

B. What am I expected to do?

Make a list of activities that your friends, family, and acquaintances expect you to be part of. For example, sister’s wedding, nephew’s one year party, traveling home to see parents or grandparents, friends cookout, group excursion, family’s holiday business etcetera. Having a list of these activities will help you prioritize them or fit them into your list of activities. The list of activities that you are expected to be part of does not carry heavy consequences as ‘what you need to do’ and therefore can be made excuses for if you find your plate full.

C. What do I want to do?

Make a list of all the things you want to do during spring break. This list can be a combination of what you have to do and what you are expected to do. There can also be other activities that you find fun and wish to do during spring break. It could be attending a conference or concert, camping, traveling with friends, visiting a historical site and many more.

After you’ve listed activities under these three questions, combine the lists. Start by prioritising what you need to do before what is expected of you and what you want to do. But ensure that you balance out your activities. Don’t forget to put dates and timelines on each activity. One advantage of making a list of your activities on time is that it helps you inform people on time about your plans and also apologize well on time for any disappointment.

2. Inform relevant people about your activities

After you’ve made the list of activities to do during spring break, keep those close to you updated. Tell your parents, friends, siblings, and all those that will be expecting you for one reason or the other during the spring break about your plans/ activities. Why is it important to inform those close to you about your activities?

  • It is a safety precaution,
  • You’ll get people to respect your plan
  • You’ll gain as much support as you need from people that matter.
  • You gain the necessary approvals from those that matter.
  • For accountability purposes

3. Make arrangements

The good thing about making your list of things to do over spring break on time is that you get a head start when making arrangements for them. You will be able to make reservations on time or cancel out an activity if you are unable to make sufficient reservations for it. Mind you, each stage of your preparation makes you more confident of your activity list. You reduce your chances of getting disappointed by people when you make arrangements early enough.

Fun things to do during spring break for students

1. Makeover:

Spring break is one of the best times to refresh yourself and improve your looks as a student, whether it is a new hairdo, new wardrobe or style of dressing, new facial or skin routine, and many more. That little change you make on yourself can make a whole of difference to your overall appearance and mindset. Spring is all about new growth, and visible change. Challenge yourself to do something different than you have been doing.

2. Routine challenge:

Create a new routine for yourself and see whether you can stick to it. List 5 things you must do each day during your spring break and if you fail to do any of the routines, you’ll forfeit one thing that you like for each routine you fail to observe. You can get the family involved in this challenge for support and accountability. When you train yourself to excel in those routines, you indirectly train and motivate yourself to approach tasks differently. If you are a mom or dad that wishes to encourage their child to challenge themselves, this is one of the fun things to do with kids during spring break.

3. Travel vacation:

What’s spring break without a change of scenery? It doesn’t have to be a long vacation, even a day trip to somewhere totally different will help you appreciate diversity and help you gain a new perspective to life. We will definitely recommend traveling as one of the fun things to do during spring break for college students. It really doesn’t cost a fortune to travel somewhere different sometimes. Spend a day or two somewhere you’ve never been before. Check out fun things to do in a hotel room with friends.

4. Explore new skill sets

Truth is, there is no better time to acquire a new skill set than when you are still in school. There is no guarantee that you will get a great job immediately after university or college. The earlier you start to nurse and perfect another different skill, the better. You’ll be giving yourself a better chance of creating wealth. Besides, exploring new skills is such a fun thing to do on spring break. You get to laugh at yourself when you absolutely suck at doing a thing.

5. Boat rides/ cruise ship

Have you ever been out in the open water, admiring and absorbing the serenity of nature?  Boat riding or traveling by ship is a thrilling experience worth having. The water body is very much alive and the winds are more audible during spring. The ride is a lot more fascinating when you head out with someone that knows so much about aquatic life.

6. Join a competition or start one

Have you ever pushed yourself to join a competition just for the thrill? Believe it or not, go-getters are not afraid of losing even though they prepare themselves enough to win. As a high school student or college student, participating in competitions is one way to push and train yourself to be better. If you are looking for things to do over spring break as a teenager, you can participate in amateur F1 racing competitions, cooking competitions, marathons, swimming competitions, quizzes, slippery stairs, and the likes. If you are unable to find one close to you, it might be a good idea to rub minds with other peers and start one. There are so many young people looking for exciting competitions to participate in.

7. Food or flower garden

Wouldn’t it be such a great idea to plant your own food or flower garden during spring break? Starting a garden or tending to a garden is not easy but the reward is fulfilling and you also get to make other people happy with the yields. Take advantage of the spring and plant something. If you are a mom that is looking for how to keep your kids busy during the holidays, introducing them to food gardening is one of the many fun things to do with kids during spring break.

8. Volunteer

No matter how short spring break might be for you, no amount of time you spend on volunteerism is irrelevant. Looking after something or someone other than yourself does not only build you positively but also makes the world livable. Hey, it also adds sparkles to your CV. Lots of employers appreciate candidates that expose themselves to various realities. It speaks kindly about your interpersonal skills.

9. School projects

School projects do not magically get completed or disappear just because it’s spring break. If you don’t do them, they will be waiting for you after spring break with added pressure due to time constraints. It is understandable if all you want to do is chill out during the spring break but discipline will really take you far in life. Do things you need to do even if you don’t feel like doing them.

Do things you need to do even if you don’t feel like doing them.

Your school projects are some of the things to do during spring break for college students or high school students. The good thing about doing your school projects during spring break is that enough people have time to help you out when

10. Visitations

If you figure that you won’t be traveling much during the spring break, add visitations to the list of things to do on spring break. Usually, people prefer to stay in their space, lock themselves up, and do their thing. We wouldn’t recommend this for you, because you are at a great time in your life where friendships and interactions can give you a wealth of insight and opportunities. Take your cute self out and go and visit some of your coursemates, former high school friends, former teachers etcetera, even if it is for 15 mins. Yes, invest your time and money for a 15mins conversation with someone, even if this activity is uncomfortable for you. See interesting topics to talk about with friends. You can go with a friend whenever you wish to visit, it will help ease your nerves a bit. Visitations will teach you so many life lessons. Click to find other fun things to do when you have no friends.

11. Tour your town or city

The use of GPS has made it easy for anyone to find a place just a few clicks away. However, that does not guarantee knowledge of a place. As a student, you open yourself to a lot of opportunities and people when you explore your city. You just naturally make yourself an asset with such a level of competence. If you are looking for what to do over spring break, take out time to know your city like you know the back of your hand. Check out fun things to do in a small town with friends.


1. How to prepare for spring break?

There are three main steps to preparing for spring break. Click to find more elaborate details of these three steps

  • Make a list of activities for spring break.
  • Inform relevant people of your activities
  • Make arrangements on time

2. What should I do for spring break?

The list of stuff to do on spring break is endless but we’ve mentioned 11 activities that you might find fulfilling.


You can have a fulfilling spring break with no regret at all if you plan properly for it. We hope that you find our ideas very helpful





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