
What Do Guys Do when They Have a Crush on Someone - 25 Crush Facts about Guys.

WhatToGetMy Instructional Article

Do you think you could be in love with one person and have a crush on someone else_ (United States, 2009).

It is totally possible to be in love with one person and have a crush on someone else, all at the same time. As much as 43% of American participants surveyed in 2009 according to the above chart seen on Statista have experienced having a crush on someone else while being in love with another person. And in this article we discuss guys and when they have a crush on someone.

What do guys do when they have a crush on someone? Well, hop along and let’s find out the 25 things guys do when they have a crush.

Don’t forget to check out our related article on How do you know if a guy likes you secretly.

What Do Guys Do When They Have A Crush On Someone? 25 (Weird) Things Guys Do When They Have A Crush On You.

Table of Contents

You don’t have to wonder anymore if that guy has a crush on you. The guy that has a crush on someone will often display most or all of these actions towards the object of their crush. Some of them may appear weird sometimes but hey let’s blame it on the crush. So, here are the 25 (weird) things guys do when they have a crush on you.

1. They call and/or text their crush nearly all the time.

He does this because the crush is constantly in his thoughts. He wants to be in constant communication with this person because the crush they have is like a drug that keeps them coming back for more. If you find that this guy is almost always calling you every other day or texting you every day to talk about nothing except check up on you and see how the weather is on your end, he certainly has a crush on you.

2. They always find an excuse to be near the person.

He’s always trying to hang out with this person. He may almost always ask them what they’re doing on a Saturday night and if they want to hang out. If he’s the shy one, he will always tag along with his friends to events or places he knows his crush will come to. In that way he gets the chance to be near his crush and have a glimpse of them.

3. They are conveniently almost always in places where their crush frequents.

You may also notice that somehow he happens to be in the same place as the crush almost all the time. This one can be a little creepy and weird if it happens all the time because then it borders on stalking, although they would appear not to care about this. But this one is one weird thing that some guys do when they have a super crazy crush on someone.

4. They compliment the person a whole lot more effusively than usual/normal.

Notice how he compliments the object of his crush more effusively than normal. Everything the crush does takes on an extra special allure because of the crush he has. For example, his crush may just have a normal walk that others would not consider any special, but to him, it’s not just a walk but a majestic and regal glide. Or he may find their smile extra special or their eyes sexy or something. And he makes sure to let his crush know just how amazing he thinks they are with all the effusive compliments.

5. He may start to open up to and confide in his crush in ways he would generally not confide in other people who are just friends.

If he is always willing to confide in this person even when he is generally a guy who doesn’t talk to his friends a lot about his personal life, then he has a serious crush on this person. Guys generally open up to persons they trust and have an affection and affinity towards.

6. They try to impress the person when they are around the person and are observing to see if the person notices or pays attention to their gestures.

Pay attention to his gestures around this person. Does he speak a little louder? Or maybe he acts all macho and talks big around this person and yet you know that’s not how he normally is. Lol. Yes, there is someone in the vicinity that he has a serious crush on.

Pay attention to where his attention is directed when he makes these grand gestures that show he’s clearly trying to impress someone. The one to whom his attention is directed is most likely the one he has a crush on. He’s also watching them while he tries to impress them to see if they are impressed by his displays.

7. He fixates on everything his crush says and is almost always leaning in towards his crush.

He hangs on their every word and would have an enchanted enraptured look on their face while listening to their crush talk. And if you pay attention to his body language, you will notice that he is leaning towards his crush like he wants to get very close to them.

8. He’s always quick to want to offer his crush a helping hand.

Notice how he is always the first on the scene where his crush needs help. If his crush is in distress, they want to be the first knight to the rescue. And in some extreme cases, he may even want to claim monopoly over helping his crush if there are others around. He does not want another encroaching on his territory.

9. They generally play over their conversations in their head when alone.

And if you had a sneak peek into his head when he’s alone and after a conversation with his crush, you will be surprised at how much playback of that conversation is going on inside his head. Playing back the conversations is a way of re-living the moment for him. He doesn’t want it to end.

10. They speak a little louder than usual when in close proximity to the person.

Do you have this guy friend who you know has a normal voice but then suddenly his voice takes on a different pitch when someone walks into the vicinity? His voice may become suddenly deeper and more highly pitched like he’s trying to sound more masculine and in charge? And you’re left wondering what that was all about right? Well, that person that made him suddenly change the way he speaks is more than likely the object of a secret crush.

11. They try to make eye contact often and look at the person a little longer than usual.

If you suspect a guy has a crush on you, just “accidentally” lookup in the direction of the room or space where he’s standing and you are likely to see his gaze on you. Depending on his nature, he may look away or return the stare with a slight naughty wink or glint, or smirk.

The shy guy would sheepishly smile back and look away immediately. The cocky and/or confident guy on the other hand would return the stare with that slight naughty glint or smirk or wink we spoke of.

Unless of course you also have the hots for him, don’t make it a habit to do this though or he may misinterpret it as meaning that you also have a crush for him hahaha.

12. They are thinking about the person all the time.

A guy who has a crush on someone is always thinking about their crush almost every minute of the day when he has nothing else to do. And this would almost always lead to him sending a text to this person or calling them.

13. He smiles sheepishly when he’s around the person and his face is always lit up around the person.

He seems to come alive when this person is around or when he’s around this person. If you pay close attention to his face, you will notice that he is forever smiling around this person. You will also notice an extra glow on his face like it got lit up extra.

He seems to come alive when this person is around or when he’s around this person. If you pay close attention to his face, you will notice that he is forever smiling around this person. You will also notice an extra glow on his face like it got lit up extra.

He gets so much joy and happiness being around his crush and this is why all his facial features light up and beam.

14. They start to fantasize about the person.

He fantasizes about his crush all the time. This person is always on their mind. They are forever imagining what it would be like being with this person. For some guys, they fantasize about eventually summoning up the courage to tell their crush how they feel and asking them out. Other guys go as far as imagining what it would be like to kiss their crush, and in extreme cases fantasizing about having sex with their crush. Still, for other guys, they fantasize about marrying their crush and having a happily ever after with their crush.

15. They may even start to write love poems and songs for their crush.

And then you have the poetic guys who love writing love poems and songs. Notice how they start to write more love poems and songs than usual. It is no coincidence. There is likely a crush around the corner.

16. They pay particular attention to their looks when they are around the person.

He has to look extra fresh and hot when he meets his crush. When a guy has a crush on someone, he pays extra attention to how he looks especially when he gets to meet this person or when he knows he’s going to a place his crush will likely be at.

17. They tend to want to find an excuse to hug the person or at least maintain some form of physical touch/contact.

He wants to establish body contact with this person. Body contact is almost always the instinctive thing a guy does when he has a crush on someone. He’s trying to create an immediate rapport and establish chemistry or at least get it going. And so, any excuse or chance he gets to make physical contact/touch he takes it. It may be a hug when he meets the person or the occasional tap or light touch.

You may like this article on What does holding hands mean to a guy.

18. He would be exceptionally nervous around the one he has a crush on.

This guy is generally confident and speaks eloquently but it’s a different story when he’s around his crush. Suddenly he can’t finish a sentence without stuttering a little when he’s around his crush. He may even get tongue-tied and unable to finish his sentences coherently. Or he may just have a little nervous edge to his speech. His crush is having that effect on him.

19. Their eyes generally tend to widen when they see the person.

And this is in acknowledgment of the beauty and awesomeness of their crush. Widening of the eyes/pupil is another instinctive reaction that happens when we fancy anyone and/or have a crush on them. And it’s no different for guys when they have a crush on someone.

20. They may act uninterested when around the person and yet you catch them trying to listen to what the person is saying.

Some guys play this reverse psychology when they have a crush on someone. They may act all uninterested and yet speak the loudest when they are around this person and glance to see that this person is listening to them.

Some guys play this reverse psychology when they have a crush on someone. They may act all uninterested and yet speak the loudest when they are around this person and glance to see that this person is listening to them.

They may act as though they are ignoring this particular person in a group, making it a point to speak to every other person but this person. And yet, when this person speaks to another person, they are quick to butt into the conversation.

21. He would get jealous when he sees his crush with another guy. He may act out this jealousy in subtle ways sometimes.

For some guys, they become passive-aggressive and have a silent scowl on their face because they are jealous that their crush is talking with another guy. If their crush happens to laugh a lot at what this other guy is saying, that would heighten the jealousy because they want to be the one responsible for that laughter. For some other guys, they would take it a step further by bad-mouthing this other guy to the one they have a crush on.

22. He finds everything his crush does to be funny even if not all of them are funny.

And this is because everything his crush takes on an extra special appeal. He finds something funny in everything his crush does. He would laugh the hardest at everything his crush says even if not all of them are funny.

23. His crush is all he mostly talks about, even his friends have noticed it.

We all know our guy friends do this. There’s this one person he is always gushing about. It’s almost as if this person can never do any wrong in his eyes. This person has deity-like status with him and you can’t have a conversation without the name of this person coming up one way or another. Yup, he definitely has the hots for this person. He’s always talking about this person because he’s always thinking about this person.

24. He may in some cases ask his crush if they like someone else or have a crush on someone else.

He’s trying to gauge his chances with his crush. He wants to be sure that he has no competition around the corner. And if his crush has someone else in the picture, this crushes him a little on the inside although he may quickly hide it with a smile and talk of how happy for the crush he is.

25. Most guys will do all of the above and never muster the courage to tell their crush how they really feel about her.

And this is the funniest fact on this list. Most guys will have a crush and do all or most of the 24 things listed above, and yet never get the courage to come out and tell their crush how they feel. They would much rather die with how they feel than come out and say it because most of them are afraid of rejection.

Most guys will have a crush and do all or most of the 24 things listed above, and yet never get the courage to come out and tell their crush how they feel. They would much rather die with how they feel than come out and say it because most of them are afraid of rejection.

What Next?

Now that you know the things guys do when they have a crush on someone, it is up to you to decide what to do with this information. If you fancy the guy back, then it might be a good idea to return his actions and show him that you’re interested. Read our articles on How to ask a guy how he feels about you and How to make your intentions clear to a guy for helpful tips on how to go about this.

Also check out these related articles on How to ask a guy what he wants from you and How to be a secret admirer to a guy.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Do guys think about their crush?

Yes, indeed guys think about their crush. In fact, their crush is always on their mind when they are thinking of nothing else or doing nothing else.

2. Do guys miss their crush?

Of course, they do. They miss their crush almost every minute of the day and want to spend time with their crush.

3. Do guys get crushes?

This goes without saying. Guys, just like ladies, get crushes all the time. And when they do, you will find them displaying most, if not all of the signs listed in this article.

4. What are some crush facts about guys?

All the 25 facts mentioned in this article are crush facts about guys. And perhaps one more fact is that guys tend to want to buy gifts for their crush or want to spoil them ever so often. Sometimes they may give their crush a gift secretly or buy their crush a gift for no reason.

You may also like this related article on What to get your crush for her birthday.

5. What are some things guys do when they have a crush?

They will display most, if not all of the signs listed in this article. How they display these signs will of course depend on the temperament and disposition of the guy in question.

6. What do guys think when they see their crush?

Several things go through a guy’s mind when he sees his crush. First, they wonder if their crush is also thinking about them. They also wonder if their crush feels the same way about them. They fantasize about the intimate things they could do with their crush and what life with and a relationship with their crush would be like.

7. How often do guys think about their crush?

Almost all the time when they have free time on their hands. If they have nothing to do, their minds almost always tend to drift towards their crush.

8. Do shy guys fantasize about their crush?

Definitely. Their shyness does not stop shy guys from fantasizing about their crush. They still fantasize about what it would be like to be with their crush. Some shy guys would fantasize about kissing their crush and if they happen to be around their crush you might find him with a distracted far away look focused on his crush.

9. What are some things guys do when they have a crush on you?

He would do most if not all of the things listed in this article. Once you see him directing most or all of these actions towards you, then know that he has a crush on you.

10. Do guys talk about their crushes?

Yes, they generally tend to talk about their crush to their friends and anyone who cares to listen. They want to talk about how awesome their crush is and how awesome everything their crush does is.

11. What are some weird things guys do when they have a crush?

One weird thing some guys do is to always be in places where their crush is like they are stalking their crush.

12. How do you know when a man has a crush on a woman?

A man who has a crush on a woman would display almost all the actions listed in this article towards the said woman. You can read up on more signs of a man who has a crush on a woman in our related article on How do you know if a guy likes you secretly.


A guy can have a crush on someone and love another person all at the same time. And when he has a crush on someone, he can’t help himself but show and display all or most of the 25 actions listed in this article.





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